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Friday 2 September 2022

Archangel Uriel A glance through the keyhole!

I am archangel Uriel and a long time ago I was called another name.

People for eons of millenia ago called me Ur.

I am very old and I represent the bear collective, Ursus. 

The bears are very old souls as a collective group and we deal with different challenges and missions through out the Universe.

My writer and channeler Kerstin is a living voice for us because she can tap into us and feel our words and feelings.

Right now there is also a turmoil for the bears on Earth, they have smaller space to move on, to live on. Bears have territories and they move with the sun around this land as soon as they get out of their wintersleep. 

Humans make more and more room for themselves and the bears and also other wild animals are forced to live in new areas almost daily. Some bears are so depressed that they want to commit suicide.

What humans lack is understanding and gratefulness. We could live side by side if there was knowledge about us, the Ursus Community says.

But what worries us more is that you as humans also feel depressed because you do not live according to the true heartbeat of Gaia, then it is almost impossible to feel okay.

So we as the Ursus Community want to underline the importance of knowledge of the Animal Kingdom, and of course also about the Plant and Mineral Kingdom.

Please listen to her, your beloved Mother Earth! She is also our Mother! We think she is holy, we feel that she is the most important thing for us! Everything starts with her, and ends with her, so she can never be un-important, that is impossible!

She must be number one on your priority list, always! This is the only way to feel good, to be able to thrive on this planet!

You are born into a human "suit" and even if you would fly off to another planet, to escape her, you would not escape the fact that your human body and spirit belongs here, where you are born. 

So do not escape, it is impossible to make another planet your homeplanet as you hold Mother Earth as home in your DNA as well as heart. Make a positive move right now and love her, give her full acknowledgement now, and I really mean right now!

Love your Mother Planet, love Earth and you can start the journey of learning about yourself and how to really live a good life here.

Every step matters, every breath matters, every heartbeat matters and we the Ursus Communty follow you and we know about all your steps, your breaths and heartbeats, as we are one.

We know about your life and we know when you laugh and we know when you cry. You are certainly not alone.

We are not only brown or black furred bears, we are wisdomkeepers. And we know that only love will heal all your wounds.

So first; Start by loving and accepting yourself!

And then second: there we are, waiting for you to take that enlightened step to embrace yourself. 

We look forward to live in a positive co-existance on our mutual Mother Earth as we are one and we need each other.

Blessings to you from,

Uriel and the Ursus Community

PS. We have taken a little glance through the keyhole of the future and we see a miraculous change and we love you very much! DS.

(This is a channeling with Archangel Uriel and the Ursus Community 2022-09-02, through Kerstin Eriksson on her blog ).

Wednesday 31 August 2022

Archangel Michael You are magic!

I am Michael and I love you!

I have many collegues and we work for peace and love on Earth.

When you evolve and ascend it means that you realize that love is forever and all that happens that is not of the ray of love, will end sooner or later.

The ascending is not a ladder for you to climb up on to reach heaven, it is more a connection that really holds no matter how much it storms around you.

Imagine that you are a tree! 

If you are a tree you are first living in the roots and slowly moving upwards. Then when you have worked a path through the trunk and "come up" you realize that you now also live in the crown of the tree, in every branch, and in every leaf. 

And a little later you realize that every little root is just as important. Without the roots, you get no or little connection. The roots represent that you can never forget who you are, where you came from and all the work you have done to work your way throught all the fears and hindrens.

The crown of the tree represents all your guides. That are from the Animal Kingdom, Plant Kingdom and Mineral Kingdom. It also represents your universal ancestry, as well as the connection to Mother Earth with all her different souls that holds an immense wisdom as the elves, trolls, and more.

Some of you think ascension means escaping the job you came to do as a Lightworker. 

It is really the other way around! It means that now you really understand the symmetry of everything and how everything interact with each other.

You realize that you exist in 12 places at the same time. And that you have 12 different homes in the entire universe. It is big, really big to fathom this miracle.

But it is not so important to dive into it at first, because it just is! 

The most important thing that you always must do is loving your feet right now, and loving every little step you take because not one single step is unimportant. 

