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Thursday 5 November 2020

WTC Conference!

We gathered here today in our home where we live in heaven, and we must say we all miss our dear beloved families and friends.

We know about all the questions you have,  you who are still on earth, about what happened that day.

Ask for a disclosure. Yes! Ask for the truth!

And maybe you have already felt the truth in your heart?

The thing is you can feel it, I mean the truth, yes, because it is there in your heart.

No one escapes death on Earth, sooner or later everyone leaves the body, and yet our souls are forever, eternal.

In a world of peace and love - people grow old most of the times, apart from some accidents.

In a world built on fear and lies there will be deaths like ours.

Don´t accept any hidden information, accept only openess.

War of any kind is not much better, and there are also many unanswered questions.

You live on one planet, one remarkable and beautiful planet, that could be a peaceful place to live on. 

So we say don´t stop asking questions, because there are no wrong questions!

It is when you are being more and more quiet, and not asking questions any more that we feel that we have to share this with you, as we have a conference tonight.

Demand openess, and transparancy in all of the answers to your questions and make sure those in power answer you.

And yes we miss you just as much, and yes we light candles and say prayers, for all those that we love and miss on earth, just know in your heart that we are fine, and we are living in a place of peace and we wish that for you too.

Wednesday 4 November 2020

Archangel Michael; Have faith in yourself!

I am Michael and I am an archangel, and you know this, and today I will speak about something you don`t know about!

I am a part of something very big! I am a part of the police and justice system in the Universe. Many await the justice and security to win land on Earth.

To be able to evolve you have to let go. You have to let go of the old to be able to evolve. But you have to learn from the old, to understand what your future path is going to be.

Look with your heart, observe through the lens of compassion. You can do it! 

In a better world what would you do? The road to a better world where everyone can thrive and be at peace at heart is the goal for many on Earth today.

You are a part of something very big! A grand movement, where you have to be able to see through it all. It is a moment in time where you have to be grounded to fully grasp the whole scenery.

There is not enough transparency yet, but there will be. A good world to live in has to have full transparency, there can be no lies.

When every man and woman on Earth understand that everyday is a choise where you can make that difference that you are seeking, that is the day when this world is going to be a much better place to live in for the little children, and for all of course.

When you fullheartedly understand that Mother Earth is a living being, a soul, just as God is, then you will surely thrive and this planet will be a paradise to live in.

If you build a house, with many storeys, it does not matter how good the upper storeys are made, if you dont care about the ground floor, and even the cellar.

The fullhearted contact with Mother Earth give you groundedness, and the complete understanding of the life you can live on her, together with her. 

But when you live only in the upper floors of the building and never reflect on the basic living on the ground floor you will have trouble right away and you will also never be happy even if you live high up in this building.

So my dear friends seek the compassion within your hearts and it will guide you on your path on Earth. 

See through the lens of your heart, and why? The light of your heart will make you see through the veils and make you see clearly on every matter. Don´t forget that you actually have this ability, you have the abilities of angels, and please hold on to this knowledge with gratitude, because that is the key to be able to use it!

I have faith in you, so please have faith in yourself!

I love you,


Thursday 22 October 2020

A. Lindgren: Håll barnen till Era hjärtan!

Jag heter Astrid och efternamnet är egentligen inte så viktigt!

Även om jag nu råkar sitta på ett moln och kikar ner på Er mina fina vänner, på jorden, så har jag inte slutat att önska att barnen får det allra bästa, nämligen en lugn fridfull stund varje dag.

Ta ditt barn i knät och läs en saga! Ta fram boken, släpp paddan, mobilen eller datormusen för en stund.

Att få höra rösten läsa en saga, att få följa tonerna, inlevelsen, känslan i berättelsen är värt så mycket.

Om något oroar barnet så kan det redas ut direkt, det är bara att prata om det. Och när det är något roligt så skrattar ni tillsammans! 

Det skall vara enkelt. Ingen ström eller laddning behövs! Bläddra i boken till sidan ni slutade på förra gången och fortsätt. Titta på bilderna, prata om bilderna, låt barnet ta sig tid i lugn och ro och få peka och vara med!

Var med barnen, i lugn och ro, jag tror ju enklare desto mer hjärta är med!

Om nu apparaterna surrar och plingar, så har ni glömt att hjärtan de bankar! Magarna kurrar och munnen kan gäspa. Och munnarna kan sjunga också om minnen om de somrar som har passerat och som ännu inte har satt fart!

Hade jag varit på jorden så hade jag velat ta er alla i mitt knä, för Ni har sannerligen inte särskilt lätt just nu.

Ni hade tryggt kunnat luta er tillbaka i min famn och så hade jag läst en saga just för dig, och dig och dig.

Barnen är Er allas framtid, glöm inte att hålla dem till Era hjärtan!

Astrid L

Monday 5 October 2020

Mother Mary; Special guest beloved Annelies Marie Frank.

Now I am safe, and I have been for a long time, some know me as Anne, and that is okay! 

