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Friday 27 December 2019

The Goddess Astarte; your wounds will heal!

My name is Astarte, some say I am a goddess, 
and I say I am an old soul.

Nothing can keep us apart, we are one, if you have faith in love.

Our souls are always in contact as we share 
the same universal heart.

Nothing can really break our bond, and if so, it is only temporary,
because sometimes moments in life is hindering the ray of love.

And the most important thing is that you always know that if you feel alone, or are afraid or feel sorrow, I am there next to you anyway!

I just wait for you, because I love you!

Asaguden Tor gav mig orden!

Så här ser boken ut!
This is how the book looks, the channeling I did with Thor, Asaguden, who is also an Archangel...!

Asaguden Tor; Mjölner är mitt redskap!

Här är ett utdrag ur min bok "Hand i hand med asaguden Tor!" ;             

"Tors hammare!

Mjölner är mitt redskap! Det är en symbol, fast den är så mycket mer! Det tog mig lång tid att lära känna min hammare! Egentligen lärde jag känna mig själv! Hammaren symboliserar, den inneboende kraften, som även Du har min vän! Alla har sin egen kraft och unika gåvor! Fast det är upp till var och en att forma redskapet, del för del, bit för bit. Så att det blir lättanvänt och praktiskt att bruka! Det tar ofta ganska lång tid! Flera år som Ni räknar!

Jag blev inte given hammaren, färdig att bara börja använda!  Ånej! Först visste jag inte vad det var! En massiv klump! Oformlig tyckte jag! Det tog lång tid för mig att ens börja jobba med den! Egentligen var den en DEL av mig! En del av mig som var svår för mig att se in i! Fast jag insåg till slut HUR jag skulle göra efter massor av försök!

Med tålamod och kärlek, fick jag med lätt beröring forma, varje del och bit och skapa hammaren. 
Först visste jag inte ens att det var just en hammare som dolde sig därinuti! Sedan när hammaren var färdig så började nästa process, att lära mig använda den!

Och det var hopplöst i början och jag prövade att lyfta den, röra den, jag prövade många vägar och sätt! Mest av allt lärde jag mig om mig själv! Allt det jag ville veta och även det jag inte ville veta! Fast helheten är nödvändig! Det var inte så illa som jag hade trott, det var en lättnad!

Det är en lång, invecklad process att utveckla sig själv! För utveckling sker när du först går långt in i dig själv! Redskapet Mjölner är en del av mig och Ni har alla era egna verktyg, delar av er själva! Det som gör att utvecklingen tar lång tid är att rädslor ska älskas för att senare släppa sitt tag om den inre kärnan. När kärnan är fri, då börjar den uppåtriktade fasen av den inre utvecklingen!

Rädslor kommer från olika liv, du levat på jorden! Därför ”krävs” att varje rädsla omfamnas en i taget, och sedan ”krävs” en återhämtningsperiod, däremellan!

Så om Du vill ha hjälp med din personliga utveckling! Säg till mig! Jag hjälper Dig gärna, när DU vill!

Jag älskar Dig och jag vill alltid vandra tillsammans med dig hand i hand, både i dina med- och motgångar, det spelar ingen roll för mig!

Du är en del av min familj,

det är det viktigaste för mig!

Tor "

Sunday 22 December 2019

Vittrorna talar!

Jag är så tacksam, ikväll söndagen den 22 december 2019, kommer en Vittra och hälsar på mig för andra gången.

"Vi är Vittra, vi är ett urfolk. Vi lever och andas precis som Ni. Vi ser och hör precis som Ni! Vi har två ben och vi har två armar, precis som Ni. Vi bor på jorden som vi kallar för Allas. Och jorden är också allas. Vi är egentligen en stor familj. Fast flera ser det inte så. Det delas upp. Det skapas gränser. Linjer. Barriärer. Staket. Murar.

Vi Vittror öppnar upp. Vi ser helheten. Vi känner helheten. Vi är ett med det hela, helheten, det som också gör hel. Det som gör hel, är en helhet utan gränser. Vår Moder Hel, som Ni kallar för gudinnan Hel, är vår Moder. När vi tillsammans skapar en helhet där alla ingår blir alla helade och sjukdomar finns inte mer, fattigdom finns inte mer.

Vi kan se rakt igenom Er och vi finner många som saknar. Vi finner många som i sin saknad delar upp och sätter sig själva utanför. När du tänker på Vittror så tänker du kanske på varelser, som bor i den djupa urskogen. Och det stämmer bra! Vi bor där, fast, vi är också med där Ni är! I och med att vi är ett med helheten så är vi med överallt. Vi är faktiskt med Er alla och envar. Ingen har vi missat och ingen har vi glömt. För alla är med, i helheten.

