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Tuesday 18 October 2022

Archangel Michael For better for worse.

I am Archangel Michael and I love you very much.

On your journey in your life you encounter many different things and you meet several choices and that is exactly what life is about.

Sometimes your life takes you on a walk over a green blossoming meadow where harmony resides and everything is fine. Other moments you have to walk on sharp stones that hurt your feet. And sometimes you walk where there is dark and other times where the landscape takes you to difficult terrains.

Your life is a journey. Your soul is eternal and for the soul the walk here on your planet Earth is a part of your forever walk. The journey is the goal, not the very finishline that you might think of?

What you learn here on Earth is forever going to be something that your soul will learn from forever on.

Not one single step is unnecessary. When you have to do hard stuff in your life and when you have to make difficult choices because you do not find any other possibility - that is okay.

That is what life is about. Learning to cope no matter what circumstances there may be.

So what is it all about? Life? Life here on Earth? 

For a soul coming to Earth is like a human being going to a university, and not a university that you think is a difficult school to go to, no much harder, because you loose all your memory, you start as a newborn and you work your way up, meaning you work up your knowledge about life and what really matters.

So what is it that really matters? 

What you can not own, is the most important knowledge of all. 

You can not own love, or buy faith, or shop for some hope. You can not own a true friend. 

If you come to earth to explore freedom, you will find yourself in different traps, where you learn about being held against your free will. That is only an example.

Another example: If you come to Earth to learn more about love, you will find it difficult to receive love and you have to learn and understand love because of that.

This is how it is. You are eternal, as a soul. And you want to come here, to this school as Earths is. This school is highly sought after.

Souls stand in a long queue in heaven to be reborn on Earth, to learn more, to understand more in different subjects.

Can it really be like this, you might wonder? Yes it is!

The scenery of your life makes you learn what you came here to know and then - you become a master in this subject. 

In a way you are married to life, as you are here on Earth. As you are born into this life you have said yes to a life in one of the most difficult schools there are, in the Universe.

The more love you can find, the more faith you have in your heart and the more you understand that you are a creation of love, the more you understand of the lessons you take in this school.

The knowledge of love is free, it does not cost a penny and as you yourself are creations of love, faith, hope, and more wonderful energies you begin to love what is free. You begin to learn that no one can own, you, or her your beloved Mother Earth.

I am so proud of you, and how you have managed all of your lessons, and all of your difficult classes in the most intricate school of all, the Earth school, and you still spread love all around you.

You spread such a lovely light around you and it connects with all of your sisters and brothers all around the globe and it is the most beautiful light there have ever been and I must say cheer up because no one judges you for your own choices because sometimes you are sad about parts of you life, that you wish you hade done in another way?

Every step matters! If you had not taken those steps, you would not have learned what you know today. Be happy! Be proud! 

As you have lived your life on Earth you leave and go back to heaven. 

And as you know, no one can take anything with them as they go back to the forever home. And when you are back in heaven the true richness, is all about the knowledge of love that you bring back with you in your soul essence.

The knowledge is what you bring back! Not a chair, not some jewellry, gold, money or a car, a house or whatever..!

The third dimension on Earth is the same as the school. 

As you learn more of what is free and can not be owned, you tap into higher dimension because there you find less materials. It is not about the tapestry, or the carpet or the cutleries.

It is about a higher knowledge that no one can own Mother Earth. 

No one can own her. She is herself!

Everyone that is here on Earth is visitors. Just visiting! Saying hallo to her? Treating her kindly? Loving her?

When you truly love yourself, then you love her, your Mother Earth because she will mirror you so you will understand that you are on the right track.

Mother Earth is a living being, a creator, a soul and she loves you very much and she walked beside you at every step you have taken in your life, but you did not know it. She saw your tears, she felt your fears, she know about all your pain and also about your joy.

Love your steps, love every single one of them, love yourself always and keep on shining the most beautiful light of the knowledge of love, the only thing that you always bring with you wherever you go!

