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Saturday 21 May 2022

Mother Mary: Temperance!

I love you very much, I am Mother Mary.

Today I will talk about temperance.

And why do I wish to talk about this?

It starts with my desire to make you understand the flow in your life.

The energy in your life flows, back and forth. 

It is like a pendulum.

If you sometimes feel that  certain things never seem to happen to you. Things that are important to you, and you wonder why am I without this? Where is it, where did it go? 

Then you have to know about the moves of the universal energies, it goes back and forth. Nothing is ever a constant, except for one thing and that is:


Love is an eternal energy and you can always count on it.

All you have to do is have patience.

The one who waits for something good...!

Don´t be sad. It will work out fine for you. 

Be happy! Here and now!

If you feel there is a dark cloud over you, hindering you from feeling the warmth of the sun, they will dissipate sooner or later. The sky is always blue above.

Having temperance, with all the negative feelings, and instead enjoy life because as certain as every sunrise is each day, you know in your heart that good things always come to the one that have faith.

Let go of all of your negative thoughts, do not waste any time on them. Don´t feed it, the negative wheel, it will only spin faster if you do. 

This is where you have to be adamant to check your own thoughts every day so they do not turn negative.

Your body and mind are the temple of good faith, good hope, good love, and this gives you true joy in your heart, then you are on the right track dear.

And love every breath you take, because there you find the holy spirit, your angel. Angels always work with you when you use the love from your heart. So love yourself, love your breath´s.

I love you

Mother Mary

Archangel Uriel: Behold! Do you see the stars?

Dear beloved, I am Uriel and I am so grateful for this particular moment.

I am old, very old and I have to say; I am so proud of you!

I have seen many things in my long life and do you know what?

You, all the lightworkers, you are the ones that makes me the most proud of all!

You are the true stars!

It is you who work in the dark, with no one watching how much you work, and how much it is tearing you to peaces.

When no one is paying you any attention, because they do not even know what you do, they do not even know how important you are.

It is a lot easier to be a person of high interest to the masses, they have a lot of energy from their fans. It may sound hard on these people, but they can almost live on their fame, as an energy boost.

But you, the most of the Lightworkers, have nothing but your glourious faith, hope and love, and you have earned every little drop of it.

It is truly you who are the real lightworkers. 

You do not have fame, or fortune or anything to harvest from it, apart from the true workers guild, you harvest the nectar of true love, because you are so strong that your "engine" is made of love, hope and faith from the very core of the Universal source.

You work without complaining, even though no one ever says thank you! You work without a salary. You work only because the energy of God guides you. The true energy of God is, GOODNESS.

By having faith in goodness and gratefullness you can move a mountain. 

You can choose any mountain and then move it. Because the greatest strength comes from the eternal energy of love.

To really understand the energy of love you have to know that there are several ingreadients.

In love there are: goodness, gratitude, humility, patience, faith, hope and heart´s joy.

So when you find yourself alone, with no followers, or fans or fame of any kind, you really have to revaluate yourself. Because you are constantly trying to evaluate yourself according from your human perspective.

You might think, that your work is not worth anything? Because no one cares about it?

In God´s eyes your work is worth so much more, because you go on with no other fuel than faith.

So now I say; I am your greatest fan! For me you are the greatest stars!

And I also say; please believe in yourself and be proud of yourself!

I love you 


Sunday 15 May 2022

Moder Jord talar i dag! 2022-05-15


Moder Jord talar i dag!                                             2022-05-15

Jag älskar dig och jag tar din hand i min.

Tillsammans så vandrar vi över oändligt vackra ängar, där olika blommor blommar i färger som är levande goda energier.

Kom i min famn jag skall trösta Dig om Du önskar.

Jag följer Dig på din väg, var du än vandrar i ditt liv!

En gång i tiden så kastade kvinnorna av sig sina BH och korsetter och alla strama kläder.