Det som skiljer oss och Er är tyvärr att många av er inte tror. De flesta av er tror inte längre på helandet i helheten, för Ni har levt i en fyrkantskub alldeles för länge. Det livet ni lever i fyrkanten har gett er många visdomar, fast ni har ännu en stor visdom att lära. Att det egentligen inte finns några ramar, gränser i erat fyrkantsliv.

 ”To think outside the box”, har ni hör det uttrycket förut? Bra för vi tror flera av er har hört det. Och det är slående likt det som jag pratar om nu. Många visdomar finns att få genom att leva i motstånd. Det är ett stort motstånd att leva i en fyrkantig ”låda”. För där inne så måste ni värdesätta allt, minsta detalj, för det bjuds inte på särskilt lätta uppgifter. Livet blir er kärt. Och det ni gör sätts på prov, Ni själva sätts på prov.

Vi Vittror går med Er! Vi är inte endast en liten grupp varelser som bor längst in i skogen och aldrig besöker något annat, eller utforskar ngt annat. Vi har själva velat utveckla oss! Vi har själva valt att leva med motstånd. För att lära oss, ännu mera.

Vi har precis som ni en själ. Allas själar vill utvecklas. Och alla vill utvecklas med den universella rörelsen, som expanderar hela tiden. Vi lever med Moder Jord, Allas, och vi vet vad hon behöver, vi vet vad som hjälper henne, vad som berör henne, vid varje andetag, vid varje hjärtslag hon har.

Vi kan kommunicera med henne lika lätt som vi kan kommunicera med dig, och alla som vill lyssna på oss. Hon är vår Moder, vi kallar henne för Hel. Vi vill sträcka ut våra händer till Er alla och omfamna Er, för vi vill lära Er att förstå Moder Jord, som Ni så vackert kallar henne. Hon har flera namn och kärt barn brukar ha det? Tillsammans så kan vi alla finna en stor gemenskap på den heliga jorden, som gör hel, om hon lyssnas till och förstås. Vi vill hjälpa Er att förstå henne, vi vill hjälpa Er att bli hela i kärlekens namn!"

Friday 6 December 2019

Archangel Michael; Moment of truth!

I am archangel Michael and I will speak tonight about essential things,
that are interesting, to those of you that are lightworkers.
First of all I must say, I love you and I know what you do!
I know of every little step you take and have taken, since you where born.
Sometimes you don´t think you take any steps, you think you stand still, and that is also a way of learning and expanding your knowledge.

As you come to the insight that you are a lightworker you also realize that, you must alter your perspective. Those that you first where looking up to, those that you where used to admire, they are still okay to you, but now with your expanded knowledge of what a true lightworker really do, you now have a new way of looking upon things.

The true lightworker works where it is very dark, and works where you can not see any light or any joy. For example; a true lightworker can be a beggar that sits in the corner of the sidewalk of the street. A true lightworker can be a cashier in a drugstore. A true lightworker can be a person that works voluntary with social matters in a community.  A true lightworker can be the person that smiles at you in the street. A true lightworker can work anywhere, you will notice who it is through your heart! Can you feel the compassion, the love, can you feel the faith and the hope that this person spreads then you know that it is a true lightworker.

And what is light? Light is many things, but most important is eternal knowledge of love.

But what I really try to say is, how do you think a true lightworker works? Please ask yourself this question! Still many of you dear beloved friends and lightworkers, see yourselves as viewers and not as participants. Many of you still think "what can I do? Does my knowledge really matter, can I make a difference?"

You must ask yourself, what matters to yourself, what warms your own heart?

We, the Archangels are always ready to bestow you all that you might need, you just need to make a mark that you are ready to make a move. As you withhold yourself of your true right as a lightworker, your work is being put on hold.

And you might think it has to do with your own incompetence and disability? But it is actually so that your doubts, put yourself on hold.

We wait for you to make a move, towards what you are actually specialized in. You have your own speciality. You are meant to do your own thing. You all have your own thing, your own speciality to be a guide, a team mate, to teach, to show, to create, and much more, but you have stumbled upon your own doubts.

You have thought that you as a lightworker is put up on the shelf? Because you have thought you have not the right kind of skills, and knowledge? So you have interpreted the signs, from your angels that you are out of work?

But it is your own point of view! And then you have put 2 and 2 together, thinking your angel or your guide does not give you any signs as you are used to, so then it really must mean that "I know that I am no good in this lightworker job". You think the angels have cancelled you from your work as a lightworker. But it is your own negativity, that are running over you. It is your own ego, that is making you stumble and fall in this matter. BECAUSE you really MATTER a LOT!

We the archangels have felt this in many of you dear lightworkers. We wait for your move, we wait for you to make a request to whatever you need to start your lightworker job as you are meant to do.

