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Tuesday 16 June 2020

Archangel Michael; I and Pegasus!

My dearest friends, I am Archangel Michael, I love you deeply!

I am here to say to you, please do not be afraid to ask for me and my presence.

I would like to offer you my freedom and my sense of peace!

My best friend is Pegasus and he is my own saviour.

When I myself is in some kind of trouble he is my bridge to love, my help and aid to healing!

We all need a really good friend!

And I stand before you saying; here I am!

I am also the guardian of the guardian angels that you all have!

You are supervised at all times, yes indeed!

I know you all, I love you all and please ask for me and I will be at your assistance!

/Archangel Michael

Mother Mary; Patience!

I am Mother Mary and I love you very much!
Today I would like to give you a tool!
Sometimes in life on Earth you think "what can I do about this"!?

In life on Earth there is usually quite a few questions,  sometimes almost like riddles and you wonder what you can do about it.

If you asked a very wise person they would answer you and say; give it some time!
You will find your answer, in time, or even when the time is right.

The tool that I would like to give you is; patience!

Patience is the most efficient tool that you can ever need!

It is very handy for you to use from time to time! It is smooth to carry and it does not weigh anything.

It does not take up much space either!

And the best is you don´t have to order it from tv-shop either, there is no delivery time, and it is free of charge!

Now you think, is this really Mother Mary saying this stuff? Has she gone mad or something similar to that ?

Well, dear I know what world you live in. I know how it works for you. And what I talk about is that no matter what you go through in your life, I am here, right by your side.

I pray for you every day. I light candles for you each day!

I love you and I love to give you good advice in times of need.

Please have faith in me,

Mother Mary

Thursday 11 June 2020

Ashtar Sheeran; Be prepared to be you!

I am Ashtar Sheeran and I would like to speak today!
Once upon a time I was young, and I learned a lot!
Now I am a little older and I am still learning many things.
And yet, I have collected a great knowledge that I have as my library of wisdom.

And one of the most important things I have ever learned, do you know what that is?

No I don´t think you know, or can guess!

Not that you are not intelligent, but I just don´t think you could anticipate what I am about to speak about!

The most important lesson for me was;

I was learning to be myself, at all times and not trying to hide myself, nor changing myself just to fit in anywhere.

And why is this so important?

Because you change direction, when you become you!

See it like this; stand still for a moment and put down all your luggage. You are carrying something and you don´t know about it. You have needed this, for a long time, you are masters of adjustments.

It is just like bags you carry with you, because you think you will need this or that, and sometimes  along the way it will be a necessity for you to use the content. You carry everything you need in your luggage, and you carry it with you so you always can be a little more accommodating.

Do you understand what I mean? Many of you carry bags, just in case, you need to be accommodating to anyone.

You are lightworkers, you are the true transformers and the more you are prepared to be you, the unique you, the more you will find yourself walking on your true path.

Many of you are almost there, but still struggeling with "what am I doing here"?

Each and everyone of you are important, there are not just one or two gurus. You are all gurus in your own life. This is a very serious matter, because your work is needed by the Ashtar Command.

I love you so much, and I know about your work on Earth, and you have done a tremendously great job, and some of you think you are not exactly in the right place?

At a distance I see that you are in the right place, you just haven´t found the right angle to your work!

It is more easy than you think, it is closer to you than what you think, you do not have to travel to the other side of the planet to do "your thing" it is actually where you have your two feet, where you are at this very moment that truly matters!

So the more you put down the luggage that you have carried, and rest for a while, and just by being you, you will find it in your heart a new enlightened path with the true essence of you!

So my dear friends,  I love you a lot, and I will wrap it up, this talk for today and say;
I am also close to you,
I am not only at a distance observing you,
I am a lot closer to you than you can ever believe,
and til next time just remember to be you, and as such
I will love you even more!

Wednesday 10 June 2020

Mother Mary; Beautiful you!

I am Mother Mary and I love you very much!

My heart is forever filled with joy and love because I see a very beautiful transformation.

You might be aware of this transformation, or not, but it does not matter, it is all about love!

You can sense a new lighter vibration, another shape of the ether, it is like you can feel a new wider landscape within your heart, and yes it is there, the new you, the newborn you.

You have evolved, and transformed eons of time into a new being, a new breath, a new spirit.