Being grounded like a tree with your roots deep down in the soil is always essential for your true higher connection. Otherwise you might begin to hover around and you are not really aligned with your task as a Lightworker.

Being assigned to a duty as a Lightworker means that you understand her, your Mother Earth and you can relate to her as a soul, just as you yourself is a soul.

It is hard to live on Earth with all that happens that is not of the highest good and gratitude, but turning a blind eye to it is not the way of a Lightworker. 

You are a soul that came to do your kind of magic on Earth and this means that even if it is difficult to assimilate into the reality of life on your planet, you are a positive inventor and you can turn every negative situation around into something very wonderful, and this kind of Lightworker are YOU, I know!

So please have faith in yourself and know that you indeed are love and when you are not afraid to show your true colors it really will be a kind of magic.

I love you


Pegasus A day to celebrate!

 I am Pegasus and I am very old. I have a tribe, a big family and we flow in the energy of love.

We see you as little lanterns in the dark. Each and everyone of you have an unique light. 

The day has come to celebrate a major step for human kind.

A step towards love as an energy that will be forever living on Earth.

Some of you have taken special lessons in life and now you have gone the full circle and are back in the warmth of love, you are back where you belong, in our tribe.

When someone has done a magnificent achivement we always dance in joy, and we pay a tribute to each and everyone as a thanks for the hard work that has been put into every single step.

We see peace coming on Earth and we now know that due to all your gathered effort it will be possible even earlier.

We have gone through difficult times in our own development and now we seek peace and encompassing love at every heartbeat everything else is a detour.

Many times you have doubted yourself and the actual meaning of your hard work. You have been so far away from the energy of love that you had forgotten about it, that it is natural, and that you have it inside always.

This kind of amnesia means that your work have been very hard indeed. And it is with even more joy that we welcome you home to your true tribe, my tribe.

I love you very much,


Thursday 25 August 2022

Mother Mary The sign in time!

I am Mother Mary and I love you very much!

Time is important as it is a fundamental part of your life on Earth.

Time is also an element, just as water, earth, air, and fire.

The thing I will speak about is:

You will feel the time in another way the more Mother Earth moves into the higher dimensions as the fifth´s and higher.

How do I mean? 

It has nothing to do with you looking on a device to know what time it is.

It has to do with how your heart expands into the higher dimensions, along with Mother Earth, and how you from this point of wiev, get a new sense of time.

Before you thought about time. Now you will feel time. 

You will feel in your heart that time is flexible and that time surely is not a straight line.

In time you will learn this new aspect of time and also correlate this with living on Earth as a heartfelt being of Earth.

All comunication from now on is solely based on the love and compassionate energies.

All knowledge that will come to you will come to your gratefulness in your heart. And I speak about the knowledge that is eternal, the wisdom of the Universe, in witch you live.

Seek your own asylum, your own sanctuary within your holy ground, the place within your beloved heart. 

No matter what circomstances you live in, you can always rely on your magical garden within. As you are the creator now, YOU create this place according to your own wishes. This place is your foundation of faith hope and love, and also joy, gratefullness, peace, harmony, justice, goodheartedness and more positive energies and rays.

Each and everyone of these wonderful energies are an absolute necessity to your very existance here on Earth. Firstly as they are a part of you and has always been, from the very beginning. And secondly as the very creators of this planet are these energies.

So if you feel lack of energy, lack of joy, or a lack of a meaning to live on Earth please seek these energies within of your dear heart, because they are already there, waiting for you to acknowledge them. 

When you love yourself and accept that all these energies are a part of you, you will move up into the higher dimensions as a rooted tree in the ground.

You must be grounded to be able to get the right connection. Rising up into the 5th dimension does not mean that you fly high in the air.

No! It means that you as a living being of Earth will be connected!

You have to love your roots! And let go of your fears! Work through all your fears first. 

To be ascending up in higher dimension means: being the medium for Earth to be able to ascend as well at the same time.

You actually do it together! You and her, your beloved Mother!

The trees are already connected! They have already ascended!

They have roots! So they get the connection done quickly.

The higher meaning of connecting the roots means that you must accept yourself in your life since the childhood.

