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Sunday, 22 December 2019

Vittrorna talar!

Jag är så tacksam, ikväll söndagen den 22 december 2019, kommer en Vittra och hälsar på mig för andra gången.

"Vi är Vittra, vi är ett urfolk. Vi lever och andas precis som Ni. Vi ser och hör precis som Ni! Vi har två ben och vi har två armar, precis som Ni. Vi bor på jorden som vi kallar för Allas. Och jorden är också allas. Vi är egentligen en stor familj. Fast flera ser det inte så. Det delas upp. Det skapas gränser. Linjer. Barriärer. Staket. Murar.

Vi Vittror öppnar upp. Vi ser helheten. Vi känner helheten. Vi är ett med det hela, helheten, det som också gör hel. Det som gör hel, är en helhet utan gränser. Vår Moder Hel, som Ni kallar för gudinnan Hel, är vår Moder. När vi tillsammans skapar en helhet där alla ingår blir alla helade och sjukdomar finns inte mer, fattigdom finns inte mer.

Vi kan se rakt igenom Er och vi finner många som saknar. Vi finner många som i sin saknad delar upp och sätter sig själva utanför. När du tänker på Vittror så tänker du kanske på varelser, som bor i den djupa urskogen. Och det stämmer bra! Vi bor där, fast, vi är också med där Ni är! I och med att vi är ett med helheten så är vi med överallt. Vi är faktiskt med Er alla och envar. Ingen har vi missat och ingen har vi glömt. För alla är med, i helheten.

Det som skiljer oss och Er är tyvärr att många av er inte tror. De flesta av er tror inte längre på helandet i helheten, för Ni har levt i en fyrkantskub alldeles för länge. Det livet ni lever i fyrkanten har gett er många visdomar, fast ni har ännu en stor visdom att lära. Att det egentligen inte finns några ramar, gränser i erat fyrkantsliv.

 ”To think outside the box”, har ni hör det uttrycket förut? Bra för vi tror flera av er har hört det. Och det är slående likt det som jag pratar om nu. Många visdomar finns att få genom att leva i motstånd. Det är ett stort motstånd att leva i en fyrkantig ”låda”. För där inne så måste ni värdesätta allt, minsta detalj, för det bjuds inte på särskilt lätta uppgifter. Livet blir er kärt. Och det ni gör sätts på prov, Ni själva sätts på prov.

Vi Vittror går med Er! Vi är inte endast en liten grupp varelser som bor längst in i skogen och aldrig besöker något annat, eller utforskar ngt annat. Vi har själva velat utveckla oss! Vi har själva valt att leva med motstånd. För att lära oss, ännu mera.

Vi har precis som ni en själ. Allas själar vill utvecklas. Och alla vill utvecklas med den universella rörelsen, som expanderar hela tiden. Vi lever med Moder Jord, Allas, och vi vet vad hon behöver, vi vet vad som hjälper henne, vad som berör henne, vid varje andetag, vid varje hjärtslag hon har.

Vi kan kommunicera med henne lika lätt som vi kan kommunicera med dig, och alla som vill lyssna på oss. Hon är vår Moder, vi kallar henne för Hel. Vi vill sträcka ut våra händer till Er alla och omfamna Er, för vi vill lära Er att förstå Moder Jord, som Ni så vackert kallar henne. Hon har flera namn och kärt barn brukar ha det? Tillsammans så kan vi alla finna en stor gemenskap på den heliga jorden, som gör hel, om hon lyssnas till och förstås. Vi vill hjälpa Er att förstå henne, vi vill hjälpa Er att bli hela i kärlekens namn!"

Friday, 6 December 2019

Archangel Michael; Moment of truth!

I am archangel Michael and I will speak tonight about essential things,
that are interesting, to those of you that are lightworkers.
First of all I must say, I love you and I know what you do!
I know of every little step you take and have taken, since you where born.
Sometimes you don´t think you take any steps, you think you stand still, and that is also a way of learning and expanding your knowledge.