Jag vill att Du skall känna att Du är fri helt och hållet!

Vad håller dig tillbaka, vad hämmar dig och Din fria andning?

Förr så fick kvinnorna inte andas ordentligt, för korsetten skulle göra dem vackra men andningen kom i andra hand.

I dag går ni gärna runt i högklackade skor för att bli längre, eller kanske för att verka smalare etc?

Men ni missar er viktiga jordning och ni missar er själva, er egen exakta höjd.

Och hur kan den vara så viktigt?

Varför är din exakta höjd så viktig, låter det underligt?

Först kan jag börja förklara jordningen, hur den missas genom att du inte går med hela foten mot marken.

För en riktigt bra jordning så behövs det att man går barfota i grönt gräs och man kan också jorda sig på flera andra sätt. Gå barfota helt enkelt. Bada lerbad, gör lerinpackning. Smörj dina fötter med olivolja blandat med några droppar av exempelvis vetiver olja, eller gör egen tall-olja hemma (olja från växtriket) och jag har många fler tips. En vanlig dusch jordar dig också och renar även din aura.

Men nu åter till din egna höjd.

Du är så viktig! Var enda centimeter räknas! Varje millimeter betyder något! Exakt så lång som Du är är Din skapelse!

Din höjd har med ditt exakta varande att göra.

Jo det är sant, ni föds och är då korta och sakta växer ni och blir högre och högre för att ni sedan når en vuxenhöjd, och senare i ålderdomen så kan ni till och med bli lite kortare, så långt är du med på noterna!?

En blåsippa har en viss höjd. Alla blommor, växter, träd har sin modell att följa. En blåsippa ska inte vara lika hög som en tall. En tall ska inte bara var lika liten som en blåsippa. (När tallen är vuxen).

Ni har exakt de måtten som när ÄR skapade för att ha. Och det i sin tur har sina väldigt bra och naturliga förklaringar.

Ni människor ska inte vara lika höga som en giraff, eller vara små som en myra. Girafferna ska vara som girafferna och myrorna ska vara som myrorna är.

Detta kan låta dumt och liksom självklart?!

Men saken är: Varför känner ni att ni måste förändra Er? Från Er riktiga skapelse?

DET är frågan som är viktigast!

Du tänker nog nu att ”-ja men det finns ju människor som kan vara mer än två meter höga och andra som är runt metern höga?” Som vuxna.

Men nu kommer jag till del två i min förklaring:

Din höjd är din frekvens. Exakt din höjd har en unik frekvens. Ja, den har en väldigt speciell mening.

Du ska ha just den som Du har, för ditt hjärta är navet, motorn och din höjd är din energimatris, och detta skapar din egna frekvens, mönster, energivågor i kombination med universum och Moder Jords inre kärna.

Allt rör på sig, från stora himlakroppar till små himlakroppar, -ja DIN KROPP, och det är en ständig rörelse, energiflöde, och du har din egna unika vibration och mönster samt färger.

Men nu tänker du, om jag trippar på tå, ja men det gör du väl inte så länge? Eller hur? 😉

Allt är vinklar. Symmetri. Energi. Ett symbiost samarbete med Moder Jord.

Jupiter flyttar inte på sig för att Jupiter blir vackrare från en annan vinkel, Jupiter följer sin bana som det är meningen att Jupiter gör. Månen klär sig inte i korsett för att få en midja?

Ja jag vet att jag gör mig lite löjlig nu? Men tänkt på det!

Men glöm inte att sträcka på Dig! Sträck på din rygg och var stolt över Dig själv och exakt så som du är skapad! Din ryggrad är din OBELISK, din viktiga pelare. När du sträcker på dig så andas du bättre och du syresätter dig mer och det hjälper hela din kropp.

Och glöm inte att älska dina andetag! Varje andetag är kärlek, om Du tillåter det! Det eteriska elementet där änglarna befinner sig välkomnar att du älskar din andning- din hel-ande andning!

