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Thursday 9 March 2023

Archangel Gabriel I love you more now than before!

I am Gabriel and I really know you, I walk beside you, and you don´t even feel me, or understand that I am so close.

But I love you more now than before!

Do you know why?

Because I see into your struggle, I feel your tears and I feel what sorrows and traumas you have gone through.

But you still think that you are alone?

I am an angel and I communicate through the energy of love always!

See all of your contacts in the etherical realms and all the other possible contacts you may have, as available in an invisible walkie-talkie.

You have this invisible "walkie-talkie" in your hands and you adjust it into whatever channel you like, to your own choosing.

But the love channel is only one of many hundreds of channels, so it is very important for you that you choose this one so that we finally can communicate with each other.

And how do you do it? 

You have to love yourself first, accepting yourself in your heart. 

If you feel low in any way I am there with you, but it is much harder to be in contact because you are in-tangled with negative emotions.

But I am still by your side! Waiting for you to love yourself no matter what.

Some say oposites attract? And that is somewhat true.

But you attract love WITH LOVE!

So inside of you, you have an ocean of possibilities, and space that you can use for love. 

Take time to really create a loving place within yourself, make room for it! 

See your love as beautiful seeds that just lie there waiting for you to plant them, water them, nourishe them.

You need to put some effort into this! So you create a new room within you filled with love, and then, you will attract love!

Even if you feel different feelings over things that are going on in your life, you feel sad, and injusticified, and you feel many feelings because your life is not easy at all, and I love you even more because I really want to hold your hand at these moments.

But when you are sad or low or whatever, you put yourself out of yourself and forget that you always need to be within your sanctuary of love and gratefulness within your heart.

All the emotions, the negative force of them becomes something that you hurt yourself with. 

You are many times surrounded by a storm. 

But you need to keep yourself in the eye of the storm, and never let go of yourself. The storm is like a show. Let the show go on, but you can learn to just observe it. You don´t have to be an actor in it.

You are a pure energy of love. 

But out in the storm, and with all the emotions, you forget who you are.

So please step out of it, save yourself, and just be an observer. It is already hard as it is, I know, but you dont´t have be so involved that you forget about who you are, and why you came to Earth to live.

Many of you go through tough times now. And you are more loved now than before, because we and my angel collegues feel your anxiety.

So please, dear beloveds, love yourselves and when you glide out of your safe haven and go into the war of emotions, just remind yourself, I await you, I always do and we will always meet in the sacred room of your heart where love reignes.

I love you always,


💚Welcome to my blogI am Kerstin Eriksson and I am the channeler of this message from archangel Gabriel.

💜Please feel free to share my message if you also 1. state this with my name and 2. with a working internet link back in to my blog! Thank you very much!

Welcome to Archangel Faith, angel letters for you! Thank you so very much!

💖 Like to help me? If you like my channelings and also share with others please feel free to buy me a coffee! Please I would be so very grateful! THANK YOU for your kind support!

My site is ad-free, political-free and maybe is an unique room in the ether? 

😍You can buy me a coffee here: Kerstin Eriksson ( or you can use the yellow button on my page! 

💓 Have a beautiful day!



Wednesday 1 March 2023

Gaia and Jesus talks about sex.

I am old and I am called Jesus. I love you very much and I now have the cosmic name Sananda.

The thing with me is, I am pretty ordinary, I am no one special.

But the strongest vibration there is on Earth is sex, so I will speak about sex today.

The strongest vibe, drive, motion, energy, is to make other human beings and it begins in your rootchakra.

Without this drive or force you would not live. 

And now the planet is a like a potpurri of humans, and animals, trees, plants, insects, it is like a magnificent symphony of all the tones and colors and it is very beautiful.

But the very sex drive is not a fun fair. It is a gift!

I wish to tell you that I sometimes cry. I cry when the sexdrive is used for a leasurement only, just for fun, and for some peoples ego.

Women where first on Earth. Created after Mother Earth, to be little copys of her. 

Mother Earth is the holy grail of the Universe, and women are little grails, that carry the babies in their wombs.

The females where devas in an higher dimension at first. They only gave birth to girls, for they impregnatet themselves.

Then came the curiosity and some devas became so keen on its other half. 

Some devas became so interested in their twinflame that they agreed to go into a lower dimension so that they could give birth to a male baby.

And so they did, and male babies where born. And this was a very long time ago, actually many millions of years ago. And time have passed by, and slowly with the help of evolution here you are!