I must also say you have done the lightworker job many times before. You are not new to this, not at all! You, the lightworkers, are old souls, and you are not here by chance. It is a very well planned situation.

You must also know that we the archangels work for love, and God, the encompassing goodness.

There are still forces that work for the opposite agenda. And they make new attempts to help your egos to grow, so you will be afraid, and doubt yourselves and your own lightworker abilities.

Just know in your hearts, that we await you! Whenever you feel you are ready to begin to work fully as a lightworker we are ready to assist you! Of course we know that you have to work yourself through all your doubts, piece by piece, and we still wait for you, we never leave your side! We want to hold your hand, and aid you, just call on us, and you will feel us, in your heart!

I love you

(This is channeling; Archangel Michael "Moment of truth" is made by Kerstin Eriksson on, and you are also welcome to visit

Monday 2 December 2019

Archangel Uriel; aligned with you!

Aligned with you I am!
I am an old soul, I have seen very much.
I have felt very much and I have learned very much.
Now I am a teacher, an old teacher!
My name is Uriel, and I am an archangel!
There are things I would like to say to you!
Everything is fine! Better than you think!
When things in your life seem to be unclear, and worrying
to you, that is when I really need to say to you;
I love you and I want you to know that I am always here, next to you!
I would like to hold your hand, if you let me!
(Channeling through Kerstin Eriksson, and

Tuesday 19 November 2019

Kronos; Take time to love yourself!

Hallo dear I am Kronos!
I am going to talk to you about time. What is time? Does time exist?
Yes time do exist, and to be honest there are many different kinds of time.
Why do I feel the need to talk about time?

Well there are something you humans do not understand. Yet.
To explain time and making it very easy for you to understand, you can envision balls.
If you see very small balls and very big balls they will roll in different speeds,
because of their different sizes.
The small ones will roll one full circle very fast because it is little.
And the very big ball will move slowly, and will take longer time for it to roll one full circle.

Your life is a circle. You all have your own life, and your own time. You all have your own circle of life. You have a lifeplan, and when you feel that nothing happens, like as if your life is standing still, that is because of a good reason. If you look at yourself in these moments, you might find that you have unanswered questions. You have, in these moments a lack of love for yourself.

When you put aside all the worries, and questions, what do you need?
You will always need love! Love is the answer!
When you love yourself, your circle of life becomes round again,
and it can start moving once again. A square ball, can not roll!

When you cherish love the most, and when you are determined to not let love slip through your fingers, then you will live the full life, the full circle of life and love!
Just have faith in yourself,

(Channeling through Kerstin Eriksson and!

Sunday 17 November 2019

God says; I love you

There is someone in heaven who would like to say I LOVE YOU
to each and everyone of you, and these words have been said many times; actually each day.
The thing is; can you hear the words?
I am here in heaven and yet I walk beside you on the very ground that you call Earth.
I call this planet the garden of EDEN.
Dark clouds have been shading the ray of love for a long time, and the love has been set aside for other energies such as fear, guilt, sorrow, anger, and more.
These energies are hard to deal with many times and sometimes you feel
completely lost and you don´t know where you are, and you don´t know where to go.
I say to you dear beloved child; sit down in the boat.
Let the waves be calm before you go about doing a lot of things.
Have faith in that time will change for the better.
These dark clouds that sometimes hang over you, will make you grow.
The very hardship that you have to walk through will shape you.
At first you think, ah till the worse?
Will God stop loving me now? You ask yourself? No I wont!
I always love you, no matter what you go through.
I AM beside you at all times. I am waiting for you always.
When you look up at the sky at night, and you see the stars,
you might think you look at the stars all alone?
Oh no, I am standing next to you, looking at the very same stars together with you!
Always know in your heart that you are never alone, and I God, am always beside you, loving you!

(God says; I love you is a channeling through medium, healer and lightworker Kerstin Eriksson on blog and you can also visit

Saturday 16 November 2019

Lady Venus; The light is within you!

The light is within you!

If you love every olive, if you love every tree, if you love every seed,
if you love the ground that you walk on, then you will know the true light that lives within of you!
When you thank the water that you drink, when you love the sun,
the rain, the wind, the fire that keeps you warm, then you will know the true love in your heart.
Every step is important, in the awakening into being a present being,
present on this earth.
This planet provides for you, if you love the earth back.
The more you love this planet and every step upon it that you take,
the more she will connect with you, and she has waited for you.
She knows of every step that you have taken, she knows of your every heartbeat.
She knows when you have been lonely and when you have been happy.
Make no mistake, yes, she is a living soul, just as you are.
She feels everything, she knows everyone. And she knows life is eternal.
For her there is no death. For her everything is life, in different forms.
She loves you just as you are, and she wishes to be your friend.
And this can happen if you love every drop of water, inside you as without of you.
Every stream, every river, every snowflake, the mist, the rainbow, the oceans,
it is all connected with you.
The water provides a unity consciousness and she listens to you,
and most of all she loves you!
(A channeling through medium and lightworker Kerstin Eriksson and also

Friday 8 November 2019

Ashtar; Here I come!