As you come to the insight that you are a lightworker you also realize that, you must alter your perspective. Those that you first where looking up to, those that you where used to admire, they are still okay to you, but now with your expanded knowledge of what a true lightworker really do, you now have a new way of looking upon things.

The true lightworker works where it is very dark, and works where you can not see any light or any joy. For example; a true lightworker can be a beggar that sits in the corner of the sidewalk of the street. A true lightworker can be a cashier in a drugstore. A true lightworker can be a person that works voluntary with social matters in a community.  A true lightworker can be the person that smiles at you in the street. A true lightworker can work anywhere, you will notice who it is through your heart! Can you feel the compassion, the love, can you feel the faith and the hope that this person spreads then you know that it is a true lightworker.

And what is light? Light is many things, but most important is eternal knowledge of love.

But what I really try to say is, how do you think a true lightworker works? Please ask yourself this question! Still many of you dear beloved friends and lightworkers, see yourselves as viewers and not as participants. Many of you still think "what can I do? Does my knowledge really matter, can I make a difference?"

You must ask yourself, what matters to yourself, what warms your own heart?

We, the Archangels are always ready to bestow you all that you might need, you just need to make a mark that you are ready to make a move. As you withhold yourself of your true right as a lightworker, your work is being put on hold.

And you might think it has to do with your own incompetence and disability? But it is actually so that your doubts, put yourself on hold.

We wait for you to make a move, towards what you are actually specialized in. You have your own speciality. You are meant to do your own thing. You all have your own thing, your own speciality to be a guide, a team mate, to teach, to show, to create, and much more, but you have stumbled upon your own doubts.

You have thought that you as a lightworker is put up on the shelf? Because you have thought you have not the right kind of skills, and knowledge? So you have interpreted the signs, from your angels that you are out of work?

But it is your own point of view! And then you have put 2 and 2 together, thinking your angel or your guide does not give you any signs as you are used to, so then it really must mean that "I know that I am no good in this lightworker job". You think the angels have cancelled you from your work as a lightworker. But it is your own negativity, that are running over you. It is your own ego, that is making you stumble and fall in this matter. BECAUSE you really MATTER a LOT!

We the archangels have felt this in many of you dear lightworkers. We wait for your move, we wait for you to make a request to whatever you need to start your lightworker job as you are meant to do.

I must also say you have done the lightworker job many times before. You are not new to this, not at all! You, the lightworkers, are old souls, and you are not here by chance. It is a very well planned situation.

You must also know that we the archangels work for love, and God, the encompassing goodness.

There are still forces that work for the opposite agenda. And they make new attempts to help your egos to grow, so you will be afraid, and doubt yourselves and your own lightworker abilities.

Just know in your hearts, that we await you! Whenever you feel you are ready to begin to work fully as a lightworker we are ready to assist you! Of course we know that you have to work yourself through all your doubts, piece by piece, and we still wait for you, we never leave your side! We want to hold your hand, and aid you, just call on us, and you will feel us, in your heart!

I love you

(This is channeling; Archangel Michael "Moment of truth" is made by Kerstin Eriksson on, and you are also welcome to visit

Monday, 2 December 2019

Archangel Uriel; aligned with you!

Aligned with you I am!
I am an old soul, I have seen very much.
I have felt very much and I have learned very much.
Now I am a teacher, an old teacher!
My name is Uriel, and I am an archangel!
There are things I would like to say to you!
Everything is fine! Better than you think!
When things in your life seem to be unclear, and worrying
to you, that is when I really need to say to you;
I love you and I want you to know that I am always here, next to you!
I would like to hold your hand, if you let me!
(Channeling through Kerstin Eriksson, and

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Kronos; Take time to love yourself!

Hallo dear I am Kronos!
I am going to talk to you about time. What is time? Does time exist?
Yes time do exist, and to be honest there are many different kinds of time.
Why do I feel the need to talk about time?

Well there are something you humans do not understand. Yet.
To explain time and making it very easy for you to understand, you can envision balls.
If you see very small balls and very big balls they will roll in different speeds,
because of their different sizes.
The small ones will roll one full circle very fast because it is little.
And the very big ball will move slowly, and will take longer time for it to roll one full circle.