You are here on Earth to bear fruit, to make someone else go in your footsteps!

Because the Earth itself gets massage from your very footsteps.

She needs a lot of massage! And there are many different footsteps and footprints that walk on Gaia. And they all matter to her!

But. I just have to say, but you have lost it...

Many of you have lost the sense of having sex as a loving gift, and that makes me cry, but I know you will remember how important it is to always be grateful for the very house of your soul. Your body.

Gaia gives you a gift as in kundalini and it is a lifesaver!

Kundalini gives you strength! But when many of you think it has to do with sex only, it is something I need to address today.

Kundalini is a life-force, that moves from the ground and upwards and is meant to flow through your body, and not to get stuck in your root chakra. If you feel this you might think you are very horny.

But the thing is, kundalini is meant to move upwards and go to all of your chakras and come up to your crown chakra.

But now kundalini cries too. For it is being used as a sex-inhancer.

Wait with having sex. It is so precious. Feel what every chakra is telling you about a person you are interested in. Wait.

Feel what your gutfeeling is about a certain person. Wait til you can feel what your heart is telling you. There is no hurry.

You can always have sex with yourself, if you find no loving and caring partner.

Your body is the temple of your soul. Please know that your entire team, is always with you, even when you have sex. Yes!

So please be patient instead, don´t throw away your gift to anyone that does not care?

This is serious matter. For Gaia it is a holy matter. She sais to you:

I know you, I love you, but please do the same as I, and love yourself. Maybe you think we, Jesus and I are against sex, or that we are rigid or that we do not want you to have a nice time. No it is not really so.

Sex is a gift, to each and everyone of you, it is a big part of living on Earth. But you are an ambassador that represents a certain part of the Universe, and your soul dwells inside you.

You are all ambassadors! And what is your mission on Earth?

To represent love! And to be the altar of the eternal knowing of love and life. The light is: the knowing. 

You are also here to love Mother Earth, for she is your providor of all that you are. The body - your body that your soul lives in, is a creation of Earth, of your Mothers bloodline!

It is a part of your awakening process to realize that you are never alone. 

The very gift of sex stands in relation to what amount of love you have, to yourself and others. 

Always start with yourself. Love yourself. Respect yourself. Have sex with yourself for starters. Then move outwards!

In higher realms as in fifth dimension and higher, you know that sex is vital energy and used with care, love and gratitude.

The thing is: you have to make your rootchakra spin or you will feel low in energy, maybe depressed even. And you know when the root chakra has stopped, your soul leaves your body.

The masturbation, self-sex, is very important so you don´t loose your vitality.

But this you know of course! You are very old souls! But as everything evolves, the basic, is non the less important, it is on the contrary even more important now!

The knowledge of the root chakra, the very library where all there is to know about it, is immensely big. 

Use your love-breathing, to welcome your kundalini force to move upwards your chakras and entire body. It is a part of you and Earth, it can make you go that extra mile, when you really need it! 

The kundalini works with all living beings, even trees.

And you want all of your "tree" to be lit up, out into the very tip of every branch where your beautiful leaves are. 

Some of you can see and tap into your own kundalini energy, and communicate with it. Please do! It is very old! And remember it is a gift, but it is not a sex-gift. It is a gift of survival and of health and vitality! Just be grateful and say thank you!

Ask us and we will guide you if you have any questions!

We love you,

Gaia and Jesus

💓Welcome to my blogI am Kerstin Eriksson and I am the channeler of this message from Jesus and Goddess Gaia.

💙💚Please feel free to share my message if you also 1. state this with my name and 2. with a working internet link back in to my blog! 

Welcome to Archangel Faith, angel letters for you! Thank you so very much!

💗If you like my blog you can support me by 😍buying me a coffee here: I am so grateful for all help and support I can get! Thank you!

Kerstin Eriksson ( or you can use the yellow button on my page! 

I started blogging 2012 because I discovered I had a calling, as I was rescued by archangel Michael one day, so I started writing for Faith and Michael. 

💓 Have a beautiful day!

Sunday 26 February 2023

Archangel Uriel Tango for two!

I am Uriel, and I would like to explain something I have never shared before.

There are lovers and there are lovers. And they can put on an act and show grand gestures and glittering dressess and make-ups...! 

And you look at them and wish it was you and the one you love.

If you only...found the right person, the right partner, the very best one, that makes you fly?

But the first person you really have a relationship with is: YOU.

You are the one, for you, always!