Hallo dear friend! I am Ashtar and I love you earthlings.

Tonight I must say I am ready for you!

I will get closer to you than you can ever imagine. How? I will land, quite soon.

We will be able to speak as friends do. Many of you have heard of landings for a long time, and also waited, and this time it is more obvious than ever.

There are no more question marks to straighten out.

We are allies with those that love peace and wish to live in accordance with your planets resources. The resources of your planet have been damaged by citisens that think resources are only for just a few, to exploit and make themselves rich, and not caring about other people or the earth itself.

The new, the new era is all about taking good care of her, your Mother Earth.

How else can you live a sustainable life?

When you plan for future generations, and not only yourself, you will start the new era in a good way.

We will bring you new techniques that are free, that will help you change to a new system that does not harm your planet.

/Ashtar Sheran

(This channeling is by medium, healer and lightworker Kerstin Eriksson on blog, you can also visit

Sunday 3 November 2019

Jesus; Confide in me!

There is a light, a special light that flows from you.
Your light is DNA coded with your strands, the very YOU.

You are more unique than you can ever believe.
And yet you are one with all in the name of love.

I need you to love yourself, totally. I need you to confide in me.
I need you to realize that all the things that you think is your flaws, all the things you are not proud of, all your wrinkles, your scars, your "imperfections" - those little details are what really makes you into you.

It is your scars that shimmers in different beautiful colors because you love them, for what they are, they are marks, proof of your life.

You are a highly sentient being, all of your feelings are important. They also transform into love, as you start accepting yourself fully. Shame, guilt, sadness - whatever you feel, please love your feelings, love them all, they will reshape into the most beautiful colors and patterns in your aura.

You came to this planet to transform. You came to this planet to learn. You came to this planet to embrace a negative experience and transform it into love. The more you have gone into the negative experiences, and met all of your feelings, the more you transform when you come back to love.

Love is endless, and it never left you, but in your worst moments you forgot. You forgot that you are a lightbeing. You forgot that you are a transformer. You transform darkness into light. Negative into positive. Because you go through it. You pull the thread through the needle. And you always come out on the other side.

Love awaits you always. Love is the only energy that is eternal. Please love yourself and have faith in yourself!

I await your prayer, I always listen to you, please confide in me!
I love you

From blog . Jesus; Confide in me, is a channeling through lightworker healer and medium Kerstin Eriksson you are also welcome to visit

Friday 25 October 2019

Jesus; The transparency!

Hallo dear friend I love you, 
I am Jesus, 
and at this moment in time
I would like to address the reality of transparency. 

All is becoming lighter, rounder, and more complete for every breath that you take. It is a journey of becoming who you are. It takes actually eons of time to go through this development. Some of you are in the belief that awakening is something that you just do miraculously over one night. But it really is not. Your soul has prepared itself for this particular moment in eons of time. It is a deep matter going through your very being at all levels, and it goes through time and space as well. You are the one that you are. You are not here by chance. There is no coincidence.

One of the hardest thing for you to do, is to realize who you are. The older soul you have, the more intricate you are, and the more work it is for you to believing in who you are. It can feel like a struggle and sometimes you want all the pieces to come together and show you in an instant all the answers you are searching for. But why does this not happen? Because of very good reasons.

If you where to find out the answers you seek in just a quick second, your heart wouldn´t accept it. And why?

Because you have to really feel it in your heart, deep in your heart you have to recall yourself, so it will be your own enlightenment, and not something that is brought on the table by someone else. By now you are too wise to accept a quick-fix, as if someone just presents the very map to an ancient treasure that is buried on a desert island.

You have become very mature and you really want to walk your steps on you own, finding out the answers with no rush, time is on your side, there is no hurry. You have waited for this moment for a very long time, and you are already complete, you just have to have faith and patience, and enjoy your journey, as the road is holy and I always walk beside you prepared to carry you if you need.

I am Jesus and I needed to show you that all is clear, 
and you have your own ability to see right through into yourself 
and that you yourself are your own master, 
your own guru, you are the one that knows exactly what you need!
I love you,

(A channeling through lightworker, healer, medium Kerstin Eriksson via Jesus on, or also visit

Thursday 17 October 2019

Archangel Gabriel; Lay your hands in mine!

Lay your hands in mine!
And I will gladly guide you thoroughly.

I am Archangel Gabriel and I am here by your side, at all times!
Let me take care of your troubles, I am here to aid you, whenever you need.

You don´t have to carry everything, on your own, you are never alone.

