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Saturday 8 July 2023

Archangel Michael Cosmic waves.

I am Michael and I will speak about something that is good to be aware of.

Fluktuations, waves, a change of light?

Well do not worry!

Maybe these are words you have been reading about? Listening to?

It´s ok! But hear me out!


Whatever comes, you are ready for it! 

Oh yes!

Whatever is coming it is a bonus! A very good one! And as I said don´t worry. You are a lightworker and I am so proud of you!

You are here on Earth in a human body and it is not the first time! Oh no, you are old souls and you have carved yourself out of your own hard shell.

Your deep knowledge makes you lighter! You can nearly fly!

And you have wings too!

Most of you are connected to the Eagle tribe of the Pleiades but if fack we are everywhere.

Sananda have gathered you for a long time. Giving you incentives and giving you wake-up calls for many centuries, and more recurring in the latest decades.

This means that you should be active in learning about your wings!

In your daily prayer, ask for your guardian eagle to show you!

With the perspective of a bird, an eagle, you will broaden your horizon. And we´ll meet there for a higher level education for the love to Mother Earth.

She needs her beloved Light workers to understand who you truly are. You are not only a human being. You are so much more. You are a part of the Animal Kingdom for instance.

Now is the time to really take all of your tools to your heart and get to know them once and for all.

By tools I mean the higher sense that you as a Lightworker have. You all have different sets of them. You are born with them. Some of you have still to awaken to them, others have began to realize their existance. And others have known them for decades.

Still. Some of you that have known for many years have brushed them off as "could it really be true?" Do I have this kind of gift you think or it is maybe something difficult that I should not get into?

Well I am here to help you with any question or thought of this that you might have! Just ask me!

You are so much more than you think. I see you as gigant trees.

You have deep roots.  And I see that you have a high and strong trunk, and then branches that reach high up in the air and into the universe.

On each of these levels you have galactic friends that work with you at all times, you are involved! In teams!

I would like for you to get to know your team now!

I would like for you to understand that your "tree" is a comunication tower! That actually shines in your individual light!

Getting to know the fullness of your Lightworker Heart-task is essential for you. But you are ready for it! You are really ready for yourself, and the team that you represent!

So I want you to be very proud of yourself! And we are forever grateful for you important job that you have done for thousands of years to be here in this moment of Earths history.

Your team is waiting for you, to recognize them, to get to know them.

All comunication goes through your hearts. The comunication is all about love and respect to all living. If you notice anything else, please learn to disregard it at once.

You will learn! And we are with you!

I love you,


Monday 3 July 2023

I am trembling...but I am now on Patreon!

I am a little afraid, I am almost trembling, but I have signed up on PATREON!

Here is the link  to my new place 

Faith in a dewdrop and some tarot! | Tarot, Aurapaintings, Art, DistanceHealing, Language of Light! | Patreon

Would you like to check it out?

What do you think? Am I nuts haha 😀😂

I am so grateful for all the fundings from you my dear angels, THANK YOU💓💓💓

Much love to you,

Kerstin E

Faith in a dewdrop and some tarot! | Tarot, Aurapaintings, Art, DistanceHealing, Language of Light! | Patreon

Archangel Michael Full circle can give a side effect!

 Dear friend I am Michael, and I serve God!

Today I would like to adress something that might happen to you!

You as an old soul has lived many lives on both Earth and other places and when you have gathered enough wisdom you are ready to move on to other worlds and dimensions.

No I don´t mean that you will go now - oh no - I mean that when you have lived on for example Earth and learned everything, about all that is important for you as a soul, your circle is full!

And when you live on Earth and you realize this, you think well, I did it, and you congratulate yourself as you absolutely should!

But, there is a side effect!

You are now aligned with all of your previous lives, that you lived here. 

And this can - might - come with a complication!

For instance, you can notice that a certain behaviour of yours can be axellerated without you really understanding why!

This is because, well let me say, it is one of your sore points!

It is a sore point that you have carried with you, in many of your lifetimes on Earth and now they tend to escalate!

This is because there are no more division between your previous lives, they are all one. As if you put every single life you ever had on this planet in one bag. And the strongest feeling, that are now in one single place that is the emotion that will surely be triggered now.

This is the effect that your wonderful and great job of learning everything about life on this beautiful planet.

Your soul is a full circle now and all the positivness is also one!

So now you can begin to really harvest all the gathered knowledge about your souls wisdom.

But when and if, you encounter that something has been triggered into something more, that earlier was a little thing, then this can be the answer. So what can you do?

