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Sunday 19 September 2021

Archangel Michael The deal is all love! 19 Sept 2021.

I am Michael and I am an archangel. I am very old and I have something to talk about right now. For all the money in the world can never buy love.

The true essence of love is unprovoked. It is a highly clean ray that no one can change or manipulate, no matter how much they try.

And they try! Oh yes. They lay out the grandest scheeme to scare you.

So when Quan Yin talks about the grey clouds they have created with fear and loss of aspiration to the highter clean energies as faith, hope and love, they are barking up the wrong tree.

They will find themselves sitting out on a branch and sawing of the very branch they are sitting on themselves.

Love is the only energy that holds - for ever - and they try to make you forget about it.

They know fear is a weapon. It is old knowledge. By dictators and more. 

And you have seen through this from the very beginning, you are understanding this, 

They are trying to hinder Mother Earths evolvment but I assure you, they can not - it is just a play.

But you have to be aware of the mass consiousness how it moves and how they use these waves and can  target lightworkers that are unaware of this. If you feel sudden lack of positive energy, be aware and use your higherself intelligence you always have access to it. 

The dark forces work with negative aliens that do their dirty work, but the key to solving this is knowledge.

Your own knowing hinders you from falling into this pits they try to dig for you.

They want to eliminate lightworkers that are of the true light, because as you naturally understand the true light is a threat to this war strategy that is holding a grip on your planet just now.

Do what you love to do. Every day. Create your own heaven on earth no matter how small it may seem, it is your retreat where you gather natural positive energy. Mary Magdalene will soon join and give a channeling with good inputs in this subject.

I love you


Quan Yin Self relief! 19 sept 2021

Hallo my dear friend, I love you, my name is Quan Yin and you already know me well. I have met you many times, and in some of those meetings you have been well aware of me.

As we thoroughly investigate all the outcome of the wave of fear that has been fabricated on your planet, we have come to one clear conclusion.

You need to take care of yourself very carefully, with the greatest of love, with the greatest of hope and faith. The fear is a strategy of the economical leaders of your planet and it has as you already know made a thick layer of non-transparent clouds of disillution that blocks love and peace and understanding from reaching into the hearts of your follow citizens.

But don´t worry. Be happy! Stand in your own light. You are a true beacon and you know it. You have as a lightworker carried this light not only in this lifetime, but in many lifetimes and you know this also. Love will always conquer all, just have patience. And you also understand the strain people live under right now.

You know it is a "show" to keep people in check. The lid will be lifted and the true loving light will shine in soon. 

In the meantime, as I just mentioned, take really good care of yourself, love every step you take, every breath you breathe, be in your true essence always because that is where you truly shine the brightest.

I love you 

Quan Yin

Thursday 27 May 2021

Princess Shamsa where are you? How are you doing?

Dear Princess Shamsa, where are you, and how are you doing?

A female soul visited me the other day, and giving me words to think about, words of freedom.

It was a very special moment; I was guided by a soul into understanding her life, sad life. Her name is Shamsa/Chamsa. 

She honors freedom before everything. Freedom at heart and body as well as soul.

To be put in prison in every aspect is so wrong and tragic, with no sentence, no crime, more than disobeying the closest family. Just wanting to be a normal free person was enough to be inprisoned.

All the gold and jewels in the world can not by you a loving heart or true honest friends. A cage of gold or a jail of diamonds are what some people still desire.

While some people starv in the streets others eat lobsters for breakfast. 

A leader, a king is no good leader when he walks on the bodies and souls of others, and hopefully he will regret it some day...

Love will reign on this planet and all loving souls will be free no matter how many lobsters a king eats for breakfast, and he can not stop it no matter how much he tries.

Hamsa or Chamsa, the hand of Fatima, symbol of Goddess Innana or Ishtar.

God bless you dear princess Shamsa 💓 



Friday 30 April 2021

Goddess Wadjet; The true ascension.


Wadjet ; The true ascension is to wake up on earth, being grounded by heart (and feet of course) and wanting to serve Mother Earth.

"I absolutely adore you! I long to embrace you! And if you like, I will hold your hand right now! Do you know why I love you so much?

I have counted every tear that you have cried. I have walked along side you at all times, and I know you, I know about your worries and I also know about your joyful moments.

