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Thursday 4 August 2022

Archangel Michael The divine intercourse.

I am Archangel Michael and today I will speak about something very important, something that hardly exists on earth today.

I love you very much and as a guardian archangel of Earth I must say:

Sex is a sacred ritual of love, sex can be no other thing.

The act of making love is a divine act, to be highly respected at all times.

An intercourse is not to be taken lightly in any way. And what is it that I try to say?

You humans need to learn anew what it is all about.

Two adults. That both wants to have intercourse. That is a start.

A pretty good start.

But then comes - what?

Is it about attraction? Is it about an arrangement? Is it about love?

The attraction is the connection. And both need to feel it. But often it is about the root chakra connection and there is no love at all.

Then it is time to take one step back, and ponder over this mating act.

Do you want to have an intercourse with someone for just a moments fun?

Not even thinking about: Is this the person you want to have a child with? Is this the man that you want to be the father of your child? Please love your child - even if you are not pregnant yet. And most of all, love yourself!

Sex with somebody always leaves an energytrail, that you carry for a very long time, like a stamp. Do you want to have this particular persons energy with you at all times?

It is a good question, isn´t it?

And then there is the risk of bad health and so on.

So! It is really good to actually think this through - before!

But the act of conception and creating a new life is so sacred and important, the most important act in your life. Do not take this lightly.

And why?

Because you are sacred too! But you waste your energy when you take such serious business like it is a fun game.

How some of you men treat women on this planet is barbaric. Some of you men treat women like they are sexrobots with no soul. And those of you who do this have no soul, it has run away a long time ago.

This way of bad treatment of the holy grails, that women are, is catastrofic.

Because it leaves a negative energy in more than one way.

I say to all women of Earth. Please stand up for yourself and say no!

Stay at home. Never go out alone when it is dark. Walk together with a friend/friends, especially at nighttime.

If a man can not respect you and treat you really good, say no from the very beginning, don´t waste your own preacious time. 

I am Michael and I am an archangel, and I am working activly on Earth with protection especially for women and children and it is not an easy job. So much evil. So many soulless men using women and also sadly children and it is the biggest of crimes. And all angels cry. 

The Women of Earth are little grails, holy grails. And Mother Earth are THE holy grale for she is the uterus and the ovaries of the Universe.

But she too is being raped, and slaughtered and used by evil men, but she cannot say no, for she have no voice, she just have to take it, over and over again, and  so far not enough people say no either.

But you can say no.  You have a voice! You can speak up! Speak up for yourself! To protect your own body. You can help a sister too, help her to say no, so she understands that it is not okay, to be used in any way. Tell all the children in school to say no, teach them selfdefense.

With all your flaws and imperfections that you might think you have, you still are just as divine and you still are loved, and so, please say no, to any type of "easy going" giving away your body to someone that does not treat you well. Such men does not deserve you.

It is better for you to wait for the right person, the right partner, so you can really make true love, and this lovemaking leaves a very beautiful energy in both colors, patterns and healing all around.

Making true love with a person you love and who loves you back gives you both healing. 

And this is what your bodies are made for. Respecting life, respecting yourself. This is the only way as we the angels see and know it. 

Women carry life inside their womb and gives birth to babies. From the start in early years it is vital for girls to know and understand how important they indeed are. Lessons in school in saying NO would be important.

God loves women equally to men, but he cries and tears are running down his cheeks for women have been forced through out many thousands of years to carry a very heavy weight, an enourmous burden of oppression, from evil men that very early in time planned to conquer women, to silence them.

And when a woman learnes to be silent, what happens?

She does not say NO.

And all this oppression for one reason: Women where first on earth. Women rules. Women are so close to her - Mother Earth - and women can more easily understand her, your planet.

So this was a threat to certain men, for they wanted all the power for themselves, over people, they wanted all people to be subjects, and to get this they needed to suppress the strongest, the women.

The sacred texts that never where printed in the Bible, was all about the women and their power over life and Earth, about the Animal Kingdom and Plant Kingdom and also the planetarium.

All these evangeliums where hidden, but the men read them and learned about the power women have, and they got scared for the competition...

So they chased and killed those women that could communicate the most with Mother Earth, the witches.

But all the witches are back. For the fire made them stronger!

All the lost (or hidden) evangeliums are once again written and it is unstoppable.

You deserve the divine intercourse and may you have it!