But the grass is always greener on the other side?

It is always easier to ignore oneself?

What I am trying to say is, please start with yourself. 

Love yourself.

See yourself as your own partner, be your own most perfect partner.

Try it!

What can you loose!

See yourself as a complete unit! Make yourself at home within you!

When you become whole and love yourself, you will find that you are not alone at all. 

For you will then find your twin-soul!

Your etherical twin-soul can reach you when you are a whole!

Do you understand me?

If you on the other hand think you have to find a partner that will complete you, as you think and feel you are only is not likely that you will be contacted by your twin-soul.

But your twin-soul awaits you of course! Always! 

It is a hard job to be complete. Because you have to work yourself through all of your fears.

It is not about being perfect or about accomplishing anything in particular but it is all about you accepting yourself as you are, and loving all parts of yourself. 

It is a knowing. It is a understanding of the soul.

And you can dance with your etherical twin-soul, oh yes!

So keep up the important work of your own self-mastering, and sooner or later you will be asked to dance, in a galactic tango for two!

I love you,


💓Welcome to my blogI am Kerstin Eriksson and I am the channeler of this message from archangel Uriel.

💚Please feel free to share my message if you also 1. state this with my name and 2. with a working internet link back in to my blog! 

Welcome to Archangel Faith, angel letters for you! Thank you so very much!

💗If you like my blog you can support me by 😍buying me a coffee here: I am so grateful for all help and support I can get! Thank you!

Kerstin Eriksson ( or you can use the yellow button on my page! 

I started blogging 2012 because I discovered I had a calling, as I was rescued by archangel Michael one day, so I started writing for Faith and Michael. 

💓 Have a beautiful day! 

Saturday 25 February 2023

Archangel Uriel It´s a big world!

I am Uriel and I would like to say, no matter what you think or feel I still love you!

I work all over the world that you live in. Every piece of land is my working ground.

I know about every little stone, about every leaf and every angle of the sunlight that shines on you.

Everything is a matter of perspective, what you really can fathom and put your arms around and reason about.

If you fly above in an airplane or with your wings and you look down and see different things happening, you will feel certain feelings, as you are not a part of it, because you have the perspective of looking from above.

And when you are down really deep into Mother Earth you are very close to her, and the very core of living on Earth, as everything starts in the center and goes outwards.

And from the center you get a totally different point of wiev or angle on what is going on, because in this position you actually are in the very midst of things. Being here you feel everything. And you can neither escape all the devastating things that Mother Earth feels nor put blinders on your eyes.

The truth is, your Mother Earth feels everything. She knows everything. 

She even knows you, and she loves you very much.

She actually knows everything about you.

She knows what you feel and she cares deeply for you. She knows when you are happy and she knows when you are sad.

She loves all and how come that she loves all when she is so hurt, used and tortured by some?

She knows what kind of darkness many lives in.

She knows that a person that has not yet awakened can not understand that she is a living breathing soul.

Many still live in the "tunnel" life. They don´t even know it is a tunnel. They think their entire life is okay as it should be.

But when you discover that there is a door in the tunnel, you first do not understand that you can open the door, you just think, what is that?

Please love those that have not understood yet that they can open the door, and step out into the full life, into the life of faith hope and love together with Mother Earth.

It is not about stepping out to find a spaceship. It is not about stepping out into finding aliens of different kinds. 

It is about not looking up. Not looking up at a ship, or a cloud, or a shining star in the sky.

It is about looking into, within. It is about looking into your own heart and realizing that it is about looking into her, your Mother, our Mother, feeling her, listening to her. 

It does not matter if you see a 1.000 alien space ships in the sky, if you don´t love her first. She, your Mother is where your feet is. She your Mother Earth is what is giving you everything that you need.

She herself is an alien, from the Universe, built by different creators from different parts of the MultiUniverse. You yourself is a galactic being, you live in the Universe too.

But why is staring up into the sky more important than the ground?

Should you not love the ground? Shouldn´t the ground be the HOLY GROUND?

Please begin where you stand. Please begin with who gives you everything.

Stepping out of the tunnellife is realizing that your life is not linear.

Coming out, means finding that life is round, and this is what you need to embrace. Give yourself a big loving hug and love the fact that you now are an ambassador of Earth, your Mother.

With the knowledge of her, your Mother, it is okay for you to look up at the stars at nighttime, of course, but now in the sense that you are rooted in the most beautiful creation of the Universe.