As for an example, you have been eating with your emotions, especially when you are sad.

Now, you know exactly what you need to eat to get and be healthy, but still you eat in the "old" ways, not treating yourself well at all.

You feel "-what am I doing to myself?" "-Am I crazy?!" "-Why do I do this to myself even though I have the knowledge to change".

It is the old. It is the old habits, now gathered in one bag and this can be pretty strong. The best way to deal with this is to love yourself even more!

Ask yourself: Why am I eating my emotions? What feeling is it beneath this behaviour? Is it sorrow? Is it anger? Or whatever you find, when you ask deep down in your subconscious.

Because this is also happening as you are now a full circle soul:

Your subconsciousness is meeting your higher selfs!

So these things has always been "under the surface" in your life, and not really a big problem, but now, when you have expanded your awareness and also aura, these things actually are joining hands. All this is for your circle is complete.

You will solve this kind of insight and "problem" with love of course!

Love is the way to go! 

Ask yourself why you have had to eat like this, why did you have had to comfort eat? 

Why have you needed to be comforted in the first place? 

This is a red thread that goes through all of your lifes and this means that it goes very deep in you! This really matters to you! Don´t disregard this!

I am with you at all times! We can solve this together! 

My suggestion is: meditation! In meditation you will find the keys to the answers you need! Just ask me and I will guide you in your meditation and you will soon have no more sore points to tend to! 

I promise you!

I love you,


Sunday 2 July 2023

Prayer to elements!


"Dear beautiful water I love you! You are extremely important to me.

Dear Mother Earth I thank you for each drop of water. 

Dear Mother Earth I thank you for each glass of water I drink!

I thank you for each single snowflake. 

I thank you dear water for every raindrop and for every beautiful dewdrop. 

I thank you for the mist, and the waterdrops in every breath I take.

I thank you for my urine, and for my sweat, and for my blood and amniotic fluid and for wherever you are in my body.

I pray for that water will be loved, respected and healed by all living beings that live on, under and above Earth.

Dear Mother Earth, water, I thank you for the oceans, lakes, rivers, streams, creeks and wherever you are.

I welcome the good energies to heal the water.

I welcome faith hope and love!

I welcome the energy of gratefulness into my heart at every heartbeat and every breath to remind me to always say thanks to the water.


Dear beautiful air I love you and I am so grateful for each breath I take of you!

Dear wonderful air you are so extremely important to me.

I pray for dear air that you will be loved, respected and healed at all times, and by all beings that live on, under, and above Earth.

Dear Mother Earth I thank you for each breath I take which also connects me to you and to all!

Thank you dear air and ether for that wonderful breeze which refreshes me.

Thank you dear wind for lifting the birds up high in the air. 

Thank you dear wind for blowing the seeds around so new trees and plants will begin to grow.

I welcome the good energies to heal the air and ether.

I welcome faith hope and love!

I pray for that I always will cherish each breath, and love every breath I take!

I welcome the energy of gratefulness and goodness into my heart at every heartbeat and in every breath to remind me to always be grateful for the wind and air. 

I pray for that I always will cherish each breath, and love every breath I take to remind me that I am love and air is love!


I love you dear beautiful Mother Earth, I pray for that you always will be loved, respected and healed by all that lives on, under and above you!

Dear Mother Earth you are so extremely important to me! 

I also say thanks for all of my senses, I am grateful for my body that is a part of you. I say thanks to my bloodline and my mother that gave birth to me.

I say thanks to all of you that already help and love you! You are my heroes, and heroines, you are the souls that are dedicated to aid you and you always say MOTHER to you. Fairies, goblins, gnomes, elves, little people and yes you are my heroes and heroines.

I love you dear Animal Kingdom. I love you dear Plant Kingdom. 

I love you dear Mineral Kingdom. I pray for all love, respect and healing to you!

I love each sprout! 

I love every little seed deep down in the soil. 

And I know the rain, the sun and the moonlight and time and love will decide when the seed will begin to sprout.

I need to love! 

I need to love every step that I take! I simply must love my footprints! 

Help me to see clearly that I really have to love myself and my feet and that I need to take care of my feet and the soles of my feet, because they touch you dear beautiful Mother all the time, and you are holy to me! 

Help me dear goodness and gratitude so I must not forget to see myself as a part of you dear Mother, and that I too should also respect and love myself.

I love every tree! I love every flower! I love every mushroom and its mycel. I love lichens and mosses. I love every stem and every branch. I love every root and when I meditade I focus with my loving heart on the roots of a tree and it helps me to ground myself and for this I am ever so grateful for!