Then kundalini will find a clear path within you and the energy can flow as well as the knowledge. So drop the fear and love yourself completely.

If you can´t drop your fear, I will of course help you work through the fear instead, and then you can put it behind you! 

Many Lightworkers have already worked with themselves for decades, with their own fears and more.

You can never ascend "just like that" in a blink of an eye, because it takes a dilligent work before. 

Being ascended means that you are a grounded being of Earth, knowing all about your roots, and feeling your roots going into and deep down in the soil of beloved Mother Earth, and then extending upwards towards the higher realms.

Your DNA awakens more and more for every day and with the gratitude and love in your heart you will feel that you are never alone. 

I and God and angels are always there by your side, willing to assist you if you have any questions.

I love you

Mother Mary

(My private picture)!

Wednesday 24 August 2022

Beloved Goddess Guanyin words of wisdomcard number 74 from my Goddess book!

Goddess Guanyin visited me! YES! Halleluja! And I am SO GRATEFUL!

SHE gave me these words now in a book, yet only in Swedish translation. 58 different Goddesses visit me and give me 84 cards/words of wisdom!

Her energy is so incredibly lovely and healing, she has a deep loving gratitude and wisdom about our entire earth and universe. Her love is so healing! Thanks! ❤️🙏 Goddess card number 74 (here in English, below in Swedish.)

Gudinnan Guanyin besökte mig

🙏❤️och gav mig en text, som blev nummer 74 i boken.

Hennes energi är så otroligt ljuvlig och helande, lhon har en djup kärleksfull tacksamhet och visdom om hela vår jord och universum. Hennes kärlek är så helande! Tack! ❤️🙏
Gudinnekort nummer 74 (här på engelska, nedanför på svenska.)

❤️74 Guanyin
"The cup of Hope!
I love you dearly, and as the rising sun I enter your life!
I hold a cup!
I hold the cup of Hope!
The cup of Hope is a piece of me, and its content grows the more gratitude I give to it!
The more I cherish what I hold the more hope I have!
I am the keeper of Hope and I will help you find your hope, just have faith in me!
I love you,

På svenska/in Swedish.
❤️74 Guanyin
"Hoppets bägare!
Jag älskar dig mycket och precis som den uppstigande solen så kommer jag in i ditt liv.
Jag håller i en bägare. Jag håller i hoppets bägare.
Hoppets bägare är en del av mig och dess innehåll ökar, ju mer tacksamhet jag ger den.
Ju mer jag håller av det som jag håller i, desto mer hopp får jag.
Jag är väktaren av hoppet och jag kommer att hjälpa dig att finna ditt hopp, så hav tillit till mig.
Jag älskar dig,

Bokens omslag är inspirerad av Guanyin själv och jag målade denna målning!

Länk till boken här nedanför, där du kan läsa mer om den, eller om du vill köpa den!

Eller läs om mig som författare:

Tuesday 23 August 2022

Vittra talar! 2022-08-23


Vittra talar ikväll!                               2022-08-23

"Vi älskar Dig!

Vi är Vittror! Vi är gamla! Vi är äldre än Er.

Vi har redan gått, där ni går nu!

Och – vi tog oss igenom – även det!

Allt är utveckling. Vi alla blir äldre. Vi lär oss efter hand.

Ingen kan hoppa över sin utveckling.

Vi kunde inte heller göra det. Vi var tvungna att gå igenom allt, för att utveckla oss.

Vi älskar Er desto mer för att vi vet vad NI går igenom!

Vi vet att Ni inte har det lätt. Och utveckling är inte lätt för då hade det inte varit en riktig utveckling.

Ni går utefter eran väg, i ert liv, och plötsligt så snubblar ni. Och så försöker ni resa er igen och det går olika fort, beroende på hur mycket ni gjorde er illa.

Ibland har ni så bråttom att resa er upp igen, för att kunna börja gå igen direkt, i samma spår som innan!

Men ibland är det bra att begrunda, var är det jag har ramlat någonstans och i vilket sorts landskap sitter jag i?

Snälla stressa inte! Stressa inte med din egna utveckling! Älska den istället!

Om ni nu har satt er på rumpan för en stund, passa då på att ser er omkring, och ta det lugnt!