By accepting that you are living in a big beautiful world, and that you yourself are equally beautiful, the planet will become more alive for you.

Help her, protect her, love her, stand up for her!

When you help yourself, when you protect yourself, when you love yourself, and you stand up for yourself and at the same time aiding the entire humanity as well as Mother with all of her kingdoms as Animal Kingdom, Plant Kingdom, Mineral Kingdom you will find the true heartconnection, the very anchor of love, that makes your life worth living. 

When all colors come alive, and when you feel joy deep into your heart that everything is connected, and that your own part in it is more important than ever, then you will begin to smile.

And you will not only smile, you will also sing your heart´s lovesong for her your Mother Earth, as she welcomes you into her arms.

She walkes beside God all of the time...

...and God always walks beside you, wanting to hold your hand, and she, Mother Earth, Gaia, walks on the opposite side of you, also wanting to hold your other hand.

If you like you can hold them both in your hands, and the circle will be complete, a perfect collaboration of love.

It´s a big world, and yet love conquers all.

Everything needs to be balanced. Earth and Heaven. A perfect match! Yin and Yang. Night and day!

I am Uriel and I love you dearly.

💓Welcome to my blogI am Kerstin Eriksson and I am the channeler of this message from archangel Uriel.

💜Please feel free to share my message if you also 1. state this with my name and 2. with a working internet link back in to my blog! 

Welcome to Archangel Faith, angel letters for you! Thank you so very much!

💖Support my blog? My writing? Please I would be so very grateful!

😍You can buy me a coffee here: Kerstin Eriksson ( or you can use the yellow button on my page! 

If you support me it would make me very happy! I started blogging in 2012, and writing letters from angels, masters, guides, it is my calling in life. 

💓 Have a beautiful day!



Friday 24 February 2023

Archangel Michael The heirs of air!

I say hallo today and I also say I love you. I am Michael and I will tell you about something about yourselves.

You are the heirs!

You are the heirs to the element of air!

A fish does not acknowledge that it swims in water. The water just is for the fish!

And the same goes for you! For you air just is! But you actually are the very heirs of air!

And yet you just think air is? 

What is then air?

Air is so preacious. Yes it is. Without air you could not smell the roses. Without air you could not breathe...or survive on your planet.

And in the air there is also water, little particles of water, mist, condence and sometimes rain.

The air was there that very day when you kissed your beloved. The air was there in your most precious memory a long time ago. And just right now the air is there with you in your very lungs.

When you love air, and love every breath you take, you acknowledge air, you give air a response from your heart, and then a miracle happens!

You will get feedback from air! Air will show you that it loves YOU!

Air has waited for you to love it and awaken to its very presence.

When you love your breaths, you become real.

Try! Now! Please love air as your best friend, love air as your best memory of love and friendship. 

Love air for making you live on Earth, in the garden of flowers, of roses, lilies, of what flower you love.

Loving each breath makes you whole and complete.

Actually this kind of breathing is your very own holy spirit.

It is not only something that a priest talk about. 

It is the gift to all of you, and has nothing to do with a church or a religion.

But this has become some religions trademark, something they do as a thing for their own. But the holy truth is, it was never meant to be a religios thing.

Loving your own breathing is your legacy as a human being as a soul, an awakened soul.

You are the heirs of air, so please just do it every day, every hour, and every time you take a breath, give yourself the free gift of being loved by the air, as air have been waiting for you, in a long while.

I love you 


💓Welcome to my blogI am Kerstin Eriksson and I am the channeler of this message from archangel Michael.

💚Please feel free to share my message if you also 1. state this with my name and 2. with a working internet link back in to my blog! 

Welcome to Archangel Faith, angel letters for you! Thank you so very much!

Support my blog? My writing? Please I would be so very grateful! 😍You can buy me a coffee here: 

Kerstin Eriksson ( or you can use the yellow button on my page! 

If you support me it would make me very happy! I started blogging in 2012, and writing letters from angels, masters, guides, it is my calling in life. 

💓 Have a beautiful day!



Tuesday 21 February 2023

Guru Ram Das A flower is a flower!

Todays channeling "A flower is a flower" (down below) starts for me, Kerstin, over 10 years back in time, with the memory of having a high fever and taking my dog for a walk, being kissed by a deva, and told an interesting story about a special place I lived nearby at the time, and it is for me like the circle is complete!

"Hallo dear I reconnect today to you, for you once found the twinplace to Amritzar in India!