I am here tonight to make you prepared to feel in your heart, that you can always call on me, I await your calling my dear beloved.

No you are not lazy, in any way, and no you are not careless, if you pray for my assistance.
It is my job to aid you, and it is your birthright to call on me!

Life is not always so easy, and many times you struggle on your own, and you feel very alone.
I am here despite the loneliness you experience.

Some of you dear children of earth feel you are not strong enough, and you walk on your lifepath with the feeling of loneliness and you are so miserable that you forget to call on me.
Even if you are strong when you look upon all your muscles, and you can feel their strength, it is not at this moment you truly experience true strength.

Instead true strength comes from when you can rise up, feeling and admitting your weaknesses, and it comes from the depth of your heart.

True strength comes from letting yourself breath with God and allow yourself to be guided by us the angels of God.

When you trust in us, you can close your eyes, 
and let us guide you, letting us be your eyes and heart, 
so lay all your troubles on me, on us, we love you!

Please have faith in me,
Archangel Gabriel

(This channeling is by medium, healer and lightworker Kerstin Eriksson on blog, you can also visit

Sunday 29 September 2019

Do you know Ashley White R.i.p

Today I was contacted by dear beloved Ashley White,
I am a medium, and pretty often people that are in heaven contact me. This last night I saw a pretty girl with long hair in my dream, brown beautiful hair! She seemed to be healthy and joyful! 🌹❤ I saw her twice and wondered who she was, she seemed so nice and I felt I would like to talk to her!

Today it is Sunday and it is 29 September and I call this day Saint Michael's day! This day is special for me, it was on this day I first got a personal meeting with Archangel Michael in the year of 2005. He rescued me from being raped. And for me he is VITAL, he serves and protects us as much as possible! It is his calling! Archangel Michael means protection, he means safety as well as strength!🥀

Do you know lady Ashley White? All I know is that she is an important person, someone that serves and protects just as Archangel Michael ❤🌹🥀 God bless you dear Ashley White and rest in peace ❤
Kerstin Eriksson

(This channeling is by medium, healer and lightworker Kerstin Eriksson on blog, you can also visit

Saturday 14 September 2019

Feel your wings!

Feel your wings and always remember where you came from!


The power of transformation!
In the sea of silence you hear very little.
And you need not hear for here you are!
Like a paradise, like a womb you are safe!
Then one day you are ready. 
This day, is the day when you feel that you are ready for the next step.
You are ready for the step to go beyond, to let go,
to go where only your imagination has taken you before.
And you take a deep breath for the first time and you breathe,
and you notice that on both sides of your body now there is a pair of wings.
And with the first breath, the wings are unfolded, and they immediately start to make you fly!
And you look down and you see the sea of silence that you love, and always will love
for it has carried you for eons of time and you say to yourself
you will return to always remember where you came from.

This channeling is by medium, healer and lightworker Kerstin Eriksson on blog, you can also visit

Tuesday 27 August 2019

Archangel Metatron; How it works!

Hallo dear beloved sisters and brothers of Earth, I am Archangel Metatron.
Tonight I have to say, I am totally ready to speak up and tell you how it works!
And what am I talking about?

Let me say, you are evolving, everything is going as planned, but you might feel like you are incubated? I have picked up your feelings and many of you are feeling that nothing is happening now? And you might wonder, what is really going on?

Well it is just the way it should be!
Nothing is wrong here!

If you feel this, you should know that you are on the right track, even though you think nothing happens. You think you stand still, but really you don´t!

A lot of things are happening, below the surface.
Every night you are brought up to vessels in universe for updates, in lightchambers.
It is very relaxing, and rejuvenating. Up in the lightchamber you are guarded and guided by loving and devoted angels and they are very eager to make you feel that you are comfortable. Then after your upgrade you are also escorted down again and you will not remember anything of this, but it is important that you relax at sunset and go to sleep at night time!

Don´t worry, if you miss a night it is ok, you can catch up with your lost upgrade in the next night. And why this? Well you are a lightworker and this is normal for you. You have done this, since you where born. Your DNA is awakened and you can feel new abilities awakening. You bring this into Earth as a lightworker. You all are nodes and you create a network of light and it is very beautiful.

You will eventually begin to see you own nearest network, and those that are in it, they will be your best friends. And you will find exciting new things that will interest you and your nearest networkers. And don´t worry, if you work at nighttime you will be brought up to the lightchambers, whenever you sleep.

The important thing is to take good care of yourself and sleep as regularly as possible.
You already work in these teams, in the grid that covers earth in different colors.

A new awareness, and new friendships which will bloom into new cooperations. And why? Well this is the way to do it! And what do I speak of?

Well you are lightworkers, and you want peace and love everywhere! And you have already many good ideas that you want to put into action.

