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Sunday 26 June 2022

Mary Magdalene I sing Halleluja

I am, and that is all there is. 

And my name is Mary Magdalene.

How do I mean?

No matter if I walk through a storm, or a war, or any other difficult situation, I am.

When something endeavoring is challenging me all day long, and I hardly find time to breath, I am.

I have nothing to brag about, I just serve God, at all times. Day and night, and in those moments, I am.

I answer directly to God and this gives me strenght.

I serve the highest goodness and the love energy.

I do not have to explain myself to anyone, I just have total confidence in God.

To be a servant of the greater good, and love, faith, hope, makes me a target of evil.

Evil does not want any competition. Many times evil is, negligance. Not knowing what is really going on.

The evil purpose to keep people in chains, keeping them as sleeping sheep, is a part of the evil plan.

When you work for the good source, as the love energy, you will find enemies.

You will be angry, you will get frustrated, you will cry. Because you try so hard all the time. But please use your true strenght here.

Your true strenght is love. Always love. Shine your beloved light and follow your heart. 

Your true strenght is love, and that is also the true you.

The evil planners want you to respond with anger. They really try to rock your boat.

You are a true vessell of love, of hope and of faith, joy, harmony, rythtm, music and singing, with your own voice.

Please refuse to use any negative form of response to the attacks you might experience, use your love. Please.

It is in your ray of love you find your ultimate strength. 

And when you are aligned in the love ray, you are connected to me and the other lightworkers.

I am, that is all that I am,

And I sing Halleluja because I am so proud of you, dear sisters and brothers of Earth. You give me joy, when I see how much you care about this wonderful planet Mother Earth, your home.

She, your Mother, will be the place for peace and love, and she will be cherished for the magnificent creator that she is. 

Mother Earth, she, loves you infinitly and she knows how brave you all are.

You give her a voice, when you sing the song that makes you happy. The true you is what she is calling out to: 

please be who you are, and be proud of yourself always.

I love you,

Mary Magdalene

(This is a channeling with Mary Magdalene through me Kerstin Eriksson, I am an universal medium. Please share if you like, if you also say it is my channeling with a working link from your page, back into my blog. Have a beautiful day./Kerstin E.)

Tuesday 21 June 2022

Would you like to support me? Do you like my blog?

I am so grateful if you like my blog with messages from different souls of the universe.

I have been the single mother with 3 children, I am now the old woman with a handicap.

You can share my blog with others if you also say who I am and have a working link back in here!

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Thank you

Kerstin Eriksson

Monday 20 June 2022

Archangel Uriel The way of love!

I am archangel Uriel and I will talk about the way of love!

Love is the greatest force there is.

Nothing can stop love.

Many attempts have been made, are tried to stop love, but these attempts always fail.

Some want to control you.

They use fear to control you.

Fear blocks love.

Fear blocks love for a while. 

Try and stop a hurricane.

Try and stop the sun from rising.

Try and stop love.

No it is impossible. 

Have faith in love. 

Love has faith in you.

Love knows you outside and in.

Love knows when you are afraid.

Love waits for you, to let go of your fears.

Love know everything...

Please be patient with yourself if you are afraid.

Like mist will rise in the morning and the sun will warm up the air and shine from a blue sky. 

Let your worries go, let go of your fears,

have faith in love and feel your true joy.

Love is waiting for you...!

I love you,


Mother Mary The song of life!

I am mother Mary and I love you dearly.

You know I am very old but there is something that is timeless and that is love.

Within love there is expression of passion of whatever you love in your heart.

I know you, everyone of you, and I see your passion, I see your colors and I see your light.

To me it is the most beautiful work of art, to be able to observe you and what you hold close to your heart.

When or if you feel constrained, closed in, locked in or lack your personal feeling of freedom, I have an advice to you.

Sing it out!

Your song!

You have a personal unique voice, that no one else has.

You have your very own way of expressing yourself and, 

you should do that!

It is your birthright! To use your own voice! 

The creators gave you vocal cords, they gave you a tongue.

I would like to hear your song of life, I would love to hear what passion you hold in your heart.

What is important to you?

Speak up, let your voice be heard, the creators also gave you ears to listen with.

Do not be afraid to sing your song, do not be shy, sing from the bottom of your deep love, from your beloved heart, nothing can be more right!

I love you so much,

Mother Mary

Saturday 18 June 2022

Archangel Michael Love heals everything!

I am Michael, and I serve God. I am a protector and I aid you in times of trouble.

I walk beside you and I know of what you do in your life, at all times.

Sometimes you wonder: am I all alone?

No, of course not!

Why can´t I feel my guardian angel more often?

Where is my guardian angel when I need him/her?

Many questions are very common amongst you, my dear friends!

Even if you do not feel us, we are there by your side, I promise you!

The thing is: and it might sound cruel? But sometimes you need to explore, and do things on "your own".