Now more than ever I must say gratitude is the most important thing ever.

No one can really predict life, how it is going to work out, or what´s going to happen. 

No one can, not even the most superb fortune teller. 

But we did go through a very big wave; a holocaust.

Eventhough we have learned very much through this experience, I do not wish this for anyone.

And what went wrong? 

Too many were quiet for too long, and then it was too late, too late to stop.

Today and forever I cherish my life, I am grateful for every breath that I take.

I even love each breath that I take, and that it elevates me to seventh heaven over and over again.

Today I know that love conquers all;

so if you need, don´t hesitate to speak up and say your truth!

I love you

Anne Frank

Lady Venus; Love solves everything!

My dear friend I am Lady Venus, I love you and I know you more than you know.

For centuries we have awaited this moment. So many of you have worked very hard for coming to this moment in time.

And what am I talking about?

From now on, there won´t be the same steep hill to climb.

And how do I mean?

The energies have shifted to your benefit. You have had a lot of patience over the years, and you have worked diligently, knowing that you have worked for a better future for all.

Now the energies are as such; All the effort you all have put down, in developing yourselves, raizing your awareness, have finally payed off; and now there is a time to still be on guard of course, but there is no steep hill to climb just now, there is a flat plane, a blooming meadow.

The energies of Mother Earth are more safe and certain than ever and she knows about all of your struggles in the past time, she really know all of you and what you have done for her.

She loves you all and she knows all of you.

I am the Mother of Mother Earth, I am your grandmother, and I love you very much, I just needed to say to you; please take time to embrace yourself and lay down in the beautiful meadow for a while, take your time and relax, don´t worry, 

You have worked very hard and now you absolutely deserve a little rest to also restore yourself. 

There is night and there is day, time to be resting and time to be active, and the thing is to get the perfect balance, in that way you will gain the maximun energy, to start on new projects.

I love you,

Lady Venus

Thursday 24 September 2020

Mother Mary; Let love surround you!

Dear friend I am Mother Mary and I love you very much!

You are standing on a safe foundation, your ground holds you. 

Today I will ensure you that you are safe, safer than you can ever think. 

Look upon your feet, those that let you walk on Earth, on your Mother, on our Holy Mother.

Feel her under your feet, she that you walk on, knows all about you, and loves you!

Many people think there is a separation, she just happen to be there, so you can walk on her. But it is no coincidence, she and you are entwinded, connected much more than you can ever believe.

Some lay concrete on the ground, asfalt, or other materials on her thinking it will make you forget about her.

Some women walk in highheels shoes, wanting to be taller, but actually, all they seem to get is even more ungroundedness. These women try to reach the sky, and it is a mans world still, where the masculin energy is still too strong and also unbalanced. 

If you want to feel good, and if you want to be balanced, you have to take off the high heeled shoes and allow yourself to feel her under your soles.

You souls feel her, as well as your soles when you walk barefoot on the green grass, or the sand on the beach, or wherever you have the possibility to walk with bare feet.

I am not saying fashion is wrong, I am just pointing out what the consequences are.

Your first salut in the morning should be to Mother Earth, yes, she holds you safe at night!

The energy of the night is feminine and the energy of the day is masculine. It is actually two different entities, energies. Both are also new each time there is a sunset or sunrise! That is why you should say a prayer both in the morning and at night before you go to bed. 

You can never really feel whole and be complete without Mother Earth, and in the knowing of her and feeling her love you will indeed be healed and feel very blessed and loved.

It is time to celebrate Mother Earth as a loving soul and a being with the right to be treated with care and respect at all times! This is when you and everyone will feel good on all levels, and this is the meaning with living on Earth, to treat all living beings with care and respect and love will prevail.

I love you very much, I am an old mother, I am Mother Mary, and each day I pray for you all, and I also always pray for Mother Earth for she too is a Mother, the greatest mother of all!

/Mother Mary

Monday 14 September 2020

Kartikeya; The voice within.

All I need to know is that I am.
And yet my name is Kartikeya.
All you need to know is that you are loved, very deeply.

The voice within is always loving, it is a gentle whisper.
No matter what happens on the outside, it is the inside that really counts.

Love is eternal, it is an energy that is so old that the beginning is invisible. 
Love is a round energy, it includes, it embraces and it leaves no one.

You have to be strong to be able to protect love, many entities want to destroy love. 
Love will win of course anyway, because it is eternal, but it will take longer time to heal what has been destroyed.

Time will help love, always, they are a perfect match. Some say I am a war god, and that is true, in the sense that I defend love, and fight those that hinder love.

A perfect balance between the elements will give you the best possible ground to stand on to defend love!

Seek inside of you, never outside. The outside will mirror the inside. Create a balance within and you will be one of my disciples.

I am the supervisor of the army of love! We defend love, and some say we are warriors. All we want is peace and prosperity to the people of Earth. We see that all is sacred. We see that all living beings have a soul and a higher purpose.

I love you,