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Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Pegasus says: Remember your wings!

I am Pegasus and I work with Sananda!

Today I will speak about your wings!

Can you feel your wings?

Some of you already know them and feel them and can comunicate with the bewinged soul that provides them for you.

You see it is a collaboration, for you two have the same interest at heart!

Your mutual interest is peace, love, and gratitude!

Dear friend; Call on your wings if you have not felt them yet!

Some of you have several bewinged soul connections and can even feel different kinds of wings and some of you are also acquainted with a vast etherical world.

It is high time for you to remember your wings!

So work on it, ask for them and know that they will only appear with the humility of your hearts desire.

This is a work that you to take step by step and if you have any questions please ask me!

I love you


Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Sananda A swirl of love!

Do you believe in love?

Do you have faith in yourself?

Do you find a good hope in your heart?

Can you imagine a wonderful future?

What do you dream about?

What makes your heart warm with love?

I am Sananda and today I ask you many questions!

And why?

For you are so important to me!

You ARE! And right now this is the most important!

Not yesterday nor the future, NOW!

If you love the now, and if you love yourself exactly as you are in this very moment, 

then your future will transform into just this: love!

Your future can´t be better than what it is right now.

If you are negative right now how can your future be any better?

It is like planting a seed right now, and you really love it!

You care for this little seed, you water it, you give it whatever it needs for you love it!

And the seed IS YOU!

YOU nurture yourself at ALL MOMENTS!

If you give your seed (yourself) love, then love will grow! And you will sprout in the future and your flowers and fruits will be filled with love and sweet smell and taste.

Every breath counts! Love your breaths! Now in this moment!

Every step that you take counts! Love every step that you take! Now in this moment!

Loving is NEVER for later on, some other day, next week...!

Loving is right now, and always...forever!

The love energy is a realm of its own, with souls, cities, forrests, and they are your family!

You connect via love in your heart, right now!

Why waste one single second, one single minute on something that is not love?

Well you are awaited! By the love realms!

So it is up to you to decide! Do you choose the way of love? 

For you are so welcome, you are so loved, and you can decide not to interact in negative circumstances, that hinders your way, your natural loveway to met us, your family.

Just back down, go another way, when you are intangled in something negative, you don´t have to be there, you don´t have to feed it anymore. Just say no. Trust your gut feeling, trust your heart feeling, and all of your senses. Just go! You don´t have to explain, it is enough if you feel it is wrong.

You owe it to yourself to trust yourself! If it feels negative, heavy, with no true hearts joy, in whatever project you are into - say no thanks and leave! 

I am there with you always, and I feel that you are growing stronger and this is exactly what you are meant to do!

You are a lovebeing,  love is your true environment, and you have worked so hard, in the darkest places, spreading your unique light and love for a long time.

Just remember that you do not always have to fight in the worst of wars, you do not have to struggle in the worst of storms of negativity, you can use your strenght of love to just walk away. 

This is a powerful way of showing love. To not participate in negative projects small or big.

Use the time for you! Here and now!

Love awaits you in a swirl that is so beautiful just as you are!

I love you


Friday, 6 December 2024

Just excerpts from Archangel Michael and Faiths Soulwork nr 2, on Patreon.

Archangel Michael and Faith Soulwork | Universal Healing and Guidance | Patreon

This is three different excerpts from the text that is being published tomorrow on Patreon.

"First of all: you ALL ARE souls from the Universe! Coming back, to Earth to work.

You work for PEACE and LOVE, FAITH, HOPE, HEALING, GRATITUDE and more.

Many of you never needed to come back to Earth, for you where already done with all your lives, you had already learned all that you needed to not have to be reborn again, on Earth.

Grand celebrations occur for each and every one of you that have gone through this immence cycle, and yet you choose to return for a life once more on Earth to do the most important task EVER, being the LIGHT in the darkness on Earth.

Because it is at its darkest just before the light comes back...

You are all carriers of the torch of peace! You are lightworkers!"

and another excerpt;

"So to those 20 procent that feel that you have a pro-longed mission, well, this is not new for your soul! You as a soul are meant to do this! And you have lived other lives on Earth doing similar things."

Another excerpt;

"The spiritworld is packed with spirits.

The world with humans is packed with humans and some humans you don´t like and you don´t listen to them ok? 

So don´t listen to a spirit that is not nice either.

IMPORTANT: if you start communicating with a spirit that contacts you, that is not nice, not loving and not friendly at ALL TIMES. Then I will give you the most important advice;

Do not respond, do not answer - to any communication. Be silent!

This is very important to know when you are new to the spiritworld, for some will try and make contact with you. And why?

When you open up, they see your light! 

They see your torch of peace and freedom! And you attract them!"


And then my own thoughts about the text I just received from Michael and Faith is that there are actually important questions a medium or a healer or a psychic should ask themselves before they start working. 

A medium should know who their guide/guides are! And those that contact a medium or psychic for a job, should ask their medium WHO their guides are, don´t you think?

A good medium can communicate with ..." It is pretty interesting! Well as I wrote this it is just a little part of the text!

I just wanted you to know for 💓you💓 are welcome!



Ps STEP 3 will be about; why and how the food is important in your mediumship. And what Jesus showed me by the lake in the summer. Jesus taught me something about joy. Jesus told me how to call my joy back, and I will write about it in part 3.

Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Now I am on Patreon! Archangel Michael and Faith Soulwork

Hallo dear beloved readers!

I have started on Patreon if you are interested in reading more?

I am almost new to this, and I think it is difficult with the technology as usual 😁 .

But I am trying this once again! 😀💓

My page on Patreon is: Archangel Michael and Faith Soulwork

Have a beautiful day or night wherever you are!



Archangel Michael and Faith Soulwork | Universal Healing and Guidance | Patreon

Archangel Michael and Faith Soulwork! Step 1 in spiritual awakening and development. | Patreon

Tack Moder Maria!

Friday, 29 November 2024

Gudinnan Hel KÀrleken gör dig hel!

Jag Àr Hel, jag gör dig hel, om du lÄter mig.

Ibland för att kunna bli hel, sÄ mÄste man ta isÀr först, innan man sÀtter ihop igen, det blir en erfarenhet som du lÀr dig av.

Men jag Àr med hela tiden och stöttar och ger ett helande till dig sÄ att du kan bli hel.

Med hel sÄ menar jag inte nÀr livscykeln Àr fullstÀndig nÀr du lÀmnar det fysiska liv du har nu.

En del sÀger att de inte blir hela förrÀn de har dött, att dÄ kommer gudinnan Hel och gör dem hel, men sanningen Àr att jag vill att du skall bli hel medans du Àr i detta nuvarande livet.

Men ja, det stÀmmer pÄ ett sÀtt, för jag rÄder över bÄde liv och död. Och visst gör jag dig hel nÀr du behöver det, om det sÄ Àr efter du lÀmnat din fysiska kropp.

Jag gör hel. Jag lÀker. Jag lugnar, jag balanserar. Jag lindrar.

För mig finns ingen död. Allt Àr liv i olika kroppar.

För mig Àr jobbet att göra dig hel oavsett var du befinner dig pÄ jorden.

Jag jobbar med helande pÄ jorden men jag Àr universell och har flera jobb.

Du kan kontakta mig precis nÀr du önskar. Ingen tid eller dag eller natt Àr fel.

NÄgra av er tror ni finner mig lÀttast nÀr det Àr mörkermÄne? Och nere i jorden?

