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Tuesday 23 August 2022

Vittra talar! 2022-08-23


Vittra talar ikväll!                               2022-08-23

"Vi älskar Dig!

Vi är Vittror! Vi är gamla! Vi är äldre än Er.

Vi har redan gått, där ni går nu!

Och – vi tog oss igenom – även det!

Allt är utveckling. Vi alla blir äldre. Vi lär oss efter hand.

Ingen kan hoppa över sin utveckling.

Vi kunde inte heller göra det. Vi var tvungna att gå igenom allt, för att utveckla oss.

Vi älskar Er desto mer för att vi vet vad NI går igenom!

Vi vet att Ni inte har det lätt. Och utveckling är inte lätt för då hade det inte varit en riktig utveckling.

Ni går utefter eran väg, i ert liv, och plötsligt så snubblar ni. Och så försöker ni resa er igen och det går olika fort, beroende på hur mycket ni gjorde er illa.

Ibland har ni så bråttom att resa er upp igen, för att kunna börja gå igen direkt, i samma spår som innan!

Men ibland är det bra att begrunda, var är det jag har ramlat någonstans och i vilket sorts landskap sitter jag i?

Snälla stressa inte! Stressa inte med din egna utveckling! Älska den istället!

Om ni nu har satt er på rumpan för en stund, passa då på att ser er omkring, och ta det lugnt!

Se dig omkring – vad växer här, hur ser det ut, där du nu sitter?

Tänk dig din väg, så har den också ett dike på sidan om vägen. Och om du nu ramlar, sitt då i ditt dike en stund och känn in:

Växer det gräs i ditt dike? Blommar blommorna där? Eller ligger det skräp där istället? Och kanske finns det inget gräs, utan bara sten och jord? Det jag vill säga är att du kanske finner något i ditt dike som verkar oklart och som du inte riktigt kan se in i och förstå?

Bli inte rädd! Snälla!

Om du har ”ramlat” och känner dig som om du inte går på den väg som du har tänkt och planerat, sätt dig då lugnt i ditt dike och känn in: kanske om du skulle upptäcka skräp där, då kan du ju också städa där!? Eller hur! Passa på!

Om du ser något i ditt dike som är oklart, eller som du känner att du behöver jobba mera med, så gör det! Passa på!

När du ändå sitter ner för en stund, passa på att göra ditt dike fint igen!

Älska ditt dike och gör det riktigt fint!

Du kan städa där, så nya blomster fröer eller blomlökar eller plantera precis vad du själv älskar och som gör dig glad i ditt hjärta!

Det här är en del av din väg och ditt liv, och du har helt fria händer att göra denna platsen fin och vacker och framför allt omhändertagen, bekräftad och älskad – av Dig själv!

Det är inte bara när du tar stora snabba kliv framåt i livet som du lär dig något om dig själv. När du själv tycker att livet leker och du känner dig stark och säker på din väg, då känner du inte hela din styrka.

Nej om du skulle ramla så omfamna även den delen av dig själv och älska dina fötter oavsett om de tar stegen åt dig eller om de får vila för en stund i ditt grönskande vackra dike.

Att du tar hand om dig, och vårdar dig själv - inte bara i framgång -utan även när du tycker att du har en motgång, ger en positiv effekt på din aura och ditt mående.

Livet handlar inte bara om att ta sig från punkt A till punkt B, utan vi vill säga att själva resan, vägen är målet!

Så älska dig själv precis som du är, däri ligger den sanna styrkan!


(Mitt privata foto).

Archangel Michael All survivors!

My dear friend I am Michael and today I will speak about: 

Your fear of death.

You are all survivors, that is the first thing that I absolutely need to say!

The second thing is: There are no death!

You are souls that are eternal.

Please ponder over this! You are a soul that is forever, your soul is eternal.

Do not let anyone scare you! Fear can be used as a weapon,

to numb you! To control you! 

You are FREE always!

Humanity have a great fear of death, and so it has been for many thousands of years, and this fear is a trap.

This trap makes you lack your own joy.

I want you to find your own joy again. It is there, waiting for you to call it back!

Your joy is a living being, a creation of love, and it is...

eternal, just as you are!

Your joy and your soul is one, and you just have to, be determined to welcome your joy back. 

Your joy needs to hear you, saying: Please joy come back to me, I miss you, I await you dear joy!

Joy is a living energy, swirling around and waiting for your recognition and call. 

Sometimes joy can be kidnapped, by joy-thieves.

And if this has happened to you: you know about it. And the same thing goes there: call your joy back.

Why call your joy back?

It is YOUR joy. YOUR creation in the first place.

It even has your DNA signature!

I talk only about the true hearts joy, the one that is linked to unselfishness. I only talk about the love that has to do with gratitude to do. I talk only about the joy that is faith, hope and love based.

But you understand this!

