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Monday, 13 July 2020

Diary notes; My three channelings, books!

Hi dear friend! 💖I hope you are doing fine!

This is how my three books look like! 

They are channelings with 

  1.    God

God asked me if I wanted to write a book for him and I answered yes! It is a celebration to all women, a liberation and about Gods love for women, the feminine energy and for Mother Earth! In this book God reveals an important “little” detail; Women was first on Earth, men, came later!

2    Mary Magdalene

This book is a teaching about the essence of having faith! She is a loving warm humble teacher, always prepared to guide us! The holy trinity; Faith, hope and love always go hand in hand!

3.    Thor 

Who also is an archangel, invites me to his home and then we take a walk in the forrest and we have a conversation about life as we walk, we share our feelings and thoughts! He is very wise and caring warmhearted male soul!

My 4´th book is all about the Goddesses, 54 Goddesses and 74 wise and loving messages from them! I am working on it still but I hope it will be finished soon! The first 3 that visited me are; Pomona, Yemanja, and Bastet!

Are you interested in being read one of the cards? 
Just let me know!

Awailable in the Swedish language!
If you read Swedish you are welcome to

Love 💓💙💚💛💜
Kerstin E

This is me

                    Channeling with God;

                  "Woman you are loved!"

Mary Magdalene; 

"The path to faith!"

 Hand in hand with asaguden Thor!

Saturday, 11 July 2020

Golda Meir; World cohesion

"There is a fabric, an important fabric, like a large rug.

Millions of threads, working in the fabric, together.

Together, a platform is created that looks like a rug, in all its beautiful patterns and colors.

The carpet, or fabric, is also a fundamental foundation of world peace,  and world cohesion!

In every home, where the desire for friendship and love exists, there is a part of the carpet!

It is a part of everyone's home, where you put your feet!

The victory and the goal that cohesion is a part of life on earth already exists in our hearts, as a crystal clear reality! There is no doubt!

Do you see the carpet, do you feel the fabric in your home?

When was the last time you brushed it off?

When was the last time you cared for it?

So that the part that you have in your home shines in the most beautiful and bright colors?

Maybe you go straight in with your shoes on?

Love yourself and wash your feet, lubricate them with a fragrant and beneficial oil, before you enter the important fabric of peace!

The fabric, the carpet, moves, it is alive, it breathes, the more you love yourself and your neighbor, the more beautiful it becomes!

In some homes it is forgotten! In some homes it is rolled up and placed in a corner where no light reaches!

The web of the world, the web of peace, is moving and needs to return to the homes where it has been forgotten!

New trials await! And through it all, we become stronger! Never forget that!

Golda Meyer"

(I found this today and I wrote this channeling in 2017 in December 14. I thought I must publish it, even thought it is late! The world is going through times with Covid and it is devastating as a war, but in another way! I love this text! Thank you dear Golda Meir and forgive me I posted very late!)

Friday, 10 July 2020

Mother Mary; The Seventh House

I am Mother Mary and I love you very much!
Today I will talk about something that I have never talked about before!
And it is very important!

What happens here on Mother Earth, gives ripples out in the Universe!
Some would call it the butterfly effect! Have you heard of that?
What it means in a short description is that if a butterfly flies, and moves its wings, 
it will create a movement in the air, and it will continue to move its wings, and this energy will create a little wind as it flies along, some even mean that it will turn into a tornado eventually.

There are many "out there" in the Universe that says prayers for you each day! They know what you go through on Earth, thay feel your feelings too.

Earth is a part of the Universe, there are no limits! You are all Universal beings! Just as we are!

You matter a lot to us! In the seventh house we care! We want to embrace you on all levels! There are no competition, there is just loving compassion for you and for what you are going through right now.

You don´t have to travel to another planet to visit other realms in the Universe, it is just an expensive distraction.

We are focused on your life, and on your planet! That is where you belong!

You will find all the answers within you, and when you have done this, you can implement this on the outside of you, transform the information into your physical reality, by doing physical things.

You all have your own unique knowledge within of you because you all have very unique soulorigins from the Universe, ancestries, and you are meant to find your special skill, and work with it to help Mother Earth thrive more and more!

Jesus walks among you if you welcome him in your heart and there you will find him! He has already arrived for all of you to get to know him! He choose not to arrive with the help of a ship, it is not necessary, he has arrived into your hearts, with all the information you might need, and yet the love and compassion is the most important thing you will find! 

This sort of arrival and presence is of a high dimension, actually of the eighth dimension. Souls that visit you with the ray of love are highly evolved lovebeings. 

There is a beautiful necklace, invisible to most eyes, and yet this necklace is how the Universe works, it is very beautiful and made of pearls, but every pearl is special and one of a kind. 