Detta Àr delvis sant men mest fel. I gamla tider sÄ trodde man detta och om de inte sökte mig i jorden sÄ fann de mig inte, sÄ dÄ dök jag upp.

Om du alltid söker mig nÀr mÄnen Àr si eller sÄ, dÄ möter du mig.

Om du söker mig nÀr det Àr fullt solsken och himlen Àr blÄ, dÄ finner du mig ocksÄ!

De gamla traditionerna Àr sÄ starka och har bestÀmt hur kontakt med mig skall skötas, men som sagt det Àr baserat mycket pÄ gamla rÀdslor, de trodde att jag bragde folk om livet.

MÀnniskor förr för lÀnge sedan, de ville fÄ min nÀring och kraft, men ville inte jobba med sin egen vÀg och se det som en process de sjÀlva behövde göra, i sin personliga, sjÀlsliga och andliga utveckling.

De ville fÄ en kvick-fix av mig. Och nÀr jag vÀgrade ge dem detta, dÄ den sortens helande gÄr emot mina principer, dÄ fick de ej lÀngre kontakt med mig. För jag vÀgrade spela med pÄ deras noter!

DÄ började de bli rÀdda för mig istÀllet. Och all sjukdom eller död i deras nÀrhet hade med mig att göra, för jag var arg pÄ dem och ville straffa dem, trodde de.

DĂ€rför Ă€r det sĂ„ viktigt att veta att jag har lidit sjĂ€lv mycket över detta. Och att jag fortfarande vĂ€grar ge med mig. Jag ger aldrig nĂ„gon extra magisk kraft eller livskraft sĂ„ de kan lyckas i livet. Å nej.

De som försöker detta med mig möter en vĂ€gg. NĂ€r en del har försökt utnyttja mina krafter för egen vinning sĂ„ skapas oro och rĂ€dslor att de har syndat mot mig och att jag vill straffa dem pĂ„ nĂ„got sĂ€tt och dĂ„ blir deras egen rĂ€dsla nĂ„got som de faller pĂ„. 

Den som grĂ€ver en grop faller sjĂ€lv dĂ€r i. SĂ„ kan jag förklara det hela. 

FörstÄr du nu att du vÀljer sjÀlv om du ser mig i svarta klÀder och kallar pÄ mig vid mörker mÄne, men om du kallar pÄ mig vid fullmÄne, eller nymÄne och ser mig i vita klÀder sÄ Àr det lika bra för mig.

Men jag frÀmjar livet! Och jag hyllar glÀdjen i att göra hel, lindra, och att ge god omvÄrdnad om de som behöver.

Jag smörjer gÀrna med helande salva och den som kÀnner mig djupt fÄr receptet, andra fÄr det ej, för den fÄr ej sÀljas, den fÄr endast ges. Jag ger endast receptet till den som inte Àr girig eller söker fylla sitt ego.

Jag frÀmjar ej ockulta riter dÀr syftet Àr att göra andra eller sig sjÀlv illa.

Jag frÀmjar ej ockulta riter dÀr syftet Àr att göra Moder Jord illa.

I Àldre dagar sÄ fick jag sÄ mycket ondska pÄ mig, för att mÄnga trodde jag ville göra illa. Men Äterigen, det handlar om rÀdslor som vÀxte, rykten som vandrade och förstÀrktes.

Jag Ă€r hel, motsatsen till söndring. Jag Ă€r bĂ„de ljus och mörker. BĂ„de dag och natt. 

Jag jobbar mycket nÀra Hades som jobbar i Mellan riket. Han och jag grÄter tillsammans, nÀr mÀnniskor inte tror pÄ livet i himlen, dÄ mÄste de hjÀlpas till en plats dÀr de fÄr leva och det blir i Hades vÀrld.

Men vi jobbar stÀndigt tillsammans med himlens arbetare, Ànglarna och de kommer stÀndigt pÄ besök till Mellan vÀrlden och försöker fÄ hem folket dÀrifrÄn upp till himlen som Àr det eviga hemmet.

Hades vĂ€rld, Mellan riket Ă€r inte det eviga hemmet, det Ă€r en hĂ„llplats. Ett vĂ€ntrum. 

MÄnga pÄ jorden tror inte lÀngre pÄ att det finns en himmel som tar emot dem. Och det Àr en synd och skam.

Alla Àr hjÀrtligt vÀlkomna till himlen, nÀr den tiden Àr inne. Himlen Àr vÄrt allas eviga hem.

Jag rekommenderar dig att vara jordad i ditt liv pÄ jorden. SlÀpp mobiltelefonen, stÀng av den, stÀng av din router. GÄ ut i skogen! Vandra i skogen eller i en lugn miljö dÀr du ser trÀd, buskar.

All den nya tekniken med mobiler etc gör dig mer ojordad. Det betyder att du fĂ„r sĂ€mre kontakt med Ă€nglar och dina hög-eteriska guider. 

Meditera varje dag. Duscha 5 minuter varje dag för rening av din aura om du jobbar som medium.

Ät frukt och grönsaker, helst ekologiskt, gĂ€rna rotfrukter dĂ„ de jordar dig bĂ€st. Ät bĂ€r, nötter, mandlar, alger, svampar, frön. Hetta upp till max kroppstemperatur annars dör vitaminer mm. Visst kan du koka gröt om du vill, men tĂ€nk pĂ„ att grönsaker etc har nĂ€ring som förstörs vid hög vĂ€rme.

LÄt din magkÀnsla och hjÀrtekÀnsla berÀtta för dig vad du vill Àta. Att Àta kött slutade jag sjÀlv med för över 10.000 Är sedan. Ja det Àr sant. Djuren Àr mina vÀnner, jag vill ej Àta upp dem.

LĂ€gg hĂ€nderna runt ditt vattenglas och sĂ€g; 

"jag Ă€lskar dig vatten, jag vĂ€lsignar dig frĂ„n mitt hjĂ€rta, jag vĂ€lkomnar dig in i min kropp och jag tar gĂ€rna emot din helande kraft, jag tackar dig kĂ€ra vatten och ber om att du skall fĂ„ all kĂ€rlek, helande och respekt av alla pĂ„ jorden" 

Sedan kan du dricka ditt vatten, för nu har du tackat för vattnet, bett en bön för vattnet och vÀlsignat det frÄn ditt hjÀrta, dÄ fÄr du ett nyttigt och livgivande vatten som helar din kropp pÄ vattnets vis.

Varje droppe vatten skall respekteras! LikasÄ varje andetag skall Àlskas för du andas in den eteriska vÀrldens varande! Be lika för alla elementen! Tacka! VÀlsigna! Be en bön för varje element! DÄ Àr du pÄ rÀtt vÀg i mina ögon och i mitt hjÀrta!

Jag bor i Agartha. Det Ă€r i jorden. Det Ă€r en plats som har en egen sol. Men det Ă€r inte i den dimensionen som du sjĂ€lv bor i. Ljuset strĂ„lar i Agartha, vi Ă€lskar varandra och vi hjĂ€lper varandra. 

Du lever och utvecklas oavsett i vilket liv eller i vilken kropp du befinner dig i. Men andlig, sjÀlslig och personlig utveckling Àr inte alltid en dans pÄ rosor, dÄ Àr det lÀttare att vilja ta en genvÀg, men genvÀg blir senvÀg.