Maybe you have never heard about me before? It is okay! I do not blame you. I was very popular a very long time ago. Once upon a time people felt me, the knew me. They knew that I participated in their lives. They also had other goddesses in their life, not only me, it was natural! It is like palette of colors, there are a goddess or male gods for every occasion, for every moment in life. It is like a buzzing society, a little village where everyone has their occupation, it is very colorful and also necessary. Life is like a symphony, with different tones, with different instruments, that creates a melody with different modes, joyful and also sad tones, it is all included, it is natural, there can be not only happiness, nor only sadness, there has to be light and dark, sun at day and moon at night.

Learning about both light and dark is a necessity – otherwise life will have no balance or gratitude? How can you feel gratitude if there is only light, or only dark? Or you might wonder, are there different kinds of light too? If there is to much sun, the flowers will burn and die. They also need water from rain and also they need to rest at night looking at the moonlight and the stars.

Dark can be a good dark, the dark in the mother´s womb is a very good darkness. The child lives within of her and there need not be any light there, the child and mother glow by their own auras and that is very beautiful. The moon at night is also a good darkness, while the stars glitter in the night sky. The seeds in the ground, in the soil, need darkness to be able to grow too, that is a very good dark too. So when you say light and dark, the dark actually is good many times. But.

The but is about the negative darkness, it is about not knowing, not understanding, how Mother Earth functions, how she works and who she truly is. Or in worse cases, knowing and not doing any good anyway. Cruel schemes to lure people into using her, plundering her and the feminine energy, that is a negative darkness that does this to her.

And there is also a negative light too; A negative light pretends to be a good energy but shines so bright that you are being blinded, so that you will miss what is really going on. A negative light makes you think that you are about to climb up a high ladder into a paradise, making an ascension, so that you do not have to care about where you actually are, on earth, a place that you are born into to help her and aiding mother earth into being a true paradise. Looking away from the responsabilities in helping her, it means that this negative light is surrounding you.

A negative light can look very beautiful, but you should weigh everything within your heart instead without looking with your eyes. Your eyes see and observe and give you a thousands of words and ideas. On the other hand your dear heart feel and goes to the core directly, and skips the labyrinth that the eyes gives you.

Please! I love you!

Please work on your inner balance! There needs to be both; the good light and the good dark, and if you feel anything that is negative to you, go into it, feel it and ask for my assistance and I will help you work through it. You need to make a clear space, tidy up, and I will of course aid you because you need not carry any extra weight more than necessary.

Sometimes you carry other peoples anger and hostility, that has nothing to do with you, I will help you so the negative energy will leave you.

Just call on me when you want to work with this!

I love you


Saturday 24 April 2021

Meddelande från gudinnan Nike!


I dag talar jag om elden. Eld är ett element och ni har sannerligen gått igenom både eld och vatten. Elden har bränt er många gånger och ni lärt känna den väl. Ni har blivit brända på bål mer än en gång och ni minns det ibland. Ni minns också rädslan över att visa ert rätta jag.

Vem är du då? Du är en av Moder Jords hjälpare, du helar mark, djur, och människor och det är naturligt för dig. Du känner universum och du känner andras känslor och smärtor och du känner också andras glädje.

Elden har gjort er starkare, och ni märker direkt vilka som inte har gått igenom elden ännu. Sjukdomen som härjar nu är en eld för många, men du kanske känner att det är som stiltje på vattnet, när vinden inte längre blåser och du får ingen vind i ditt segel och din båt ligger alldeles still ute på havet.

Ni går igenom alla elementen som själar på jorden och mer – och när ni inser och känner in vem ni verkligen är, då faller allt på plats, den plats som är Er sanna plats på jord och i universum.

Ni har en given plats - alltid - och vi älskar Er så otroligt mycket.

Använd tiden i båten till att göra upp en glädjerik plan på vad som är viktigt för dig, och vad du vill genomföra. Egentligen så har du redan en universell plan som du har haft med dig hela tiden, och Moder Jord älskar Dig så mycket och hon väntar på Dig! Hon går också bredvid dig varje dag och uppmuntrar dig!

Ge inte upp kära älskade vän! Du har kämpat så länge och du har blivit mogen och dina ärr är läkta idag och de lyser av de vackraste ljuset och de finaste färgerna,.

Ärren efter alla dina liv är ditt bevis på att du har gett av ditt hjärta och ditt blod och din svett och vi som ser Dig vi ser hur vacker Du är, så låt ingen rubba ditt inre lugn och din inre oas. 

Skapa din kära fristad runt omkring dig, hur liten den än må vara, huvudsaken är att du inser hur viktig du är och att Du nu måste älska alla delar av dig själv och känna total tillit till att vi alltid har älskat alla aspekter av dig från första början, vi har bara väntat på att du skall göra detsamma!

