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Thursday 5 May 2022

The Realm of Cygnus! Behold you are loved!

We are Cygnus and we are a part of the Animal Kingdom.

All animals on Earth are Universal beings just as yourself.

The Realm of Cygnus is very old and we are wayshowers and poets of love.

You have often read messages about love, and how to keep love safe in you.

And yet love is a force that always is, everywhere. Love is. 


Love is a forever energy and you can rely on it. You do not have to fight to get it, it is already there where you are, you have to keep an open mind and an open heart, that is your job. 

You are a part of the system of Earth. It means that you have several animal guides, several tree guides and more from the other kingdoms. You are a part of something very big and very loving.

See yourself as a tree. You have roots, several roots down in the earth, that is grounding you, holding you safe and secure. And then you have a trunk and that is where you have your spine and all your nerves. And then you have the crown of the tree, the treetop with all the branches and leaves, flowers and seeds.

When you are open in your consciousness to your roots you get a good connection to your top and the higher dimensions above. It means that you have to trust yourself, and love yourself that is how you get a true connection. 

I am a wayshower and my personal cosmic name is Swaneah Cascada and I will help you understand how you function now in the fifth dimension. 

As a member and being of the fifth dimension it is all about co-operation, working together. 

We are looking forward to working with you. 

You are very much loved and we have been waiting to send this message to you.

Have faith in yourself!

Yours sincerely

Swaneah Cascada

(pictures borrowed from wikipedia/google).

Archangel Michael You can go wherever you want.

I am archangel Michael and we meet here today and that makes me very glad.

Today I will talk about something that is important right now.

And it has to do with boundaries.

I say: you can go wherever you want to go! 

But now I say: you might not feel that?

What is it that you feel that you need to do? What is it that you aspire to make real in your life? What do you dream about? What makes your heart warm with joy and gratefulness?

You are your own investigator here! Only you know exactly what makes your heart beat faster with love and harmony.

And yet, this is your key to the right doors for you to open! 

But many of you feel you are restricted, in your movements in differente planes, you feel you have boundaries.

I will make you feel free! 

A lot of fear lies still lies within the etherical plane and this is interfering with you and your feelings of having freedom of choice.

And it is holding you back. But rest assured I am here to stand by your side always. 

Whatever door you wish to open, I am there to assist you, but it is always your own choice wich one, all that matters is love.

I work with the energy of faith hope and love and there is where you find me. You are on a love quest for the higher good on this planet, and that is my mission to assist you.

I love you


Saturday 30 April 2022

Archangel Michael Turning bad influense into good.

I am archangel Michael and I love you.

Now it is time for really choosing the love path.

There is an invisible cloud to explain it in comprehensible terms that will try to "tickle" your irritable side and your anger.

Negative forces want people on this planet to go to war. To fight amongst yourself and they want you to make walls higher and higher.

Negative forces are in desperate need for your negative energy.

Please do not give them this. Say no in your heart.

The negative energies feed on your negative energies.

Your negative energies are like a smörgåsbord, like a dinner buffé to them.

Just back down from it. Do not feed it. Be fully aware of this. Choose the loveway, and everything that is aligned within the heart´s full harmony.

Be recognisant to what energies there is that surround you, what do they tell you, are they loving, caring, friendly or are they narrowminded, trying to make you afraid, trying to make you feel divided?

The first choice is yours. When you follow the faith hope and love in your heart you will find a new way of living a new option.

Gratitude is the key. When you are grateful for everything that is good in your life, you are on the right track.

Do not be afraid but the cloud I am talking about is like invisible anger-powder, almost like dynamite, ready to go off. 

When you are busy being angry at different things, you are missing out on yourself and your most important energy, that is love.

Stay in nature, go into the green vegetation, ground yourself, stay safe and be the love that you truly are in your essence.

Love forever

Archangel Michael

Thursday 28 April 2022

Archangel Michael A history of air.

I am Michael and I serve God.
I am a protector of Earth, your Mother.
And I serve as a protector of you as well.
Sometimes you think I am not there with you.
Sometimes you feel like you are a tumble weed blowing over the prairie, like a feeling of being lost in a space, all alone.
But I surround you totally. At all times.
And that is because I am the air that you breathe.
I am actually so close that you do not notice me.
Many years ago I taught you about the love-breath.
Breath in love, breath out love.
Just do it!
Love the air that you breath and you find me in an instant.
It is not complicated. It is natural.
You know this, in your heart, but sometimes you forget.
The lovebreathing makes you complete and whole.
The holy spirit.
It is free, just love yourself, and love your breath.
I love you

Mother Mary You already know!

Dear beloved I am Mother Mary and I would like to embrace everyone of you.

You choosed to be born in this particular time of history of Earth,

- you are the one´s you have been waiting for.

There is no coincidence, on a higher plane, your higher self dimension you have already chosen to do what you do.

You already know!

You carry your eternal knowledge within you, in your awakened DNA.

You have a complete universal library within you.

Many times I see you seek for knowledge outside you because you do not really trust - 

yourself and the grand wisdom you possess.

You are told from your childhood, to go to school, to learn.

You are told that all your knowledge comes from your outside, from a teacher, a parent or a guru.

But you are a very old soul. You signed up to be here at this moment in Mother Earth´s history and you already are complete.

Plus, minus. Light, dark, Sun, moon, Sunshine, rain. Yin, yang. Man, woman, Positive, negative.

