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Saturday 25 November 2023

Archangel Faith Love conquers all!

I am Faith, and I am an archangel.

I have lived in captivity, and I know all about it.

I lived for many centuries without freedom, and now I know what freedom means to me.

I have reached out to those that have been most open and still could sense me.

But most of you just took me for granted.

You hold your own faith within your heart, and no one can take that away.

I am a pacifist. I know there are other ways than doing harm.

Patience and gratitude are very important to me.

What is important to you?

And do you know what? I love you so very much!

I know about your every step in life.

I know when you cry, from sorrow, pain or fear.

I also know when you are happy, and you laugh with joy.

I always put my wings around you to heal and make you safe.

It is important to keep the goodness in your heart, then I become your good faith.

I always work together with hope and love. It is a sacred trinity. 

We all need each other. We need to constantly balance each other.

You create! You are your own creator of your faith!

You decide! You decide if your faith is a good one!

It means that you also need the trinity!

You need faith, hope and love, because this means it is all good!

But - only - a faith - in something negative, without love, and without hope, it means there are no joy, just a determination? A will or a kind of faith that is just being a means to do harm?

You make your faith into a good faith, when you use your own free will!

It is your own decision.

So. Then comes the next step! First your own faith, then comes your community and the faith they have.

Ask yourself these questions;

Love and hope, and a really good faith, where do you find it?

If, you don´t find it where you live, then you have it in your heart!

Start from your own heart! And your free will to do good! 

A good faith would not approve of hurting children, or letting priests rape children. NEVER. It has nothing to do with faith. 

This kind of "faith" those people claim they have, is a kidnapped faith. They claim to have a faith, but behind there are a bunch of criminals that ought to go to jail.

Millions of people see the grandness. Millinons of people see an old tradition. Millions of people just aprove because they need to feel a kind of security.

But if you ask me, and I am archangel Faith, I can´t even speak, because I cry.

For me children are sacred. For me no one must hurt a child and then call it in the "name of God" or in "my kind of faith". They use God and me as an excuse to do harm.

This is pure EVIL. This is how Faith is being kidnapped. And used. 

It is no better than a masquerade. 

You just choose a costume and everyone buys into who you say you are, and askes no questions. 

Please! I want you to follow your heart! 

Please I want you to protect all the children, they are innocent!

Please I would like for you to ask a lot of questions and never be afraid of doing so. 

Please be wild, and be honest and follow your heart and do good with your faith hope and love, that you have in your heart.

It is time for the masquerade to be over. 

No one should be seen as a popstar in a cloak and behind the scenes horrible acts are happening. 

You have your church already, it is your heart and your body. You don´t really need the biggest building ever built to find your faith?

All you need is your free will to do good. 

Faith, me, I love all children and when so many calls themselves for priests and at the same time lie and hurt children, I cry for ever.

The true Faith is very good. And the closest friend to God.

God too, is being run over! 

Many have started wars in the name of God. And God never once approved. God stood beside, waving with arms and shouting "-NO, STOP, do not start a war, and absolutely not in my name."

We of course know, you live, and learn by living on Earth. But don´t be confused by a costume. Listen with your heart, and see with your eyes, and ask a lot of questions. and protect the innocent always.

The pedofils agenda is to make people believe that God is a pedofile too. And nothing could be more wrong.

Trust your gut feeling. Trust your heart, and what it tells you. When you meet a church person, never let your children be alone with anyone you don´t actually trust to 100 procent. And I mean 100 procent! 99 procent is not enough!

If you feel the tiniest doubt, then you don´t let your child out of your eyesight.

Love will conquer all, as well as goodness will conquer evil. But it actually starts with you, it is your choice! 

The clothes, the money, the houses, the cars, the titles, the buildings, the gold and jewellry, it says absolutely nothing about how people behave.

It is time to learn this lesson now. Once and for all.

Much money does not mean someone is good. Not at all.

Being a religious person with a title, does not mean this person is good.

A good person needs no title, no gold, no big building or churches. 

