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Saturday 8 July 2023

Archangel Michael Cosmic waves.

I am Michael and I will speak about something that is good to be aware of.

Fluktuations, waves, a change of light?

Well do not worry!

Maybe these are words you have been reading about? Listening to?

It´s ok! But hear me out!


Whatever comes, you are ready for it! 

Oh yes!

Whatever is coming it is a bonus! A very good one! And as I said don´t worry. You are a lightworker and I am so proud of you!

You are here on Earth in a human body and it is not the first time! Oh no, you are old souls and you have carved yourself out of your own hard shell.

Your deep knowledge makes you lighter! You can nearly fly!

And you have wings too!

Most of you are connected to the Eagle tribe of the Pleiades but if fack we are everywhere.

Sananda have gathered you for a long time. Giving you incentives and giving you wake-up calls for many centuries, and more recurring in the latest decades.

This means that you should be active in learning about your wings!

In your daily prayer, ask for your guardian eagle to show you!

With the perspective of a bird, an eagle, you will broaden your horizon. And we´ll meet there for a higher level education for the love to Mother Earth.

She needs her beloved Light workers to understand who you truly are. You are not only a human being. You are so much more. You are a part of the Animal Kingdom for instance.

Now is the time to really take all of your tools to your heart and get to know them once and for all.

By tools I mean the higher sense that you as a Lightworker have. You all have different sets of them. You are born with them. Some of you have still to awaken to them, others have began to realize their existance. And others have known them for decades.

Still. Some of you that have known for many years have brushed them off as "could it really be true?" Do I have this kind of gift you think or it is maybe something difficult that I should not get into?

Well I am here to help you with any question or thought of this that you might have! Just ask me!

You are so much more than you think. I see you as gigant trees.

You have deep roots.  And I see that you have a high and strong trunk, and then branches that reach high up in the air and into the universe.

On each of these levels you have galactic friends that work with you at all times, you are involved! In teams!

I would like for you to get to know your team now!

I would like for you to understand that your "tree" is a comunication tower! That actually shines in your individual light!

Getting to know the fullness of your Lightworker Heart-task is essential for you. But you are ready for it! You are really ready for yourself, and the team that you represent!

So I want you to be very proud of yourself! And we are forever grateful for you important job that you have done for thousands of years to be here in this moment of Earths history.

Your team is waiting for you, to recognize them, to get to know them.

All comunication goes through your hearts. The comunication is all about love and respect to all living. If you notice anything else, please learn to disregard it at once.

You will learn! And we are with you!

I love you,


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