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Monday 27 July 2020

Birgitta Birgersdotter; Jag kan, jag vill, jag älskar!

Jag heter Birgitta och en del känner mig som den heliga Birgitta. Jag själv upplevde inte att jag var helig! För mig så är livet heligt! Allas liv är heliga! Moder Jords liv är heligt! 

För mig är varje vattendroppe helig! För mig så är solens strålar heliga! 

När en människa förstår, sin kapacitet, hur allt hänger ihop, som en enda organism tillsammans med Moder Jord och när människan känner i sitt hjärta att det finns en stor kärleksfull mening med livet, till glädjen och till lärandet på jorden, då känner den människan att livet är heligt.

Med fötterna i jorden och med huvudet i himlen så går allt bra! Då har du kontakt, jordad kontakt! 

Då kommer du att förstå, sammanhangen hur du själv utgör en viktig länk, tillsammans med många andra viktiga länkar, och den länken du har, har ingen annan än du, och ingen annan kan riktigt ersätta just din unika länk heller. 

Allas länkar är unika och viktiga och fyller en funktion till alltets helhet! 
När ni förstår att mångfald är bra och gynnar er alla, så kommer ni att frodas och växa med ymnig grönska. 

Hjälp varje länk! Alla har en egen länk och något unikt att bidraga med! Det finns ingen som inte har en länk! 

Tyvärr är det inte många som förstår detta och märker inte sin egna länk, hur viktig den är för helheten! 

Ni hänger ihop, allihop, och ni vandrar tillsammans oavsett om ni vet det eller inte, så hjälp varandra, stötta varandra att uppmärksamma deras länk så den kommer till liv och Guds ljus!

Jag älskar Dig och jag heter,
Birgitta Birgersdotter. 

Wednesday 22 July 2020

Archangel Faith; A lesson in love!

"Hello there...

I am glad you hear me. I am not so far away. How far away do you think I am? 
I guess you think I am in heaven looking down at you, through some clouds.

It gives me great joy to tell you, I am where you are! And I have always been. 
I am an archangel. My mission is Faith. I am Faith and I love you!

There have never been any separation. Some say angels are only in heaven. And what does that idea result in? It captivates you. It makes you think there is a long distance. It makes you feel alone and afraid ?! And when someone make you afraid and alone, they are in POWER of you! Have you ever thought of that?

You are in fact free! Invisible chains, power over you, makes you walk in a certain direction. You become obedient, maybe even a slave? And everything, is a lesson! A lesson in love!

What do you want!?! And no matter what road you walk on. Even if you are a slave. Or free. I am there with you. And I have always been. We angels serve souls. We are where souls are, and many are on Earth. That is why we are on Earth. 

All angels are Gods helpers! God is all about love! Love is our lantern!

I hold you to my heart always. 
I love you!
// Archangel Faith

(This channeling was originally written and posted in 13 of May 2014, but I felt it is very important today as well! You are welcome to visit and subscribe to my blog; https;//

Monday 20 July 2020

Du är en resenär i tiden!

Du är en resenär i tiden…!

Allting har sin tid, livet är oändligt!
Sorgen har sin tid! Glädjen har sin tid!
Allt går i vågor, då expansion önskas! För lärandet!
Själen önskar lära sig mer än den lärde senast!
Själar lär sig, genom att leva på jorden!
Själar står i kö, för att få leva på jorden.
För alla vill nå fullkomlighet.
Helheten söks, för att själen skall finna total frid.
Helhet kommer av att finna glädjen i kaoset.
Livet på jorden är ett kaos.
Men när du lär dig att fånga ögonblick av ren insikt,
att du är en resenär i tiden,
ständigt på väg,
och att livet på jorden är en liten del av resan,
så kan du lättare finna inre frid!

Wednesday 15 July 2020

Diary notes; Free distance healing!

Hallo dear friend 💓, how are you doing? 

I hope you are fine!

I have been given a task some years ago, I give distance healing with Archangel Metatron!

Much stress with Covid-19 .

I also work with Sananda and Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary and the Goddesses and even more...

in free healing conversations over the phone and if you are interested, please let me know!


Sananda White Eagle; Gathering of the tribes!

