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Saturday 22 April 2023

Mother Mary Love always comes in first place!

It does not matter who I am. It does not matter what name I have. What matters is that I am.

What matters is what I do. What matters is what I stand for.

If I lived a life on Earth today, I would start where I stand with my two feet. I would look around me, where I live, and ask myself:

What needs love here? What can get better with an infusion of love and understandning, with a good faith, and with more hope!? 

I would ask myself: who would need more love where I live? What would get better in my comunity if there were peace-talks?

If I lived on Earth today, I would consider myself living next door to my neighbor, thinking that we sit in the same boat. I would think, we breath the same air, we drink the same water, why would there be any difference?

Sometimes just saying good day with a smile, or asking the neighbour if they need some help, changes very much. Try!

Many people today on Earth feel alone. Even if they live next to each other, even if they are neighbours. Talk to each other! You have a mouth and you have vocalcords.

I know I sound very frustrated when I correspond this, but, what am I really getting at?

If you meet people without judging in anyway, nor will they judge you.

Of course you don´t judge anyone, but ask yourself why you hesitate in saying hi to people around you where you live. 

Are you afraid? Don´t you think you are good enough as you are?

I know I sound a little over the edge here but this needs to be considered?

Your mouths should speak to one another!

Or why not sing? If you used your voice to sing it would be wonderful! If you where to sing together if would be a miracle.

I am not saying that one person will stand on a stage singing in a microphone. No everyone should sing together.

For love always comes in first place!

And when you are silent or alone indoors, you do not share love as much as you could have.

I believe in you! I know you already know that you ARE love.

You have it all inside of you! Now it is time to share love and not hesitate to understand how important that really is!

I see you, I feel you, I know you can, just take your time and nothing can go wrong! Have faith in yourself, because I have faith in you!

I love you

Mother Mary

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