You where sick and having a high fever and you had to walk your dog in the middle of the winter in the Northern part of Sweden.

I remember it was 20 degress minus Celcius, and you just wanted to get indoors to lay down in your bed.

But the dog was more important and you took him for a walk across the bridge over the frozen river.

In the cold wind and snowfall you shivered in your fever and you suddenly got a chock.

An invisible being kissed you on your cheek and you also felt that the being was very kind, loving and gentle, and you could feel the warmth from its lips.

And you where so surprized! Who are you you asked the being, that you could not see!

"-I am a deva, and I am also called Alfhild! I protect the Elfves. And I want to talk to you about the place that lies close by from here. And the deva explained.

The place over there is a very special place, it is like a wheel, in the ground. It is like a wheel with a hub in the middle.

And I did not really know what to think, as I had a lot of fever and it was so cold outdoors, almost a snowstorm.

But somehow the warm kiss, had made me a little bit warmer, and the deva continued explaining to me:

"The "wheel" has twelve "spokes" spreading out all around your planet, she said, and one goes to Stone Henge, others go to other places...but this very hub, the essence of this place is that it is a twin place with Amritzar in India! And this place here where you live is like the second breast of Mother Earth and it flows with milk and nectar and its energy gives life all around the planet!

And in India in Amritzar the holy nectar flows abundantly, she continued as I stod there in the cold winter wheather. As I came back indoors, I wanted to ask so many questions about twinplaces.

There are twinplaces everywhere.

Just as we humans have twin souls, twin flames. The EARTH has also twin places.

I had just moved to a place in Jamtland in Sweden (2011). I really was meant to get to know this sacred place, that actually appears to be twin place with Amritzar in India.

And yesterday 20 feb 2023, I get a mission from the one who founded the very city of Amritzar? 

Wow I am so blessed. Thank you!

So now comes the channeling :

"A flower is a flower!

I love you I am Guru Ram Das and I lived for many hundreds of years ago on Earth. 

I think you who live on Earth today is very brave! 

You as a soul choosed to come and live and learn, just as I did once, and yes I had resistance in my life too, but not as much as you have now. Humanity has evolved a great deal since I lived on Earth, but what can hinder you the most are all your options!

You have so many options, so many choises because you always look with your eyes open!

Sometimes you as the modern person think you have a harder time to connect or reconnect with your inner source? Yes the hinder is all your options all the time, that you don´t have time to filtrate enough.

My suggestion is: Close your eyes every day, and sit still. You can of cource meditate at this moment! Very good!

Just to observe a tree, with leaves that moves in the wind is much to take in. But this can also be very relaxing and meditative for you.

I recommend the nature! I recommend for you to empty yourself, emptying your mind through closing your eyes for a moment each day.

You as a modern person look at tv, videos, films, different medias, or just by walking through the town there are many impressions that takes its course through you and your mind and soul.

There is a lot to filter for the modern person. But you also get more advanced and can deal with it too, of course.

But a tree is a tree. A flower is a flower! Stay natural! Make your life as simple and nice as you can! 

Please ask me if you have any questions!

Much love,

Ram Das"

💓Welcome to my blogI am Kerstin Eriksson and I am the channeler of this message from dear Guru Ram Das.

💜Please feel free to share my message if you also 1. state this with my name and 2. with a working internet link back in to my blog! 

Welcome to Archangel Faith, angel letters for you! Thank you so very much!

If you truly like my blog you can support me by😍buying me a coffee here: 

Kerstin Eriksson ( or you can use the yellow button on my page! 

If you support me it would make me very happy! I found my calling after archangel Michael rescued me in 2006 and I started to go to his and Faith´s education. I started blogging in 2012 and writing letters from angels, masters, guides, it is my calling in life. 

💓 Have a beautiful day!

Sunday 19 February 2023

Aurapainting, Tarot, Free distancehealing, Workshop with Mary Magdalene

 What do I really do, and what can I offer you?💓

Aura Painting

I paint your aura. And in it may include parts of your universal ancestry, your path on Earth, your guides from different realms and more, I do an intuitive reading of your newly taken picture.

I paint it on a big paper A3 format, and I use dry pastells and aquarelles colorings.

To the painting is also text included where I channel more messages to you from your guides.

Price: 150 Euro and I send it to you via postal service.


I love to use my tarotcards, they mean alot to me, say much, but I also read "between the lines" .

Different price depending on how many questions you have, and how far into the future I am going to read.