Jag älskar dig,


Thursday 28 January 2021

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Kerstin E

Mother Earth speaks about Lightworkers of the rootchakra and of the light from the North!

I am your Mother and I provide the ground that you walk on.

Some of you call me Earth but I am also water. I am actually much more water than ground. 

To walk on me means going to school, to a very special class indeed.

Some of you are lightworkers. And there are different kinds of lightworkers too.

Today I will speak about the lightworkers of the rootchakra!

You are indeed the most hardworking students of all. Nothing escapes you. You see and you feel everything. You feel all the good and you also feel all the bad.

You are here to experience all that is me, all that I have to go through. I go through all that you have learned on your journey here.

The thing is, you can not work for me until you know what I have gone through and what I am going through.

I am a Mother and also a woman, I am all women and also all men.

It has all to do with balance! You are here to know all about what would be good for you, and also good for me. 

The balance between female and male energy is what I want you to feel and know more about. 

There can be no day without night. 

There can be no north without south, and no west without the east. There has to be harmony and balance. There has to be a fullness, a wholeness.

You will automatically know when you have learned the lesson about me, and when you are really ready to work for me. I will let you know always! And until then you might feel you are stuck in misery. You might feel you don´t achive anything, and you feel perhaps sad for a while.

You can not read in a book and learn about me. You have to do it. You have to experience it all on your own, as your own life will show you.

So now to your special education that has all to do with your rootchakra. You might have experienced sexual assault of different kinds, just as I do daily. You might have had sensed that your rootchakra have been imbalanced and you have tried to work it out, searching for answers. Just as I have done for ages.

I experience rape every day. I experience assault on my gender every day. I experience cruel torture every day. This goes on on my surface as well as deep in me and also in my sexual chakra every day.

Yes I have a root chakra! And on the good side, I also have loving lovers that I make a lot of love together with.

But I am also used both day and night. And who does this to me? You might wonder?

There are interests, both humans with a dark interest in hurting me as well as you would say aliens, with a hidden dark agenda to hurt me, to make a turmoil of my feelings as well as a mess of my body and this will of course spread around and making other humans and beings feel bad and create a disturbance, that makes you for example receptive to medical treatments and so some will make money to treat you.

I am telling you this for you have lived in a winter for many years, and now you are ready to meet the spring together with me and letting joy back into your life once again, your joy never really left you it has waited for you to learn this very important lesson about me, your Mother and your ground that you walk on every day.

A good doctor has to be very sick at least once, how else can the doctor understand the patient? A good psychologist has actually to bee ill mentally as well and with this gathered knowledge there is a good possibility to heal others. If you have experienced pain of any kind you have the opportunity to learn from it, and use it to help and heal others. 

A book or a good grade from a university can never really give the same deep knowledge. You have to do it, you have to know, you have to have a personal experience to understand fully what is going on. 

So what do I really talk about? I talk about the necessity of a personal experience. If all you have is information from books, no matter how great they seem, they can never be enough.

Life itself is a school! Living life on me, on Earth is for the Lightworker like going to a university. 

You as a Lightworker of the rootchakra go to the most difficult lessons of all, because you have to experience deep pain of your body and soul, just as I do every day. This is how you graduate as my helper.

This employment is forever! You can only be a master in this by living as a soul on Earth in a body. This knowledge you take with you always as a merit of great importance and you can be employed everywhere after you are finished in my school.

But mostly I want you to understand that you are a master and that I need you to work for me now. You have the best grades and you are ready, more ready than ever.

Don´t think for a second that you have failed because you are not a successful Lightworker with everything fixed, you have been going to the hardest classes and you know so much more. Your knowledge are the greatest and it glows of light.

I need you to be very proud of yourself, and you surely must understand by your gifts that you indeed have managed this great task.

The gifts are not gold or diamonds, or big houses or big cars, it is not material of course and I don´t really need to speak about it because you already know. 

Those of you that manage this life lesson of the rootchakra, you together make a very special light, the light from the North, this is the last light that needed completion, there are already light from the other directions.

The Northern Light is a beacon, a great guide of the deepest lessons of Earth. In this includes the lessons about joy and about love, faith and hope, and also how to get all these essential energies back after you have lost them.

This is how you will help others to heal, together with this deep knowledge that you have received in my hardest class, and how could you help others without having a personal experience yourself?

I love you and I have the deepest respect for my pupils in this class,

Mother Earth