But the responsibility lies on you to say no when the partner is not right for you. It is also a good thing to have patience! Be patient and you shall find a partner with love in the heart

So I say, you have the right to say no and be happy with your own body and way of life, your sexual force is a sacred ray and you do not need someone else to do it for you, you are your own boss.

I love you,


Adamus I am.

I love you, I am Adamus!

Many today say Adam, and that is how you know me.

Yes I am the Adam from Eden.

And it was a long time ago, but yet it is here and now.

And how can that be?

Time! Time and how time works!

What is time?

Time is both long and linear, but it is also circular.

There are many types of time.

And yet everything is here and now.

Eden was in another dimension, and not in the third dimension.

Eden was in the seventh dimension, and believe it or nor, you are moving toward this energy.

Everything is energy, a chair is energy, the sunlight is energy, your words are energy, your thoughts are energy.

Your body is energy, a little seashell on the beach is energy and it goes on and on.

All that has ever been is some sort of energy.

But the only energy that lasts forever is: love.

If you remain in the energy of here and now, together with your hearts gratefullness - you will reach many dimensions.

Being gratefull is the key to love and eternity. And the higher dimensions is solely based on love.

Every step you take is to learn, as I too have learned in all the different lives I lived. And all that remains is: love.

What you did for love remains! What you create with love remains! When you love yourself you are in your heart´s bliss, in gratefullness of existing.

In gratefullness lies everything important: love!

And I love you,


Monday 25 July 2022

Mother Mary Hand in hand!

My dear beloved child of Earth I love you from all of my heart! I cannot say how much it touches my inner emotions to see how much you work for Mother Earth, for all life on Earth.

You as I see it work without realizing that you are connected in a web of co-workers. Your fellow brothers and sisters! 

You are the Lightworker tribe of Earth and I am so proud of you!

But! You need to connect, or should I say re-connect with your tribe! 

You all know each other from other lives on Earth, and you also work together in other dimensions and realms.

Still too many of you my dear beloveds think that you are more or less alone. 

It is time for you to realize that it is time to make those bonds that you actually already have - because you are certainly not alone in any way.

Invite! Call! Make a move! Or whatever suits you!

You are as a Lightworker a connector, you are a light beacon.

Now it is time to harvest the good and positive connections that you have so longed for to do. This is your ripe fruits to harvest now, and you surely have planted all the seeds, you have watered the plants and you have loved every minute of it, because you fullheartedly care.

Sometimes you think you are a lone wolf and meant to be tending to everything alone. This time has been your incubation period.

It is time for you now to explore co-operation to the full because in the now and in the future it is all about togetherness and being a full part of the unity. 

You and your co-workers of Light make the most beautiful spectra of colors and every single nuance is vital to you all. 

You need each other and you complement each other. No one of you carry all information and knowledge. 

You will sit together in a circle of love. No one of you will sit alone on a pedestal like some guru. That belongs to the old. 

No guru have all the knowledge. It is now all about working together. 

In your essences you are all gurus, yes you are your own guru, but it is not time for anyone to take a role as some sort of a "king or queen" on a "throne", that belongs to the old.

The new is, embracing the fact that you all complement each other. No guru can stand alone. 

You are all made of the same energies and that is love, hope and faith, joy, gratitude, harmony, patience, rythm, and music and even more positive energies.

The old way of gurus have been that they have certain godly inheritance? Oh no! That comes from the ego. Everyone of you have just as much godly inheritance! Do you understand!?

Not only Jesus was the son of God. You are all children of God and the creators, and that is why, it all comes down to love.

Everyone is just as important! You already have it! 

So with your love please shape your circle of Light with your dear brothers and sisters for they await you!

We will walk together, hand in hand, side by side and our hearts will beat as one!

I love you

Mother Mary


Sunday 24 July 2022

Mary Magdalene I am tarot!

I am Mary Magdalene and I await you, and more than anything else I love you!

Now I would like to address something that I hold close to my heart.


Secrets, big and small, seeing into the future, and also understanding the past and being able to see what it has created. 

And most of all, what about here and now!

These are just some of the aspects of tarot. Then there is all the caracters. The personalities.

And then there is the elements!

When I lived on Earth many years ago I made my own tarotdeck,

and I talk about more than a thousands of years ago.

I have lived many lifes on Earth and tarot has almost always come my way because I love puzzles. I love challenges. And I love to dream about love.

In tarot there is a gallery of characters, like a family, and for me family means everything.

I see a tarotdeck as seeds. When I lay cards for a person, the deck transforms by itself and turns into the seeds of this particular person.

Each card is a personal seed for just this person. And when another person comes along and and wants to be read by the cards the deck is renewed again and again.

