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Friday 27 March 2020

Mother Mary; Something important!

Hallo dear beautiful friend, I am Mother Mary and I love you!
I guess it is quite common for almost all of you to look at your tv and be updated on the news and also see what weather it will be the day after.
Talking about the weather is a pretty common topic to talk about and of course it is important.
What I will talk about now is another kind of weather.
It you think of a weather but it is inside of your heart, then think again,
or should I say, feel your weather in your heart, how is it?
Is it stormy in your heart?
Is it calm?
How is your weather today?
In other words how are you doing?
But what I mean is what do you feel in your heart!
I would like to spread sunshine in your heart!
I would like to give you a mild wind that smells of roses just after a rain has fallen in the spring.
I would like to walk with you in this beautiful garden and all is clear and harmonius,
there is no worries, and we are actually happy!
Let me tell you about your secret garden in your heart, it is there, if you have faith in it!
Just imagine your own beautiful garden, that you can always visit and gain new energy.
You own botanical garden can have just the flowers you love the most and in any color you like.
And I will gladly walk in there with you anytime.
Just take time to use your imagination.
Take time to meditate.
It is all about relaxation and good vibrations at your own pace.
If times are stressful, you can always go into your personal heaven within your heart,
just have faith in yourself and your ability to manisfest, to imagine and feel your inner joy flow.
You can always call on me
and I will be there by your side holding your hand if you will!
I love you
Mother Mary A channeling Mother Mary through Kerstin Eriksson

Tuesday 24 March 2020

Mother Mary; Animal Kingdom part 2.

I am Mother Mary and I love you very much!
Today I would like to talk about, animals.
I will talk about cats today.
Guard your cat and the cat will guard you!
How do I mean?

All animals are divine beings, and in the right environement they do very much good.
Sometimes we can help them. Cats have been the best friend to humans many times, and regarded very high, praised by the humans. The black cats where considered those cats that brought good luck to the owner or who ever encountered the cat.

Then in other places it was the other way around. The black cat where treated badly and banned and killed. The cats do a job. All animals have a job to do. They work, they are employed by Mother Earth.

Harmony and balance comes when no one considers themselves to be the masters over anyone else. When they, the humans, killed the cats, in different countrys there were an inbalance, and in one case the plague of that century killed many humans. The cats where not allowed to do their job. They kept a balance, amongst mice and rats. And as they where considered unholy, bad, working with antichrist, their important job where stopped and it immedialtely affected the humans that got very bad illness that killed thousands.

The Animal Kingdom says to you dear humans; You will learn, in time what is important, we are here, we already know. We came here to Earth to teach you. We love you!

All animals are advocates for many different dimensions and worlds throughout the universes around Mother Earth, their actual home planet receive daily upgrade to how their love work proceeds.

I love you
/Mother Mary

Monday 23 March 2020

Mother Mary; The important key!

I am Mother Mary and I love you very much.
Some call me Master Mary, or Lady Mary, and I think it does not matter because I do what I do anyway.
And what do I do?
I heal, I embrace, I include and I love.
And how can I do this?
Because I have faith!
I have faith in love!
I have faith in the energy of love because I have seen the energy of love and I know how the energy of love feels inside my heart.

The key to love is faith! This key is so extremely important!
It is like not knowing how water looks or how water feels on your dry lips.
If you have never quenched your thirst with clear cold water and felt that feeling,
that this is what you really needed, you might not have enough faith in love.

And don´t worry, God will lead you and Jesus will guide you to the water and you will receive all the love you need. And you will find that it is a necessity in your life to have faith in love, just as it is necessary for you to drink water.

So when you say a prayer, you also say a prayer to the water!
The water is holy! Your love for the water is holy!
What goes around comes around.
When you say thank you to your water and food every time you eat
you define your intentions, you define yourself and you bless your food and water
and it raises up in higher grace and becomes more nutritional.

The water have a mass consciousness and every drop is connected with the other drops. Make no mistake, love is connected always, within you and without of you.

You are a part of love, and your waters in your body is holy, every little drop matters so please love them all!

I love you
Mother Mary

Sunday 22 March 2020

Mother Mary; Remedy!

I am Mother Mary and I love you very much!
I am tonight thinking that I will guide you through a meditation.
You live in stressful times and I know the opposite is the remedy.
So relax and I will start;

It is a magnificent sunrise and you watch it from a beach. The waves comes in on the shore at a slow and soft pace. There is no hurry and there is no stress. Just calm and blessings fill the air.
The air is so filled with blessings that it feels like the air itself is giving you kisses of happiness and joy.

Something is being flushed up on the shore by a wave and you go down to the water and se what it is. It is a little baby turtle. And you lift him up and you look at him. And as you look at him his little eyes look back at yours and you hear him say to you; Can you hear me, can you hear my heart beat?

And the turtle says more words; You are not alone, everyone knows what you are going through. And the little eyes of the turtle are glittering with love and he continues;

It will be ok! Just hold on! Don´t worry! Do you know what I do when I want to relax? The little turtle continues! And I answered no! He says; I make bubbles! Yes! I make bubbles in the water and it is very fun! And they look very pretty too!

I said thank you to the babyturtle and I set him back down in the water and I see him as he swims back out into the ocean. I start to walk along the beach and as I walk there I feel the warm wind in my hair and I see beautiful stones, pieces of wood, and seashells in the sand in different colors and they have all been made soft by all the millions of waves that has been coming in on the shore over and over again. After a while the sun has risen and more warmth feels in the sand between my toes.