Your life is a circle. You all have your own life, and your own time. You all have your own circle of life. You have a lifeplan, and when you feel that nothing happens, like as if your life is standing still, that is because of a good reason. If you look at yourself in these moments, you might find that you have unanswered questions. You have, in these moments a lack of love for yourself.

When you put aside all the worries, and questions, what do you need?
You will always need love! Love is the answer!
When you love yourself, your circle of life becomes round again,
and it can start moving once again. A square ball, can not roll!

When you cherish love the most, and when you are determined to not let love slip through your fingers, then you will live the full life, the full circle of life and love!
Just have faith in yourself,

(Channeling through Kerstin Eriksson and!

Sunday, 17 November 2019

God says; I love you

There is someone in heaven who would like to say I LOVE YOU
to each and everyone of you, and these words have been said many times; actually each day.
The thing is; can you hear the words?
I am here in heaven and yet I walk beside you on the very ground that you call Earth.
I call this planet the garden of EDEN.
Dark clouds have been shading the ray of love for a long time, and the love has been set aside for other energies such as fear, guilt, sorrow, anger, and more.
These energies are hard to deal with many times and sometimes you feel
completely lost and you don´t know where you are, and you don´t know where to go.
I say to you dear beloved child; sit down in the boat.
Let the waves be calm before you go about doing a lot of things.
Have faith in that time will change for the better.
These dark clouds that sometimes hang over you, will make you grow.
The very hardship that you have to walk through will shape you.
At first you think, ah till the worse?
Will God stop loving me now? You ask yourself? No I wont!
I always love you, no matter what you go through.
I AM beside you at all times. I am waiting for you always.
When you look up at the sky at night, and you see the stars,
you might think you look at the stars all alone?
Oh no, I am standing next to you, looking at the very same stars together with you!
Always know in your heart that you are never alone, and I God, am always beside you, loving you!

(God says; I love you is a channeling through medium, healer and lightworker Kerstin Eriksson on blog and you can also visit

Saturday, 16 November 2019

Lady Venus; The light is within you!

The light is within you!

If you love every olive, if you love every tree, if you love every seed,
if you love the ground that you walk on, then you will know the true light that lives within of you!
When you thank the water that you drink, when you love the sun,
the rain, the wind, the fire that keeps you warm, then you will know the true love in your heart.
Every step is important, in the awakening into being a present being,
present on this earth.
This planet provides for you, if you love the earth back.
The more you love this planet and every step upon it that you take,
the more she will connect with you, and she has waited for you.
She knows of every step that you have taken, she knows of your every heartbeat.
She knows when you have been lonely and when you have been happy.
Make no mistake, yes, she is a living soul, just as you are.
She feels everything, she knows everyone. And she knows life is eternal.
For her there is no death. For her everything is life, in different forms.
She loves you just as you are, and she wishes to be your friend.
And this can happen if you love every drop of water, inside you as without of you.
Every stream, every river, every snowflake, the mist, the rainbow, the oceans,
it is all connected with you.
The water provides a unity consciousness and she listens to you,
and most of all she loves you!
(A channeling through medium and lightworker Kerstin Eriksson and also

Friday, 8 November 2019

Ashtar; Here I come!

Hallo dear friend! I am Ashtar and I love you earthlings.

Tonight I must say I am ready for you!

I will get closer to you than you can ever imagine. How? I will land, quite soon.

We will be able to speak as friends do. Many of you have heard of landings for a long time, and also waited, and this time it is more obvious than ever.

There are no more question marks to straighten out.

We are allies with those that love peace and wish to live in accordance with your planets resources. The resources of your planet have been damaged by citisens that think resources are only for just a few, to exploit and make themselves rich, and not caring about other people or the earth itself.

The new, the new era is all about taking good care of her, your Mother Earth.

How else can you live a sustainable life?

When you plan for future generations, and not only yourself, you will start the new era in a good way.

We will bring you new techniques that are free, that will help you change to a new system that does not harm your planet.

/Ashtar Sheran

(This channeling is by medium, healer and lightworker Kerstin Eriksson on blog, you can also visit