And dear Mother Earth if I think of picking anything in your beautiful garden I always ask you and the spiritworld for good loving advice first, I know I need to ask you dear Mother which I am allowed to pick and which I am not supposed to pick!

I know when I pick blueberries in the forrest I pick only 80 procent of a bush. The other 20 procent is for the souls that live there. I can never rinse a bush totally. No. NO. And I am so grateful that you have taught me this and much more.

I welcome the good energies to heal the Earth!

I welcome faith hope and love!

I welcome the energy of gratefulness and goodness into my heart at every heartbeat and into every breath to remind me to always say thanks to Mother Earth.


I am so grateful for you dear fire and I pray for all the love, respect and healing to you!

Dear wonderful fire you are so extremely important to me.

I am so grateful for the heat in the oven that bakes my bread in a cold winters day.

Dear fire I am so grateful for the warmth that you give, that makes me survive when I am freezing and it is cold.

I am so grateful for the sunlight in the early morning.

I am so grateful for the healing angles of the sunbeams in the newborn day. 

Dear fire I am so grateful for the tiny sparks of fire that makes my heart beat and I love you dear fire.

Dear fire I pray for your safety!

Dear fire I pray for your healing!

Dear fire I pray for all the respect for you!

I am so greateful for that we are all in it together, we need you dear fire, we need the healing warmth of the sun, we all need it, we the humans, need you, as well as the animals, the plants, and each flower.

I the holy combustion we are all included, we need and get, and we give at the same time. In fact we need each other!

I pray for that you dear fire will be loved, respected and healed by all living beings that live on, under and above Earth.

I welcome the good energies to heal the Fire!

I welcome faith hope and love!

I welcome the energy of gratefulness and goodness into my heart at every spark of my heartbeat and into every breath to remind me to always be grateful and say thanks to the fire and sun!


I am so for ever grateful for TIME!

Dear wonderful time you are so extremely important to me!

I will forever see time as my best friend. 

Time in a way is a kind of special space. 

There is different kinds of time. 

Time is not linear.

Time are pockets, time are realms.

Time is so grand that is can seem to be linear, but a very big circle can seem straight because it is hard to perceive that it is curved.

An ant has its own time. A big mountain has its own time.

A little stone on a beach has its own time, from the beginning it was a mountain. Then getting smaller and smaller, getting smother and smother by each wave of the ocean.

A flower has its own time and realm.

The circle of life is different for each spieces. The time is different for each and everyone of us here on Earth. 

We who are humans have not only a human bloodline, we are anchored in deep Universe by our etherical ancestry, and that forms a special realm of time for us as well.

We can choose to love time! If we love time we love our own space!

So please love yourself and your time and make way for more love!

I welcome the good energies to heal the TIME!

I welcome faith hope and love!

I welcome the energy of gratefulness and goodness into my heart at every spark of my heartbeat and into every breath to remind me to always be grateful and say thanks to you dear time and loving space and realms!


I pray for you dear Eleva! Elva! Elves!

Yes the Elves makes Earth spin! And the Elves is a great part of the gravity.

The gravity is a BEING! A beautiful living being!

Dear wonderful time you are som extremely important to me!

I am so grateful for you dear gravity and I love you!

I pray for all the love, gratitude and healing to you dear Eleva and Elves.

I pray for that all those that live on, under and above Mother Earth will love, pay you their respect and always give you healing!

I pray for all the love, respect and healing to all those that love and help Mother Earth to live a good life!

I welcome the good energies to heal the gravity!

I welcome the energies and realm of faith hope and love!

I welcome the energy of gratefulness and goodness into my heart at every spark of my heartbeat and into every breath to remind me to always be grateful and say thanks to you dear gravity and Elves!

I pray for love and peace on Mother Earth and I always pray for that all the children will be safe and cared for by good and loving people!

With love and light and joy from my heart,

God bless you,


Thursday 29 June 2023

Mother Mary Time to rise and shine!

My dearest worker of love and of light it is time for you to rise and 

shine in your true colors!

You have worked diligently in many lives to be here in this moment!

In this lifetime you transform everything that you brought with you, in terms of the etherical attachements that always come with each life.

You feel it in your aura, that different feelings are attached there and it has often to do with previous lives that you already have lived on earth. 

Now your most important task is to shine in your authentic love-light and be the pillar of the new earth. 

The new earth is, the old one but with the upgraded consiousness of love. The mere knowledge make you fly and also shine in your true colors of love.