The cheapest is based on one single question that you want to ask and when I look forward for 3 (only) months time.

Price 15 Euros. Text will be sent to your mailadress or if you like Messenger.

3 questions 12 months 95 Euros.

Distancehealing with archangel Metatron 60 minutes.

First time distance healing 30 Euros.

Price for receiving distancehealing at 5 different occations/times = 140 Euros.

Each distancehealing takes 60 minutes, and I usually also receive heavenly messages to you and I write those down to you on your mail or Messenger.

Would you like to arrange or join a workshop with me? Just let me know! I will talk about my books, give you direct healing and meditation. I can help you getting started! I guide you to intuitive painting and singing to clear your throat chakra. I will sell my homemade bracelets with rosen quartz, and more.

Contact form at bottom of page. 

I am a clairvoyant medium and I have also walked in the footsteps of the Universal Shaman and I am welcomed by the Animal Kingdom and more.

Have a beautiful day 💓💙💛💚💜love/Kerstin

💚 if you appreciate my blog and my writing and want to support me writing more, PLEASE DO! You can buy me a coffee here: 

Kerstin Eriksson ( 

Workshop med Maria Magdalena.

Välkommen till Maria Magdalena Workshop!
Är det dags att Du öppnar dörren till ditt liv? Vill du jobba med din personliga och andliga utveckling?
Många människor idag förstår inte sin egna obalans.
En del upptäcker att de ror sin båt med endast en åra, och märker att de inte kan välja riktning i sitt liv, de snurrar runt istället. Andra märker att de hoppar fram i sitt liv på endast ett ben, och att de inte lyckas nå dit som de önskar?
Med hjälp av Maria Magdalenas underbara kärleksfulla guidning så kan du nå transformation med hjälp av de rätta frågorna och lättare finna din egen väg i ditt liv.
Handen på hjärtat vad brinner du för?
Vad får dig att känna sprudlande livsglädje? Och en känsla av att allt faller på plats! Då är du på rätt väg! Låt ditt hjärta visa vägen!
Jag heter Kerstin och är clairvoyant medium och 2013 fick jag det glädjande uppdraget att skriva en text med kära Maria Magdalena. Min väg har också bestått av att jag har vandrat i den universella shamanens fotspår och har blivit välkomnad av Djurriket, Växtriket samt Mineralriket.
Workshopen handlar om en inre transformation av känslor och om att reparera själen så att Du finner Din rätta Väg!
Vi möts över Skype eller det som passar Dig (Messenger). Vi har tre timmar som vi skall använda på bästa sätt:
Workshop Med Maria Magdalena i Tre delar!
1. Läs boken. (som Ingår) som jag skickar till dig med post.
2. Jag ger dig dina personliga frågor som bara Du behöver via Maria Magdalena.
3. Sista timmen av de tre= videosamtal där vi möts och du kan få feedback och insikter.
1. Du förbereder dig genom att du läser boken som är det kanaliserade materialet som jag fick, direkt från Maria Magdalena. Boken ingår i priset samt portot dit du bor, du får den i din brevlåda.
2. Du får en serie av frågor som jag intuitivt via Maria Magdalena känner att Du behöver fundera på. Vi avslutar med en timme då vi pratar och ser varandra på video-samtalet.
3. Videosamtalet: Du får din egen tid att ställa frågor om ditt liv och jag kanaliserar dina svar från bland annat dina guider som kan vara både änglar mm. Du får frågor som du skall fundera över och som faller mer på plats då MM är med.
Och efteråt? Du är också välkommen att höra av dig när du vill om du får något som Du vill fråga om. 
Jag finns tillgänglig för dig på messenger eller telefonsamtal, när du så önskar.
Bokens värde samt porto (220 kr) ingår i priset 1,375 kr som är ett självkostnadspris. Skicka PM om Du vill veta mer!
Kanske vill du ha ett eget personligt upplägg på workshopen så säg bara till! 
Workshopen sker från där du befinner dig och under den tid som passar dig själv! kram Kerstin
När jag ser att Din swish kommit in så skickar jag Dig boken direkt och Du är igång! PM för mer info!
ps länken till boken som heter "Vägen till tro, ett brev från Maria Magdalena."
Här är länken till min allra senaste bok:

För mer info kontakta via formulär längst ned på sidan! Sker från där du befinner dig och när det passar dig, 4 timmars workshop, avslutas med skype / messenger samtal då vi ser varandra.

Du är välkommen!