Ni själva vill oftast ändra på både det ena och det andra med er själva? Och visst ska ni vara nyfikna?

Ni ANAR verkligen inte hur otroligt VIKTIGA NI alla är, EXAKT SOM NI ÄR SKAPADE!

Jag älskar Er,

Moder Jord

Friday 13 May 2022

Mary Magdalene Once upon a time!

Dear beloved I am and you are. We are not so different. We both breath, in and out at all hours a day. And when we see a beautiful nightsky we watch it and find ourselves wondering over all those questions, that all beings have asked themselves when looking at the stars.

If you ever wonder, if you are standing outside in the dark looking up at the dark night sky on your own, I am really alone in this world?

Can anyone really understand me, and my task here?

Who can give me the answers I need to know about?

Then at this very particular moment in your life, I must raise my voice and say:

You are never alone. I am standing there next to you, and I too are looking up at the stars, side by side with you. 

But you do not notice me. 

I wish you could feel me and the love I have for you.

I hear all your questions and eventually you will find all the answers you need. But not all at one time.

I am willing to guide you in your life, if you are interested.

But I must say I will aid you in your own path, but you have to make you own choises, I will not say yes or no, because then I would go over a very fine line. You have chosen to come to live on earth to learn your soul.

And if I gave you all the answers you would not find them on your own, it would be wrong of me to say to much.

On a higher level - I mean in your higher self, you are a tough old soul and you need not get your answers from anyone else but yourself.

Learning by doing. That is what it´s all about. You have come a very long way and all efforts that you as lightworkers do, leaves the most beautiful traces, colors that no one has ever seen before, patterns that are unique for each and everyone of you.

You all embody a new energy, a new range of frequencies.

And this is your legacy to this world and future generations.

And to most people it is inivisible to see, but I can se all of your magnificent cascades colors and it is truly a masterpiece.

With all of your efforts you have decorated Mother Earth like a christmas tree, everything is there, and the expectations are high.

You can feel the energies that you all have transformed into this dimension and it is such a lovely creation of love, faith and of hope.

Now there is great hope for future generations because of your hard work through several decades and I am so proud of you.

Don´t you ever doubt yourself and your abilities as bringers of peace and love.

I am here and I hope you want to hold my hand the next time you watch the stars in the night sky as you are certainly not alone,

I love you

Mary Magdalene

Friday 6 May 2022

The Arcturians Holy Ground!

 We see your light, beloveds!

”In your being there is fire. It is a part of you! 

Fire is an element, as wind, earth and water. Within you there is a combination of these elements! Of course! They are all a necessity to life itself! They are equally important! Don´t you beleive anything else…! 

So what about fire?! You might wonder! That is your engine. The engine where is it? It is situated in your whole body! Wow how is that possible, you might wonder? In your cells. Each cell have a unit within each and everyone – a little engine that gives the spark. And they are in constant contact with your heart, that gives them the pulse, a beat, a natural rythm. And they also are in contact with all of your major chakras. A constant cooperation, pulse, fire, egnition – LOVE!

You are light! Like a candle. 

The root chakra – earth - is very important here to all your cells! Your electrical -fire -system needs to be grounded. As you walk on earth you get grounded. Especially with bare feet in grass that is green. That is a very good way to help yourself to be grounded!

Sometimes we actually need to be specific about the grounding bit! Because then all of your body - the light system – all cells are being more healthy! 

You don´t have to be an engineer to understand this, it is common sense! In your bodies there are a constant energy exchange! That moves from top to bottom and at the same time in the opposite direction. You are both energy of your own. And also a transmitter and a giver and a taker! 

You receive energy from the ground, Mother Earth, that goes through you and up to the universe. And you also receive energy from the universe, through you and down in to Mother Earth, so what does this say to you my dear friend? 

It is good to be aware! Is it not? Don´t let this information make you sad in anyway! This is how it works, and always have!

