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Friday 13 March 2020

Mother Mary; Did you know?

I am Mother Mary and I must say, I love you very much!
You must wonder who am I really?
Well I am the mother of Jesus that is right!
I gave birth to him and held him in my arms.
I am a mother like any other mother!
I am no different. 
All mothers matter, all mothers are divine and holy.
Motherhood is something all others should hold high, and make sure
the mother and child are doing okey!
I pray for all children always, and I also pray for all women, 
their mothers. I pray for that this world you live in will make everything
to mothers and child, to make them feel safe and loved at all times.
Womanhood, motherhood matter, it matters a lot!
It should matter the most I must say!
What other thing is so important?
All men come from a woman!
All women also!
Motherhood is a very important universal matter and
should be on everyone´s agenda each day.
What else can be interesting?
I pray for you on this planet, Mother Earth, because I also know she cares for you.
The day will come, when Motherhood will be a sacred matter, and on the to do list, at the very top of it, all days in the week, all year around.
Women and children must be safe, and cared for and cherished for the most important bond there is.
The children will inherit this beautiful planet and I pray for that they also inherit the notion that life matters and that women are treated with respect.
When this day comes you will have taken a great and very important step ahead into the future and into the new life that you are waiting for in your heart. 
This beautiful step that I await for you to take, will create the most wonderful effect and you will receive gifts from God that you will be more than amazed over. 
This planet is all about Motherhood because without the mothers where would anyone be?
I love you
just as you are
and I know you will take the step in the future
I just wanted to remind you about your existence
and how your mother held you in her arms.
And once again I say
I love you
/Mother Mary

(A channeling through medium and healer Kerstin Eriksson

Thursday 12 March 2020

Mother Mary; Eating the rainbow!

My dear friend I am Mother Mary, and I love you!
Today I will talk about eating habits.
Whatever you eat, don´t be intimidated.
I will talk to you about colors and the connection to food.
I will talk about feelings as well.
When an animal lives in a factory, just being brought up for its meat,
there are little love, or none.
And so animals are sentient beings, the feel, just as you and I do, the stress they live in
becomes a part of them, their meat, their milk.
Many people eat meat and don´t think about the stress, that is in the meat.
There is also antibiotics, and the animals own hormones.
Cows that produce milk for dairy products, have hormones to produce milk, for their babies.
If you eat vegetables instead you don´t let your body go through the stress
of eating someone else´s stress, pain, and panic.
Look at your plate of colors of love, vegetables, fruits, berries, beans, nuts, almonds and more.
Plants have no eyes, they have not the same energy system as humans or animals.
It is very important that they are organically grown, without pesticides of course.
Give this to your body, to your system, to the very house in which your soul lives.
The animals are your friends, please love them and treat them with dignity and respect.
They love you unconditionally and please thank them for their sacrifice to you.
Say grace at your dining table.
If you eat meat, it is up to you dear!
I just wanted to speak about this, because this is the very cause to illnesses in humans.
If you don´t know that the animal have been happy and raised in a loving environment, and if you don´t know that its last moments in life where without stress, don´t eat it.
Being human is not so easy many times, but by loving yourself and what you put into your own
body, is a very good start.
When you understand there are no separation, all is connected, and that you see and understand the pattern that goes around.
I love you very much,
Mother Mary

(This is a channeling through medium, healer and lightworker Kerstin Eriksson

Wednesday 11 March 2020

Mother Mary; Prana talks!

I am Mother Mary and I love you.
I am very old and I have learned many things.
Today I will address something called prana.

What is prana?
Prana is life spirit and also the capacity you have to be able to transform your love into nourishment. Prana is also about faith in love and about faith in that you already are complete, that you need nothing else.

When you embrace that very thought that you ARE ALREADY whole and complete, that you are surrounded by sheer love, and that you are made of love, then it will start happening things within you.

When you set aside all worries and you let love heal you inside and out, when you let go of the sides that you kling on to. When you let yourself flow, and fly within your golden globe that is your protection that is when you start to heal and also let prana give you nourishment.

You are all made of love and so you all have a great source of love inside of you.
To access this holy force you have just to relax and have absolutely full faith in it.
I love you
Mother Mary

(A channeling with Mother Mary through Kerstin Eriksson

Monday 9 March 2020

Mother Mary; From past to future.

