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Tuesday 9 May 2023

Archangel Gabriel In the neutral!

 I love You and I gladly lead You.

You are shaken by a brutal world that is anything but good and friendly.

More and more people are waking up to what is going on and now you need each other.

It is always darkest just before dawn.

A new good day is coming, when life is lived with love and with good intentions.

I love you and I will gladly guide you with my light.

Sometimes you drain yourself of your own energy, because you forget that you have to fill it up every day.

You are like a cup!

You are like the cup of love!

The more you give, the more it is filled with love.

But, you forget to love yourselves! And therefore the cup is not filled as it should be. And then you feel drained.

You want to share! You want to spread light and love, but love yourself first.

No, it is not sinful to love yourself. Unfortunately, several of you feel that way.

Loving yourself is without ego.

You love yourself with everything that is You, and with all your good and also bad sides.

When you choose to walk the path of love, the ego lets go of you.

Why is "loving oneself" without ego?

Love is plus/minus zero. 

Love is a neutral balance. There you are!

Please see an old-fashioned thermometer in front of you!

The energy of love is exactly on the zero stretch. It is neutral. It doesn't pick sides. It is.

But if you are up far on plus, then the risk is that you love with your ego.

And if you are way down in the minus area, the risk is that you live and devalue yourself instead.

When you do simple meditation, you realize that YOU ARE, in your simplest and absolute purest form and you don't need anything else, there you find the energy of true love! It IS, it is simple, it is neutral, it accepts you as You ARE.

Also love your breaths and breathe in the qi that swirls around you constantly. So you get even more vital energy!

Pure love is not complicated. It is.

Often you find your joy when you allow yourself to be at peace.

You people often live complicated lives. With so many musts. Often you people live through the projection you get via other people or society. I call it because you live according to other people's judgments of you.

You learn to adapt to the assessments you receive from other people and society.

Sometimes you get so good at adapting that you forget the simplest of things. That you are loved and that you can find all your love and joy within you.

You are loved and you are also completely unique!

Have faith in your heart and believe in your dreams!

Archangel Gabriel

Private picture!

Monday 8 May 2023

Sananda You are my hero!

I see you move. I see your footprints.

I feel your heart.

I know what you feel, and what you think.

You don´t have to explain to me, what you want in this lifetime, what you love, because I see you, and your hearts ambition.

Your hearts ambition IS.

Your hearts true path and all of your dreams and hopes for this beautiful planet is your signum. I see it in your aura.

All of your combined emotions, ambitions is a beautiful thing to see!

You don´t need to explain in detail, because sometimes you don´t think I know you. Sometimes you don´t think I am close?

You are. And I see you. I feel you. And I am always close to you. 

And when you believe in me the least I am the closest. Then I carry you.

It is okay dear, I love you. I know that you have your feelings, that you have to deal with. The more you see them for what they are, the smaller they will be. The more you brush them under the carpet the more they will grow.

I am here. I walk together with you. When you feel the worst feelings, you are not alone. 

Ask me and I will guide you! You are not alone.

And I say: you should love yourself more. Deep wounds don´t heal quick. Be kind to yourself. Time heal all wounds eventually. And when you love yourself, you allow a good healing to commence.

Have faith in love. Have faith in me,

I love you


Sunday 30 April 2023

Vittra berättar om eterhjulen och ljustransformation!

Budskap från Vittra 30 april 2023

Vi är Vittra, vi är väldigt gamla. Vi är äldre än Er.

Vi ser på Er som våra barn. Och vi älskar alla våra barn. 

Vi vet att det inte alltid är lätt, för ni utvecklas nu.

Tiden är här nu när ni utvecklas nästan som allra mest. Och hur hänger det ihop?

Vad menar jag?

De kraftiga solstormar som är just nu, utvecklar Dig. Men det kan också göra ont. Jag menar att när du utvecklar dig, så hänger det gamla med en bit.

Och om du har saker kvar att jobba med, då känner du av det nu.

Plötsligt kan du känna av en gammal känsla, som du inte haft på länge, som du tycker att du redan har jobbat hårt med och har släppt? Men nu verkar du känna av samma återigen? Ja så kan det vara, för ljuset belyser det som du trodde att du hade släppt.

Ibland så måste vi jobba återigen, en liten bit till med det som vi har som bagage med oss.

Men, bagaget är urgammalt. Bagaget kan bestå av dina cellminnen, dina tidigare liv och saker som du inte har släppt taget om, ofta på grund av rädslor av olika sorter.

Och du känner att du minsann inte var så befriad som du trodde och så blir du besviken på dig själv och ditt team av medarbetare ”-varför varnade de mig inte?!”