This sort of joy needs your attention. This sort of joy needs you to fight for its right to stay with you.

This sort of joy is so alive, so alive and kicking that it wants to be in your heart at all times. It then multiplies and bubbles out and you share your joy with everyone around you.

But you have to be adamant, in keeping a constant track on your joy, for others might try and steal it - but only for a while - until you realize it is just around the corner...!

Just call your preasious joy back, say a prayer! YES! You can only call your joy back from the love in your heart! This is the only thing your heart can hear! 

Just have faith in you and your joy, love yourself and your joy and I promize you, that you soon will be really fullheartedly happy!

I love you


(Private picture).

Saturday 20 August 2022

Archangel Uriel You are the true gems of Earth!

I am Uriel and I am a very old archangel and Earth is my workplace.

I will not rest until every little part of Earth is fully secure in the realm of love.

My work is constant helping and guiding and also supervising other angels in their work.

Now there are many angels in the ground crew of Earth and you are the true gems of Earth.

If you have gone through a rough time, thinking what is really going on, `why does this or that happen`, it may very well be that it has to do with your job as a Lightworker, as the angel you are on the ground.

If you light up a room in the middle of the night in the summertime and also open a window, you will notice that little insects are attrackted to the light indoors and they fly in through the window to the lamp.

You too are a light! And you attract different beings. This is actually a part of your job as an angel on the ground.

But it can be difficult. Very difficult. Some of you meet challenges that are hard. Some of you are assaulted, in different ways, by beings. 

Well it may seem very hard of me to say this but:

you are never alone, and, 

you grow from the experience.


But the problem is:

You are not really in-sync with WHO you really are! 

As a lightworker, you work where it is DARK and that is exactly where you are, on the ground.

All sorts of beings look around for light, because they are attracted to it, naturally.

But the worst thing about you not understanding, and that you don´t know WHO you are is that you think that you are alone.

No, you are ABSOLUTELY NOT alone. 

You are safe! Always! You must have faith in this! Always!

You are a part of a team! Angels NEVER work alone! NEVER! 

Angels Always Work In Team! So this means that when you feel safe in this knowledge you make yourself even safer! Just by believing this!

A strong FAITH in LOVE creates your strongest protection!

As a team member as an angel in the groundcrew you will do rescue jobs.

You will take the fall for aiding children and innocent beings. It might sound hard but it is so.

If a child is being tortured or worse angels help always to ease the pain. And the crew gets it too. 

Just know who you are, and then you will understand!

You aid, you ease the pain, you heal by your existance.

You are no further away from your own closest angelguide than a heartbeat.

Just know how valuable you are to the power of love and to all the good hearts of other dimensions and realms.

You are never alone, you are actually a part of a angel ring of eighteen angels.

You work where it is needed. You work with sad matters of Earth where it is very dark.

You are the heroes and the true gems of Earth!

If you have any question, just ask me!

I love you

Archangel Uriel


Thursday 18 August 2022

Archangel Michael The naked truth.

I am archangel Michael and I love you.

For every sunrise and for every sunset I await you.

No matter if it is sunshine in the day or a glittering stary nightsky, I will be waiting for you.

I do not count the years, I look at your colors and your energy patterns.

When you now are getting closer to the colors of love: I will speak about what is really important for you right now.

You are entering into a new life!

You are walking in a higher dimension!

And you have known about this for decades, and it is right now what it is happening, big time.

So there you are, in your true colors of your soul, and finally at the place, Earth, that you have been training for, to be at this very moment in time. But as I said, the actual time, the year or so, does not matter. 

It is your true you, your true colors that now has matured and is blooming like a beautiful flower.

At first you might find yourself in a feeling of being naked. 

To be bare in front of people, standing solely in your lovetruth, it may take a toll of you.

But please take your time, you are so beautiful when you stand in the true essense of love, the only energy that is eternal.

You have worked so hard to reach this point. You have planted many seeds, you have watered the seeds and cultivated each and every one with great love and care.

Many would call it a work in blood sweat and tears?

The force of love walks side by side with you at all times. The force of love hold your hand and your hearts beats as one.

You will meet resistance! No doubt about it! 

Some people will feel threatened by you being open-hearted, and that you speak your own truth with words of love.

They will met their own fear, some of the people you interact with. And it is their turn to begin to work with themselves, just as you have done for decades, actually almost your entire life.

No one can escape the awakening and the personal and spiritual learning they have to do for the coming years.

I mean that everyone is resposible for their own path and work, no one can go on living on earth without doing just this. 

It has to do with the respect to Mother Earth, and it also has to do with the respect to your own soul and your universal legacy.

It is highly relevant for every living human being on Earth to know and understand what it is needed to be able to live on Earth.

To align with Mother Earth is to understand yourself, loving yourself, understanding that you are a soul in a body. 