Du har en sjÀl och den har en bok i akasha biblioteket och dÀr stÄr allt som du önskar göra och lÀra i ditt nuvarande liv. NÀr du ber om att fÄ lÀsa i den sÄ kan du i enstaka fall bli godkÀnd för det. Det Àr sÀllsynt. Livet handlar om att ge sig in i det med hull och hÄr. Du föds in pÄ jorden och minns inte sÀrskilt mycket frÄn livet i himlen. NÀr du blir Àldre sÄ minskar det lilla minnet du hade och till slut nÀr du Àr cirka 4-5 Är sÄ minns du inte lÀngre.

Meningen med livet Ă€r att göra misstag och att inte följa en instruktionsbok. Men meningen med livet Ă€r ocksĂ„ att finna ut vad som verkligen Ă€r viktigt! 

FrÄga dig vad som Àr allra viktigast för dig! Vad vÀrmer ditt hjÀrta? Vad berör dig och dina kÀnslor, vad fÄr dig att kÀnna glÀdje, vad fÄr dig att lysa i din kÀrlekskraft?

NÀr du lÀmnar din kropp, nÀr ditt liv hÀr pÄ jorden Àr över och du fÀrdas till himlen sÄ Àr det bara en sak du fÄr ta med dig, vet du vad jag menar? Vad gissar du pÄ att det Àr?

Det enda du tar med dig till himlen Àr kÀrlek!

KÀrleken gör dig hel, och min energi Àr kÀrlek!

Och ja jag jobbar i himlen jag ocksÄ! Och ja jag Àr ocksÄ en Àngel i himlen, en ÀrkeÀngel! Men jag sÀger inte vem, för det Àr inte lika viktigt.

Men allt hÀnger verkligen ihop, pÄ ett mycket bra sÀtt, kÀrleken Àr evig, den gör dig hel!

Lev ditt liv och gör dina misstag, Gud dömer dig inte, glöm ej att glÀdjas och dansa kÀrlekens dans och följ ditt hjÀrta och tro pÄ dina drömmar!

Jag Àlskar dig,


Thursday, 28 November 2024

Vittra speaks! Many people - ONE heart!

We are Vittra and we live deep in the forest far from where people live, but we also walk among you.

We are diplomats, we have consulates where you are staying and we are happy to help you.

We know Mother Earth as our Primordial Mother and we know everything about every square centimeter of planet Earth.

Where you live now, we lived there before. But as I said we still have embassies, but the large numbers of us have retreated into the wilderness.

We feel best in peace, and then we find our joy within us in our hearts. When we are stressed, our heart's capacity decreases, we experience no colors, tastes, tones. everything becomes a blur when we are not feeling well.

It's the same with you!

You trip over your own feet, you are dribbled by your society, those who rule, and you miss the important things in your life.

We have followed a similar path, a long time ago though, and now we have come out the other end and we know what we have to prioritize, there are things we do not give up.

We prioritize the joy of the heart every day. We prioritize a hike in the forest every day. We prioritize heartwarming conversations with loved ones, when we see each other and hold each other's hands, we hug.

In our evolution, we have developed into friends ​​of peace, freedom, joy from the heart, and gratitude is A and O.

We know that you agonize, suffer and miss the true life on earth. You often feel that you are not doing the right thing, you miss the important thing.

You miss the connection with Mother Earth, and you miss her love, that is given to you, although you don't even believe it.

Mother Earth knows how you suffer and feels your longing to be cradled in her loving arms. The way you became in the past, way back when your minds were still open to her.

A few of you know her and can communicate her love and good advice to you.

But the point is that you should all be able to know her!

You can start by listening! And you listen when you are not stressed, in peace and quiet! So create a space for you so that you can begin to listen to your Primal Mother, the Primal Mother of all of us!

Between us, we call her All! For she is the mother of us all!

She can cure all ailments and all pains, all question marks will be straightened out with her help and she is waiting for you all.

But start by refusing to stress. Start by refusing to accept all the fears that are spread, as these block the possibility of being able to listen to the Mother.

Know that love is the strongest energy in the Universe and it always wins, but you have to be patient!

You are many who are patient, you are sisters and brothers.

Use the time, for the most important thing, your own space, where you find peace and where you feel all your senses come alive in the joy of the heart.

We live in the fifth dimension and it is a process to get there.

The process is a job where you work with your heart, where all fears must be embraced one by one. When all fears are cared for with love, they subside and disappear. Only then, you come close to the energies of the fifth dimension and you begin to grow.

In the Universal Council, where we Vittra are included along with many others who are also diplomats on Earth, we agree that you are on the right path, even if it seems dark right now.

You think right now that it is extra dark because much is coming to light and you can view everything that has been secret for decades and centuries. And several of you feel with sadness in your heart how everything you believed in seems to be crumbling.

Beloved children, beloved relatives, beloved people, you are not alone!

We and everyone else stand by you! The energy of love cannot be crumbled! Everything that was withheld from you and that comes to light today is like the tip of a great iceberg where cracks break open all the lies beneath the surface.

The energy of love will illuminate everything, and nothing can hide anymore, all that is greed and ego based energies will not survive much longer, because they know their time is numbered.

As they know their time is numbered, you are presented with a potpourri of happenings and events to frighten you, and sink you into low energy and you end up in lower third dimensional torments. There you experience disconnection, separation, no joy, apathy, sadness. And that is their purpose! To stop YOU. To lower YOU.

Remember WHO YOU ARE! You are a soul filled with love and you are here on earth to be WHO YOU ARE. You will play, dance, feel your heart's joy and be in contact with Mother Earth and she is waiting for you!

Mother Earth loves YOU and she is already walking beside you, and you will notice her as you clear your space and make room for your true self which is your higher self.

The process of working with your inner self takes time. But then love the time, and love yourself and every step you take, and release Your unique heart joy, because no one can take away that you are who YOU ​​ARE and that you are awaited for, as the rainbow warrior that you are.

Yes you are rainbow warriors and you are waited for, and you have several families and friends in the Universe who all love you and cheer you on, to not give up, now that you are being shaken up in your lives on earth.

You are also light spreaders together with Sananda, and we Vittra want you to keep your light lit as much as you can! Your light is unique to you and no one else has exactly your light, no one can replace You!

Don't forget that we walk beside You, like Mother Earth, Sananda and the whole Universe. We are several peoples with one heart. So reach out and take our hands and you will feel that we walk together with the torches of peace.

Together we sing the song of peace, so clear your throat and sing with us, sing out what is important to you! We are waiting for you!

We love you,


(Please if you like the text and want to contribute to this blog, and me the channeler feel free to fund me on "buy me a coffee"). THANK YOU 💓💓💓

Vittra Flera folk ett hjÀrta!

Vi Àr Vittra och vi lever djup i skogen lÄngt frÄn dÀr mÀnniskor lever, men vi finns ocksÄ mitt bland er.

Vi Àr diplomater, vi har konsulat dÀr ni vistas och vi hjÀlper er gÀrna.

Vi kÀnner Moder Jord som vÄr Urmoder och vi vet allt om varje kvadratcentimeter pÄ planeten jorden.

DÀr ni bor nu, dÀr bodde vi förut. Men som sagt vi har kvar ambassader, men de stora mÀngderna av oss har dragit sig in i vildmarken.

Vi mÄr bÀst av frid, och dÄ finner vi vÄr fröjd inuti oss i vÄra hjÀrtan. NÀr vi Àr stressade sÄ minskar vÄrt hjÀrtas kapacitet, vi upplever inga fÀrger, smaker, toner. allt blir suddigt nÀr vi inte mÄr bra.