Men, snälla, älskade så här går det till:

För varje liv du lever på jorden så skapas ett eteriskt hjul, när du sedan lämnar livet, så finns eterhjulet kvar i luften.

Nästa gång som du väljer att födas in på jorden så blir du återförenad med alla de existerande eterhjulen. Dessa eterhjul dras till dig, så fort som du föds. Sedan när du växer upp så märker du kanske att du är rädd för exempelvis spindlar, eller höjder, eller att du älskar att resa till vissa platser, du gillar viss speciell mat, och du har massor av dina personliga egenheter som du märker av mer och mer och det har med DIG att göra och ALLA dina jordeliv att göra, för i alla eterhjulen så finns dina preferenser, och rädslor, fobier mm.

Eterhjulen kan du se som små bollar som sitter på din personliga aura, man kan kalla den för identitets aura.

När du nu märker att du måste jobba mera med vissa bitar av det som har varit så är det för att vissa eterhjul inte har fäst så bra till din aura, men nu när det exempelvis är starka solstormar så skapar dessa ett starkare lim, till din aura och du känner av känslor som liknar väldigt mkt det som du redan har känt, och jobbat med i din medvetna personliga utveckling.

Ljuset, belyser, och skapar närmare kontakt med dig själv och vad du bär i ditt undermedvetna och som också lagras i ditt undermedvetna.

Nu pågår en ljusets renande och befriande energiöverföring och allt du behöver göra är att inte vara rädd. Om du känner en rädsla, bara var, i den, den klingar bort av sig själv då.

Jag är med dig, VI ÄR MED DIG, och vi bistår dig om du behöver fråga om vad som sker, och vad du känner.

Vi vet exakt vad du går igenom, och vad du känner.

Vi är experter på transformation, med hjälp av ljuset, och vet att du själv strålar av de vackraste färgerna, när du blir belyst så skapar din rädsla en skugga, och när den skingras av ljuset så känns det som om du känner en plötslig rädsla, för den blir berörd och genomlyst och du får en aha-upplevelse.

Så kära älskade vän, var säker på att du kommer skina i ett ännu finare ljus, ditt unika ljus och inget skall längre ligga som en belastning och göra att du lever i skuggan av trauman.

Denna ljus-transformation, gör att du helar alla dina liv som du levt på jorden, så det är verkligen ett stort mirakel! 

Var glad för du är sannerligen en mästare i universum som så idogt jobbar med ljusets helande energi, så var stolt över dig själv!

Vi är med Dig och det är bara att fråga oss vad du vill, när du vill,

Vi älskar Dig,


(My own private picture).

Saturday 22 April 2023

Mother Mary Love always comes in first place!

It does not matter who I am. It does not matter what name I have. What matters is that I am.

What matters is what I do. What matters is what I stand for.

If I lived a life on Earth today, I would start where I stand with my two feet. I would look around me, where I live, and ask myself:

What needs love here? What can get better with an infusion of love and understandning, with a good faith, and with more hope!? 

I would ask myself: who would need more love where I live? What would get better in my comunity if there were peace-talks?

If I lived on Earth today, I would consider myself living next door to my neighbor, thinking that we sit in the same boat. I would think, we breath the same air, we drink the same water, why would there be any difference?

Sometimes just saying good day with a smile, or asking the neighbour if they need some help, changes very much. Try!

Many people today on Earth feel alone. Even if they live next to each other, even if they are neighbours. Talk to each other! You have a mouth and you have vocalcords.

I know I sound very frustrated when I correspond this, but, what am I really getting at?

If you meet people without judging in anyway, nor will they judge you.

Of course you don´t judge anyone, but ask yourself why you hesitate in saying hi to people around you where you live. 

Are you afraid? Don´t you think you are good enough as you are?

I know I sound a little over the edge here but this needs to be considered?

Your mouths should speak to one another!

Or why not sing? If you used your voice to sing it would be wonderful! If you where to sing together if would be a miracle.

I am not saying that one person will stand on a stage singing in a microphone. No everyone should sing together.

For love always comes in first place!

And when you are silent or alone indoors, you do not share love as much as you could have.

I believe in you! I know you already know that you ARE love.

You have it all inside of you! Now it is time to share love and not hesitate to understand how important that really is!

I see you, I feel you, I know you can, just take your time and nothing can go wrong! Have faith in yourself, because I have faith in you!

I love you

Mother Mary

Wednesday 19 April 2023

Mother Mary Ebb and flow.

Imagine there are three wheels!

The first wheel, is a very big one, the second is a smaller one and the third is a tiny one.