To align with Mother Earth is to listen and understand Mother Earth how much she loves you and awaits each and everyone of you. 

A long time ago, actually a very long time ago, this was a natural way of living, in close contact with Mother Earth, everyone is now in an awakening phase. 

This is really the basic knowledge about living on Earth, and it is a necessity to evolve together with her, your beloved Mother Earth.

I love you,


Archangel Uriel: The elementary of elements.

I am archangel Uriel and it is very important for me to speak about the elements.

On earth you have different elements and still you often find yourselves inbalanced. 

Your elements are:

Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Time, Ether

The element that makes you inbalanced is very often: Fire.

And how can this be?

Fire is a consuming energy, if not treated right.

And again and again you find that you are rising from your own ashes. You can feel that you are burned out.

This is a process that has to do with fire element.

And how?

You use your energy with lack of insight.

One day you wake up and feel alright, and you have a list to do, things that you anticipate to do during the day. And you rise up from the bed and you start the day and your engine is going to be your wessel. And the energy is just something you count on to be there. You see your own energy as the means to get where you need to go.

But I see it very differently.

I see your energy too, but I see the diversity of your energy. I see that your energy is depending on your groundedness, and your will in your heart and much more.

Ask yourself: 

What is important to you?

What do you really love to do with your life?

Do you love yourself?

The thing is your body is a vessel but it is also the house for your soul, as you live on Earth.

Your body is not only the transportsystem for you to do your chores, your own body has to really resonate with your hearts love, what you really love to do. 

Your body is highly intelligent and highly sentient, you can not fool your own body and treat it like it is just the something that makes you walk from point A to point B.

Stay in bed a little longer and ask yourself each morning:

What do I love today?

What things in my life am I grateful for today?

Fire is an element that exists in your body. Your heartbeat is actually a tiny electrical ray, a little flame of fire. 

Love every heartbeat, love every breath that you take! 

Love yourself and every footstep that you take together with faith hope and love and you will find the way back to your true heartfelt joy, that your soul needs to live in your body.

Your soul needs you to love yourself and embracing the reality of the fifth dimension and higher, that everything is connected with love from the divine heart of Gaia and the Universe and that every heartspark, every heartbeat 24/7, 365, from now on has to be in sheer love.

From the time you awaken in the morning til you fall asleep at night  your soul will help you balance yourself in the full presence of love.

Otherwise you will feel that the day may seem gray, and hollow, meaningless and you can only get through it soon enough, when you only think that your are going to do your chores.

The modern expression being "to be burnt out" is all about that you go against your higher self and your souls purpose on Earth, the love.

From now on in this dimension, you will love all your chores and every step you take during the day. Otherwise you will "hit that wall", and once again be burned out, do you understand me?

From now on you are in full collaboration with your soul. Your soul only works on the energy of love. 

I love you


(💓This is a channeling with Archangel Uriel 2022-02-18 through channeler Kerstin Eriksson on my blog

Sunday 14 August 2022

My beloved mother Sarah!

I am old but there is no saying that I am wise because of that, it is up to you to decide for yourself.

You have heard my name many times, but is it really so interesting to actually know my name? 

Feel my words instead, and ask yourself if they resonate with your own vibration!

I may be big or I may be small and even really tiny, but does it matter? What I have to say, is what really matters.

There are many gurus, iconic figures, masters of different kinds, but when it really comes down to the angle of the heart, anyone can speak those words and make you feel, "yes this feels totally right for me"!

So now I will start:

There I was as a little boy, a long time ago and I looked around and I saw my dear mother smiling down at me. She saw a little boy laying in that wooden box and she was happy to have a child, because she did not think that she would have any at all.

The years went by and she did not get pregnant. And when many years had past she thought that it would not happen - at all in her lifetime. 

She was happy with her man, my father and time went by. Then she was really old and she noticed one day that she was expecting a child and she almost went nuts. 

Could it really be true? Really, she thought! And she now was worried about the birth of the child, because she was not young anymore. And the days passed by, the weeks, and the months and so finally she felt the hard work starting, the labour and soon the birth of her child so long awaited. 

And two women came to assist her in her delivery and soon the child saw the light of the day for the first time, and it was a boy, and it was in fact me.

And my mother and father was so happy and blessed and she started to breastfeed the little boy. The days went by and the weeks and even the months and I grew a little each day. And every night I kept my mother awake for I was hungry. But sometimes here and there I took a nap and I slept and so my mother could get a little time of her own. And at night time she would go outside and look up at the stars and just relax and fantasise about the universe. 

The land was filled with sand and the nights could be very cold, though the days could be very warm. 

My mothers name was Sarah and I loved her very much! So for me my mother meant everything! She was my world, my start in life! And so it does not matter what my name was at the time...!

I just hope that you also had a loving mother in your own life, or a person that loved you like a mother!

Have a blessed day!