Det Àr samma med Er!

Ni snubblar över era egna fötter, ni dribblas av ert samhÀlle, de som styr, och ni missar det viktiga i ert liv.

Vi har gÄtt liknande vÀg, för lÀnge sedan dock, och nu har vi kommit ut i andra Ànden och vi vet vad vi mÄste prioritera, det finns saker som vi inte gör avkall pÄ.

Vi prioriterar hjÀrtats glÀdje varje dag. Vi prioriterar en vandring i skogen varje dag. Vi prioriterar hjÀrtevÀrmande samtal med nÀra och kÀra, dÄ vi ses och hÄller varandras hÀnder, vi kramas.

I vÄr evolution sÄ har vi utvecklats till frÀnder av fred, frihet, glÀdje frÄn hjÀrtat, och tacksamheten Àr A och O.

Vi vet att ni vÄndas, lider och kÀnner saknad av det sanna livet pÄ jorden. Ni kÀnner ofta att ni inte prickar rÀtt, ni missar det viktiga.

Ni saknar kontakten med Moder Jord, och ni saknar hennes kÀrlek som Àr Er given, fast ni tror inte ens det.

Moder Jord vet hur ni lider och kÀnner er lÀngtan efter att fÄ bli vaggade i hennes kÀrleksfulla famn. SÄ som ni blev förr i tiden, vÀldigt lÄngt tillbaka, nÀr era medvetanden fortfarande var öppna för henne.

NĂ„gra fĂ„ av er kĂ€nner henne och kan kommunicera hennes kĂ€rlek och goda rĂ„d till Er. 

Men meningen Àr att ni alla skall kunna kÀnna henne!

Ni fÄr börja med att lyssna! Och lyssna gör man nÀr man inte Àr stressad, i lugn och ro! SÄ skapa ett utrymme för dig sÄ du kan börja lyssna in din Ur-Moder, vÄr allas Ur-Moder!

I bland kallar vi henne för Allas! Hon Àr allas mamma!

Hon kan rÄda bot pÄ alla krÀmpor och alla smÀrtor, alla frÄgetecken kommer att rÀtas ut med hjÀlp av henne och hon vÀntar pÄ er alla.

Men börja med att vÀgra stressa. Börja med att vÀgra ta emot all rÀdsla som sprids, dÄ dessa blockerar möjligheten att kunna lyssna in Modern.

Vet att kĂ€rleken Ă€r starkaste energin i Universum och den segrar alltid, men du fĂ„r ha tĂ„lamod! 

Ni Àr mÄnga som har tÄlamod, ni Àr systrar och bröder.

AnvÀnd tiden, till det viktigaste, ditt egna utrymme, dÀr du finner frid och dÀr du kÀnner alla dina sinnen kommer till liv i hjÀrtats glÀdje.

Vi lever i femte dimensionen och det Àr en process att komma dit.

Processen Ă€r ett jobb dĂ€r du jobbar med ditt hjĂ€rta, dĂ€r alla rĂ€dslor skall omfamnas var och en. NĂ€r alla rĂ€dslor Ă€r omhĂ€ndertagna med kĂ€rlek sĂ„ klingar de av och försvinner. Först dĂ„, kommer du i nĂ€rheten av femte dimensionens energier och du börjar vĂ€xa.

I det Universella rÄdet, dÀr vi Vittra ingÄr tillsammans med mÄnga andra som ocksÄ Àr diplomater pÄ jorden, sÄ Àr vi eniga om att ni Àr pÄ rÀtt vÀg, Àven om det verkar mörkt just nu.

Ni tycker just nu att det Àr extra mörkt för att mycket kommer upp i ljuset och ni kan beskÄda allt som varit hemligt i Ärtionden och Ärhundraden. Och flera av er kÀnner med sorg i hjÀrtat hur allt som ni trodde pÄ verkar smulas sönder.

Älskade barn, Ă€lskade frĂ€nder, Ă€lskade mĂ€nniskor, ni Ă€r inte ensamma!

Vi och alla andra stĂ„r bredvid er! KĂ€rlekens energi kan inte smulas sönder! Allt som undanhölls er och som kommer fram i dag, Ă€r som toppen pĂ„ ett stort isberg dĂ€r sprickor bryter upp alla lögner under ytan. 

KÀrlekens energi kommer att belysa allt, och inget kan lÀngre gömma sig, allt som Àr girighet och ego baserade energier kommer inte att överleva sÀrskilt lÀnge till, för att de vet att deras tid Àr rÀknad.

I och med att de vet att deras tid Àr rÀknad sÄ fÄr du beskÄda ett potpurri av skeenden och hÀndelser för att skrÀmma dig, och sÀnka dig ned i lÄg energi och du hamnar i lÀgre tredje dimensionens vÄndor. DÀr upplever du avstÀngning, separation, ingen glÀdje, apati, sorg. Och det Àr deras syfte! Att stoppa DIG. Att sÀnka DIG.

Minns VEM DU ÄR! Du Ă€r en sjĂ€l fylld med kĂ€rlek och du Ă€r hĂ€r pĂ„ jorden för att vara DEN DU ÄR. Du skall leka, dansa, kĂ€nna din hjĂ€rteglĂ€dje och vara i kontakt med Moder Jord och hon vĂ€ntar pĂ„ dig!

Moder Jord Àlskar DIG och hon gÄr redan bredvid dig, och du kommer att mÀrka av henne nÀr du stÀdar ditt utrymme och gör plats för ditt sanna jag som Àr ditt högre jag.

Processen att jobba med ditt inre tar sin tid. Men Ă€lska dĂ„ tiden, och Ă€lska dig sjĂ€lv och varje steg du tar, och slĂ€pp fram Din unika hjĂ€rteglĂ€dje, för ingen kan ta ifrĂ„n dig att du Ă€r den DU ÄR och att du Ă€r vĂ€ntad pĂ„, som den regnbĂ„gskrigaren som du Ă€r.

Ja ni Àr regnbÄgskrigare och ni Àr vÀntade pÄ, och ni har flera familjer och vÀnner i Universum som alla Àlskar Er och hurrar pÄ er att inte ge upp, nu nÀr ni skakas om i era liv pÄ jorden.

Ni Àr ocksÄ ljusspridare tillsammans med Sananda, och vi Vittra vill att ni hÄller ert ljus tÀnt sÄ mycket ni orkar! Ditt ljus Àr unikt för dig och ingen annan har exakt ditt ljus, ingen kan ersÀtta Dig!

Glöm ej att vi gÄr bredvid Er, liksom Moder Jord, Sananda och hela Universum. Vi Àr flera folk med ett hjÀrta. SÄ strÀck ut handen och ta tag i vÄra hÀnder och du kÀnner att vi gÄr tillsammans med fredens facklor.

Tillsammans sjunger vi fredens sÄng, sÄ klara din strupe och sjung med oss, sjung ut det som Àr viktigt för Dig! Vi vÀntar pÄ Dig!

Vi Àlskar dig,


Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Goddess Guanyin I am a Mother!

I am Guanyin, and I am a mother.

I am a mother that loves you and I know what you feel in your heart.

Time evolves, as well as you do!

Everything moves, nothing ever stands still.

The Universe is expanding, it is a constant.

Please dear child, do not worry!

It is like rosepetals that open up and becomes a beautiful blossom.