The big wheel is so big that you can not grasp it. Because it is included in several different dimensions at the same time.

The smaller wheel is time, tick tock, it is a special kind of time, it is a void, more than matter. It is up to you to fill it up with meaningfullness.

The tiny wheel is you, and your birth at this planet, and you only are a magnificent being created by a master, in fact several masters of different essences.

So, what am I talking about? I am Mother Mary and who am I really?

I am a true stargazer! And I am well taught too. I am actually a part of the origin of this galaxy but that is just peanuts in comparason to what you are.

I am an over-viewer of your beautiful planet and you.

And I see you who you truly are!

Maybe you find hinders, in yourself? Obstacles? Maybe you find that you have insurmountable problems that you can´t find the way out from?

No matter how many wheels there are, nor does it matter what time it is, or if it is night or day, nor does it matter if you are born a sagitarius or a virgo or a gemini.

I only care about you. You are what matters.

No one else can do exactly what you can. No one else has your unique fingerprints, nor has anyone your heart or mind.

You live on a planet that gives you different movements, like ebb and flow.

Do you give yourself different moves? Do you allow yourself to follow the ebb and the flow?

Do you feel the rythm? Yes it is a rythm! If you work, you will need to rest. If you find yourself to be too serious about things in your life, you need time to relax and have fun, feel your hearts joy.

Planet life is dualistic. There is night and there is day.

And there is yin and yang. There is rain and there is sunlight.

And you are in the need of them all, you need to find a balance that makes your joy reach the surface in your heart.

The joy is always there, but you need to let it come forth.

I love it when you say prayers for world peace, please don´t stop with it but don´t forget that you need to embrace the whole of you.

You consist of many different energies as: love, hope, faith, joy, peace, gratefullness, harmony, rythm, music, holy geomethry, patience, and more good vibrations.

You have to find your friends, for you are not alone. Don´t try and carry a too big burden on your own shoulders, it will weigh you down as well as your hearts joy.

Toghether with your friends you will find the strenght to do good things.

Take your time to really be you, and don´t think it is egocentric to feel your own hearts joy, it is your divine birth-right!

I love you

Mother Mary

Monday 17 April 2023

Mother Mary You hold the future!

 I love you very much! I am Mother Mary and I will speak about something that is very important.

You hold the future!

In your own palms!

And in your heart!

What do you want to create?

It is up to you!

And if you like, you can invite me!

I will always assist you as much as I possibly can!

The future is like a lump of clay.

You have to shape it! You have to give it a form!

You shape it into what you love, into what you think matters.

I can´t wait to see what you create!

I know you will have to work on it for a while, try, and try again.

But I know you will make a masterpiece!

Because you are you own master!

You are your own guru, if you like!

You are the boss of your own realm!

You don´t have to look elsewhere, if you don´t want to.

I want you to direct your own energy to you, and only you.

Sometimes it helps to close your eyes. 

A picture tells more than a thousands of words?

When you observe something, it emmediately takes you on a observers tour.

And this takes a lot of energy from you, and it absolutely takes your attention away from yourself.

You are unique and no one can ever replace you. Make your own brand. Stand up for yourself always.

I love you

Mother Mary

Saturday 15 April 2023

Jag hänger med dem en bit upp mot himlen.

Och jag säger att jag älskar dem.

Plötsligt får jag en kallelse. En av mina närmaste änglar ber mig hjälpa till, nu är det bråttom.
Unga killar från Ukraina, står i min lägenhet och jag välkomnar dem in i min lilla lya.
De är soldater. De har dött i kriget. Jag får se vissa bilder och jag är tacksam för att jag inte befinner mig på platsen, men det får mig att gråta av sorg.
Så här ser mitt liv ut som medium ibland.
De tittar på när jag städar, lagar mat och häller upp kaffe.
Det lugnar dem. De varvar ned.
De ser trasiga ut. Jag hjälper dem till ljuset. Det är vad medium gör.
Jag säger till dem att jag älskar dem och att de är mina hjältar.
Men jag jobbar ju inte ensam såklart.
Änglateamet är med alltid.
Jag ber dem gå in i ljuset som änglarna öppnar upp, en portal till himlen.
Jag säger att de är välkomna till himlen där de skall få all healing och kärlek, att de är väntade på, av nära och kära.
Jag hänger med dem en bit upp mot himlen ibland och det känns så underbart.
Jag gråter av glädje och tacksamhet när jag känner den oerhörda tacksamheten som finns i himlen och som tar emot killarna.
Jag ber bön om fred på jorden! Men under tiden så får medium mera jobb, så enkelt är det tyvärr.