I love you


Sunday 16 October 2022

Archangel Michael The holy truth!

I am archangel Michael and today I will speak about what really matters!

Your world is rising and your knowledge, your inner wisdom awakens more and more for every sunrise.

You are truly a flower of wisdom, you have several layers, multiple branches spreading out from you.

You are a rare temple of the holy truth!

How do I mean?

You are a pillar of light and on this pillar many circles form a beautiful pattern. They are all in wonderful colors that are radiant with colors of love.

You are a manifest of love and you carry this with you wherever you go and whatever you do.

All you have to take care of is yourself. 

All you have to really tend to is being faithful to yourself and what is the true love for you.

Many times you feel that you have to wait for people around you to awaken to what you are, they don´t understand, yet. But they will. Many are now awakening, and they are now where you where many years back

They are on the right track, trust them! Just be patient! But you must know that the knowledge that is awakening is an accelerating energy. 

For you it took decades to learn the holy truth, because not many have walked in those footsteps before. 

Now many walk in the same footprints and they will have a faster awakening, and this can come with some bumps in the road.

They will need guidance! From you who already are awakened! 

You hold the roots and the trunk of the tree of knowledge and many leafs grow on your tree, and they are your responsability. They are many and they need to feel your groundeness and tranquility.

The leaves and the fruits of your wisdom are what you have worked for, the ascension of so many souls. Your beloved alma is everything.

When you ascended for over a decade ago you did all the preparation work. You did all the tears, the blood and all the efforts to be ready this day. Now you hold two worlds in your hands and you know it.

You have felt very alone in this world and that is understandable. Not many could know what was really going on. When you took the shower many years ago and Mary Magdalene came and washed your feet together with Jesus and you were very grateful for what she did. But you really did not know why? Or did you?

When you felt something stinging you around your forehead and around your head you stood in the mirror and you saw a crown of thorns on your head and surprised you took a step back and asked me, God, what does this mean?

Take it away, you said to me, it is really hurting me, why is a crown of thorns sitting on my head, dear God, you asked me.

I said: that is why you share the pain with Jesus. You walk with him always, and you always have.

And then you realised that it must be just so, for everything came to be in that light, to heal the innocent, to always aid those in need.

You came here to do good. And you always blamed yourself for being naive, too naive. Always trusting people, but they betrayed you. You began to think by being good was equal to being stupid.

But you really where good. And you then found a friend that wanted you to write a book about Mother Earth, and about all women and the feminine energy, and then you heard his name, and he said it was Goding. And today everyone calls me God, parts of my name fell into oblivion. And we will soon write a second book.

And why did Mary Magdelene wash your feet?

Well what do you think?

For the respect for you, for your walk, for every step that you take, for your dedicated work for God, for me!

It is all a collaboration. A holy work of unity. Nothing is separate. We need you and you need us. In order for the ascension to work every part is of highest neccesity. Everyone does their part of the job.

Michael the archangel, work with your protection always, 

Goddess Guan Yin works with your gratitude.

God works with your goodness, 

Archangel Gabriel works with your galactic connection of your soul, and there are many more that work constantly with you. 

Mary Magdelene works with flora and fauna on Earth and she cares for your feet that you use daily, to walk and do what really matters for the sake of love peace and truth.

We all care for you! We are a great team! And you are a natural part of it!

I love you



Thursday 13 October 2022

Archangel Michael Put the doubts aside!

I am archangel Michael and I greet you tonight and I must say I am very proud of you!

You have come a very long way! Yes you have!

As you read this text you have come a very long way. Your home is in the stars and you are an ambassador here on Earth.

You might not be totally sure of your origin but that is not the most important. You will find it out eventually of course. Your guides will make you realize it, in time, no rush.

Many of you talk about origin from the stars and different dimensions and you really thrive when you do it. I think it is very amusing to hear your conversation, it makes me giggle many times.

