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Saturday 24 April 2021

Meddelande från gudinnan Nike!


I dag talar jag om elden. Eld är ett element och ni har sannerligen gått igenom både eld och vatten. Elden har bränt er många gånger och ni lärt känna den väl. Ni har blivit brända på bål mer än en gång och ni minns det ibland. Ni minns också rädslan över att visa ert rätta jag.

Vem är du då? Du är en av Moder Jords hjälpare, du helar mark, djur, och människor och det är naturligt för dig. Du känner universum och du känner andras känslor och smärtor och du känner också andras glädje.

Elden har gjort er starkare, och ni märker direkt vilka som inte har gått igenom elden ännu. Sjukdomen som härjar nu är en eld för många, men du kanske känner att det är som stiltje på vattnet, när vinden inte längre blåser och du får ingen vind i ditt segel och din båt ligger alldeles still ute på havet.

Ni går igenom alla elementen som själar på jorden och mer – och när ni inser och känner in vem ni verkligen är, då faller allt på plats, den plats som är Er sanna plats på jord och i universum.

Ni har en given plats - alltid - och vi älskar Er så otroligt mycket.

Använd tiden i båten till att göra upp en glädjerik plan på vad som är viktigt för dig, och vad du vill genomföra. Egentligen så har du redan en universell plan som du har haft med dig hela tiden, och Moder Jord älskar Dig så mycket och hon väntar på Dig! Hon går också bredvid dig varje dag och uppmuntrar dig!

Ge inte upp kära älskade vän! Du har kämpat så länge och du har blivit mogen och dina ärr är läkta idag och de lyser av de vackraste ljuset och de finaste färgerna,.

Ärren efter alla dina liv är ditt bevis på att du har gett av ditt hjärta och ditt blod och din svett och vi som ser Dig vi ser hur vacker Du är, så låt ingen rubba ditt inre lugn och din inre oas. 

Skapa din kära fristad runt omkring dig, hur liten den än må vara, huvudsaken är att du inser hur viktig du är och att Du nu måste älska alla delar av dig själv och känna total tillit till att vi alltid har älskat alla aspekter av dig från första början, vi har bara väntat på att du skall göra detsamma!

Jag älskar dig,


Thursday 28 January 2021

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Kerstin E

Mother Earth speaks about Lightworkers of the rootchakra and of the light from the North!

I am your Mother and I provide the ground that you walk on.

Some of you call me Earth but I am also water. I am actually much more water than ground. 

To walk on me means going to school, to a very special class indeed.

Some of you are lightworkers. And there are different kinds of lightworkers too.

Today I will speak about the lightworkers of the rootchakra!

You are indeed the most hardworking students of all. Nothing escapes you. You see and you feel everything. You feel all the good and you also feel all the bad.

You are here to experience all that is me, all that I have to go through. I go through all that you have learned on your journey here.

The thing is, you can not work for me until you know what I have gone through and what I am going through.

I am a Mother and also a woman, I am all women and also all men.

It has all to do with balance! You are here to know all about what would be good for you, and also good for me. 

The balance between female and male energy is what I want you to feel and know more about. 

There can be no day without night. 

There can be no north without south, and no west without the east. There has to be harmony and balance. There has to be a fullness, a wholeness.

You will automatically know when you have learned the lesson about me, and when you are really ready to work for me. I will let you know always! And until then you might feel you are stuck in misery. You might feel you don´t achive anything, and you feel perhaps sad for a while.

You can not read in a book and learn about me. You have to do it. You have to experience it all on your own, as your own life will show you.

So now to your special education that has all to do with your rootchakra. You might have experienced sexual assault of different kinds, just as I do daily. You might have had sensed that your rootchakra have been imbalanced and you have tried to work it out, searching for answers. Just as I have done for ages.

I experience rape every day. I experience assault on my gender every day. I experience cruel torture every day. This goes on on my surface as well as deep in me and also in my sexual chakra every day.

Yes I have a root chakra! And on the good side, I also have loving lovers that I make a lot of love together with.

But I am also used both day and night. And who does this to me? You might wonder?

There are interests, both humans with a dark interest in hurting me as well as you would say aliens, with a hidden dark agenda to hurt me, to make a turmoil of my feelings as well as a mess of my body and this will of course spread around and making other humans and beings feel bad and create a disturbance, that makes you for example receptive to medical treatments and so some will make money to treat you.

I am telling you this for you have lived in a winter for many years, and now you are ready to meet the spring together with me and letting joy back into your life once again, your joy never really left you it has waited for you to learn this very important lesson about me, your Mother and your ground that you walk on every day.

A good doctor has to be very sick at least once, how else can the doctor understand the patient? A good psychologist has actually to bee ill mentally as well and with this gathered knowledge there is a good possibility to heal others. If you have experienced pain of any kind you have the opportunity to learn from it, and use it to help and heal others. 

A book or a good grade from a university can never really give the same deep knowledge. You have to do it, you have to know, you have to have a personal experience to understand fully what is going on. 

So what do I really talk about? I talk about the necessity of a personal experience. If all you have is information from books, no matter how great they seem, they can never be enough.