There is no limits to what I can see in the cards and this is both good and also not so delightful.

The cards will answer what question you asked. That´s it!

If you do not ask a question the deck will give you the answers that your higher self will tell you. 

To have an open comunication with you higher self in A and O. Also without the tarot of course.

But you must realize that you have a lower self too.

The difference in between them?

The lower self always takes a shortcut to solutions for you. An example: Your lower self will make you buy a peace of bread instead of a fresh fruit or a fresh vegetable. 

Your higher self really wants you to eat things that are good for your health. 

Your lower self will make you want to date a person that is not good for you. 

Your higher self want you to love yourself, and be strong and stand on your own two feet, and then you can meet the perfect match who will be a person that is good for you.

If you are terrified of being alone you might follow the lower self and date a person that is using you, and are bad for you, because you really want to hold someones hand.

And the higher self wants you to love yourself, and wants you to realize that you are love, you are made of love and sort out why you have problems with loving yourself. So that you can get strong in the true sense of being strong.

When you love yourself you truly know yourself. And if you know yourself you will send out this energy of heartfelt honesty.

And this is when miracles happen: You will attract the right person, the right kind of partner into your life!

Otherwise you will attract someone that will hurt you over and over again because you do not love yourself.

The right kind of partner allows you to be magnificent as you are. The true hearted person will want you to be strong, and loving yourself, because then you can really love!

So the higher self is working with you always, the higher self does not give you a quick fix. 

Love is the only eternal energy, and the energy that leads all the way home.

Through all the caracters of tarot, and no matter the elements and all the components, it all comes down to the core of everything,

and that is love! 

Are you ready for love? Of course you are! And what is love? Really?

Love is a ray! An energy! Love is basic. Love is not something that you have to climb up a ladder to find.

Many of you think love is very complicated, and maybe not for you?

Love is the good way. Love is gratitude. Love lifts you up.

But to feel love you do not have to do plastic surgery. Or bake a cake. Or put on make-up.

You ARE love, you are MADE of love. You have it! But you think it is outside of you. It is not!

Love is already inside of you! 

Make a list, take a pen and a piece paper and write down 10 things in your life that you are grateful for.

And feel this beautiful transformation! There you have it! Gratitude opens the door for the love that is already inside of you!

Gratitude is a ray too! A channel of love. An energy of the higher etherics.

Gratitude is a greater part of love.

Be grateful for yourself and all of your doings, all of it. Everything is in the mix of you. You have needed to do what you have done, to learn and to be here today and reading this.

With all of your experiences you have now a great library of personal knowledge. 

And now the time has come for you to love yourself through it all. 

I and Jesus love you for who you are! And we are part of your family! Because family matters a lot to us!

And most of all, 

I love you,

Mary Magdalene

(I am Kerstin Eriksson and I am the channeler of this message from dear Mary Magdalen with whom I also have written a book! Please share this channeling but if so also link back into my blog! Have a beautiful day!💓)

The link to my - our - book!

vägen till tro : ett brev från maria magdalena | Adlibris

Thursday 21 July 2022

Lady Venus Glowing footprints of peace!

I am a feminine soul and I love you very much, I am Lady Venus.

I see you from where I am, and it might seem a long distance, as I represent the planet Venus.

From a distance I see you move around. From where I am I see you walk back and forward, here and there.

Sometimes you move in circles and sometimes you walk as if you walk on a straight line.

And everything, every time you take a step, it is as it should be!

Life on Earth is like going to school. 

You have actually chosen to come to Earth as a soul and willingly accepted the fact that you once again would be a student. A student of love!

I am not saying it is easy. Oh no! Of cource not! If it was easy what would you learn?

You as a soul, meet exactly what you are meant to meet, to learn!

The more advanced soul you are, the more you will meet...and learn. It might sound - cruel? Hard? Vicious?

If you do not know what to do in a certain situation - choose love and compassion!

Life is filled with choices and yet you have a free option to respond with loving grace, you just have to ask your heart!

Everytime you take a step, even if it is very small step and that little step is in favour of love - it means that you are sending out a loving vibration throughout the universe, making many souls grow. Not only your own soul.

Maybe it is not about - you taking billions of steps? Maybe it is about taking one single step and making this very exclusive little step all about love?

Maybe it is not about quantity? But rather about quality!

Maybe you don´t have to reach extremely far out to do something that really matters? Maybe it is so much closer? Like on your own doorstep!

