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Saturday 22 April 2023

Mother Mary Love always comes in first place!

It does not matter who I am. It does not matter what name I have. What matters is that I am.

What matters is what I do. What matters is what I stand for.

If I lived a life on Earth today, I would start where I stand with my two feet. I would look around me, where I live, and ask myself:

What needs love here? What can get better with an infusion of love and understandning, with a good faith, and with more hope!? 

I would ask myself: who would need more love where I live? What would get better in my comunity if there were peace-talks?

If I lived on Earth today, I would consider myself living next door to my neighbor, thinking that we sit in the same boat. I would think, we breath the same air, we drink the same water, why would there be any difference?

Sometimes just saying good day with a smile, or asking the neighbour if they need some help, changes very much. Try!

Many people today on Earth feel alone. Even if they live next to each other, even if they are neighbours. Talk to each other! You have a mouth and you have vocalcords.

I know I sound very frustrated when I correspond this, but, what am I really getting at?

If you meet people without judging in anyway, nor will they judge you.

Of course you don´t judge anyone, but ask yourself why you hesitate in saying hi to people around you where you live. 

Are you afraid? Don´t you think you are good enough as you are?

I know I sound a little over the edge here but this needs to be considered?

Your mouths should speak to one another!

Or why not sing? If you used your voice to sing it would be wonderful! If you where to sing together if would be a miracle.

I am not saying that one person will stand on a stage singing in a microphone. No everyone should sing together.

For love always comes in first place!

And when you are silent or alone indoors, you do not share love as much as you could have.

I believe in you! I know you already know that you ARE love.

You have it all inside of you! Now it is time to share love and not hesitate to understand how important that really is!

I see you, I feel you, I know you can, just take your time and nothing can go wrong! Have faith in yourself, because I have faith in you!

I love you

Mother Mary

Wednesday 19 April 2023

Mother Mary Ebb and flow.

Imagine there are three wheels!

The first wheel, is a very big one, the second is a smaller one and the third is a tiny one.

The big wheel is so big that you can not grasp it. Because it is included in several different dimensions at the same time.

The smaller wheel is time, tick tock, it is a special kind of time, it is a void, more than matter. It is up to you to fill it up with meaningfullness.

The tiny wheel is you, and your birth at this planet, and you only are a magnificent being created by a master, in fact several masters of different essences.

So, what am I talking about? I am Mother Mary and who am I really?

I am a true stargazer! And I am well taught too. I am actually a part of the origin of this galaxy but that is just peanuts in comparason to what you are.

I am an over-viewer of your beautiful planet and you.

And I see you who you truly are!

Maybe you find hinders, in yourself? Obstacles? Maybe you find that you have insurmountable problems that you can´t find the way out from?

No matter how many wheels there are, nor does it matter what time it is, or if it is night or day, nor does it matter if you are born a sagitarius or a virgo or a gemini.

I only care about you. You are what matters.

No one else can do exactly what you can. No one else has your unique fingerprints, nor has anyone your heart or mind.

You live on a planet that gives you different movements, like ebb and flow.

Do you give yourself different moves? Do you allow yourself to follow the ebb and the flow?

Do you feel the rythm? Yes it is a rythm! If you work, you will need to rest. If you find yourself to be too serious about things in your life, you need time to relax and have fun, feel your hearts joy.

Planet life is dualistic. There is night and there is day.

And there is yin and yang. There is rain and there is sunlight.

And you are in the need of them all, you need to find a balance that makes your joy reach the surface in your heart.

The joy is always there, but you need to let it come forth.

I love it when you say prayers for world peace, please don´t stop with it but don´t forget that you need to embrace the whole of you.

You consist of many different energies as: love, hope, faith, joy, peace, gratefullness, harmony, rythm, music, holy geomethry, patience, and more good vibrations.

You have to find your friends, for you are not alone. Don´t try and carry a too big burden on your own shoulders, it will weigh you down as well as your hearts joy.