Of course I understand that you are courious, that is only natural, but don´t worry, you will find it out and more, because the information dwells within you. It is within your DNA that is awakening.

But what I also have noticed is your anxiety that runs in your groups too: You think you will not ascend in time? You think the "train" has left the station and you are too late?

And some of you say that only thoose that ascend will "make it" the others will "go under" ?

Well, well...this is not how it is! NOT AT ALL!

Everyone will ascend! In time! And everyone will do it when THEIR TIME is right!

I think firstly: focus on yourself! 

Please focus on your own expansion and in your knowing of the most important energy: love. And how love is a bouquet of different energies as for instance: humility, gratefullness, hope, joy, faith, serenity and more positive energies.

By being YOU in your heartful love essence you will be a pillar of light that you are here on Earth to be!

Fill yourself with cheer positivity and spread it all around.

Dont "buy into" the negatives that you soak up in different groups either on-line or in real life.

Buy thinking it is only the ascendors that "make it" - it creates what?

You create a DIVISION, you create a border to other people and souls.

You all sit in the very same boat! 

All you really have to do is keep your faith up, your hope up and believe in love with all of your heart at every heartbeat.

Look closely at your seat in "the boat", who do you have next to you? Start there! Give that person your care and affection! 

It is not so difficult! It is not about the big event when you glide away to do a superbig task somewhere else, it is right under your dear beautiful nose!

I love you very much

Archangel Michael

Monday 10 October 2022

Sananda The Awakening intelligence.

I love you! I am Sananda! Sananda is my cosmic name. I lived a life as you know it as Jesus.

The great awakening is my dearest mission here on your planet Earth.

What is awakening really about, you might think?

It is about awakening to your soulmission! And first you have to realize how your soul works! 

To try to live on earth today without acknowledging your soul will make it harder and harder to live here. And why?

The time is here when living means living through your soul is Alfa and Omega.

You have to feel yourself, feel your hearts intention at every heartbeat. 

Otherwise what will happen?

You will feel disorientated. You will feel a lack of energy. You will feel sad or like living without a purpose.

You are being called by your highest self, your soul. 

The awakening is not only a choise. It really affects your daily life. When you follow your heart, and when you believe in your dreams, you do the right thing.

The more you follow your hearts desire, to make this planet a good and loving planet to live on, then you will feel very good. You will feel balanced, you will feel focused and you have the positive energy to fuel your days work.

Maybe you feel afraid to let go of the old life, the old way of living your life? Maybe you are living comfortably and hesitate to do what you would love to do?

Well it is okay because your souls purpose awaits you of course, but the longer you put off the importance of this, you will feel like you are not doing the right thing.

You actually wait for the true you.

The true you have to go where your heart tells you to go. The true you have to follow whatever warms your heart with love.

You have to realize that your heart and soul have their own intelligence. 

And this intelligence is the true light, the true knowledge, about love, the energy of love, that souls are made of.

The more you merge with your soul, the more you peel of each layer of the onion.

And the core of the onion, the center of you, is your soul, and in there is the true you and who you really are. In there you find your true essence and your soulmission.

And everything you do that is not of your souls highest wish, the less you will feel anchored to love.

So, it is really important to understand this! It is not a game, and it is not a funny exotic choice you can follow because it is exciting. 

It is all about what matters. It is all about what really can bring peace and love to this planet. It is you. And your willingness to choose love.

All of Earth is stepping up and rising into a higher dimension, and everything follows.

The life in a higher dimension means going inside in the heart and leaving more materal behind. 

You are right now living in a material world, and that you will continue to do of course, but I mean that the focus must change from chasing every commersial product, items, and building a life around things.

This is the old way of living.

You still will live on Earth but your focus comes from your heart now.

Your heart does not need a new kitchen, or a new car.

Your new way of living in the fifth dimension is all about loving yourself and creating a good and joyful vision in your heart and then 

you create this on your outside, in your life. 

You will need materials of course but it must start with you and your soul, you are a dreamteam!

