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Monday, 13 July 2020

Diary notes; My three channelings, books!

Hi dear friend! 💖I hope you are doing fine!

This is how my three books look like! 

They are channelings with 

  1.    God

God asked me if I wanted to write a book for him and I answered yes! It is a celebration to all women, a liberation and about Gods love for women, the feminine energy and for Mother Earth! In this book God reveals an important “little” detail; Women was first on Earth, men, came later!

2    Mary Magdalene

This book is a teaching about the essence of having faith! She is a loving warm humble teacher, always prepared to guide us! The holy trinity; Faith, hope and love always go hand in hand!

3.    Thor 

Who also is an archangel, invites me to his home and then we take a walk in the forrest and we have a conversation about life as we walk, we share our feelings and thoughts! He is very wise and caring warmhearted male soul!

My 4´th book is all about the Goddesses, 54 Goddesses and 74 wise and loving messages from them! I am working on it still but I hope it will be finished soon! The first 3 that visited me are; Pomona, Yemanja, and Bastet!

Are you interested in being read one of the cards? 
Just let me know!

Awailable in the Swedish language!
If you read Swedish you are welcome to

Love 💓💙💚💛💜
Kerstin E

This is me

                    Channeling with God;

                  "Woman you are loved!"

Mary Magdalene; 

"The path to faith!"

 Hand in hand with asaguden Thor!

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