The knowledge about Mother Earth, what she needs, and who she is, is the most important thing to know now!

It is essential to understand that everything is linked together and that you need your love and light friends.

You are already linked together, for you are truly a family!

But the time to be alone to learn only from above and below is no longer necessary for your transformation.

Now it is time for you to, in one way, just be who you are, in your light. and you can also reach out if you like to, your brothers and sisters for you are ready to shine together!

You have some knowledge that you are specialized in, but your brothers and sisters have other parts of knowledge and you will assist each other.

You create a full circle now! In the sense that you have learned everything there is to learn within you, and now it is time to transform the knowledge to the outside, into your life, into your community for example.

Do what you love to do! Follow your heart! And believe in your dreams!

Please reach out to me and I will guide you anytime you like!

I love you,

Mother Mary

THANK YOU dear friends for your donations!


Thank you for your donations to "buy me a coffee"!

I am so grateful! 💙💜💛💚 THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!

You are angels that want to aid me!

One of you dear friends also wanted to send me a donation on paypal and the address is:

I have not changed glasses in 10 years!

And 2 weeks ago I was in a car crash and I must have had an angels

help for I was not injured!

But my car was demolidged, and needs some reparations!

Another person drove into my car from behind, and was the cause of the

accident! I drive a SAAB from 1992!

I wish I could work as a medium/psychic/channeler full time!

Do you have any advice?

I offer different things as tarot and more, and you who are donators

to me will get discount on anything I offer!

I will post a pricelist on all that I offer in a week or two!

I love you, and thank you 💓 for your most important donations!

Love love and more love to you!

God bless you,


Saturday 24 June 2023

Mother Mary True to Earth!

I am Mother Mary, and I am a feminine being, a feminine soul. I am very old and I have experienced many things.

The swinging of the pendulum is one of them! 

We have been witnessing this pendling movement when it comes to many things, but now I will speak about the feminine and masculin energy.

For thousands of years the masculine energy has been to strong, and the feminine energy to weak. But what I seek is balance between these basic energies!

The result up to this day is: the masculine energy is still strong and is now realizing that it can not hold this demonstration anymore.

The sign that the masculin energy still rules is the terror that Mother Earth still has to go through. 

All the measuring, all the borders, all the wars, all the conquring, all the competition, to be the best, the strongest, the tallest, the one that can endure everything and still stand.

No one on this planet can feel better than the actual planet can. I mean that what you sow you will reap. 

Everything starts with Mother Earth. She is feminine. She is the ouvaries of the universe!

Mother Earth is the grail of life!

People on Earth should start with her, and no one else!

People on Earth should love her first and then love themselves. 

I know I might sound harsh when I speak these words, but I can not lie.

Down to basic? Are you up for that?

First of all I LOVE YOU!

Secondly please respect your planet, listen to her.

You live a life here on Earth and everything is borrowed, you can not take anything with you when you leave.

What you pass on is: your love! What you bring with you is: your love!

Love is all that matters! So go ahead now and be you, be the love being that you truly are! 

And yes if something makes you really angry, use this energy to make things better! Talk about it! Don´t be silent!

Don´t be afraid of your feelings! If someone hurts Mother Earth and hurts children, animals, innocent people and beings, be angry!

Use your feelings to do good! Talk about it! Share with others! You can do something positive together! Create a thinktank of joy and harmony, and you will find good result and answers to what you need.

Start where you live! In your own community! Start where your soles of your feet meet the ground.

Just remember I LOVE YOU! And also remember, you are never alone, I am always by your side. 

I know it is not easy to get aggrivated by very negative soules, that thrive on taring down all that is good and positive. And they do it with a smile too.

I know! It is hard to deal with all the feelings, as the negative beings use nails and claws and aim at your heart always. 

Be angry for they do attack, but use your anger, use the energy, to do good to break the bad spell the negative beings spread all around.

And I have a message to all those that use this blogs texts time after time, please give a free contribution to the writer to pay your respect for the hard job the writer do. Please use the yellow button up on the right "buy me a coffee". I love you, thank you!

I am Mother Mary and I have lived many lives on Earth and many of these lifes as very poor. This channel and writer needs a new pair of glasses, so please contribute if you like. 

The holy law of giving and taking (receiving) is alfa and omega. 

I love you and please talk to me whenever you like, I am an etherical feminine soul and I heal wounds with nectar, ambrosia.

But I have to be honest too, I just want you to love Mother Earth and understand that she provides for you, and you can give tribute back, it is the most natural thing of all, is it not?

I love you,

Mother Mary