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Wednesday 13 January 2021

Jupiter; Elevation

I am Jupiter, and who am I really?

I am very old, extremely old. And I am very round.

Tonight I will address some important matters.

Everything has got a new meaning. And how is that you might think.

I would like to calibrate you, get you in the right balance.

From now on the time has changed for the better!

And you might encounter new feelings, new possibilities.

And how are you going to go about it all?

Well this new time is about one thing in particular!

Do you know what it is?

If you don´t know I will tell you now dear!

To make it easier I will say; imagine an umbrella!

The time ut to this moment have been like the stick, that you hold the umbrella with. It is a straight stick and now the time is folding out into the umbrella itself.

And what is so particular about this you might think? Well when you look upon the umbrella where the stick ends and the place where it all spreads out, this is where you are right now!

You will experience that you are a multidimensional being for starters! You will notice that there are multiple choices, different possibilities that you might choose from.

There is a cascade of new possibilities, and this has to do with elevation. You are going upwards. Now it is important to be able to trust in your hearts desire and focus on that.

I know you can do it, I have faith in you, as well as I love you dearly, all you have to do is have faith as well and don´t be afraid to follow your heart and believe in your dreams.


Sunday 27 December 2020

Archangel Michael; A new dawn!


Archangel Michael; A new dawn!

My dear friend, I love you dearly. 

And I will speak about something new, 

a new dawn.

And what do I really mean?

All dawns are new? Anyway?

Well yes they are, indeed!

But I will talk about, the new era.

You have climbed the highest mountain and you are finally at it´s top.

And now you might feel a bit exhausted, after the long and difficult climb.

And some of you don´t realize that you actually have reached the very top either.

But you have! Oh yes!

And now you have to aclimatizise, to this new way of being, and living.

You are used to resistance and now you feel, much less of this, and you might feel what happened? Where did “it all” go?

Well all that you have worked for in your life, it is still with you as your precious knowledge, as you now have as a portfolio that you have brought with you.

Now to the new; The thing is to find those that you will work together with! Those that complement you! For you can not have the experience of all things, that is impossible!

You contribute with your knowledge, and you find those that contribute with the pieces you miss, and together you form a full circle!

The new form of leadership is not one person sitting on a pedistal.

One person never holds enough knowledge alone! You need to co operate now! Form a team, a new tribe!

And you are stronger together!

You just have to have worked through all of your fears and letting go of the old, to be able to work in togetherness and hold your own very important and unique energy.

I love you


Mother Mary; I love you so much!


Mother Mary; I love you so much!

I am Mother Mary and I say prayers for you each day.

I also light candles for each and every one of you.

I am in the service of God. And I believe in the power of praying.

It makes a significant difference to the better, to more love, to more healing of hearts and souls.

Why don´t you try it?

Just for one time?

Put your hands together, palm to palm fingers to fingers.

Each fingertip has it´s own energy and also color.

When you bring your hands together like this you light your own light! You connect! You are being connected as you sit in this position!

And God see you, each and everyone of you, in your own unique light that you have.

So please dear, put your hands together and we say a prayer together!

I love you,

Mother Mary

Archangel Uriel; Message 27 Dec 2020

 Archangel Uriel!

I am an archangel, an old one!

I have a message today;

Give yourself some space!

Don´t think you have all your skills on only one card!

You have many cards!

You have many skills!

You don’t need to “push” it. For the sake of something good.

Let the good flow come to you, it is natural, it is easy, and you don´t have to give it any energy or effort, just have faith in it.

It is there already waiting to come to you I must assure you!

When you are waiting for something truly good, it comes naturally always.

Just hold on!

I love you,


Wednesday 23 December 2020

Tomten Samo; Vi är hennes väktare!


Jag heter Samo, jag är en tomte.

Jag vill säga en sak;

Tomtarna vill att alla barn ska få julklappar.

Den rödklädda tomten ni hyllar, det är en myt.

Vi är klädda i grått.

Vi tomtar älskar Moder Jord, vi hjälper henne att hålla reda på saker och ting.

Vi är som hennes väktare.

Vi är noggranna. Vi är barska. Fast vi är rättvisa!

Om du möter en tomte så kommer du kanske att känna stor respekt, för vi är ingen du leker med utan att känna oss först.

Vi är vänliga mot dem som inte skräpar ned och förstör Moder Jord.

Vi lär gärna ut hur du behandlar Moder Jord på rätt sätt om du är intresserad.

Vi står starka i jorden som den segaste furan. 

Vi har ett rykte att vi är stränga, och en del människor har blivit rädda för oss tomtar.

Och det är för att vi skyddar Modern. Alltid. Om du kastar ut hett vatten på marken, så skadar du marken, henne, din Moder Jord. Då reagerar vi!

Om du kastar skräp på Moder Jord, så försöker vi lära dig genom att kasta det tillbaka på dig- så du lär dig. Att allt blir en spegling. 

Så som du behandlar Moder Jord, så kommer du själv att få uppleva livet. Och det är för att vi vill att du ska använda ditt hjärta att älska henne med, och även dig själv.

För om du skräpar ner, slänger ditt skräp på henne, då kastar du skräpet alltid också på dig själv.

Det kanske låter som om vi är grymma?

Det kanske verkar som om vi är barska och är svåra att ha med att göra?

Ja, det är så! Vi är ur-sega! Och vi är de envisaste varelserna du kan hitta!

Vi älskar Moder Jord och vi vill se att hon alltid behandlas med respekt! 

💓För hon är också Din Moder, 

hon som GER DIG ALLT!💓

När du ser och även känner sambandet, att det inte finns någon separation, och du söker upp oss och verkligen vill lära dig om henne, Din kära Moder, då är du varmt välkommen!


Thursday 10 December 2020

Chronos; A new time!

I am Chronos and I define time.

Some would say I am the boss over time.

But it is not entirely true.

I am a guardian of time, all encompassing.

I have help. We are many that guard time, the times.

Right now you might feel this;

you might feel as if time stands still?


you might feel "up-side-down"?

There are reasons for this!

You are now connected into a new timeline and the beginning is bumpy.

Humanity have made its choise and therefore there is a new timeline created.

And this timeline is very positive. And the keyword for this new time is; you have to choose carefully what you desire, for this will happen. 

Focus only on your positive feelings, thoughts, wishes, actions.

Become aware of your innermost thoughts and ask yourself if they are positive or negative.

Know in your precious heart that you are your own creator. 

Whatever you think of, becomes an energy, so it is very good for you to acknowledge, if the glass of water is; half-empty, or half-full.

Love is forever, love conquers all.

Love have no timeline, because it is round.

Now it is in your own hands, to make your own timeline round and filled with love, your heart´s love, and you will create a forever energy, so important.

I love you,


Thursday 3 December 2020

Hildegard of Bingen; Curriculum vitae!

My dear friend you can call me Hildegard

I see you move in your life, it gives a very special pattern! 

Did you know that your moves leaves a trail?

Your moves, your steps in your life leaves a trail of light.

It is very interesting to observe and it is also very beautiful to see.

All of your feelings leaves a color and a nyance thereof.

And sometimes I understand by the look of your colors that you are uncertain of what you should do.

It is a part of life to be vigilante and always being sure of things, but it is also a part of life to let things be for a while, not being in total control.

As you have faith in the greatest love you can rely on that you are on the right track. 

And therefore you don´t have to work as hard as you think because the right flow is already there for you.

Just have faith and everything will turn out better than you think!

I love you,