God and me, we cry, for there are so much evil, much against children and this is satanic business florishing, and has nothing to do with God nor me Faith, and has nothing to do with hope and love either.

A good light is being stronger and stronger and all dark veils are being lifted and all can see what is going on.

Love yourself and your footsteps, as each can be a good one, if you choose it. But don´t ever idolize anyone so much that you don´t see them for what they are and what they actually do. 

Protect the innocent! The children and animals and the planet Earth. 

It is sad to say but the satanic behaviour is not over yet, it is spreading. So keep a close eye on children and be a good angel and protect them always.

Let the children be safe and let the children be what they are, a child!

And be prepared to see right through all the make-ups, maskes, costumes and the entire evil masquerade.

Most of all, I love you, and you are a magnificent lightworker that have chosen to live in this particular time of the transcendent ways of Gaia.

You are the new teachers and guides of the transformed Gaia and your unique light is of the highest essence.

I believe in you,

God bless you,


Saturday 11 November 2023

Archangel Michael Angels amongst you!

Hallo dear friend, I love you, I am Michael and I have written from this source many times in almost a decade.

My beloved twinsoul Faith always balance me with love and patience.

I am strong! Having strength is not always easy. But Faith balance my strength.

Faith gives me patience, and Hope carries me. 

Faith gives me time to understand what to do with my strength. 

Faith, Hope and Love also serves all of humanity, all of Earth.

Having strength is not only about being able to lift something heavy.

Being strong is not about looking upon all the muscles it is so much more.

Having a lot of strength means that it takes longer to know the love energy. For you are actually busy lifting rocks, and comparing your strength to others, like a competition almost.

Even though a strong person can lift the biggest rock, it is something else that is the true strength, and that is being able to stand down, having the guts to saying no to participating in something violent and aggresive.

For when the strong person, uses their strength together with the heart instead, the goodness of their heart, the very meaning of strength shifts. This is the most beautiful shift!

Yes you can lift whatever you need to lift if you are strong, but please do it for a good reason always!

Many on your planet holds great strength BUT still does not apply the most important energy, the love energy.

A strong person can lift a thousands of stones and build a fortress, from where they can aim at innocent persons.

But when the strong person becomes weak for a while, they can´t lift one single stone. And while weak they begin to feel something new. As being weak they begin to fathom what they have been building all of their life. They see in retrospective: they have built up a path that lacked love and empathy but was filled with an energy close to aggresivity.

So while weak thoughts sprouts like a green leaf thinking: it is time to build something different now! And the heart feels; it is time for a change. No more division, as in; me and others, in fact we are one, all together! We are brothers and sisters!

Without connection to the love energy that resides in the heart, a strong person can easily become a war machine. A bully. A threat to other peoples lifes.

Being strong, is a gift! It is a gift to be used (only) WITH love in the heart!

But this realization takes time!

It is their soul-lesson, to learn how to handle their strength! 

And how do you understand strength?

You learn about strength by experiencing defeat, and weakness, in other words, you learn about strength by knowing the absence of it.

It is the same with love. If you come to earth to learn about love - the way to learn is - when you don´t have it! When you don´t feel love at all. The absence teaches you! The opposites teaches you about what you are actually here to learn.

One day you will know this. I learned throughout many eons of time.

To appreciate my strenght, I had to endure the lack of it. I lived lives as weak, sick and fragile and more. I lived lives as I needed to, to fathom how great my strength actually are.

You as a soul have different main energies that you are here to learn more about. And what you learn, process and work with, you will eventually pull through the eye of the needle. It is like a beautiful thread of knowledge that ARE you, your life´s experience, it is your transformation!

It has to do with what soul-tree you belong to!

There are many soul-trees!

There are over 333 different soul-trees that inhabit planet Gaia.

Each soul-tree have different combinations of heart ambitions.

Love is the energy with the greatest of patience, love will conquer all they say, and that is really so!

LOVE WILL WIN, but first all those with strength to fight - will fight. Their lessons have only just begun! Their quest for love and this glorious energy will take a long time. 