When you do this you are exactly where you are supposed to be. So be calm, be quiet for a while, and allow yourself to be grounded with nature, and you will find your hearts wish. 

You have a library of information within you, and you need time to contemplate over it. When you enter your library, you enter your world of wisdom, that you have gathered over all of your lifetimes in different bodies, living on Earth.

You are a master. Never think anything else. But a master have responsabilities towards yourself always. It is not easy to be a master. Because you have to find the way, your way. You have come a long way to be here at this time. You just have to realize that the answers come to you when you empty yourself, when you live stress-free. 

Seek solitude first and breath love in and out. Love your breaths everyone of them. Love yourself always. You are the temple, you have it!

And you have a great universal family and loving guides, that await your choise of path, and they then will assist you as much as they possibly can.

The library I speak about is the akasha library that you all have a part of. Each and everyone of you have a box of your own there. In your box you have all gathered information of your doings. I choose to say that all your gathered feelings have now assumed the color of white.

The white color is the color of God.

And why?

All feelings that you have ever felt, in all of your lives have a color and a nuance of their own. And when you have felt every feeling, all colors together transforms into the white color when you are finished in learning all lessons.

So when you open your akasha box, it will shine in a beautiful white light and this means that you can fully work with your soul.

You have to feel everything, you have to go through every feeling in life to learn about love, and the importance of love. And you always come back to the white color, always.

Love is the only way. Love is eternal. 

So now dear friend, take your time, take your precious time and just know in your heart that you are truly good enough and your soul are waiting for you to begin to work for a better world.

Yours sincerely,


Tuesday 27 September 2022

Merkaba is yin and yang!

Merkaba is the perfect balance between female and male energy. 

Merkaba is yin and yang.

Merkaba is one soul, guiding you, and can take you on a journey if your own soul is ready.

Twinsouls that work - that is Merkaba! Their love give you this healing and lesson.

When you fully join your own twinsoul, you can also work like this, the Merkabas are very old twinsouls working together. 

It takes many thousands of years to be able to work in this way. Much practise, many lessons and most of all, love, love and love!

God bless you!


Monday 26 September 2022

The Mineral Kingdom! Outspoken!

There are several realms on and in Earth! And one of them are the Mineral Kingdom.

We represent the silence, we never speak, or do we?

Today the Opals will speak! 

What are we? Who are we? We are a society, we are a consiousness, we are gathered wisdom.

When you dig for us and find us you think: Wow you are so beautiful, how can this be?

And we appreciate your forthcoming feelings for us! Yes we do!

But you miss out on a big thing, a very big issue!

Everything is energy! This you know already! Otherwise you would not read this text!

Every hard material, is hard for a reason! Sometime before the hardness began, the material was not hard.

Once we lived elsewhere and now we live in your ground. And when we lay in your ground we share information into the ground and then later into the roots of Earth. 

We have patience! A lot of it! We wait for a long time to be ready! Everything on Earth started with the big bang! It was a big mix of different components. And so now we are here! And you find us and like us! That is marvellous!

Where there is deserts today, there were other sceneries before, it has actually shifted many times.

We know! Because we have been hanging around for quite some time now!

We hold your history in our hands! We can tell you!

It is a matter of: being able to listen! And being patient!

Now you love to wear the jewellry and that is nice! Just imagine that you wear a piece of history that could tell you very much about the Earth´s history!

But for now we are quiet, and we await someone that are willing to listen to us!

In fact all the ground, all the land has a lot to say, not only us, the Opals, but all minerals have something to share with you. And we all have gathered different kinds of wisdom about different things, and we are sure that it all would interest you a great deal!

Sometimes you seek a mineral to aid you in your spiritual quest and we the Opals represent:

You open up to a higher way of seeing and feeling things, as you hold an opal in your palm. 

You should know that you yourself are even more beautiful than we are, and you should not look outside of you, we advice you to find your sanctuary within yourself, in your heart. 

