You are welcome to my archangel FAITH blogg

Saturday 10 January 2015

Let´s go together!

Yes! Let´s go together!
Whenever you think you are alone
all you need is your own Faith
and as soon as you find Faith
you immediately FEEL in your
heart that you are indeed not alone!
We´ll walk with you through rain and sunshine
we walk with you wherever you walk
in deep valleys or on high mountains.
Knowing Faith, is like being connected.
You have to be "plugged-IN."
Yes it is as easy as that!
Faith is an life essential energy, like a wavelength.
Faith is a foundationstone to life itself.
And living without Faith is like living without an important
part of yourself.
And yet Faith is always there with you
and Faith always loves you, and Faith always waits for you!

Friday 9 January 2015

AA Faith ”You are a treasure of life!"

 Lady Faith - Archangel,

"You know me. I know you. Why do I say so?!
Without each other we would be no one.
And how do I mean?!
I will start by saying this;
I LOVE YOU, every minute, every breath you take...!
I am always there with you, wanting to hold your hand.
And without you knowing it, you always carry a seed in your heart.
A seed of Faith, of me!
Through endless time, it still comes down to
And through every breath, every sunrise I beleive in you, love you
wanting and praying for you
to reach out, for my hand is waiting to hold yours!
And if your life is a struggle, with no beautiful sunrises...
You can be sure of that 
I see you. I feel you in every heartbeat.
Trust me. I know you.
The further apart you think we are...
...the closer I am to you.
I know every time you blink with your eyelids...!
No matter how dark it is, where you are
you still sparkle with light
you are a treasure of life
Beleive in yourself, have faith.
I am always there with you
willing to hold your hand!"



Sunday 4 January 2015

Urgent message; LOVE is on the way!

It´s all a glance away...!
The long winter is soon over...
A warm breeze of spring is not far away!
The sun wants to warm you gently.
You have been thirsty for a long time
and now you are ready to drink the cup of love!
It is a renaissance and all is welcome!
Including polar shifts and more.
Mother Earth is also welcome!
As we all are ONE
we need each other
gracefully and lovingly
we are in this together.
War must end
as the will is in the hearts.
The will to be free
starts in the heart.
The choice to live in PEACE
starts in your heart.
A shift in HEARTS
from war and hate

Thursday 18 December 2014

Seeing numbers 222

Maybe you look at your clock and se the time 2:22?

Over and over again?

Well You are WELCOME! To the great star seed awakening!

You are not alone! Many see this frequently. 

And you ask yourself WHY?!

I will explain; You are one of over 100.000 persons. To be more exact 144.000. Ups you might think now. That is ok! The 144.000 are the FIRST group! Yes, and then there are more groups coming! 

You have tasks to do. Tasks of LOVE and UNDERSTANDING! So that others may wake up! And why do we need to wake up?! Because you are the new leaders. Of the planet that Mother Earth is soon becoming! A new cycle of Mother Earth, a renewed path in the light. And you have done it before! Yes indeed! All of you have done it before! Now it is time to wake up and get adjusted and doing the job! Never forget - IT IS ALL ABOUT LOVE -  all guidance is LOVING, GENTLE and with GRACEFULLNESS and never demanding in any way. It is always your own choice! It is the highest council of universe and heaven that is your employer. It is for the sake of all good! 

So seeing the number 222, in either; the clock or other places means;

You are a way shower! You have gone through many storms, and you therefore are a perfect way shower because you can give directions in full blizzard, with no sight. You have your 2 feet in the ground. You are a logical person. You know what is right, you always have. You go in your own direction because you know it from within, what road is right to walk for you! Many people see you as strong and silent. Someone they can confide in! Please let them! Listen to them! Help them find THEIR own road, that is where they can be at their best! You want to share everything and also think sharing is the way to go...! You don’t think anyone can own Mother Earth! You know in your heart that SHE IS HER OWN, with her own intelligence! You can feel the unbalance between the female and male energies and you know there is still a big job to do there. You feel that you can help the female energy by adding female attributes within your presence. 

Seek who you truly are!

What am I talking about?

I am not saying you are not YOU.

I am saying, you are so much MORE...

Maybe you are a parent! For example!

That is wonderful! A gift! The best thing in life!!

But still you are more than that!

It is easy to go in for it to 100% or even more?

It is almost like turning off yourself, neglecting yourself?

I am not saying - don’t be a parent anymore!

I am just pointing out that your child most certainly will love you anyway, if you where to

give yourself more moments to find yourself ~ who you truly are!

Some day your child have grown up. And where will you be then?

In the not knowing? Maybe! It is ok! It is a part of life and living!

All the answers is within of you! They are elementary to YOU.

In silence, in meditation, within your own space and time, that is

where you find yourself who you truly are...!

Sunday 14 December 2014

A can of holy water.

How can you truly KNOW faith?

Only if you LOOSE faith first?

How can you really know something, if you have not been without it first?

How can you understand LOVE and know what it means?
If you have not lived WITHOUT IT?


Many good books describe LOVE and FAITH and more!

But you have do DO IT ON YOUR OWN.


Learning by DOING!

A GOD BOOK is GOOD advice!

YOU have your own road to walk.

Your own lessons to learn.

YOU ARE UNIQUE and you need to learn your own lessons...!

And GOD knows!

About every step YOU take!

Know that you are


God want you to seek for God in your heart
and get to know God in your own personal way!

God want to be your personal friend
personal BEST friend!

God loves us all equally!

And even if you never succeed in finding God within your heart, and if you never find out that God always listens to you...! is OK! You are so very much loved anyway! God knows about your struggle! Every little thing...!

All alive!

all is alive!
Nothing is dead.
There is no death.
Now you start to think I am wrong?
You think of your body?
That it will not live for ever?
Yes you are partly right.
Your body have a limit.
You think of your life as a line.
A road.
That will eventually end.
A sign at the end of the road that says STOP!
And then...nothing more?

I would like to fill in the blanks for you.
It is not a road, or line.
It is a circle.
And yes your body have still a limit.
But if I say your body is a temporary house for your soul?
A very important house? A holy house?!!!!
I will say it now


But there is a but, you still think?!
It won’t last so very long, so what happens?

Your very important body becomes
nourishment for Mother Earth
and even more flowers can grow...!
A circle of life.

And your soul awakens in heaven once again.
A home where you are always welcome to.
Your soul is forever...!

Please look upon life as a necklace of pearls. 
This is a special necklace...! 
The pearls, each pearl, are the different lives you live on earth.
And the string that keeps it together is the eternal life...!
Each pearl is unique. In different colors. And the string, the eternal bond
is shimmering in wonderful magic colors ~ these pearls are very rare and valuable, not sitting
so close to each other, and you can clearly see the beautiful glowing bond/string
between, the pearls...!

all have a purpose
even the smallest little thing...!