But what is so important right now? The earth. Mother Earth! Your mother! That gives you everything each day. You drink her water. You eat her food. She provides for you. She loves you! And how does she feel? Today!?! What do you think?

You are walking on her! Feeling her! Touching her! The treatment of her – how you choose to treat Mother Earth – is the energy that flows through you…every breath you take! 

How do you treat her? How do you treat yourselves? The more love and respect you treat her with, the more will get back to you. 

It is an investment of LIFE! We who live far out from your planet, feel you. We feel how the energy goes through Earth and then through you also! 

We know – she – your mother- is in need. She is in need for love, respect, peace and healing. 

The energy that you are sending out, like a beacon from you and your beloved Mother Earth is sad. It makes us sad too.

We want to help you! We love you! We have always loved you! We are family! But we can not help you til enough people want help – in their hearts! It is the law of the free will! An omnirule. A rule and law of the universe. 

Not even God have the right to bend that law. 

You have a choise. No matter how small it may seem. You are all light. But most of you do not know it! Many live in fear. In the dark – not knowing – they already are a part of the life light! 

You are all candles! May you all let your light shine bright! Know in your hearts, how important you are! 

Know that you are unique, and so loved!

From where we are – the more light we see – the more YES it means, that we are welcome to aid you, dear beloved ones!”

We love you,

The Arcturian Council

(This text is a re-blog from 2014-10-08, "Holy Ground".

Thursday 5 May 2022

The Realm of Cygnus! Behold you are loved!

We are Cygnus and we are a part of the Animal Kingdom.

All animals on Earth are Universal beings just as yourself.

The Realm of Cygnus is very old and we are wayshowers and poets of love.

You have often read messages about love, and how to keep love safe in you.

And yet love is a force that always is, everywhere. Love is. 


Love is a forever energy and you can rely on it. You do not have to fight to get it, it is already there where you are, you have to keep an open mind and an open heart, that is your job. 

You are a part of the system of Earth. It means that you have several animal guides, several tree guides and more from the other kingdoms. You are a part of something very big and very loving.

See yourself as a tree. You have roots, several roots down in the earth, that is grounding you, holding you safe and secure. And then you have a trunk and that is where you have your spine and all your nerves. And then you have the crown of the tree, the treetop with all the branches and leaves, flowers and seeds.

When you are open in your consciousness to your roots you get a good connection to your top and the higher dimensions above. It means that you have to trust yourself, and love yourself that is how you get a true connection. 

I am a wayshower and my personal cosmic name is Swaneah Cascada and I will help you understand how you function now in the fifth dimension. 

As a member and being of the fifth dimension it is all about co-operation, working together. 

We are looking forward to working with you. 

You are very much loved and we have been waiting to send this message to you.

Have faith in yourself!

Yours sincerely

Swaneah Cascada

(pictures borrowed from wikipedia/google).

Archangel Michael You can go wherever you want.

I am archangel Michael and we meet here today and that makes me very glad.

Today I will talk about something that is important right now.

And it has to do with boundaries.

I say: you can go wherever you want to go! 

But now I say: you might not feel that?

What is it that you feel that you need to do? What is it that you aspire to make real in your life? What do you dream about? What makes your heart warm with joy and gratefulness?

You are your own investigator here! Only you know exactly what makes your heart beat faster with love and harmony.

And yet, this is your key to the right doors for you to open! 

But many of you feel you are restricted, in your movements in differente planes, you feel you have boundaries.

I will make you feel free! 

A lot of fear lies still lies within the etherical plane and this is interfering with you and your feelings of having freedom of choice.

And it is holding you back. But rest assured I am here to stand by your side always. 

Whatever door you wish to open, I am there to assist you, but it is always your own choice wich one, all that matters is love.

I work with the energy of faith hope and love and there is where you find me. You are on a love quest for the higher good on this planet, and that is my mission to assist you.

I love you