When you are really sick and weak, and you can not stand up, you don´t lie in your sick-bed thinking of hurting anyone? No of course not! And why? When you are sick and you have no strength to do anything other than laying down and resting, you rely on someone caring for you, nurturing you. And this is when something happens!

You develop gratefullness! For that someone takes care of you! 

If you live a life alone, with no family, you become very grateful the day when you suddenly get an invite to eat dinner with a good friend and the family your friend has. Suddenly you feel the warmth from within this family community and you feel how it is to be included!

Then you really begin to understand how important family is to you! As you never had one, you could not really understand but you always wanted to have a loving caring family that you wanted to be a part of.

When you are sick and when you are weak all you miss is: being healthy. And maybe you miss is being able to walk in the sunshine eating an ice-cream, or just feeling the wind in your hair, but most of all you miss being well again.

So you will know what is important, when you don´t have it.

If you have a home, and you are out to do something and you encounter a not nice person that hurts you badly, when you finally get back home, and you are safe once again, you can kiss the floor of gratitude to be home safe again, it is like you really see the floor for the first time.

Before you sometimes felt ashamed over your old and not so stylish home, but, now after you had the bad encounter, when you are finally home again you absolutely feel so much love to your dear beloved home! So be proud of it as it is! It is your safe-place, your sanctuary! 

You actually feel so grateful to your floor, that you feel that you should not wear shoes indoors to show your dear home true gratitude.

The more thirsty you are, the more you will appreciate drinking water..! 

There you have it again! 

If you always have water at hand, you will probably just take it for granted. But when you really miss it, and you are maybe feverish and sick, it will become most valuable to you, and you will forever have a new deepend feeling for water.

You actually feel so grateful for drinking water that you each time will say thanks from your heart to each glass of water you drink from now on.

So what am I really talking about?

It is all about gratefullness! 

Being grateful comes from when you have understood the lessons. From when you did not have it.

When you did not have a family, the invite to a friends home really lifted you up! 

When you where so thirsty and your throat so dry, drinking that glass of cold water was a true blessing. Loving water and being grateful for each drop is the new grateful way of living. 

When you where sick the person that nurtured and treated you back to health made you grateful and is forever a good friend to you.

When you where sick and weak and had no strength and could not lift one single stone to build your fort even bigger, you suddenly had the time to realize that you had used your time and strength to build walls around you and making enemies. 

So when you find your strength WITH the combination of the insight and blessed hearts intent to use your force to do GOOD that is when a true miracle happens!

Hearts awaken all the time, more and more people awaken to their true potential and see their true soul purpose on Earth. 

The souls awakenings is all about using your skill together with your goodness that you carry within your holy heart.

When you find your love inside of your heart that is when and where you find God!

God wants you to use your hands only for the sake of peace and love! Otherwise say NO. Please. Use your voice to say NO. Please.

Let the goodness in your heart be the light you follow.

Angels walks amongst you all of the time,

and God resides within your heart!

You are never alone in your beautiful transformation, just have Faith in yourself always!

God bless you!

I love you,


Sunday 5 November 2023

Didakus of Alcalá Connection via your heart!

I did what I did, once upon a time, not thinking more than just; 

I wanted to be of help to other people!

To be kind and help another person, has nothing to do with religion!

Everything starts with you, and your heart!

What you do with the gesture of kindness, and selflessness, does not need a lable.

If you hold a religious symbol in your hand, it does not make you into a good person, automatically.

What matters is what you do! 

What matters is what you choose to do with your own hands! It has to do with what steps you take, and in what direction ou choose to go.

Does your steps lead to someone that needs help? Or does your steps lead to more personal wealth? More gold? More juwels?

When pockets are filled with juwels and gold and still no one cares for anyone else? When people are hungry? And children suffer the most God bless them.

Look to yourself and not a leader with great wealth, or golden figurines, like some king. A true kind heart does not need this, it would share it instead.

You have your true faith in your heart! And your heart does not need gold nor jewellry.

Your heart need sincerity. Love. Patience. Harmony. Gratitude. Joy.