I see you from afar, from my planet! And your steps glow in the dark! I just want you to love your feet, your steps and cherish them all, each and every one.

Start where you stand! Where you live, in your own community!

But most of all, please love yourself now and do not hesitate to put the old negative behind you, you do not have to carry it, just put it down. It is like carrying an old travelcase, and you somehow still carry it, maybe without knowing it.

You become lighter without extra negative weight and if you refuse to carry it, you show a determination and that is good, just let it be love, starting right now!

You are a carrier of love and in your daily rutine it is of great importance that you uphold solid positiveness to be able to serve together with the tribe of Sananda.

And it all starts with you being grateful for your journey on Earth, for every step in that precious journey that you have walked.

So let your footprints glow with love and peace will prevale!

I love you

Lady Venus

Wednesday 20 July 2022

Archangel Uriel & 2-pack!

I love you, we love you!

My name is Uriel, and I am very old and today I write this with a co-writer.

You own! That is what I want you to know right now!

What I am talking about?

Who can really own her, your beloved Mother Earth?

Only those that respect her, and know and listens to her!

So you own!

Earth! She IS. She is your Mother! She wants to provide for you all! She does not want any walls. She does not want any starving children anymore. She loves all. She would nourish every child if she could. But she has no arms of her own. 

You are her arms! She does not need any war. She needs people with love in their hearts.

Devious plans are ongoing to re-arrange what really matters to her, your beloved Mother Earth. 

It is not meant that some few people are going to own everything and the most of people will own nothing. Oh no.

Lets get this straight now.

First: You will all own a little peace of land each. All are equal.

But you will not need borders because you share brotherly and sisterly.

Second: You will own your own clothes. But you will of course share if you have to many pairs of shoes. 

No multicorporate buisnisses will own anything. No old guy will own everything and rule over peoples heads, playing domino with lives anymore.

That is the old life. The past tense.

The new is love, and sharing, and everyone will have.

The new is talking! Together! Sitting in a circle! Talk and solve!

The new is PEACE.

Peace will not come out from war. 

Did you know that war actually is big buisness?

Some few people make a lot of money while many others die.

Make up your minds, what do you want? Peace or war?

Use your love every day, every minute, in every breath.

You are the ambassador of love on this planet, and please leave your preacious mark wherever you go!

To choose to walk the path of love is not easy amongst other people that have not yet choosen this. You have to make sure that you start your day - each day - in reverence - to the holy force of love, and yourself!

Because you will meet resistance, others will make everything to make you pic a fight of any kind.

In the future no one will want to start a war. In the future there will be a good peace, a loving and caring and sharing peace.

It will be natural in the future to talk and solve all matters and never give up, this talk until everything is solved in a peaceful and good way.

In the future there will be no weapons because no one will make them for no one wants to use them. 

All that is not love will disappear eventually. 

Only true love will prevale. 💓💓💓

Archangel Uriel have had a co-writer in this text and it is 2-pack.

My own comment!: I had a dream many years ago and someone together with Jesus talked to me in that dream. I meet a loving soul and the name was strange to me, I heard the name was 2-pack, and I a had to ask my children if they had heard of this kind of name, and they said it was a rapper from USA and that he was tragically dead. His name is spelled differently...but I choose to keep it as I heard it. Thank you for returning today with Uriel! 💓


Archangel Michael Trust me!

My dear friend I am Michael and I love you.

I need to talk about something important today!

It has to do with trust.

And what about trust you might think?

Well, down into the most important core of love and of what truly matters, I need to say:

Please listen to me! Your boat has been rocked very much the latest time and you have almost gotten used to the rocking. You have actually almost forgotten about me!

You have been used to caos. And not love. 

Love is what matters, always. But the caos and turbulence have created a crack between us.

And, you can only grow stronger in this situation.

Yes I mean it! You will grow stronger roots and your stem will grow higer up into the air, and your branches and leaves will flourishe.

Just you wait and see!

You have been thourogly shaken as a means for you to let go of your faith in love.

It is the strategy of the bad guys.

They need you to forget who you are.

They need you to forget about love and compassion.

They need you to be lost, and seeking again.

But we are already anchored together I promise you!

I love you very much and I know that sooner than you ever can believe you will be right on track again, where you truly belong.

You belong to love always, and the energy of love awaits you.

Actually you are made of love. But your memory have a temporary glitch, becaus of all the rocking...! 

You see, love is forever, and the fear that the bad guys are spreading constantly, it is only temporary.

Just please dear friend have faith in love!

I love you
