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Sunday 19 August 2018

Archangel Gabriel Ambient love!

Here I am, archangel Gabriel,
please hear me out!
I love you and on the cloudiest day
I am not hovering above you, I am next to you!

We are angels and we work with everything between heaven and earth!

Many times we work where no one else would go, that is our mission!

Do you sometimes think that you are a to big of a burden to not say a prayer, because you do not want to lay a burden on God and us the Archangels and Angels?

Do you think there are so few angels that some people, for instance yourself, do not even have a guardian angel to aid you when you are in need?

Well, now I lay all the cards on the table for you to see clearly, my dear friend!

All beings on earth, have a guardian angel, at all times! As you sometimes say 24/7/365.
And, you also have a TEAM of ANGELS all day and all night, at your disposal!

And how does this work?
Well, we the angels work in teams, always! We never work alone!
There is no mystery!

We are many angels, and we are 333 archangels in this universe!
Each archangel have a staff, a crew that work at all times, and we all love to work!

Yes! We LOVE to WORK! Our work is our LIFE!

We serve all of you, including all beings on Earth, your homeplanet!
And we are MANY, you can never wear us out, and make us tired of you, at any time, this is a part of your illusion that some can have, and that others would be without, our assistance?

Yes I call it assistance, if YOU WILL HAVE US!!

We are here! Now! Right beside you!
And what is happening?
You do not notice us!?
Well ask yourself, these questions,
I call these questions for
heart detection questions!

1. Do you BELIEVE?
2. Do you have FAITH?
3. How large do you think an angel is?!
4. Do you think it has to do with a size?! ;)
5. Are you plugged-IN?
6. How is your connection working?
7. Maybe you have to reset your faith!?

Well there you have the most important questions!
Do you think I am crazy now!? ;)

I can help you with all of these questions! NOW!

Number 1 is, do you believe in love, in rainbows, in friendship, in goodness, in life, in yourself!?

Number 2, is all about faith, do you have faith in that GOD always LOVES YOU!?

Number 3, Some angels are very big, and others are very small!

Number 4, The size of an angel is of course not at all important! I am teasing you a little bit, what matters is the LOVE-connection at all times, love is a ray, that goes through EVERYTHING...and is immeasurable.

Number 5, How can you get plugged-IN with us Archangels and Angels?!
Well, you have to have FAITH in your heart! Your heart is your channel, your phone to God, your heart does both, receive and send.

Number 6, The connection has to do with, you and your environment. Do you have a minute a day for your own personal growth, just a little healing moment each day?! Do you give yourself soul-room?!

Number 7, Many humans on Earth think that Faith has to do with religions and churches to do...and I say; Faith is an universal energy, a ray, that is the very foundationstone to life itself. Faith has been kidnapped by some religions and therefore many deny themselves their own path to Faith, and embracing your own Faith! The Faith I talk about is ALWAYS connected to Hope and Love, they work together and you can not separate them!

That is why sometimes it is better to reset Faith knowing that she is an archangel working with the very basics of your spiritual and personal growth, Faith is your base power, from where you build the rest! Faith is the connection, the very "phonenumber" to God! You don´t need a church, to get connected with God! You get connected on the bus, in the theater, on the toilet, in your bed, in the garden, rowing a boat etc WHEREVER you ARE dear!

Take a little moment each day and breathe!
Focus on your breathing and love each breath!
This is how you reconnect with us, the angels, we work with the ETHER, the AIR that you breathe!

Is it to complicated?

If you are stressed, in your life, never having a personal relaxed moment, it will be hard for you to notice us, that is when you think we are not there...!

God is waiting for you, he want to talk to each and everyone of you, personally!
No middle hand is needed! But you seem to think that!?

God want to be YOUR FRIEND, you can have your own personal connection with God at any time, wherever your heart is and your Faith is...!

Do you find this possible or impossible?

Ask where your FAITH is!

Just as easy as you talk on Facebook, or Twitter or whatever social internet meeting place you are on, you should know that it is just as easy to talk to God!

Do you have FAITH?

Many of you are plugged-in, connected, with your Instagram for example, and it comes from modems, masts, that send invisible rays, that you use to communicate through.

Well, there are no difference really, the connection with God is invisible too..!

And yet, God is there just as much, as your technology...EVEN MORE!

To connect with God you don not need a phone, or a computer! You already have your heart!