Toghether with your friends you will find the strenght to do good things.

Take your time to really be you, and don´t think it is egocentric to feel your own hearts joy, it is your divine birth-right!

I love you

Mother Mary

Monday 17 April 2023

Mother Mary You hold the future!

 I love you very much! I am Mother Mary and I will speak about something that is very important.

You hold the future!

In your own palms!

And in your heart!

What do you want to create?

It is up to you!

And if you like, you can invite me!

I will always assist you as much as I possibly can!

The future is like a lump of clay.

You have to shape it! You have to give it a form!

You shape it into what you love, into what you think matters.

I can´t wait to see what you create!

I know you will have to work on it for a while, try, and try again.

But I know you will make a masterpiece!

Because you are you own master!

You are your own guru, if you like!

You are the boss of your own realm!

You don´t have to look elsewhere, if you don´t want to.

I want you to direct your own energy to you, and only you.

Sometimes it helps to close your eyes. 

A picture tells more than a thousands of words?

When you observe something, it emmediately takes you on a observers tour.

And this takes a lot of energy from you, and it absolutely takes your attention away from yourself.

You are unique and no one can ever replace you. Make your own brand. Stand up for yourself always.

I love you

Mother Mary

Saturday 15 April 2023

Jag hänger med dem en bit upp mot himlen.

Och jag säger att jag älskar dem.

Plötsligt får jag en kallelse. En av mina närmaste änglar ber mig hjälpa till, nu är det bråttom.
Unga killar från Ukraina, står i min lägenhet och jag välkomnar dem in i min lilla lya.
De är soldater. De har dött i kriget. Jag får se vissa bilder och jag är tacksam för att jag inte befinner mig på platsen, men det får mig att gråta av sorg.
Så här ser mitt liv ut som medium ibland.
De tittar på när jag städar, lagar mat och häller upp kaffe.
Det lugnar dem. De varvar ned.
De ser trasiga ut. Jag hjälper dem till ljuset. Det är vad medium gör.
Jag säger till dem att jag älskar dem och att de är mina hjältar.
Men jag jobbar ju inte ensam såklart.
Änglateamet är med alltid.
Jag ber dem gå in i ljuset som änglarna öppnar upp, en portal till himlen.
Jag säger att de är välkomna till himlen där de skall få all healing och kärlek, att de är väntade på, av nära och kära.
Jag hänger med dem en bit upp mot himlen ibland och det känns så underbart.
Jag gråter av glädje och tacksamhet när jag känner den oerhörda tacksamheten som finns i himlen och som tar emot killarna.
Jag ber bön om fred på jorden! Men under tiden så får medium mera jobb, så enkelt är det tyvärr.



Monday 10 April 2023

Hezekiel Metamorphosis

There are stages! And what am I speaking about?

I am Hezekiel and I am very old. But even if I am old I have transformed, through different stages, or if you prefer, through different forms of being, existing.

I am still the same, my soul is the same, but I had to move in different elements to understand things.

You as a human have to deal with all the elements of Earth.

You breathe air. You are an air-being. And in this lifetime many of you have already lived in different stages, lived through all the elements in previous lives.

But in this lifetime, what is so special with just this one?

You have signed in to be here! As almost like a special agent!

A special agent assigned to aid Mother Earth in her elevation into fifth dimension, and you as a highly trained soul, you know one thing for sure.

And that is that love will do the trick! Even if you have forgotten about the signing up, as you did before you entered this lifetime. 

You are really a special agent of love and the light as many say.

The light IS. Yes the light is also a wonderful bright light, but most of all it is the eternal knowledge about the Universe and the love energy.

When you know, you glow with light!

It is not an aspiration to understand. It is not a search. It IS.

It is the most simple truth there is. It is the most basic knowledge you can find. And yet it seems illusive? Like you really can´t catch it?

Well you can´t!

It is NOT to catch! You have to know it! You have to be it! You have to feel it!