Let your heart bloom with gratitude and then you will see!

For you can not see without gratitude!

Gratitude is a lense, with wich you can see all!

You can even detect the fifth dimension!

In the fifth dimension, there are good things, there are creations made from gratitude of the heart´s love.

It is hard to live in the third dimension for you who have discovered this, for much in the third dimension is created by the very opposite to a good hearted gratitude.

But you have a loving gratitude in your heart, and I am there, your mother, always waiting for you and always loving you.

I am here, and I will save you! I hold you! 

Let us meet in your beloved heart!

I love you,


Wednesday, 30 October 2024

I have a dream!

I have a dream for a loving world.

I have a dream!

I hope for peace on planet Gaia.

I wish for loving caring leaders to lead the world, with grace and a goodhearted democracy.

I hope and pray for that all children will be safe on Earth. 

I light candles for loved ones in heaven. 

What do you dream about? What do you need?

It is time to say a prayer of peace and love!

Faith hope and love in different languages, do you know any other?

Please write in comments if you like and have a lovely day!



Cree en la esperanza y el amor

Crois a léspoir et a låmour

Glaube an Hoffnung und Liebe

Credere alla speranza e all´amore

Tro hopp och kÀrlek

Borrowed from Google.

And now my own pictures and paintings!

Sunday, 27 October 2024

Archangels Michael and Faith Remember your heartlight!

Today I will talk about something different, but actually it is the most important thing of all. And it is about family.


And you are rooted deep down into Mother Earth and at the same time you are connected with the universe. And this is how you stay connected!

Sometimes there are so much darkness, and you meet evil in different shapes and you fight til you are so broken that you can´t stand up.

This is the moment when you forget about your true family.

The darkness surround you and you can not get a clear sight right through it all.

The sun always shines above the dark clouds.

But attempts are done to hide the sun and its light, to make you live in the grey.

Ohana! You are bonded with your family, and your family will never abandon you, no matter what you go through, your family always awaits you.

In fact your family is proud of you! And your family cherishes you, and loves you more than you can ever know.

Family! Family is not only bloodrelation. It reaches over any border, there are no limits to your family!

You might be caught up in the dark web of fear and horror, but it is only temporary, for we are here on the other side waiting for you, to remember us.

Everytime you sleep you met us! But you rarely remember it. For going back down into your fysical body each night, you pass through different layers of dimensions and you loose the memory, and then you awaken to your main reality, living on Earth.

As if you where a plant, care for youself, water yourself, give yourself new soil, every now and then, allow yourself to stand in the sunshine, in the light of the day and enjoy life. 

Let your roots grow deep into your ground where you live, and love every drop of water! Your family is a big part of you. Your family is in a way also a plant of Earth. And you are connected via your roots that meet deep in the earth. 

Love your feet and love your roots and you will feel an instant connection, a tingeling in the sules of your feet, maybe even in the palms of your hands. You see, the bond is highly fysical! You can feel it when you focus with your heart!

The connection to your family always goes via your love in your heart, and love will always win no matter of the grey clouds or dark webs that try to hinder the connection. Just work on it, don´t give up!

Love is forever, and all the other will fall aside and vanish eventually, just have faith in your heartlight, and know it is already there, you just have to turn it on!

We love you,

Michael and Faith

Monday, 21 October 2024

Archangel Michael Choose love!

I am Michael and I need to address something important!

Love is a choice!

Love is not only given to you, right in your lap, and then it stays there is a choice in your heart, it depends on your own determination, if love will stay!

Yes love is a free energy too, always flowing through everyone and everything at all times...yes...but when you really feel this lovely heartwarming good vibration, just know it is up to your own free will to make it last!

Why do I speak of this? Can it really matter?

Well, you see many wants to take love away from you!

To say the least, it is a war, between the good and the bad.

I don´t want to scare you, but I have to be honest with you!

This is exactly the reason why I address this matter today!

Clear your space, make room for love!

Eat healthy food, and make your body susceptible for love!

Yes! Even your choice of food makes a great difference in how you can keep your love!

Your enemies wants you to be kept in the dark. Your enemies want you to loose your knowledge of love and fall into an amnesia.

You have worked with your fears for years and you have come through the eye of the needle and are out on the other side, you have really put down a great deal of work, in blood sweat and tears, to be able today to see right through all the evil veils of fear and darkness.

You know just as much as I do that Mother Earth is the one that needs help.

But warlords rule the world, and they do not want you and your earth crew to rule with your army of lovers.

All the escalating wars all around the world is actually a fenomena that is all for hindering your lovespreading abilities.

They know, the warlords and all the moneymoguls of this planet know that a very beautiful light is about to be spread all around the planet. So they make sure war is the only option, and other fear-based events to control human kind.

So have faith in your beautiful light, it is so precious, it is so much more precious than you can ever believe!

Your combined light is the most spectacular symphony of light and colors that anyone ever have seen, and yet it is there, ready to burst out at any given moment of peace and love.

So choose love, keep it safe in your heart, guard it always for it is the most precious valuable you can ever have!

I love you,


Friday, 20 September 2024

Archangel Azrael Cherish each step!

I am Azrael. I am an old angel that works with exits from one existance and into another.

Some say I am an angel of death.

And this is correct.


I don´t see death as you do.

For me it is a transition.

There are entrys and exits!

Life is forever, just in different shapes and in different dimensions.

Your forever home is heaven, and everyone comes there eventually.

Some refuse to go to heaven, out of fear, or are hesitant for other reasons, it is okay, as a spirit you are taken care of anyway.

Angels - we always work in teams - we do different parts and we serve God.

When you have done a transition an angel awaits you, to take you to heaven emmediately.

Hades is the chief of the Middle World, where those come to, that do not believe in heaven or do not accept it, so angels wait instead.

Everything has to do with having FAITH in love, and in God in heaven, the eternal home.

It is ok to live as a spirit in the Middle World, God in heaven awaits each and every one, and know that eventually everyone comes home.

Do you know what I think is the most important thing in life?

For me Azrael most important is to cherish each moment and each step.

I love you,


Monday, 2 September 2024

Gudinnan Svea talar ut!

Svea heter jag och jag Àr lika gammal som er jord.

Jag Àr en feminin kraft, ni skulle kunna sÀga gudinna.

Jag Àr sjÀlva jorden, och varje bÀck, och Àven varje kotte, varje löv, varje grÀsstrÄ.

Jag Àr vÀktaren, den som hÄller reda pÄ varje droppe vatten, var varje kotte ligger, vart varje löv faller och var varje grÀsstrÄ vÀxer.

Inget Àr en slump för mig, men kanske för dig?

För dig kan det verka vara ett virrvarr av olika vÀxtligheter och vissa delar av det kanske inte Àr sÄ vidare intressant för dig?

Jag arbetar via alla elementen och det finns flera Àn du vet.

Fast jorden Àr dÀr du har dina fötter och det Àr dÀr dina drömmar tar fart.

För mig finns inga grÀnser, ni som Àr pÄ vÀg att vÀxa upp, ni delar in i olika fack, det hör ungdomen till.

Jag Àr mycket gammal och jag har för lÀnge sedan slÀppt pÄ grÀnserna för jag vet att kÀrlekens energi hÄller samman det som Àr evigt, det gÀller bara att ha tÄlamod.

Tiden Àr ett viktigt element. Tiden Àr invÀvt i varje levande cell och alla har sin egen tid.