I see a little trail going up from the beach into the forest behind it. And I start walking on that little path. On both sides of the trail there grows flowers I have never seen before and they are the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen before. They even have new colors, that I have never seen before.

The trail leds me up slowly from the level of the sea and I begin to see a view on my left side.

I think this path is leading me somewhere, but I don´t mind, it is wondrously
spectacular. I seem to be floating just above the path and I just realize I can fly.
I notice I have wings that carry me higher and higher, but I feel I would like to continue on the path anyway, just because the flowers are so wonderful and they have the most magical scent.

I know I can take a flight whenever I prefer, I just think it is so lovely I stay on the trail just now. And as I hover over the path I see a bench made of wood, and it looks very old. I sit down for a moment at the old wooden bench and I close my eyes. The view is magnificent over the ocean but I feel I need to just be for a moment. I need to go into myself for a little while.

There is no hurry. I want to take in the beauty of Earth and I feel my gifts, my possibilities, and yet I can enjoy just by being here and now. And I say a prayer for her, our planet, and for all living beings that also will say I love you to her, she is the one who gives us all, she provides for us all, she gives herself to us all the time. So I sit on the wooden bench and I happen to look on the wood, it is very soft to touch and I see that someone has carved words into it. And it says, I am always with you and I love you - God!

And I just realize that life is quite easy when I think of it, it need not be so complicated. And I say a prayer to God thanking him for his message in the wood and I feel very blessed just as if my best friend is with me!

Thursday 19 March 2020

Mother Mary; honesty and balance!

I am Mother Mary and I love you very much!
I am old, very old and I have much experience of life.
Today I will talk about something that is both old and new at the same time.
And what is that?
Take a guess!

A baby is newborn, and yet the lineage of the baby´s bond to life is very old.
Mothers are the ones that gives birth, to babies, so mothers are even older.
There is a saga, like a fairytale, about Eden.
It is written about it in the Bible.

It was a very long time ago.
Adam and Eve 2 beings, two humans?
No they where two etherical elves.
They loved each other and yet their
curiosity to learn more where greater than their will to stay in Eden,
where it was very harmonious to be.
They could stay in Eden for eternity if they liked, if they just would let the fruits alone.
But the curiosity was to strong.
They felt a need to develop.
They knew there was something out there, beyond their safety,
and so they decided to take a bite of the knowledge.
And so they left the safe environment of Eden, where they lived in the 5´th dimension.
They entered a lower dimension and started a new life.
In the new lower dimension, many things where different.
Before in Eden, they could reproduce by just wanting to having a baby.
Now in the lower dimension, the woman had to have sex with a man, otherwise there would be no babies.

In Eden a female being could just ask the God spark for a baby and
she would be impregnated when it suited her.
This happened not very often because they lived very long lives.
Many things work very differently in the lower third dimension.
In the higher dimension, woman IS.
She decides for herself, when it is time for her to have a baby.
She does not depend on a man for that.
God gives life spark and a life starts to live in her body.
It is the very same with the elves, they can have a child, given to them from the Spark of life.
The thing with this are parallell timelines.
The evolution is a fact, but what you don´t know is about time, there are more time than one.
I will talk about this another time!!
I just wanted to say, that women have always been, and the baby boy, the man,
came out from her womb.
She did not come from his rib. He came from her vagina.
That old story is manmade to get power over women.

The new times that are coming and has already arrived is all about balance and knowledge.
And the knowledge that God always have loved the women just as much as the men.
God has never wanted any discrimination of women, God has never wanted one single war.
God has cried many tears over all the violence manufactured by men.

God and the Ministry of the Seven heavens will continue the work with the balance between the male and the feminine energy. I am a part of this Ministry, as well as many female leaders are.

There is much to be said, just know that you are loved, equally, dear beloved!
/Mother Mary

Wednesday 18 March 2020

Mother Mary; Love will conquer all!

I am Mother Mary and I love you dearly.
Tonight I am ready to speak about something very important,
that can not wait.

In times of troubles it is of great importance that you fully understand,
that it is now that you and your work matter even more.
It is now that we all have to make sure that each and every one of us thoroughly checks that we are holding each others hands.

We represent the wholeheartedness and the encompassing care of souls on this planet.
And now many people are living in fright, in stress and in panic.
I am here at all moments to aid you in your important work, just ask me 
whenever you are dealing with situations you don't really understand.

I will guide you! This is my work!
This is my calling!
Now we all need temperance and faith in love,
because love will conquer all.
I love you
Mother Mary

Tuesday 17 March 2020

Mother Mary; Love is an element.

I am Mother Mary and I love you very much!
Early each morning when the sun rises I pray for you all and I see you all!
Every day is newborn and I must say that embracing each day
is awakening the very core of your soul.
The light the day brings, as the sun rises, is new, the little particles of light is unique.
No one is the same as the other.
All unique. Just as you are my dear friend.
The sun does not only shine all time.
The sun creates all the time.
New light, new particles, all over and over.
It is like the sun is singing a song, that changes constantly and
the rays are constantly changing.
That is why each day is newborn, and has never been before.
Each day needs to be blessed, and when you say your prayer each sunrise,
you plant the seeds of the day.
You yourself consist of the light particles, and they reach you even at night time.
Love is an element you can count with.
You usually refer to air, water, fire and earth and also the etherical element.
And now I have to speak out, love is an element and you can count on it.
I love you very much and
please have faith in me,
/Mother Mary

(This is a channeling with Mother Mary through medium and lightworker Kerstin Eriksson