Life itself is a school! Living life on me, on Earth is for the Lightworker like going to a university. 

You as a Lightworker of the rootchakra go to the most difficult lessons of all, because you have to experience deep pain of your body and soul, just as I do every day. This is how you graduate as my helper.

This employment is forever! You can only be a master in this by living as a soul on Earth in a body. This knowledge you take with you always as a merit of great importance and you can be employed everywhere after you are finished in my school.

But mostly I want you to understand that you are a master and that I need you to work for me now. You have the best grades and you are ready, more ready than ever.

Don´t think for a second that you have failed because you are not a successful Lightworker with everything fixed, you have been going to the hardest classes and you know so much more. Your knowledge are the greatest and it glows of light.

I need you to be very proud of yourself, and you surely must understand by your gifts that you indeed have managed this great task.

The gifts are not gold or diamonds, or big houses or big cars, it is not material of course and I don´t really need to speak about it because you already know. 

Those of you that manage this life lesson of the rootchakra, you together make a very special light, the light from the North, this is the last light that needed completion, there are already light from the other directions.

The Northern Light is a beacon, a great guide of the deepest lessons of Earth. In this includes the lessons about joy and about love, faith and hope, and also how to get all these essential energies back after you have lost them.

This is how you will help others to heal, together with this deep knowledge that you have received in my hardest class, and how could you help others without having a personal experience yourself?

I love you and I have the deepest respect for my pupils in this class,

Mother Earth

Wednesday 13 January 2021

Jupiter; Elevation

I am Jupiter, and who am I really?

I am very old, extremely old. And I am very round.

Tonight I will address some important matters.

Everything has got a new meaning. And how is that you might think.

I would like to calibrate you, get you in the right balance.

From now on the time has changed for the better!

And you might encounter new feelings, new possibilities.

And how are you going to go about it all?

Well this new time is about one thing in particular!

Do you know what it is?

If you don´t know I will tell you now dear!

To make it easier I will say; imagine an umbrella!

The time ut to this moment have been like the stick, that you hold the umbrella with. It is a straight stick and now the time is folding out into the umbrella itself.

And what is so particular about this you might think? Well when you look upon the umbrella where the stick ends and the place where it all spreads out, this is where you are right now!

You will experience that you are a multidimensional being for starters! You will notice that there are multiple choices, different possibilities that you might choose from.

There is a cascade of new possibilities, and this has to do with elevation. You are going upwards. Now it is important to be able to trust in your hearts desire and focus on that.

I know you can do it, I have faith in you, as well as I love you dearly, all you have to do is have faith as well and don´t be afraid to follow your heart and believe in your dreams.


Sunday 27 December 2020

Archangel Michael; A new dawn!


Archangel Michael; A new dawn!

My dear friend, I love you dearly. 

And I will speak about something new, 

a new dawn.

And what do I really mean?

All dawns are new? Anyway?

Well yes they are, indeed!

But I will talk about, the new era.

You have climbed the highest mountain and you are finally at it´s top.

And now you might feel a bit exhausted, after the long and difficult climb.

And some of you don´t realize that you actually have reached the very top either.

But you have! Oh yes!

And now you have to aclimatizise, to this new way of being, and living.

You are used to resistance and now you feel, much less of this, and you might feel what happened? Where did “it all” go?

Well all that you have worked for in your life, it is still with you as your precious knowledge, as you now have as a portfolio that you have brought with you.

Now to the new; The thing is to find those that you will work together with! Those that complement you! For you can not have the experience of all things, that is impossible!

You contribute with your knowledge, and you find those that contribute with the pieces you miss, and together you form a full circle!

The new form of leadership is not one person sitting on a pedistal.

One person never holds enough knowledge alone! You need to co operate now! Form a team, a new tribe!

And you are stronger together!

You just have to have worked through all of your fears and letting go of the old, to be able to work in togetherness and hold your own very important and unique energy.

I love you


Mother Mary; I love you so much!


Mother Mary; I love you so much!

I am Mother Mary and I say prayers for you each day.

I also light candles for each and every one of you.

I am in the service of God. And I believe in the power of praying.

It makes a significant difference to the better, to more love, to more healing of hearts and souls.

Why don´t you try it?

Just for one time?

Put your hands together, palm to palm fingers to fingers.

Each fingertip has it´s own energy and also color.

When you bring your hands together like this you light your own light! You connect! You are being connected as you sit in this position!

And God see you, each and everyone of you, in your own unique light that you have.

So please dear, put your hands together and we say a prayer together!

I love you,

Mother Mary

Archangel Uriel; Message 27 Dec 2020

 Archangel Uriel!

I am an archangel, an old one!

I have a message today;

Give yourself some space!

Don´t think you have all your skills on only one card!

You have many cards!

You have many skills!

You don’t need to “push” it. For the sake of something good.

Let the good flow come to you, it is natural, it is easy, and you don´t have to give it any energy or effort, just have faith in it.

It is there already waiting to come to you I must assure you!

When you are waiting for something truly good, it comes naturally always.

Just hold on!

I love you,