Din tid Ă€r nu! Älska den! Se tiden som din bĂ€sta vĂ€n!

Allt Àr cykler, cirklar, ringar och du Àr evig. Din sjÀl Àr evig och du tar aldrig slut, för du har ingen början.

Fast hÀr och nu, med dina kÀra fötter i myllan pÄ jorden, sÄ kan du vÀlja att skapa med din kÀrlek och ditt underbara ljus som Àr unikt för dig.

Du har gÄtt genom eld och vatten, och du har gÄtt genom ogenomtrÀngligt mörker och kÀnt oÀndligt motstÄnd och smÀrta, du Àr ett vÀldigt stort mirakel och jag tror pÄ dig.

Vad brinner du för? Vad Ă€r viktigt för dig? 

Jag behöver all hjĂ€lp och stöd jag kan fĂ„, för jorden lider, jorden blir trött. LikasĂ„ blir ni mĂ€nniskor blir trötta och ni lider, för att Ni inte förstĂ„r Modern.

Vad sker med Er mamma! Ni söndrar henne, och samtidigt söndrar ni er sjÀlva.

Om ni kastar skrÀp pÄ marken, sÄ kastar ni det pÄ er sjÀlva.

Precis allt Àr en spegling. Det ni gör mot jorden, det gör ni mot er sjÀlva.

Vi behöver varandra, och jag Ă€lskar Er, jag vet hur ni lider, jag vĂ€ntar pĂ„ att Ni skall Ă€lska varje fotsteg ni tar och att ni kĂ€nner er Moders kĂ€rlek. 

Er Moder Àlskar sannerligen Er alla och önskar ge er all den lindring ni behöver och nÀr ni kÀnner den kÀrleken sÄ kommer ni förundras över hur ni blir upplyfta av den mest godhjÀrtade kÀrleken ni nÄgonsin har kÀnt.

SÄ, om du ser ett löv, ett grÀsstrÄ, eller en kotte, vet att jag Àr dÀr med dig och jag Àlskar dig!


Wednesday, 28 August 2024

Archangel Michael Faith is the key!

I am Michael and I say, nothing is more important than your faith.

What do you dream about?

What do you have faith in?

An ocean of opportunities awaits you, as you get a grip of your key, your most important key: FAITH.

Dream! Fantasize! Let your hope reach out really far, and imagine all of your best dreams.

Use your heart, and your etherical heart, as it is your angels heart, and your angel will help you build a wonderful world within you, together with you, it is a holy cooperation!

Having faith means that you do use your imagination, to dream of a better more loving and caring world. 

Having Faith is the key, to this enormous ocean of more than possibilities, I say it is a way to your miracles!

If you have Faith, you are "plugged-in". If your coffee machine is not plugged in, it wont work.

If your are not plugged into your Faith, your dreams, and visions for a wonderful and loving future, is limping.

But, I Michael use my Faith to even greater miracles for I help those that have lost their faith, and I sometimes give them a miracle, as their own connection is broken.

Miracles can happen without Faith...but if you take good care of your own Faith, let all of your hearts joy come out, and use your creative side of your hearts, and do good by sowing invisible seeds of miraculous creativity.

Your imagination is free. Use it! The good will in your etherical heart awaits you to begin this important part of your souls journey on Earth, being the creator that you are.

Everything is energy. A chair is energy. Air is energy. Feelings are energy. Thoughts are energy.

You are what you create! You are your thoughts!

Creating good vibrations, starts with a good thought and feeling from both of your hearts. 

Make this a regular moment of joy, every day if it was up to God. 

This brings forth your heartfelt joy, for you will notice this is making your heart warm with love, and you will feel the elevation into higher dimension, as it is fueled, by faith, hope and love, as well as gratitude.

I love you,


Thursday, 8 August 2024

Archangel Michael Great progress!

My dear friends of Earth, you are lightworkers and part of my team and as I speak things are moving forward in the right direction. And what is the right direction?

From my point of view it is towards a peaceful and caring world for you to live in.

Faith hope and love are major ingredients in the world we want to help you build!

And two other very crusial and extremely important ingredients are thankfullness and compassion, holy rays from the etherical heart.

So you are on the way, into the right direction, and in your heart you know it and feel it too.

It is a bumpy ride! Yes it is! It does not come easy! But you need to keep your faith in your inner room in your heart.

You must stand guard and fight to keep your faith in a good world to live in, it is a war between the good and the bad.

You can now see the result of the bad divisions, they can no longer hide their agendas, it is out in the open for you to see and foremost feel, that this is not the way of the good league.

It is a choice! It is all about your free will! 

A good place to live in, a loving, caring world to live in comes from not participating in a bad one. Say no! Walk away! Walk in your own loving direction!

And if you can not walk away, say prayers for I hear you always, and I will be at your assistance.

Inside of you, you have a wonderful blossoming garden with the most increadible flowers of love, of hope and of faith, never forget about this sacred place, for I can meet you there!

Please tune into this sacred garden whenever you need positive energy and a lift in your daily life. It can actually make you invisible to others that are in lower dimensions.

Some say mind set, I say heart set, this too is a free choice, to wander in your own sacred garden each day and create an expanding place of love, of hope and of faith!

You are making great progress as the hard working light and love worker you are!

Just don´t forget to take a breake, every now and then visiting your inner beautiful sanctuary within your holy heart, I need to remind you that you need this nurturing from within where we the angels reach you and meet you to give you all the healing you need.

Love each breath, think and feel the ten things (at least) in your life that you are greatful about, this is how you access me, and this is how you expand your inner sanctuary.

I love you


Friday, 26 July 2024

Mother Mary The Language of Light.

When you know the holy teachings, the knowledge about love, then you find your own light.

The holy teachings is about eternal wisdom!

It is about the knowing.

It is about the true knowing, of life, and about love.

When you understand it, you actually glow, in a beautiful light.

The knowledge itself is love.

That is how you connect with love, finding it, inside of you, having faith in love.

This is how you turn on you own light. And others might be able to see it, for it is actually visible to the human eyes.

Light is knowledge, the information that is good to have when you live on Earth.

And you already glow in your own unique light, yes of cource, you are well on your way!

A handbook is being written right now in this subject, soon ready!

I love you

Mother Mary

Monday, 15 July 2024

Mother Mary Classes begins soon!

I am glad to announce that my teachings, classes, will soon begin for who ever is interested!

I will work through this medium!
And what are the teachings about?

Well let me say dear beloved, the Path to Love, how does that sound to you?

This medium have already started writing for me, a book, in fact, and it is the start of it all!

There are keys! Important keys to your path to love, and I will guide you, to find yours!

And even though you are love, and you breath love, you might need some help anyway and I am here to always guide you!

The teachings will be mostly free, and you will be able to buy a pdf, if you will, directly from this medium. You can choose language! Swedish, English, German, Spanish, French!

Please let this medium know if you are interested! 

I love you,
Mother Mary

Wednesday, 10 July 2024

Archangel Michael Keeping Faith safe in your heart!

I am Michael and I love you!

You live on Earth a place where it is not easy to live most of the time.

I am with you anyway, no matter what you do, or how you life looks like.

Sometimes you think I am only with those that are happy?

It is an illusion that some people would be happy all the time!

True happiness comes from gratitude! Not money or items, materia!

A good friend is worth more than all the gold in the world!

What do you prefer in your life? A friend or gold?

This is a very important question for most people to ask themselves!