I am Sananda and I see you and I know you.
I am always where you are.
I praise every footstep that you take.
You are the ones that are the tribes.
There are both many tribes, and yet
there are really just one tribe!
So all of you, everyone on earth,
belong to the Tribe!
It is all about recognition!
Your heart will guide you
and give you the sense of knowing!
That you are a part of the great tribe of Gaia?!
This great tribe of Earth
is a family!
A family that will grow within.
Within each and everyones hearts, and
from each and every heart, the knowledge comes.
To be sure of finding the knowing within,
please ground yourself each day.
Making your connection stronger!
And please, take your time, it is of great matter
and importance, that you bond with Mother Earth
as she is your beloved Mother.
She is the link! Always!
The feminine part of you must be loved now!
It is really not an issue of gender
but is is a matter of being complete,
round and whole.
Sometimes you wonder how wrong your societies are.
And yet you don’t even think about
that the feminine part in everything is lessened, to a
very small part.
And yet you all walk on Mother, every day!
And not even considering, HER!
To acknowledge that she is a great part of you,
IS VITAL to your life on EARTH.
To embrace the feminine
every day and every night
within and without of you,
is the KEY
to be able to live on earth
and to be able to find
this miraculous garden that she is.
When each and every man and woman
treats Mother Earth with great care and
respect, you will find that there is much love
and also many gifts that she will give you.
There are several gifts of free energy.
There are several gifts of nutrition that
will help globally, as to free clean water and more!
She is waiting for you and your
brothers and sisters to awaken to HER.
She already walks beside you, and she
knows what you are going through
and she loves you even more,
your dear Mother.
She knows about all of your struggles
and your efforts, always!
She light candles for each and everyone
and she says prayers for each and everyone
every day!
She is waiting for the love seed to
begin to grow in everyones hearts,
so that the great tribe of Earth
will rise
as ONE!

Re-blogging Sanandas words and it is from 2017. Then I did not know who gave me the words, but today I learned that the words are from Sananda! Please visit my blog and you can subscribe if you like!

Monday 13 July 2020

Diary notes; My three channelings, books!

Hi dear friend! 💖I hope you are doing fine!

This is how my three books look like! 

They are channelings with 

  1.    God

God asked me if I wanted to write a book for him and I answered yes! It is a celebration to all women, a liberation and about Gods love for women, the feminine energy and for Mother Earth! In this book God reveals an important “little” detail; Women was first on Earth, men, came later!

2    Mary Magdalene

This book is a teaching about the essence of having faith! She is a loving warm humble teacher, always prepared to guide us! The holy trinity; Faith, hope and love always go hand in hand!

3.    Thor 

Who also is an archangel, invites me to his home and then we take a walk in the forrest and we have a conversation about life as we walk, we share our feelings and thoughts! He is very wise and caring warmhearted male soul!

My 4´th book is all about the Goddesses, 54 Goddesses and 74 wise and loving messages from them! I am working on it still but I hope it will be finished soon! The first 3 that visited me are; Pomona, Yemanja, and Bastet!

Are you interested in being read one of the cards? 
Just let me know!

Awailable in the Swedish language!
If you read Swedish you are welcome to

Love 💓💙💚💛💜
Kerstin E

This is me

                    Channeling with God;

                  "Woman you are loved!"

Mary Magdalene; 

"The path to faith!"

 Hand in hand with asaguden Thor!

Saturday 11 July 2020

Golda Meir; World cohesion

"There is a fabric, an important fabric, like a large rug.

Millions of threads, working in the fabric, together.

Together, a platform is created that looks like a rug, in all its beautiful patterns and colors.

The carpet, or fabric, is also a fundamental foundation of world peace,  and world cohesion!

In every home, where the desire for friendship and love exists, there is a part of the carpet!

It is a part of everyone's home, where you put your feet!

The victory and the goal that cohesion is a part of life on earth already exists in our hearts, as a crystal clear reality! There is no doubt!

Do you see the carpet, do you feel the fabric in your home?

When was the last time you brushed it off?

When was the last time you cared for it?

So that the part that you have in your home shines in the most beautiful and bright colors?

Maybe you go straight in with your shoes on?

Love yourself and wash your feet, lubricate them with a fragrant and beneficial oil, before you enter the important fabric of peace!

The fabric, the carpet, moves, it is alive, it breathes, the more you love yourself and your neighbor, the more beautiful it becomes!

In some homes it is forgotten! In some homes it is rolled up and placed in a corner where no light reaches!

The web of the world, the web of peace, is moving and needs to return to the homes where it has been forgotten!

New trials await! And through it all, we become stronger! Never forget that!

Golda Meyer"

(I found this today and I wrote this channeling in 2017 in December 14. I thought I must publish it, even thought it is late! The world is going through times with Covid and it is devastating as a war, but in another way! I love this text! Thank you dear Golda Meir and forgive me I posted very late!)