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Thursday 19 March 2020

Mother Mary; honesty and balance!

I am Mother Mary and I love you very much!
I am old, very old and I have much experience of life.
Today I will talk about something that is both old and new at the same time.
And what is that?
Take a guess!

A baby is newborn, and yet the lineage of the baby´s bond to life is very old.
Mothers are the ones that gives birth, to babies, so mothers are even older.
There is a saga, like a fairytale, about Eden.
It is written about it in the Bible.

It was a very long time ago.
Adam and Eve 2 beings, two humans?
No they where two etherical elves.
They loved each other and yet their
curiosity to learn more where greater than their will to stay in Eden,
where it was very harmonious to be.
They could stay in Eden for eternity if they liked, if they just would let the fruits alone.
But the curiosity was to strong.
They felt a need to develop.
They knew there was something out there, beyond their safety,
and so they decided to take a bite of the knowledge.
And so they left the safe environment of Eden, where they lived in the 5´th dimension.
They entered a lower dimension and started a new life.
In the new lower dimension, many things where different.
Before in Eden, they could reproduce by just wanting to having a baby.
Now in the lower dimension, the woman had to have sex with a man, otherwise there would be no babies.

In Eden a female being could just ask the God spark for a baby and
she would be impregnated when it suited her.
This happened not very often because they lived very long lives.
Many things work very differently in the lower third dimension.
In the higher dimension, woman IS.
She decides for herself, when it is time for her to have a baby.
She does not depend on a man for that.
God gives life spark and a life starts to live in her body.
It is the very same with the elves, they can have a child, given to them from the Spark of life.
The thing with this are parallell timelines.
The evolution is a fact, but what you don´t know is about time, there are more time than one.
I will talk about this another time!!
I just wanted to say, that women have always been, and the baby boy, the man,
came out from her womb.
She did not come from his rib. He came from her vagina.
That old story is manmade to get power over women.

The new times that are coming and has already arrived is all about balance and knowledge.
And the knowledge that God always have loved the women just as much as the men.
God has never wanted any discrimination of women, God has never wanted one single war.
God has cried many tears over all the violence manufactured by men.

God and the Ministry of the Seven heavens will continue the work with the balance between the male and the feminine energy. I am a part of this Ministry, as well as many female leaders are.

There is much to be said, just know that you are loved, equally, dear beloved!
/Mother Mary

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