You have forgiven your past, you have forgiven yourself, and you have transformed everything into love. You have pulled the thread of life through the needle, once again.

As a lightworker you are used to do this.

You have done it before. And yet everytime is just as difficult, because you have forgotten about your skills, not all but many of them.

All you have had left was your faith in love.

And with faith in love you have done it, and now the spiral has turned it´s movement and now it is going upwards finally meeting the other spiral of heavenly energy.

This is yin and yang, this is Alfa and Omega, meeting in a love bond that will never break!

You are so beautiful

and I love you very much,

Mother Mary

Sananda; A spark of light!

I am Sananda and I love you more than you can ever know.

Like a waterfall I will give back to you, the moist you need.

When you are dry, you have less faith in your heart.

I will make you feel again, the love that you need.

Like a seed in the ground, in the soil, that is waiting for the rain I will help you come back into love.

Love is the only energy that is eternal and yet when you are afraid, you can not feel it.

Hindering love, and spreading fear is what is in power today, and I will say to you that this way of ruling is history, soon.

Love is the only energy that is forever and nothing can stop it.

They who rule the world today, think they can invent new things, strategies, to make you numb with fear. Over and over again.

They just don´t understand, love has already conqured all, and the fear is gone.

When you take care of the child within you,
and when every little seed and sprout is being watered so that they can grow
that is when you know that I am back in your heart
and you will realize
that I never left you!


Saturday 6 June 2020

Mother Mary; Mother´s Day and Women´s Day, 365!

How can Mother´s day be only one day a year?

Without the mothers there would be - NO ONE!

Now you might think, has she gone mad?

She - your Mother Earth- is - every day, isn´t she?

Some women never give birth to a baby and they might feel they are not as valuable as all the other women? It does not even matter! They carry, the female energy anyway! And how does it really work? The women have a connection with each other that resemble a woven quilt. And women that do not have a child of their own actually help the other women, that have a child. Their energy, and love for babies and children are being woven in to the quilt and other women are being helped by this love.

Women are sacred and where before men. Yes! No doubt! There can be no man, without a woman!

The day will actually come, when mothers and women will be appreciated for their actual importance!

The history of women will be enlightened!

And there will be balance, once again!

What men do not understand is that the current imbalance is not beneficial for them, some of the men have realized this, but far from all!

Everyone will benefit from the balance between the female and male energies and Mother Earth will thrive even more!

I love you, and please have faith in me,
Mother Mary

Saturday 30 May 2020

Diary notes; Landing on Mr President Donald Trump´s shoulder!

On April 22, Notes from my diary;

I asked my spirit animal to take me with him on a flight, and it became three flights.

I have been flying with my eagle before, many years ago, and I know where he, my eagle lives, and he is not from this planet! He has his tribe elsewhere, and I once visited that realm.

The Eagles are like the police of the Universe, they work for Justicia, justice, they work for that love will rule everywhere. They have worked on this planet for eons of time.

To meet an eagle is like meeting the sternest spirit, who doesn't fold an inch, though, they are totally fair at the same time.

It was a long time ago that I reconnected with “my” eagle, so I wanted to be updated on what is going on, in my life.

I sat down for a meditation and in the blink of an eye, he came and took me up high in the air. We flew high above a forest and land and the terrain changed under us and it was multicolored suddenly, and he puts me down in it, I try to see what it is, but it is impossible, all I see is red, white and blue, yellow colors and I think it might be plasticbags? But I am not sure, all I know is that we, the humans have polluted this planet with plastics, that now is everywhere. And this makes me so sad!

Soon he brings me up again and I sit on his back and we fly high up in the sky, and we fly over great forests and a blue waters and the sun is shining, and he sits down in the top of a fir tree by a river. It is truly a magnificent wiev over a beautiful landscape, and I think it might look like Norway? But I am not entirely sure.

And I think this is the last flight, and that it is time for me to “wake up” from my meditation, but he takes me up in the air again and we fly over a great water. After a while we land on a person´s shoulder. To be more specific it was the left shoulder, and I feel I sit very firmly, because I feel the claws grasp around them. And we just sit there and I try to look down and see what the person looks like. And I see it is an older person with blonde straight hair, and he suddenly turns his head to the left and I see to my surprise that it is Mr President Donald Trump!