And your true heart needs justice in the name of love.

You are the chalice of love and devotion, please have faith in yourself. You body is the dwelling of your soul, like your own personal church.

Your heart is the sender and receiver of messages to and from God.

Your faith is the telefonnumber to God, just make the call and talk!

You can communicate with God from wherever you are. Always.

Just remember to always have faith in yourself!

I love you,


Wednesday 1 November 2023

Guanyin Lessons in love.

A long time ago I lived on Earth, my Mother.

I have lived many times on this beloved Mother and for each life that I lived, I learned many things.

I learned, and I developped and my patience grew.

The learning process, the very learning about existance on planet, does not come easy.

To exist on this planet means; pain, but also pleasure, sorrow but also joy, it means that you experience a duality.

There is day and there is night. There is hot days and cold nights. And there is feminine and masculine energy.

There are sweet and also salty flavours. 

There are so many contrasts, and so there are even more angles to life and how to look upon it.

As a soul you apply to go to Earth, to go to the university of Gaia. To learn the most difficult lessons of life. 

And why this? When it is so painful? Traumatising? Sad?

Well, there is a catch!

You are already made of a material, energies, as for instance love!

So. You come to learn about yourself! About love, faith, hope, patience, gratefulness, harmony, and more.

The older you get, the wiser you become, the more you realize that love, the lessons in love are the most important you can ever have.

Because you dig deeper and deeper into yourself and the very love being that you are, but have forgotten about, as you came tho this planet.

And why is it necessary to come here, to go through hardships that seem cold and negative, when you could have learned about it in a book in heaven?

It is all about learning by doing!

You have to pull your life-thread through the eye of the needle!

And then you weave the most interesting and beautiful cloth of life, your life and soul.

You can read a lot of books! Yes it is good! But they can never replace an original experience of your own soul.

You are going back to love! The very creation of this planet was something that was very carefully planned.

And the joint creators that met before the big bang talked and discussed for a long while before they started to create what you now live on.

They could see into time, and the result that all would become love once again. But not without a struggle! Not without pain or sorrow.

But love will reign once again as it is the natural way.

Love is the energy with the most patience. 

Love is the energy with the most gratitude.

Love is the energy with faith and hope of the holy heart.

So you have to be patient and love will conquer all!

Live your life with grace, it is easy to say? But it will transform your life!

Living your life with heartfelt gratitude opens the door to higher dimensions! 

Gratitude itself is a realm of its own!

Accepting self, letting go of negative thoughts is creating a miracle of grand proportions.

I love you, I am a learner, I have learned many things and that I can never learn to much, that is impossible.

And yet, in the smallest of nutshells there lies a simple and wonderful truth of growth and it is up to you and your free will to add the ingredient of love.

Love is a choise! Love is a path that you choose to walk, to breath.

You can choose to plant all your seeds with love.

When you choose love, you acknowledge yourself and your true essence.

All possibilities are like seeds. All wishes are like seeds. Everything you love to do has the potential of being a seed that you can make grow.

I walk beside you and if you want I will hold your hand.

Just let me know!

I love you,


Wednesday 25 October 2023

God Pass it on!

You don´t have to worry. Find your inner peace. It is there, I am there.

Love is about sharing. Pass it on!

You are blessed! So pass it on!

You have received good things in your life, so please pass it on!

This is how you make new friends! 

What you have been blessed with, share it, and let others feel the same as you!

The more you share love, the more will come back to you!

So always know that love has no borders, nor walls.

Love is not controlled by time or space, you can not command it.

You can only cherish it for it is totally free and the more you accept that love indeed is free, the more it will come back to you.

The holy cup of love will be filled up the more you drink from it, but you must drink from it with gratitude, then it works!

Let go of the fear, of the need to must have it all, share instead, what you already have, pass it on.

I am God and I am a pacifist, I say, talk to each other, listen to each other, help each other.

Whatever love you have in your life pass it on and pick only up a pen or a rose.