You hold your own knowledge just as we do and you find this when you close your eyes and have faith in your spirit guidance. And yet we can add new wisdom to what you already have! 

Dearly beloved´s we look forward to our meeting,

//The Opals

Saturday 24 September 2022

Archangel Uriel After rain comes sunshine!

Dear beloved friend I am archangel Uriel and I love you very much.
Earth is my home and some of you think, I only work with one direction or with one part of Earth? 

The truth is I work everwhere on Earth and she, your Mother, is my greatest mission. I work here on Earth so much that she is my best friend and my heart and as well as home.

It is of the highest essence that I talk about your mission on Earth as a soul. 

Your soul wanted to come here, to her, Mother Earth to be born into this planet of magnificent diversity. And she has welcomed you, without you knowing it!

Your soul came to explore her, to learn about her, to understand what is really important, in fact it is about the very meaning of life!

What is the meaning of life?

You as a soul, have come here to find that out! And you all seem to find different answers! 

And many times you are so insnared with your lives to begin with, that you have a hard time getting a glance through it all, and being able to start on your souljourney, to walk here ON earth with your soul, fully opened.

The most important things you discover when you awaken to Mother Earth is:

1  No one can own Earth. You only borrow and take good care of her for a short time, then you pass her on to the next generations.

2    Getting a connection to her goes through your heart down to your roots under your feet and then back up into the gigant network of the Animal kindom, Plant kingdom and Mineral kingdom.

3    You have 13 animal guides that awaits you, to recognize them. Then they will begin to teach you!

    If you try to profit on her, or try to profit on any part of her, she will teach you about what you do, in her own way. 

5    If you have a pure heart, then you will be tought many things, and then you are one of her teachers, but she is always the principal.

6    All communication goes through the love and gratitude in your heart to Mothers heart, as she loves you very much.

7    And the most important lesson is: you will never understand how much she really loves you.

I am very old and I have seen many civilisations come and go, yes that is true. And sometimes you wonder where did they all go, the ancient civilisations? You then send archeologists to dig and search for evidence, because you think how could they just leave these big buildings with its intrueging architectures?

But what very few of you ask yourselves is: A big structure, as for example a building or something similar, means that they could calculate and build, but what is it that I talk about?

I think you should search elsewhere and not in old sites where old civilisations built big structures. Where is the evidence of love? Where is the compassion? Where are the traces of humility? Where is the gratitude? All you can see is that there are perfect evidence of building engineering abilities?

I think you should ask yourselves these questions instead! What would you like to be found after you? After let´s say 4.000 years? A big building? Proof of that you had slaves? Proof of that you sacrificed other people in order to gain power?

Mother Earth will remember all your feelings! Parts of land have been so badly damaged by malificent doings against peoples, and also animals, and ground, and the ground remembers everything. Some parts of her has scars that need much healing, and some of you work with this. And she is very grateful!

She, your Mother also remembers where there was love too! She is so happy when her land is being lived on with dignity and good care for all living souls. Those places are happy places! 

So what can you do? 

As you can not own her, or take anything with you when you leave, you can plant happy trees, you can dance with joy, you can sing your hearts song, you can choose to be a good soul and share knowledge about her, your Mother Earth and all of her guides, that are the real teachers.

And what can you do more? 

You know all the children are the next generation, you can do good deeds, by teaching them about Mother and how to treat her. And many times the children are born with this information but they forget when they go to your "schools" where they teach almost nothing about her, your Mother.

First knowledge must always be about her, and the first school must be about learning about Mother Earth. Then - you can learn mathematics so you can build a big building...not the other way around.

When you come to Earth as a soul love is the only way, otherwise you will want and need to come back.

But never forget, after rain comes sunshine and all the flowers are the evidence of love that has existed on Earth, because the Earth remembers love and always give something beautiful back.

If you read this text, you are on your way to be an Earth teacher! And Mother Earth greets you into her school! 

I love you

(Private picture)!