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Saturday 12 May 2018

Archangel Michael; Recapturing your joy!

I am Michael
and I serve God,
I am an Archangel
and I serve you!
You can always call on me!
I have a special group of angels
that is very important to me!
And that is the angel ground crew!
Yes there are angels walking on earth right now,
and they have been tasked to do so a long time ago,
actually they have always been on earth.

I will give you an update on the necessities
for an angel on earth;

Every day you benefit from having a quiet moment,
just for you where you embrace yourself and the new day!
Now you give yourself the nourishment, for both
body and soul.

An angel also needs to be close to Mother Earth,
your holy Mother, there are different ways to be close.
If you don’t have the possibility to go out in a forrest, just love a little potted plant.
Or a little flower on a lawn, in a park in the middle of a city!

An angel always feels bad about the ego. An angel is constantly aware of his or hers own ego.
An angel need to relax and feel joy each day, to balance the moodiness that can occur, when he or she is overwieving the ego. An angel need to be focused on being balanced when it comes to this.
Please call on Jesus Christ Sananda, the Master of Joy, he will balance you and he will also aid you to be able to embrace joy each day!

Of course Sananda is not alone, in helping you to recapture your joy! Many archangels will help you naturally! And never forget that angels always works in teams! It is of great importance that you foresee this, that the great gift of joy is yours to recapture. The joy is a living energy and it has always a DNA code, from its origin. You have your joy, and it is yours. Then you go about doing things in your life, you meet people, situations, and sometimes you lose your joy. And yet, it is still there. Even though your joy has been kidnapped, it is still there AND waiting for you to CALL IT BACK to you!

Your joy want to be with you. Your joy LOVES you! You are its creator! Joy always needs to be free, to be able to do its job, spreading joy! So say a prayer and call back your joy! Set your joy FREE! As an angel on earth many of you have lost a lot of joy.

And now I give you this tool, this most important knowledge TO RECAPTURE YOUR JOY!
You need to use your FREE will!

Say to God, Sananda, Faith, Hope and Love, Grace, that now I need my joy back, please!

You, my angel ground crew, must learn this now, and let this knowledge spread out to all people on earth because it is your birthright, to have your own joy.

I love you,
Archangel Michael


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