Friendship and togetherness is all that matters here. You are a lightworker and you want to create heaven on Earth, where the heart rules. And you dear beloveds are on the right track, just have faith,
I love you

Saturday 16 March 2019

Do you need...?

How are you doing?
Do you need Metatron Healing?

This lovely Archangel let me know not for the first time but for the third time that I now can offer whoever needs it: Metatron Healing!

Just let me know! It is distance healing!! (Mostly)!

Do you need a psychic reading?

Just let me know!

Love and light
Kerstin Eriksson

Wednesday 13 March 2019

Archangel Michael; Algorithm for love!

Hello dear beautiful friend, I love you!
I am archangel Michael and I serve you!

My work is partly about opening your eyes and hearts, and today I would like to talk about
the algorithm for love!
I have talked about if before, many times, and I will not stop until you understand fully,
how important this is!

Love is the only energy that lasts forever!

So when you invest in love, it is a very good deal for you!
All other roads are longer, the represent other qualities, some may be pretty nice,
but they will not last, for so very long.

Has anyone told you that walking on the path of love, is an easy walk?
Because it is not!

You will have many obstacles, bumps in your road.
And why is this?

The love energy is the strongest energy in the universe, and yet it moves slowly,
and you have to be patient, very patient, with your footsteps.
Each and every one of your footsteps, are truly precious.

Do you know why Jesus used to wash the feet of his disciples?

Think for a while!
Was it just only because their feet were dirty?

No not only because of that!
It was clearly about something much bigger!

By taking good and loving care about his best friends feet,
he showed them, love!

And by showing them that he himself was not any better, than them,
or he could have had someone else do the washing.

No he wanted and needed to be close to every step of their way, at all times,
he wanted to show them there are no separation.

Love is all there is, and it lasts forever!

So by planting these seeds, that lasts forever,
they have now grown for a long time, and are big beautiful trees, with very old souls.
And they still remember, him, his hands on their feet!

They can still remember the love that is forever!
And most important they can feel his love right now!
So it is time for you to awaken to love, the slow true love,
and choose whos feet you yourself are going to wash, it is your time now!

I love you
Archangel Michael

Thursday 21 February 2019

Nostradamus; thought for tonight!

Save the floor that you stand on!
Save and cherish the land on which
you live and walk on!
Kiss the ground!
Stay together, you who believe in
peace on this planet!
Great scheme are in motion, to start new war.
The floor needs to be strong now, make it even more stabil, as much as you can!
Make sure your pillars that hold up your floor is solid, check them closely!
I don´t want to scare you, but this is the reality!
Just know in your heart that this is the last big wave, from the old, that is moving now.
When this big wave is over, it will be peace, because there will be no more hard winds
to stir up the great waters.
To arrange a great drama is something many
makes money out of,
it is part of the old, the new is already
knocking on the door.
And the door is actually already open,
even if most can´t see it!
When you have checked your floor and kissed the ground you walk on and made sure all children are safe, then you can safely sit down in a circle of love with your friends of peace,
and hold hands and sing songs of freedom!
Peace and love comes from just this,
participating in matters of peace and love...!
I love you,

Friday 1 February 2019

Lady Venus; Second coming!

I am Lady Venus,
I am a Mother of Earth,
and I love you dearly!

Shame on you, dear, did you think for one second that I didn´t care about you?
I am with you for every heartbeat, and for every breath that you take!
So what I am really doing right now?

I am here to talk to you about an important thing!
Many write about this now and many have written about it for centuries.
And yet we are here now!

The time has arrived when things are shifting, to the better!
I have talked about this on several occasions and now I will,
emphasise, that there is nothing to be scared about.

Everything evolves, every living being in this universe moves
upwards in their lifespiral. This movement is something that happens to all, on your planet!
The more you let go of old fears, the easier it will be to follow the movement, in your spiral!
Just be, and love yourself, and know that love is the only true energy and it will heal everything!

The love energy is eternal, just as your soul, and I will just have to say that some of you are very afraid of these new energies, and that hinders you.

Every tree, every flower, every little insect, every dog and cat and every little cloud, all is going through this evolving process, you are not alone!

The clouds does not worry! The cats already know! The dogs play and have a good time anyway! And what about the second coming?

Love is the motor!
Love makes you move in your spiral!
Fear stops you from moving in your spiral.
Do you have faith?
What do you believe in?
When you take the leap of Faith
and truly trust Love, then you are moving upwards perfectly!

The second coming is about awakening to the inner Christ!

Jesus lands within, in every heart that loves Jesus!
Love will make it possible, the only energy that is eternal!
So there a two important things that are entwined, first it is your own process as a lightworker, and your development into growing within your own lightspiral, and the second thing is when you come to a certain point in your personal ascension, you will discover that Jesus are waiting for you and welcoming you! 