When you do this, you will go through your higher self metamorphosis!

And this makes you glow with your own unique light!

You really will beem out your light as you work in a team!

Your team consists of angels, old souls, and your guides that comes from different areas of the Universe.

So this makes you an ambassador! You then become an ambassador of the Universe of Love. 

Earth is a place where you use your ears. Use your ear and hear, her, your Mother. She is actually your beloved Mother, but also in a way, your boss.

The connection to her, to all, is by being grounded. It is a state of being, in silence.

It is a knowing. And you find it in listening-in, to her. She only comunicates through the love-channel. Think of it like a walkie-talkie. Just be silent, if you come into something that is not of total love, then you do not answer, just be in silence.

She is reaching out to you to say: I am alright, I am in the higher dimensions now, and I am so glad I am anchored here now.

You too are welcome, to visit, anytime you want. You have a seat that is yours here, by my side. You have worked all your life to be able to visit me and now the magic begins.

All the hard work is "paying" out. Just be in your most wonderful state of being, and thrive in it. This most important state of being is the key! Make room for yourself. Make a place for you to blossom  and be happy and relaxed in.

When you love your breaths, when you love everyone of them and when being embraced by your loving angelspirit, you are in the core of your soul-realm and that is all that you need really. 

You are the most beautiful flower about to blossom and transform into the fifth dimension and that means you will shine in a special light.

What is down will come up.

What is up will come down.

This have actually happened now!

The ascension process of Mother Earth is complete and secure. And the metamorphosis is part two of it. And I am so proud of you!

I love you


Monday 3 April 2023

Archangel Michael Sunsets and sunrises!

Hallo my dearly beloveds, I will speak about what is going on.

A long time ago there was a natural rythm.

And now this time, following the exact same timeline, there are inflicting parts in this timeline, that makes it tremble, and not so strong anymore.

A timeline is a living being.

Time is an element.

If you love time, you will help it!

You will heal time with your love!

There are many timelines of course, and no matter wich one you are in, you will learn something important.

The natural way is the love way!

All that is not of love will make a timeline tremble and wither and slowly dissolve.

You have a personal timeline and also according to what you want to achieve here on Earth. 

A stone has its own timeline where it is laying on a beach where the waves makes it a little smoother for each wave.

A mountain has its own timeline as it stands high after being created for a long time, it will slowly in its own time become smaller and more rounded and eventually it will be little stone pebbles on a beach somewhere...!

It is all about time!

An ant has its own timeline! A lion has its own timeline. A turtle! 

A tree has its own timeline and it looks totally different from an animals or a mountain or a little stone on a beach.

A tree actually holds time! A tree holds information! Like a living book, a library!

A tree holds water that is so precious!

You hold water as well!

You are also a holder of a timeline, your own unique one!

You are also a library, you carry it in your dna of your body but it is connected with your soul, and it mergers together with the ray of love.

So please believe in the importance of love!

Don´t chop down a tree! Let it live! It stores wisdom for you!

Trees are antennas also in contact with the sourrounding universe. It is never just a tree, just a bush, or just a christmas tree. Love it and keep it alive, do it in another way, respect the life it has. Love it!

Love yourself and your special code you carry! You all have special unique codes that you are here to use and spread your love with.

For each sunset and each sunrise your codes are being re-newed, as each new day is newborn and has never existed before.

You live in a planetarium and everything hangs together, creating a song, your special melody. And I can hear all of your tones making the most increadible music! 

The more you love your code and your tune the more pleasant for the ear and heart to listen to, but all in good time, as all is about learning.

All is about learning to allow yourself, to be, to fully accept yourself as a lovebeing no matter what you go through in your life. 

I was young too in my life once upon a time and my tune was not so beautiful to listen to, at first. The more I practised on my tune and learned myself about me, who I am, then I could play my tune in my special way, the unique happy way, as I finally understood myself. 