I am Mother Mary and I love you!
You are very dear to me as I see you in your lives.
Today I will adress the fact that some of you have burdens of the old with you.
In order to begin something new you have to let go of the old.
Ask for help! Ask me! Ask Jesus! Ask Buddha! Ask God! Ask Pegasus!
Ask and don´t think it is anything wrong with that!
You might feel the new energies and they practically demand that you
work through the old and let it go.
The old has been your teacher, it has guided you to where you are today.
Love your past, but make sure it is the past.
The important thing is that you love and embrace YOU,
the whole you, the past and the present,
so your work with your past will be a labour of love.
It will set you free from the past in a loving way.
Ask us for help.
If you feel you can´t move forward,
it is most likely because of your past,
something unresolved.
It is ok, we will help you,
and we would love to help you!
Just let us know!
I love you,
Mother Mary
(From my blog, in Swedish

Sunday 8 March 2020

Mother Mary; Animal Kingdom!

I am Mother Mary and I love you!
I am very old and I have many things I need to speak about!
Today I will start by anchoring you in the remembrance of the Animal Kingdom.
When you evolve and as you call it ascend, it really means you are becoming complete, full circle.
It means that you are aware of all.
And as you become full, whole, you absolutely must embrace all beings.
And the Animal Kingdom is first in line!
They are waiting for you to notice them.
They include you now, and you might feel them, and sense them, in more ways than ever before.
They love you full heartedly and they are ready to coach you in endless love and you might also feel that they are including you completely into their family.
They hold the greatest wisdom and you will be able to learn from them, step by step.
So my dear friend
the greatest wisdoms of the universe
are laying before your very feet!
/Mother Mary

From my blog My name is Kerstin Eriksson and you are welcome to contact me if you need a tarot reading, or distancehealing with Archangel Metatron!

Saturday 22 February 2020

Archangel Gabriel Wisdom is Light

Hallo dear beautiful beings of Earth.
I am Archangel Gabriel and I serve you.
I am here day and night for you and I always know what you do.
As you are, a being of Earth you have to process many things every day.
In every awakened moment you register thousands of new energy patterns through out each day and you are more or less comfortable with this.
The more open you are the more you will register.
And the more you will be influenced and that is where I come in.
I can help you relax.
I can help you be stronger in this "blizzard" of information that is constantly reaching  you.
You are at your best when you are in peace and in serene focus.
The more you awaken and open up this is one of your hinders.
So call on me and I will help you with this, and you will find a new focus and new happiness and a new stability in your life.
I love you,
Archangel Gabriel
(22 February 2020, a channeling with Archangel Gabriel through Kerstin Eriksson, school of wisdom!)

Thursday 23 January 2020

Ismael; Call your joy back, it is alive!

I am Ismael and I am very old.
I have walked a long way, over plains, crossing mountain ridges and I have walked through a great desert. 

I have met a lot of people. Many I have met at crossroads. And we sat down at the side of the path and shared our lives, we talked and we prayed together. We lit a fire to warm us by and we shared our bread. We shared what we carried with us, very simple it might seem but very precious. I made many new good friends on my walks in life.

As we sat there together around the fire, we looked up at the starry night sky and we could remember good times when the meaning of life really is all about having good friends.

And the next day we would say goodbye and we walked separate ways. But first we embraced each other for a long time wishing each other a good life, and that we would meet again soon. 

This positive energy, was worth more than gold. 

This friendship was more worth than anything. It was a long time ago, but the secret is; the energy of god friendship that ever has been still exists! And how do I know this? Because the energies that are faith hope and love, IS. 

These energies are so strong they can not go away, as they are living creations.

Positive energy are created by loving and caring meetings, between old and also new friends. 

And how can you do? What can you do? Did you have a friendship that was so important to you that you really cherished, and then you walked separate roads?

Don´t worry I will help you! The good energies are still there! They can´t be destroyed. Remember the good vibration, remember the good friend, and your meeting. Say a prayer! Say to your heart I want to recall that good friendly meeting and the positive loving feeling that we shared.

The sacred energies, that are faith hope and love, joy, harmony, grace, friendship, as in heartfelt meetings, are all energies that you can call back to you. They are a good, the wibes, make positive resonance throughout the universe and nothing and no one can stop it. These energies are the ones that created us all. That is why they ARE. So call them back to you, your joy is marked with your personal DNA, and will come back to you and together with good friends your joys are multiplied in great abundance. 

I just want you to understand the physics of joy and of good relations, it is blessed energies by God and I just want you to have faith in love!