The Christ consciousness that is what is happening!
Faith is an universal energy, just as hope and love.
These energies comes from the source of love in a universe far from your own universe.
Faith was kidnapped for many years and now Faith is free!
So do not worry, be happy, and lay your troubles on me and your universal guides that loves you, and enjoy your spiritual journey and development.

Love is the ticket, as well as faith, hope and joy,
and if you are extra interested in your development,
just say a prayer and I will assist you if you have any questions!

I love you

Tuesday 22 January 2019

The Pleaidian Council of Nine: Dear Evolving Lightworker!

The Pleiadian Council of Nine: Dear Evolving Lightworker, channelled through Kerstin Eriksson 22/1 2019

"We are very blessed to be in touch with the ground crew tonight and we would like to say we love you! So, our dear friends, there are much to to be said and we would like to start by talking about the new ground energies that some of you are tapping in to!

It is all about spiritual awakening and how you might interpret the progress that you are making! Right now you might feel that you have reached a point of stillness? And that it feels like some sort of a void?

Please let me talk about Faith, that is one of the most important energies in this Universe and how Faith has to do with your path right now!

Many of you dear Lightworkers envision your path as a walk up a stair! You have to change your perspective on this! There are no stair! Do you know what there really are? There is a sphere, a round orb, that contains all of your so far gained knowledge as a Lightworker, and up til some weeks ago you where attached to its inner side. And what has happened since then?

You are still inside your light orb, as you always have been, but the difference is that you have now let go of the side! And what does this mean!? It means that you feel a void and maybe you even feel abandoned as well! The thing is that you have evolved! But it might not feel as that! Now you will grow even more! Now it is time for you to mature as a Lightworker and what is really going on is that you have evolved and you have let go of the old! You have been attached to the inner side of your holy orb of Light and now you are flowing free within it and this might make you feel lost instead. It will take some time to adjust to the new energy because you have to find new ways to deal with your path and the free flowing!

And now we will continue to talk about how you can feel that this new energy is your friend! It is a matter of having Faith as well as Hope and Love, the holy trinity, safely anchored in your heart and why is that important? Well, it is easy really easy! You have to remember who you are and that you are made of Faith Hope and Love and that your precious knowledge is Light! You might not feel your side of your Light orb and it gives you the same feeling as if no one is holding your hand any more! You might feel as there are no time and that things have stopped?!

Now I really need you to envision that you are glowing in the most beautiful colours and that you are floating freely in your Light orb! The orb is actually made of Love and the sides are covered with the hands of all the angels and loving guides that are always with you! So you are perfectly safe and you are always in connection with all of your angels and guides! So, it is of great importance to us, to know that you are comfortable in your Light orb and that you understand that it is your normal process as a soul on a mission on Earth and that you aspire to evolve and also expanding your consciousness!

It will take some time to adjust to this new way of being and it is very important for you to know how deeply loved you are and we want you to know that we are closer than ever to you!

For now, the Council of Nine from the Pleiades says over and out and we will soon be back with new messages, just remember,
we love you!

Friday 18 January 2019

Archangel Faith; Words of Wisdom

Words of wisdom

I am Archangel Faith, and I love you! 

In times of trouble I am there with you even more! 

Yes of course you think, that would be just natural, because that is what Faith do!? 

And yet I am not quite sure you understand me completely! 

The thing is that I breathe with you! 

I feel when you are sad, or worried. I never leave your side! 
I am very close to you at all times! 

And if you let me I will be the healing balm on your wounds, 
like healing nectar for your soul!  

I am a Mother! You can always rely on me! 

I embrace all of Earth and every living being! 

And when times come to you with worries or fear, you might feel that you don´t have any connection to me, and all you have to do then is to call on me! 

It is actually up to your free will! 
Just think of me, and I will embrace you, 
for I love you
and I want you to feel me completely!

Archangel Faith Channeling through Kerstin Eriksson 2019-01-18

Saturday 12 January 2019

Archangel Faith; Become what you are!

I embrace you and I love you,
I am archangel Faith!

Mirrors will not tell you who you are!

Not even other people, you meet!
Even if you have good friends
it is not always so that they can
give you the knowledge to who you truly are!

Everyone of you, each and every one of you
that inhabit Earth, are miracles!

And there are things about yourselves that you are about to learn!

There is a whole new side to you, that is awakening for every heartbeat
that your heart is making!

How does this really work? And why?

There is a natural rhythm, like a big clock, and the time is here now!

It is the real time to awaken to you new true you!

Your DNA is awakening, and giving you more knowledge about yourself,
for each sunrise!

Embrace every new day!

The beautiful daylight is making a phone call to your DNA!

Every day is newborn, and is giving you new highlights that is vital to your new you!

Like me, like you, we do this together, you are never alone!