No one else can know who you are but you. You play your tune, as only YOU CAN. See yourself as an instrument. First you don´t even see it, and understand it is there. Then you observe it, you discover it, but you don´t know what it is for. Then after a long time you pick it up and examine it, and you try to figure out what it is, and you have to learn very slowly about it as it is yourself.

Then you will find your joy in it, beginning to play on your instrument, and the more you are relaxed and having faith to your own abilities to explore yourself, you more and more let go of pre-fabricated ideas about how everything must be done.

There are no rule book. There are no exact lessons to learn who you are, the truth is there is just your own love and devotion to yourself.

You are a lightworker, a loveworker on Earth. You have all the uniqness, as no one is exactly the same. You have your timeline and your codes and your tune and melody. So cheer up and have fun, make your own life into a lovers delight, and don´t worry so much.

You know that worries, and fears and other emotions are clouding your sky, what you direct your attention to, will grow.

So go into the love and stay there and then it will grow. It is your own choice! I am with you if you need me, and you can ask me any question whenever you like.

I love you


💚Welcome to my blogI am Kerstin Eriksson and I am the channeler of this message!

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🙏THANK YOU for your kind support! 

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💓 Have a beautiful day


Sunday 2 April 2023

Sananda Letting go of the old!

 I am Sananda and I love you very much.

Today I will talk about letting go of the old.

You might have felt a feeling of that some things in your life suddenly feels old, like it is belonging to an old life of yours.

You might have encountered the epiphany that you have turned a page in your book of life, into a new chapter.

And you stand there thinking, what would I like to do now?

You are not interested in being an economical part of the society. No it belongs to the old life.

You feel a new wheel turning, and that is the love wheel of the Universe.

So you might feel that you need to walk in a beautiful garden, where you love the plants and make them thrive and grow even more.

You have a desire to come closer to the soil, the very earth that you walk upon. You would like to walk barefoot in the green grass, and in the warm sand on a beautiful beach.

Peace and love!

Peace and love and what can be more important?

To live in peace and love and share a beautiful life with other friends that love to do the very same is the ultimate way of living.

And you are not alone, many seek this now, and are looking for a new place to live.

How can this be happening now?

This is because you yourself is actually blooming right now!

You need to find the perfect loving place and soil to be at your very best, to be albe to live and bloom.

There are flowers everywhere about to bloom and they are all your friends! 

This is the true flower-power! And without any drugs.

Because you will be filled with love and this is the most important energy of the Universe...and when you tap into it, into yourself, you already have it!

You don´t need to search for it. There is no quest. There is no labyrinth of mystery, that you have to be a part of. If you don´t want to of course.

NO drugs, no mushrooms, no cactus, nothing.

YOU have to believe IN yourSELF instead!

Your faith is not strong enough when you have to use a drug.

Then you look outside of yourself. 

Yes old shamans used plants or muschrooms to fly in the spiritworld.

And now, what is the difference?

In older days, there where a thicker veil, between the worlds. 

Now, the veil is much thinner! And you don´t need this way of travelling anymore.

The veil is actually very thin. So you have to be in your own love energy, as much as you can!

No drugs and only love, that is how you travel today.

Mother Earth provides for you, anything you need for your wellbeing. For you soulwork too. But the old way is out, gone.

Now you ARE love. You are the love energy. So you travel with love, your love energy, that is your ticket!

Mother Earth has a body in the fifth dimension and you know it. And you have it too if you use the love that you ARE.

For the veil is so thin, so a drug, a plant, or a fungus, is like using a sledge-hammer. And you will get distorted things only, not true information.

Some use it to get high? But that has nothing to do with your love, your true love essence.

Using a sledge-hammer on yourself is not the means to find your own inner love.

Use only love to find the love inside your heart.

Love attracts love.

If you are afraid of something, I will help you, guide you. Ask me, tell me, I will listen to you!

I love you very much, and I am closer than you think, just let me know, say my name, and I will assist you!