Every planet, every dimension, and rhealm is like a pearl. And they are all unique with different colors, patterns and textures, and between them there is an almost invisible string of silver and gold, that shimmers. 

When a planet or realm is feeling bad, and needs help we all want to help out! Because we are connected! That is how we feel you, because your state of being is affecting us too.

There are no separation! We are one!

You are not the only planet with trouble. Other planets have already been helped! And so their pearl is now polished and is glowing ever so beautiful, just as yours too will do in time!

I pray for you all each day, and I light candles for each and everyone of you!

I love you, and please have faith in me,

Mother Mary

(Welcome to my website, I am Kerstin Eriksson and I am the channeler of this message; Seventh House with dear Mother Mary 10 July 2020)

Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Gudinnan Hel; Hel och rund!

Jag Àr gudinnan Hel och jag ligger för dina fötter!
Fast jag har min helhet, och den kan kĂ€nnas pĂ„frestande för dig ibland. 

Även om jag Ă€r hĂ€r för dig, och kan bistĂ„ dig i ditt liv pĂ„ jorden sĂ„ kan du ibland kĂ€nna att jag Ă€r för "rak" och det kan vara smĂ€rtsamt för dig.

Och varför kÀnns detta smÀrtsamt? Jo för att Du i sanning behöver jobba med dig sjÀlv! Du har en öm punkt, som jag "trycker pÄ"! Det kan finnas saker eller omrÄden i ditt kÀnsloliv som du har Äsidosatt av nÄgon anledning. MÄnga gÄnger för att skydda dig, dÄ du inte har varit tillrÀckligt trygg i ditt liv för att kunna jobba med dig sjÀlv.

NÀr du vÀl Àr i trygghet och börjar jobba med dig sjÀlv sÄ upptÀcker du att jag finns dÀr! Och du blir glad, sÄ glad! Sedan kan du mÀrka att jag gör dig obekvÀm, just för att du inte har hunnit jobba med vissa saker! Kanske tycker du dÄ att jag har brÄttom, att jag tycker att detta borde du redan ha jobbat med?

Nej, det du mÀrker av Àr endast en pÄminnelse! SÄ att du vet vad du behöver jobba med! FörstÄr du?

Andra gĂ„nger sĂ„ mĂ€rker du av min stora runda kĂ€rlek som tĂ€cker in allt i dig, jag missar inget och jag Ă€lskar dig villkorslöst och du Ă€r verkligen trygg i min famn. 

Jag jobbar mycket med solens energi, den strĂ„lar, pulserar, den belyser, och den ger en klarhet! Och den vĂ€rmer, mjukar upp, den fĂ„r saker att spira, gro och vĂ€xa! Jag Ă€r som en vĂ€rmelampa som alltid ger en varm omfamning, rund och go, men dĂ„ jag belyser dig sĂ„ kan du hoppa till av förvĂ„ning och tycka, just som jag sagt, att jag belyser det du behöver jobba med och det kan ge en obehaglig pĂ„minnelse om kĂ€nslor, minnen som du behöver se in i. 

NÀr jag belyser, sÄ hjÀlper jag dig att se in i, det som du tycker ger dig obehag! Och dÄ kan du tycka att det Àr jag som Àr orsaken, fast jag endast belyser Ät dig, jag hjÀlper dig att sÀtta igÄng!

Jag Àr alltid med dig! Jag vill att Du ska mÄ bra! Jag vill att Du ska bli hel! Jag vill att Du ska Àlska dig sjÀlv, hela Dig! Jag Àr i kontakt med djurriket, vÀxtriket och mineralriket och vet allt om helande, och det som helar Dig! Jag gör hel. Jag Àr Hel!

Jag Ă€lskar Dig och vet vad du gĂ„r igenom! Älska tiden, den Ă€r ocksĂ„ en god vĂ€n till Dig!

NÀr ni vaknat upp ur er slummer sÄ finner ni en lÀngtan efter att bli hela! Fast du kanske tÀnker, kan en mÀnniska bli hel, riktigt hel medans den Àr pÄ jorden? För vi har ju natt och vi har dag, vi lever i en dualistisk vÀrld, funderar du kanske?

Jo ni kan bli hela! Oavsett om ni Ă€r kvinna eller man till fysiken, sĂ„ har ni den inre balansen som Ă€r viktig, den som Ă€r mellan de feminina och maskulina energierna. 

NÀr ni vaknar upp, mer och mer sÄ mÀrker ni att ni inte Àr ensamma. Ni har tvillingar av olika sorter. Ni har en tvillingsjÀl, ni har flera tvillingflammor och ni har tvillingvÀnner.