Se dig omkring – vad växer här, hur ser det ut, där du nu sitter?

Tänk dig din väg, så har den också ett dike på sidan om vägen. Och om du nu ramlar, sitt då i ditt dike en stund och känn in:

Växer det gräs i ditt dike? Blommar blommorna där? Eller ligger det skräp där istället? Och kanske finns det inget gräs, utan bara sten och jord? Det jag vill säga är att du kanske finner något i ditt dike som verkar oklart och som du inte riktigt kan se in i och förstå?

Bli inte rädd! Snälla!

Om du har ”ramlat” och känner dig som om du inte går på den väg som du har tänkt och planerat, sätt dig då lugnt i ditt dike och känn in: kanske om du skulle upptäcka skräp där, då kan du ju också städa där!? Eller hur! Passa på!

Om du ser något i ditt dike som är oklart, eller som du känner att du behöver jobba mera med, så gör det! Passa på!

När du ändå sitter ner för en stund, passa på att göra ditt dike fint igen!

Älska ditt dike och gör det riktigt fint!

Du kan städa där, så nya blomster fröer eller blomlökar eller plantera precis vad du själv älskar och som gör dig glad i ditt hjärta!

Det här är en del av din väg och ditt liv, och du har helt fria händer att göra denna platsen fin och vacker och framför allt omhändertagen, bekräftad och älskad – av Dig själv!

Det är inte bara när du tar stora snabba kliv framåt i livet som du lär dig något om dig själv. När du själv tycker att livet leker och du känner dig stark och säker på din väg, då känner du inte hela din styrka.

Nej om du skulle ramla så omfamna även den delen av dig själv och älska dina fötter oavsett om de tar stegen åt dig eller om de får vila för en stund i ditt grönskande vackra dike.

Att du tar hand om dig, och vårdar dig själv - inte bara i framgång -utan även när du tycker att du har en motgång, ger en positiv effekt på din aura och ditt mående.

Livet handlar inte bara om att ta sig från punkt A till punkt B, utan vi vill säga att själva resan, vägen är målet!

Så älska dig själv precis som du är, däri ligger den sanna styrkan!


(Mitt privata foto).

Archangel Michael All survivors!

My dear friend I am Michael and today I will speak about: 

Your fear of death.

You are all survivors, that is the first thing that I absolutely need to say!

The second thing is: There are no death!

You are souls that are eternal.

Please ponder over this! You are a soul that is forever, your soul is eternal.

Do not let anyone scare you! Fear can be used as a weapon,

to numb you! To control you! 

You are FREE always!

Humanity have a great fear of death, and so it has been for many thousands of years, and this fear is a trap.

This trap makes you lack your own joy.

I want you to find your own joy again. It is there, waiting for you to call it back!

Your joy is a living being, a creation of love, and it is...

eternal, just as you are!

Your joy and your soul is one, and you just have to, be determined to welcome your joy back. 

Your joy needs to hear you, saying: Please joy come back to me, I miss you, I await you dear joy!

Joy is a living energy, swirling around and waiting for your recognition and call. 

Sometimes joy can be kidnapped, by joy-thieves.

And if this has happened to you: you know about it. And the same thing goes there: call your joy back.

Why call your joy back?

It is YOUR joy. YOUR creation in the first place.

It even has your DNA signature!

I talk only about the true hearts joy, the one that is linked to unselfishness. I only talk about the love that has to do with gratitude to do. I talk only about the joy that is faith, hope and love based.

But you understand this!

This sort of joy needs your attention. This sort of joy needs you to fight for its right to stay with you.

This sort of joy is so alive, so alive and kicking that it wants to be in your heart at all times. It then multiplies and bubbles out and you share your joy with everyone around you.

But you have to be adamant, in keeping a constant track on your joy, for others might try and steal it - but only for a while - until you realize it is just around the corner...!

Just call your preasious joy back, say a prayer! YES! You can only call your joy back from the love in your heart! This is the only thing your heart can hear! 

Just have faith in you and your joy, love yourself and your joy and I promize you, that you soon will be really fullheartedly happy!

I love you


(Private picture).