If you have any questions ask me anytime!
I love you

Thursday 10 January 2019

Shiva; You are the blossom of my life!

2019-01-10 Channeling with Shiva "You are the blossom of my life!" Through Kerstin Eriksson

"Namaste, I am Shiva!
I love you!
Did you know that there is a garden within my heart?!
And I also see a grand garden, so beautiful when I see Mother Earth!
I see you when you are happy and when you are sad!
I see you when you are alone, and you think no one is around!
Do you know what I do then?!
I take you into my hearts garden, and I give you all that you need!
I give you water, and nourishment.
I am there for you, I carry you inside of me, in my heart and I
take care of you like the rare flower that you are!
No other planet has so many rare flowers in its garden, and
for everytime you are sad I just want you to know 
that I love you
and that you are the blossom of my life!"

Friday 4 January 2019

Archangel Michael; Multitude and latitude 2019.

4 January 2019 Channeling with archangel Michael, Multitude and latitude 2019, through Kerstin Eriksson,

I am archangel Michael, and I love you just as you are!
I visit you and your planet so much I think I live here!
I am always where you are!
Your planet is my home, and your heart is my landing spot!
We share hearts, we are one in the essence of the hearts love.
I am a navigator, I steer wherever I need to go and I see you and I feel you!
Most of all I feel you!
Now you have entered a completely new year!
And what about this year that you call 2019!
This is a special year! And of course all years are special, and yet this year has a certain heartbeat!
This year is a hub, a middle in a propeller. This year has the specific energy of being a transfer into whatever you choose. Use this year well! Many doors exists in this year, as you can look upon this year as a round room, with doors all around the rounded wall.
So this year presents to you many opportunities!
What door speaks to you? What door are you attracted to?
What door would you like to open?
How can you make a choice?
Well you have walked through many portals in the past years, and I think you feel now that you are ready for something new!
You have cleared your space very well!
You have altered whatever needed to be altered, for you to continue to grow with your gifts!
And now this year presents itself as a giver of opportunities.
As I also mentioned - the doors, to be able to feel the doors, see them, and also choose one to open, if you so desire, I can recommend that you follow your hearts direction, what you desire in your heart!
You might have to ask yourself these questions;
What is making your heart warm with compassion, love and creativity?!
What makes you happy?!
What do you dream about?!
The door or doors that is all about you and your hearts passion, those are the doors
that you should open!
You can also choose to stay in the hub, in the middle and just take your time!
There is no hurry, just doors, opportunities, and if you need more time to just be, it is okay!
Whatever is you and your hearts true goal, will always re-create itself for you, over and over again, but in different shapes, so you will not really loose anything.
The doors are to be opened in the sense of joy and love
and you must know that you can trust love always!
Having faith in love is the very key to doors.
There is no pressure to do anything if it does not feel right to you.
Just relax and enjoy whatever you do!
In the core of your heart there is a receiver and transmitter that has its own intelligence and your specific love goal, is always there waiting for you, you cant loose it!
So I just wanted to say
I am Michael
I am all around
and I love you!

Tuesday 1 January 2019

Ismael; Can you feel the scent of the roses?!

I am Ismael, and I love you!
I am very old, and I have climbed the
highest mountains and I have walked in the deepest of valleys!
My road has not always been easy, it was very hard to climb
the mountains and the deep valleys had their characters.
But one day I discovered one very important thing!
I was not walking alone!
Oh no, not at all!
And I was very happy, I felt amazingly blessed
that I now could notice that God was walking by my side!
And what had really happened?
The truth is, God had walked next to me all along!
But I had not noticed it, until I was ready!
I was not ready at first!
And why was I not ready much earlier, you might ask,
why had it taken that long time for me to awaken?
Life after life we live on earth and for each time we are here
we are being rounded, a little bit more in each life.
It is like the stones on the beach.
They are being rounded a little bit more for each wave that rolls in on the shore.
It is the same for us humans.
We need time, to become round.
Time is an educator and also a healer!
It really means that we can fully sense God, after we have experienced
enough matters of the heart, and that is how you will
be able to recognize Gods presence.
There are no shortcuts! There are no ways to go around this
formidable rounding, shaping, into becoming an awakened lovebeing!
It is hard work. It means you really have to live your life to the fullest!
That is what makes the path so beautiful, all the attempts, and the very fact
that for every step that you take, you come closer to realizing that God is there,
side by side with you all the time!
And when the time comes, when you are ready to awaken, you will be able to hear the songs, you will be able to feel the scent of the roses, and you also know in your heart that God also exists fully in your heart, and that you are one with God!
I love you, no matter where you are on your path,
this is your life, and every single step matters!
Please have faith in that
God is there, always
side by side
with you
just waiting for you to awaken
to Gods love!