Sakta men sĂ€kert lĂ€r ni kĂ€nna dessa och det tar lĂ„ng tid. Dessa kompletterar er i ert liv pĂ„ jorden, och de Ă€r ocksĂ„ ivriga att stödja er i ert jobb att bli hel hĂ€r pĂ„ jorden. 

Ni har valt att vara hĂ€r i detta livet, i denna tiden i Moder Jords liv av en viktig anledning. 

Ni Ă€r sĂ€nda frĂ„n olika planeter, dimensioner, vĂ€rldar runtomkring, ni Ă€r ljusarbetare av olika sorter. Och just i detta livet sĂ„ Ă€r det extra viktigt att ni jobbar med er sjĂ€lva, för det ger healing till mĂ„nga mĂ€nniskor runtomkring er, som ni har i ert nĂ€tverk. Ni helar hela kollektiv nĂ€r ni helar er sjĂ€lva! Och ni helar tillbaka i tiden och framĂ„t i tiden! 

SÄ kÀra vÀn ha tillit till mig, Hel,
för jag Àlskar Dig!

Monday, 6 July 2020

Ashtar Command; A good question!

I am Ashtar Sheran and I will speak for the Ashtar Command tonight;

I have a lot to say but I will start with the most important;

We love you, dear friends on Earth! We know what you go through and we are visiting as many as we can! We will be of more and more use to you, the more of you that awaken!

There are many things we will help you with, you have really earned it! Help your friends to awaken! Don´t force anyone, just ask questions to them!

When you ask a question the other person has to think and feel and they actually move forward. Hopefully they awaken to their true potential, that is waiting to see the light, like a sprout growing up through the soil.

Everyone awakens in their own pace! And yet sometimes a tiny little question, can be the fine line between being asleep and being awakened! So what kind of question is apropriate to ask?

Well it is impossible to say! You have to feel what is suitable for each person! What are their interests?

But a good question to ask is; Do you think we are alone on this planet? Do you think there is life out in the Universe? And you can ask them about seeing numbers, as they watch what time it is, if they ever have seen the same numbers,

Seeing the numbers is a wake up call, and you know about it already of course but many experience this daily as a new thing to them!

The more of you that are awakened the more we can visit you, and help you and your planet! Many on your planet are suffering a great deal and we have solutions for all!

We in the Ashtar Command want to make a point that for us it is essential that all life on Earth is feeling good and are in harmony with the energy of love!

We protect you, and we want to serve you! We really would like for you to be able to live in abundance on Earth and with our help you will no longer drain her resources.

With the decree set in the law book of the Ashtar Command, wich include all the members in this part of the solar system, you too can be a member if you choose, and you will receive help to upgrade your energy systems to free energy systems for all! And this in only one of the things we will help you with. The children that suffer from starvation is our first mission! The children comes first! Their wellfare are most important!

So please we, all the members of our Command want to help you, to get back on track!
Till then just have faith in us, and remember that
we love you,
Ashtar Sheran

Sunday, 5 July 2020

Dairy notes; 54 Goddesses and one male deity contact me!

I am so grateful 💓! 

Over 50 Goddesses and one Hinduistic male God has asked me to write for them! So I wrote their words and their words are the most wise and beautiful quotes I ever heard! It has become a little book with 74 quotes from Goddesses. 

They love us humans, they care about us humans of Earth and they want us to be safe, feel safe and feel loved, and know about the sacred feminine energy of Mother Earth, the energy that no one can live without! 

Here are some of the Goddesses


















and some more...

Mother Mary; Embracing you!

I am Mother Mary and I love you very much!
Today I will hold you in my arms! After a long time of worries you are tired, and also afraid.

Most fear belongs to lower dimensions. Most of the time fear is an energy that is holding you down.

Maybe you dream about your fears? When you meet your fears in your dreams it is because you are made a point!

Fear is a part of life. Fear is a part of life on earth many times. Fear can be good in some particular ways.

When you wander in a forrest and you can not see where you put your feet, then it is good to suddenly feel fear about the next step, because one step away there is a gorge, and you would have fallen tragically or worse. Then fear is a good thing, when it warns you of emminent accidents. But when your fear is lingering in the back of your thinking, almost all the time, it is of no good use for you.

Today it is fullmoon and many of you dream about what is bothering you. It can be about fear! And what can you do with this dream information?

Your fear is like a mirror to what you experience in your life on Earth. You probably go through a rough time right now, so I say; love your mirror, love your fear, embrace it like it is a little child, it is a part of you, hold it in your arms, because you need time to heal, you need time to feel safe and be loved.

That is why I hold you in my arms because I know what you are going through!

Please have faith in me,

I love you,
Mother Mary