If we as guardians always saved you, on each would not have any experience to grow with.

Your soul is in need of knowledge! 

And you learn by doing.

Learning by doing is the only way, for you to evolve as a soul, and as a human being.

But I guarantee you, that you are never alone, we are there by your side, and we provide solutions for you to handle anything you go through in your life.

We are healers and we can also teach you to heal yourself.

Sometimes you think you are just filled with scars, after your walk in life, and you do not feel very beautiful, or see that it can be a resourse.

But I say:

Your scars are the evidence of your struggle, and to us they are so beautiful, they actually shimmer in different colors.

Love yourself and all that is you, your scars too, they are something you should be proud of.

Love is the strongest energy, love is eternal. 

Love heals everything.

Have faith in love, 

and fill your heart with hope and believe in your dreams.

I love you,

archangel Michael

Tuesday 14 June 2022

Gudinnan Hel Ditt LJUS.


Ditt ljus, din rättighet och din skyldighet.

Du är unik och du har ett unikt ljus.

Ingen annan har exakt ditt ljus, din nyans, din färg.

Ni alla ingår i ett färgspektra.

Ni alla skapar, tillsammans, en helhet.

Utan allas nyanser så blir er helhet inte lika komplett.

Att kunna acceptera dig själv med den nyans du har, samt även kunna acceptera andras nyanser och färger, det är den stora utmaningen för Er.

Du måste alltid börja med dig själv.

Du måste börja med att älska dig själv.

Sedan kan du älska alla andra.

När ni försöker skapa en helhet genom att utesluta vissa nyanser, aspekter, färger så kommer er helhet- att halta – att bli osymmetrisk.

Den runda helheten säger; nu är jag komplett, och hel.

Den skeva däremot, blir en oformlig energi som inte kommer att hålla i längden, den håller ett tag för att egot kommer att understödja uteslutningen av helheten.

Men kärlekens energi omfamnar alltid, den utesluter aldrig.

Kärlekens energi är evig för att den omfamnar, och ständigt gör sig rund och hel.

När du utesluter, ibland dig själv och andra gånger så utesluter du andra och då får du jobba mera med dig själv och din process. Det är detta som utvecklar dig. Det är så viktigt. Inte ett enda steg har du tagit i onödan. Du behöver gå igenom processen i att omvandla dig själv i in kärlekens helhet.

Den runda energin är den moderliga kärleksfulla omhändertagande kraften som hela tiden säger till Dig:

Älska Dig själv.

Ofta så ser du på dig själv, via någon annans ögon, via någon annan persons värderingar. Men allt detta är villospår.

Som den skapelse av kärlek som du är, så är det nu din uppgift att minnas att du är en varelse av kärlek. 

Försök görs hela tiden för att du inte ska minnas vem du är, och vad du är i sanning skapad av.

Försök görs hela tiden för att du ska tro att du måste förbättra något, ändra på något, leta upp något för att få känna kärlekens energi.

Men sanningen är att DU HELA TIDEN VARIT EN KÄRLEKENS VARELSE och du behöver inte leta någonstans, för Du är Redan Framme!

Jag älskar Dig

Gudinnan Hel

Sunday 12 June 2022

Seagod Neptune You are connected!

I am Neptune, some would call me a god of the seas, but I am really just a soul of the universe, but I am one of the oldest beings of the waters of earth, so I have a lot of knowledge about this element.

Water is so important, to us all. To me, to you, to every little straw of green grass.

Every drop of water is a treasure. Just as you are a true gem.

Every drop of water holds the knowledge, about waters connection to the other drops all the way to the great ocean.

Every single drop knows about the path. The path of the water.

From the melting snow on the top of the Himalayas, to the little stream, into the bigger river and out into the sea. On warm days the mist rises from the ocean and goes far up into the air and a cloud is created. And after some time rain starts falling down again, and again. 

Some of the rain becomes snow, because the cloud have been blown all the way up to the high mountains again. And there it starts again, the circle of water. The circle of the life of water.

You have water inside you. So you too have this knowledge just as every drop of water have.

It is the history of Earth, your beloved planet, that is stored in your own privat library.

The water inside of you is the library, and your heart is the engine that makes beautiful sparks for every beat. Every beat of your heart enlightens your knowledge and you do not really have to search outside of yourself, you have it all on the inside.

You are connected with every place that you have peed on. This place, the ground, remembers you. All the waters that have been inside of you, remembers you.

When you have peed in a place, you can recall that place and reconnect with it.

And, this goes, back all your lifes on this planet. So I say, you are really connected to all life, many places on this beautiful planet.

Please love yourself, love your water, your pee, your water is holy as all drops of water is a treasure, very preacious.

Your Mother Eeart loves you very much and she knows about every step you take, about all the trials you go through. 

She says: 

please use your love in your heart to enlighten your path.

I love you,