In the early morning the dewdrop in a little green leaf, awaits you and your love to awaken to the new born day.

The sunrise will bring new gifts to you if you are ready to receive with grace.

In the name of love everything expands with the strenght of your gratitude to life.

Abundance of love comes when you pass love on.

I am there always in your heart, and I hear your prayers, I feel your tears and I also feel your hearts joy.

I bless you for wanting peace and love always.

I love you,


Mother Mary Go back to love!

I am a Mother and the most important thing for me is love!

I always want my children to come back to love!

Sometimes in life it is easy to go astray, because of what is necessary to learn.

Learning is essential on this planet! This planet is a school, actually an university!

But usually you judge yourself very hard! 

Usually you judge yourself so hard, that even if you have learned all that you came here to learn, you don´t love yourself enough!

And why is this you might wonder?

Maybe you think this is hard to think about, really feel in your heart?

I do not mean that you should let your ego grow! And this is what you are afraid of!

You are so afraid of your own ego!

For eons of time, your ego was actually something very important to you!

Now when you have evolved into the divine being and soul that you are, -and always was-, the ego almost scares you. 

Sometimes the ego seem to chase you? Other times the ego is your worst enemy?

And how can you find a healthy and friendly way to deal with your ego?

In fact you have to love yourself, the entire "package" that is you, even love your own ego!

I have the easiest suggestions for you dear friend!

You have a natural alarm bell! Trust it!

This particular alarm bell works this way:

It will signal to you every time your ego begins to take more place in your life than what your own soul wants to!

For eons of time, -lifetimes on Earth- the ego - actually was a kind of lesson for you to learn about your very life.

So please you don´t have to be afraid or see your ego as an enemy, just a neutral lesson of life, otherwise you would not be exactly the one that you are.

Keep the relationsship to your ego, totally neutral and if you can, love it! 

Have no fear, and no animosity.

Otherwise you will hurt yourself and you will exist in the energy of fear or anger towards yourself! And the more distance there will be to the energy, the natural energy of love!

It is in the energy of love that you are YOU! The true you!

Lay your faith in God that God and the angels and your beloved guides will ring the alarm bell when necessary, and otherwise please enjoy your life, with great care and love for yourself!

I love you

Mother Mary

Monday 16 October 2023

Archangel Michael Love every step!

I am Michael and I must say; I want you to love every step!

Nothing is more important!

If you find yourself somewhere and not really feeling if you love your steps, take a little break, give yourself some space to be!

There is never any rush with the choice of your heart!

You have to be patient with your heart, you must be willing to listen to the whispers your heart makes.

Just take that preacious litte paus and await what your heart is saying to you!

Then, you can proceed with your steps and walk your lovewalk!

If you are in a hurry. If you are stressed. If you are not patient, you can miss out on, your true path in life.

Your true path in this lifetime is all about love! Yes! There is no doubt about it!

So if you see someone taking a little rest, who is awaiting their 

heart´s answer...don´t think they are lazy.

Taking the very important time to just be, is a great responsability! To yourself and your soul!

Your soul is crying out to you! Be in silence! Take your time! Don´t rush! And then you will feel your true heart´s intent!

It is easy to be in a hurry! Most people hurry! Things have to happen fast! A chase for each minute is common! 

Less time to breathe! Less time to exist! Less time to find your true hearts path!

You think it is all about your shoes? What kind of shoes you have? No!

You are born with bare feet! Your soles of your feet knows!

Usually you push your feet into a pair of shoes? But your feet already know, and feel you. Sometimes you are in a hurry and you feel no connection to the soles of your feet. 

Walking barefoot is so important! Try it! Be free from the concept of boxing in. Let yourself be free at heart and feet!

There are more than a thousands of billions of ways to express love!

You have your own unique way! Do it your way!

Just give yourself the magical time to listen to your heart, when you are busy doing nothing, you actually develop the most, finding your true path of your heart!

If you could see your footsteps of love, it is truly wonderful to behold, for they are very beautiful!

And of course we walk together! Hand in hand! Side by side! 

I love you,