Polarities are necessary. You have called yourself lightworker many years, and that is accurate. You have worked in the dark, carrying nothing else but your light, so that you have been able to see where to put your feet.

But in reality, you are a balanceworker!

A harmonyworker. A peacemaker.

True peace comes when you are balanced!

There can not be only light, or only dark, there has to be a balance.

But the thing with the dark is that there is a good dark and there is a bad dark.

The good dark is in the dark where the unborn child lies within the womb of the mother, now the dark is a very good dark, a place to develop and grow.

The bad dark is where there is no knowledge of love.

Where there is, fear, violence, war and more.

So as the beloved peacemaker you are: your first task is to be balanced, and loving all of yourself.

And I am always by your side, and know that I 

love you,

Mother Mary

Monday 25 April 2022

God talks today: What about love?

Dear beloved children, I love you more than you can ever believe.

I am God and I am one of the creators of your world. My name originated from Goding but as time passed on you forgot part of my name. And somewhere in the middle - you called me gODINg.

Yes I am the one you refer to as GOD but I was not alone when I created your planet.

Some of you have put me on a piedistal.

Some of you have put me as a male individual on a high mountain. And I have been working with this ever since it started.

It has to do with the balance between the male and female energies.

I never wanted to be the only creator, because I never was.

But you wanted to believe this.

The truth is: Mother Earth is the greatest creator of all. She and the feminine energy is ALL that you need to asimilate with.

The masculine energy have ruled for many thousands of years and look now at the result:

Babies are starving to death. People have not clean water to drink. The planet is swimming in plastics. You are shopping down the very important trees. And much much more.

The essence in your life is that you are never satisfied?

There is always something else, you could buy to make you feel better? Another pill from the doctor will fix your health?

All these thousands of years I have cried everytime you started a war, everytime you killed someone. Often you called "in my name" in the name of God I have the "right" to kill - to end life for another being, human or animal or trees.

I never wanted any war, any ending of life. 

I cherish life, life is my creation! You are so preacious to me! But you have miss interpreted me totally.

You are mostly interested in technology, development, so you can move faster and communicate on longer range.

You are hooked on communication, vision, looking at a picture.

I love you so much but you do not hear me. I am inside you. I am in your heart. 

Your heart is the most refined place of communication.

Please use it, I listen to you always.

When the day comes and you take love seriously just as much as you take technical advancement - then you have found balance.

You have also found balance when you listen and tap into Mother Earth, feel her heartbeat, she walks beside you just as I do.

Mother Earth is my best friend and I aid her all I can.

Your feet walk on earth, on her, your Mother, and she knows you.

She feels you and know of every feeling and thought that you have.

Just as I feel you, there are no separation.

You are my dear children and I await that you tune down all the media, the technology, all that is outside of you and take valuable time for yourself to meditate and visit your inside instead.

You have all the answers on the inside in your heart. You are already connected with me. 

But you think you are only connected when you are online on the internet?

No that is just an image. Some people make big money on leading you astray from me.

They present you with a feeling of unity by technology, by being connected with a device that you have to buy.

I offer you a connection free of charge.

Some say the best things in life is free?

You have better believe it!

I see your struggle every day, I feel your feelings every day.

I say prayers for you every day and I light candles for you every day.

If you do not feel the faith in me, feel free to ask me questions.

No questions are wrong.

You can ask me anything.

I love you anyway and I await you and whatever you want to talk about.

Please know that you are created from love, hope, faith, joy, goodness, grace, harmony, rythm, music, and colors. 

You are the most magnificent being, a creation of the universe, and no technological gadget can ever superseed you

You have the phone to call me - your heart - and you have my phone numer too - and that is your faith in me.

Call me anytime you like and I promise I am always online for you I guarantee it!

I love you


(This is a channeling with God through channeler Kerstin Eriksson on 2022-04-25)

Sunday 24 April 2022

Archangel Michael Forward together!

Dear beautiful friend I am Archangel Michael.

I will now talk about the present, and the future.

You already know about your past, and so do I.

It does not matter what you have done in the past.

It was the perfect scenery for you to learn from.

Do not be horriefied about my way of explaining.

I call it scenery because it was your learning landscape.

But I could also call it a world where you evolve through your own experiences.

If you take an onion as an example, every layer of you have given you a specific code of expertise.

You are now your own master. And as you read this you have found your inner core.

You have diligently worked with all of your layers, and it means a very hard work. Half of it is a work in complete darkness and it is here you discover your own light.

A lightworker works where it is dark, and now you have evolved into an enlightened being and beloved soul of the Universe.

You know who you are now. And you know that this knowing is the ascension. The ascension is not about climbing a ladder up to heaven and leaving earth.

True ascension is all about embracing earth, knowing all about her, and getting to know her. True ascension is to comunicate with her - your Mother and digging your feet into her green grass and soil.

The ascension itself is the awakened senses, and it is the 13 chakras working together.

You might find that you have a Mammuth as a spirit animal, or a dinosaur, or a another extinct animal.

And how is this possible? All the exctinct animals are evolved beings today. They left earth, to live in higher dimensions. So they never did die. And you can not die either. Your soul is eternal, it lives in different bodies from time to time.

The present is a gift, please cherish it. Love this moment exactly where you are now and love what you are doing.

The future we will shape together because you are certainly not alone. 

When you feel it in your heart that peace, love and understanding is what you think is important, you will intune yourself with me and my crew, and we will move forward together!

I love you


(Channeling made with Archangel Michael 2022-04-24 through channeler Kerstin Eriksson,