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Saturday 21 May 2022

Mother Mary: Temperance!

I love you very much, I am Mother Mary.

Today I will talk about temperance.

And why do I wish to talk about this?

It starts with my desire to make you understand the flow in your life.

The energy in your life flows, back and forth. 

It is like a pendulum.

If you sometimes feel that  certain things never seem to happen to you. Things that are important to you, and you wonder why am I without this? Where is it, where did it go? 

Then you have to know about the moves of the universal energies, it goes back and forth. Nothing is ever a constant, except for one thing and that is:


Love is an eternal energy and you can always count on it.

All you have to do is have patience.

The one who waits for something good...!

Don´t be sad. It will work out fine for you. 

Be happy! Here and now!

If you feel there is a dark cloud over you, hindering you from feeling the warmth of the sun, they will dissipate sooner or later. The sky is always blue above.

Having temperance, with all the negative feelings, and instead enjoy life because as certain as every sunrise is each day, you know in your heart that good things always come to the one that have faith.

Let go of all of your negative thoughts, do not waste any time on them. Don´t feed it, the negative wheel, it will only spin faster if you do. 

This is where you have to be adamant to check your own thoughts every day so they do not turn negative.

Your body and mind are the temple of good faith, good hope, good love, and this gives you true joy in your heart, then you are on the right track dear.

And love every breath you take, because there you find the holy spirit, your angel. Angels always work with you when you use the love from your heart. So love yourself, love your breath´s.

I love you

Mother Mary

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