What can you really own? When you leave this bring nothing with you, exept for one thing...yes the answer is LOVE!

So. Rising up, first ascending and then? Coming back down to live on Earth with the insight of mercy and gratitude!

Some of you think, eventhough you are old souls, that ascension would be about getting out of here? Climbing up some stairs? Reaching nirvana and don´t look back over you shoulder, to escape all the trouble on Earth? Leaving others, that did not wake up?

I must say, it is just an illusion of ego!

And as ego tend to do, it works like an echo! It comes back to you, over and over again!

By now, you, my dear friend, you are capable, very well instructed after eons of time of preparation for this work on Earth, you know items and gold, money, does not make you happy.

It is just an old safety! But you also sit in its grip! I say it will losen up its grip, slowly and you will be more free!

It is actually a battle of the souls! You can still live in this society, where the money rules, but you have your inner knowing, that no one owns you, for you are perfectly free.

In this state of mind, body and soul, you seem to attract those that are stuck in items, owning things, as they are still stuck in their egos, but they are attracted to you, for their souls know that it is the end of a chapter.

The new true chapter of Earth is living with gratitude! Meaning having exactly what you need, and then sharing when you have to much.

No one can own Mother Earth! She is her own!

Still old habits, ego, to own, grows on Earth, and wars are started on many places on Earth. 

The very knowing you have, is being shared all around, you need not even open your mouth and speak up about it! For it is within you, and your aura.

Mother Earth is about motherhood and keeping a homestead, and women are the carriers, little grails of her, Earth.

The female and male energies are still imbalanced and there too is an old war still going on. 

The female energy is still too low. 

Bevare of the evil crusaide against women, motherhood and the feminine energy!

Turn away from whoever makes a profit on or enjoys hurting women or children in anyway. Always report to police if you notice or suspect anything bad going on.

Start where you live, where your feet are, where you walk! Look around you! 

And most of all never forget why you came here, to this planet!

You are a lightworker, a beacon, a channel of the new beautiful peaceful era and you are slowly walking and spreading a wondrous light all around you.

Your collaboration with the angelic sphere and your soul is the light itself, it is there all the time when you walk in the dark of Earth. 

Your job is to be anchored, grounded, keeping your beloved Faith safe and closest to your heart. And I Michael will always help you keep your Faith!

I love you,


Friday, 21 June 2024

Happy Midsummer Solstice and thanks for every heartbeat!

Hallo dear beautiful friend 💓

I just wanted to reach out to you today and say congratulations to the midsummer solstice a special moment!(That was yesterday on Thursday ;)

For me this is so important! Just all the eqinoxes and midwinter solstice! These are real moments in time, our time! The longest day at the whole year it is! And here where I live in the North at the same longitude as Alaska, it is light all night long.

Where I live in Sweden many people celebrate today (Friday) as a modern way of life. But for me the very meaning with it has been minimized into something else. 

It is not wrong - oh no - but the SUN was something that was loved and worshipped for many thousands of years ago.

The focus point has shifted and as a result the decreasing knowledge about Mother Earth and all the living beings here.

The gratitude for each fairy and for all of those that work constantly for making Mother Earth live and also survive. 

They love her so much and at each sunrise, giving her the breath of life each day and each night. Those are the ones that we should celebrate and sing for and give gifts to?

I am a heathen that loves God! And I have been given the joyfull mission to write! Halleluja 💚!

I not only believe in God - I KNOW GOD - for I met God in my kitchen 15 years ago and it was amazing love all around, Gods love lifted me up and I did an ascension right there and it was increadible, as I was washing up a pan in the morning, after the oatmeal porridge.

The thing is: it has been so lovely, it has been a miracle for me, these days and weeks turning into years, so wonderful sunrises and sunsets!

And I am so grateful, forever!💓💓💓

But it has been hard too, at the same time. I have worked with beloved Jesus in his work here on Earth and it includes the worst of the worst and I am devastated over the amount of evil that exists that he and his team has to face constantly.

God asked me in the kitchen: would you like to help me by writing a book for me? And I said yes, and so I did! For I really wanted to help!

And the book is Gods love declaration to EVERY WOMAN on EARTH!

And the book is also Gods love declaration to MOTHER EARTH where she, has a chapter of her own!

And no! Women did not come from a mans rib...oh no! That is a lie!

The man comes from a womans womb! 

In fact women where first on Earth!

Many secrets are revealed in the book that I wrote for God but most of all it is all about faith hope and love and the holy nectar that I found in Jamtland where I live. 

So I say no matter what, every moment counts, every heartbeat is important, even when you wash a pan in your kitchen, when you are tired in the morning! A miracle might happen anytime!

And even if there are certain holidays to celebrate where there a are great expectations, preparations and festivities. 

Never forget the tiny moment when you did not expect anything at all, maybe when you are sad or tired. 

A wonderful miracle can happen here and now! 

You are the most important person, you are the miracle and you are loved.

Know that Mother Earth loves you! She knows you as well as God does! She wants to hold you in her arms, when you are sad. She wants to hold your hand in hers. She walks beside you at all times, just as God already do...! 

Our heartbeats unite us all, there is where we meet!



Sunday, 16 June 2024

What is a good faith?

I am Faith, and so are you!

I will talk about what makes a faith into a good one!

But firstly! WHAT is faith?

Faith is basic, the first heavenly energy that everything started with.

And what started? The Big Bang!

Faith is an energy! Faith is the foundation to a house. 

Faith is the pilars that holds up all the other energies, as hope, love, gratitude and more.

For if you don´t have faith, you can not have any other either.

Before the Big Bang and before the grand creation started, Faith made everyone come together.

Faith is not alone and could not create without the others.

In fact all the different energies as love, hope, faith, goodness, harmony, balance, gratitude, rythm, music and more are dependent on each other.

So all these energies, or rather the masters of these energies came together and created Earth.

So for you my dear friend; all of these energies are what you are made of.

All of these energies are what you actually need to feel okay.

And then, the good faith? What is that? Who is that?

Faith is an energy firstly, on a house, it is the foundation. On you it is your feet.

Without a clear good faith you are not properly grounded!

And this in turn will make your connection with higher realms harder to achieve.

So what really defines a good faith?

Well it is not about religion! It is not about a punctuality in going to church each Sunday.

A good faith is about gratitude to a dewdrop! A good faith is loving each flower and having a knowing. 

I talk about the inner knowing that all have a good purpose.

And if someone can´t be good in this lifetime, they will be so, in the next.

A good faith have just as much patience as God has.

The good faith has endless patience for goodness to grow everywhere and gratitude for love the strongest of energies.

It falls back onto your own patience many times!

And you have to remember that a good faith always works together with hope and love. It is a sacred trinity! 

In the house, the hearth, the fireplace, symbolizes love. And hope is the windows. 

When I talk about that good faith is being kidnapped, it is so for some use faith for negative purposes. 

A good faith is like a shepherd. Faith walks as the last person behind the flock, always checking up on everyone, taking care of those that needs it. Walking last in line means that Faith have an eye on everyone walking infront of her. She does not miss out on anyone or anything happening.

The good faith is a true mother of all. She nurtures all that needs it. She does not want to walk first, taking the credit for anything. She wants to work and she does not think anyone should pay her back. For her it is a true calling. 

The good Faiths best friend is God! 

And there where more to the Big Bang as well:

there where the Animal Kingdom, The Plant Kingdom, The Mineral Kingdom and all the other peoples as Giants, Trolls, Fairies, Vittras and more. And the elements too! And I will say that time is an element as well!

All the animals are ambassadors here on Earth, coming from another place in the Universe from before the Big Bang.

Time is part of the equation of Earth! 

You are ambassadors of awakened souls coming from different places of the Universe too.

If you are an Arcturian, or Pleidian, or Sirian, or Andromedan or from other places, it does not really matter, for you actually have your feet on Earth right now!

The most important thing is that you acknowledge yourself for someone that came through the eye of the needle and holding the torch of freedom in your hand. It is not an easy process! It takes blood sweat and tears!

But now you have to define your faith so that you can ground yourself properly. Ask yourself these questions please:

What does really matter to you?

What is important to you?

What warms your heart with love when you feel and think of something?

What do you dream about? 

What would you like to create?

I am Faith and I love you so much more that you can ever believe!

Now it is high time for you to manifest what you love, what you hold in your heart.

It is time to manifest and create this into this dimension that you live in. When everyone of you do this, you will lift Mother Earth up into higher dimension!

You have your unique colors, unique patterns and you glow in your own light that no one else has, and you even have an unique song of your heart. So it is time for you to understand that no one can ever replace you and do your thing. You need to step up for YOU now! 

The light I see from the Universe is so beautiful for you all create a symphony of light and sound together. But some of you doubt yourselves and this dims the light. It is time to shine in full light now! 

You are the ones! You are the ones you have been waiting for!

You have been waiting for yourself!

I love you so much, you can always confide in me whenever you like, and I would so very much like to hold your hand in mine,

forver yours


(Thank you for finding my blog and reading my letters. I am Kerstin Eriksson. 

I feel it is a little sad, some actally take my channelings and call them their own or do not mention/write that it is my original channeling or refer to my blog. Actually some really use me and treat me badly in this way. Some have payed axess only to my texts but does not pay any tribute back to me, the giver of these messages. 

thou shalt not steal....something to consider?)

I am old and sick, and some send me deaththreats for having this blog. I have no pay or salary for writing here. It is my true calling.

have a beautiful day....💓

with love


Wednesday, 12 June 2024

Prayers for Lampedusa!

Put your hands together and say a prayer!

Palms to palms and fingertips to fingertips! 

Say a prayer today for Lampedusa.

Say a prayer of hope! 💓

Speak from your heart with your greatest faith and love!

Dear Lampedusa I wish you all the healing you need and all hope and goodness for you to carry in every heartbeat, so that love will win!

Please God save and bless all on Lampedusa with your holy heart! 

Dear God you mend all broken hearts and dry every tear.

Dear God you aid all souls over troubled waters and may everyone come safely into harbour.

Dear God thank your for building a bridge of hope wherever it is needed!

Dear God thank your for your dear care and help!

I am so grateful for Gods help, thank you!

Dear God thank your for your dear care and help to end all misery on Lampedusa! May a goodhearted humanity prevail!

God bless you dear Lampedusa!

(Picture borrowed from Google, thank you!)

If you like my blog and want to contribute you can support me if you like. Please feel free to buy me a coffee. I have a calling and I have no salary of any kind. The blog is now more than 10 years old. If you support me I can continue to support all of those that I already support...a giving that givs...God bless you...

Sunday, 9 June 2024

Archangel Michael Love to see you!

I am Michael and I serve God! Good vibrations! That is what it is all about! I am also honest and this can be troublesome for some people!

I serve you all! I am with everyone of you! And you work on your learningcurve at all times, and it is the same as your life here on earth.

You are a soul in a body, in a costume! No matter how your costume looks like, your body, your soul is the same!

And what matters to me? What is my work, really? I say time after time that "I serve", but what does it really mean?

Well, I make you stronger! And I protect you!

Sometimes you can get really angry at me? For you think "why didn´t archangel Michael protect me" at a certain moment?

Well, you see, I am there with you anyway! But you have to encounter things and happenings in your life - to learn! So that your soul can grow!

I can never roll out a safety carpet for anyone! So that you would be protected twenty-four-seven all days around the year. 

No that would be a mistake from my part, if I did that!

For your soul has an ambition! You as a sovereign soul has a free will and I can never hinder your experiences that your soul wants to learn more about.

So it might seem that I am not so very nice at times?

It is okay if you are angry at me, because you don´t fully understand your soulpurpose.

I am always around. I always know what is going on. You can always call on me! I always love to see you!

But of course I protect you also! Many times! I am in direct contact with billions of guides and we work as one!

You are safe! You are safe with me! But it does not mean that nothing ever will happen to you. Live your life! Don´t be afraid! Love your life! Love every step! Because every step matters a lot!

For every new experience in your life, you learn something and you and your soul grow.

If you tend to be afraid of things in your life. Make sure you work on inner faith symbols, as a beautiful garden of peace in your heart.

Use your inner sanctury as a means to let go of worries and fears and this will aid you, many times over. For when you are in a good state of heart and mind, you will attract just the same. Just remember that you attract what you think of and you attract what you vibrate.

So let go of worries. Let go of fear once and for all!

Attract the good vibes! Attract the positive things in life!

And why? Because it is your right! You should not ever give this up!

I am there with you no matter what your vibrations are...but it is a lot nicer for you dear beloved!

I love you,


Sunday, 26 May 2024

The Vittra speaks about recipe for Earth life!

We are Vittra! We are as old as the Earth and even older. 

We are a part of Mother Earth's recipe!

I mean like when you follow a recipe when you bake a loaf of bread. You have various ingredients that are needed for the bread to become just a bread. It's the same with us. We are part of the creation, the content, of this magnificent planet.

And the same goes for YOU my dear friend! 

You humans have only just begun to understand what you are and why you walk on this planet.

It's easy to get confused. 

You have so many choices in everything in your life. And in all these choices, it is easy to lose sight, focus, on what really matters, in order to live the true life on Mother Earth.

If you want to live the true life on Earth, you have to start with:

to get to know Mother Earth!

We teach our own children about the Earth first. Then our children get to specialize in an area where they have the most interest. This is how we give our children the true basic platform for life here on Earth.

If you don't know what the floor looks like, it is not easy to put up the walls, windows and roof then? Right? What does the house look like then?

What does life look like if you don't first learn about Mother Earth? Maybe life gets a little "crooked and wintry"?

You dear people are only at the beginning of your learning about Earth. Although more and more people are now waking up and really want to learn about Mother Earth and we see it as something very wonderful and positive! 

The first thing you can do is just listen to her, and do it in silence, in your heart, in peace and harmony. Only when you have settled your musts and dos, and when you have let go of your own demands on how this should be done.... then you will feel a new connection!

Your contact with Mother Earth is open when you are completely undemanding and your heart is full of love and gratitude. It is this channel through which Mother Earth communicates.

You humans will regain your joy, your true hearts joy, in connecting with Mother Earth, for you will remember on a deep soul level that you have missed connection with your primordial mother, who in turn has missed each and everyone of you, and always, always waited for you, and always loved you.

You are truly awaited and You are truly so incredibly loved and Mother Earth knows what each one of you is going through and she wants nothing more than to hold Your hand like the loving soul that she is.

So dear children, love your feet, every step means something very much and our dear Mother Earth feels your steps too because every step touches her, so never think that anything in your life is meaningless.

Now retrieve your faith, and your power to a life of exuberant flow of love and joy together with your planet Mother Earth.

We are Vittra and we love you!