Your Faith is the phonenumber to God!

So DO YOU HAVE FAITH.. dear beloved friend!?

You just have to love yourself, and know that God loves all of you!

No matter if the sun shines or if it is a cloudy day,
we are always by your side,
and we hope to see you really soon!




Friday 10 August 2018

Archangel Michael; See you see me!

I am Michael, I am an archangel, and I am very close to you!
The most important thing for you to know is that I love you!
The second most important thing for you to hold close to your heart,
is that I protect you!
If I showed you my army of lovers and protectors you would go crazy
because you wouldn’t believe that we are so many!
And still, I am where you are!
I know of every step that you take, always!
I even know of every breath that you make, always!
So what am I trying to explain?
And what do you believe in?
Do you sense me?
Do you see me?
Do you even believe in me?
Well, it does not really matter to me, because I am where you are anyway!
But, it does make a very big change, if you truly believe in me and my beloved
legion of holy protectors of Goodness and true Light!
And what will the difference unfold?
It will all become clear to you!
True Light makes everything clear to you!
Your inner vision will find new air to breathe!
Colors will appear that you have never seen before
and they are the lost colors of the True Light!
They are visible when you believe in me!
You all have them! Within!
They are a gift given to you a very long time ago!
But to be able to really see them, it is necessary for you
to have FAITH, in me
and that will make all the difference for you!
I love you


Saturday 14 July 2018

Sananda; Your precious feet, your new Chakra!

The songs of wisdom sings a new song now!
I am Sananda, and I am very old!
There is a big piece of the puzzle that are now revealing itself for you!
Like a missing link, maybe quite easy to understand, and yet very easily overlooked.
Well a long time ago, my beloved used to wash my feet, and she even kissed my feet sometimes.
And she is a lady of Earth, my lady in red.
She knew, the importance of the feet.
Well the feet have a chakra that is extremely important to you,
if you search for completion as a being of Earth.
In a way you probably already knew this.
But what I don’t think you know is that, the rest of the chakras have to interact with the foot chakra so that they can work well, get you in contact with other realms and more.
Your precious feet are waiting for you to make first contact!
Many of you don’t realise how important your feet actually are!
It is the missing link, and now it is time to awaken to this reality!
They carry you, they want to give you more contact with your beloved Earth, your Mother!
Listen to me and I will guide you!
I love you,


Saturday 7 July 2018

Yellow Feather Embracing You

Once I was a leader.
I believe in peace!
The land was with no borders.
The hearts were willing to embrace
the consept of charing.
Mutual understanding was the path to make living side by side possible.
We are all the children of the great Mother and when we know that in our hearts there will be many good paths opening up.
Do not forget about the good that is within of you, and has always been there.
Turn to the goodness within your heart and ask it to step forth.
It will show you the way, to true peace within you as well as outside of you!
Your true strength come not from muscles it come from your heart.
Now the time has come for you to find that you actually have wings and can fly with
the great Eagle.
The key to feeling your wings is through
 your heart!
Come fly with me now over peaceful land and I will help and guide you!
Yellow Feather


Sunday 1 July 2018

Enlil; Second wind!

I am Enlil, I am very old and the most important thing,
is not me, it is you!
The older I get, the more I can see how important it is for you
to understand how it all works!
You are a great part of the Universe, even if you don’t see it, now.
Everyone of you that live on Terra have connections out in space as you say sometimes.
And yet space are a place where your ancestors live.
All of you have different relatives ”out there” and they are connected with you!
They know very much about you and they are thrilled to get to know you more!
And the surprise that is just around the corner is all about the second wind!
If you have felt a certain loss of energy lately it will very soon turn to your favour!
All of your efforts will give you a positive result, finally!
Sometimes you have almost lost faith in what you do,
because nothing seemed to make a difference.
And now it is coming to you, the second wind will get you to where you are supposed to be!
Everything you have done matters a lot, not one single thing is a waste of your time, ever!
Let go of your fears, the more you will feel the second wind in full action!
I love you,


Tuesday 26 June 2018

Dear Mother!

Moder                       Swedish
Maman                     French
Mother                      English
Muter                       Yiddish
Madre                      Spanish
Ma                           Hindi
Mytyr                      Old Greek
Patrino                     Esperanto
Nênê                         Albanian
Mai, mataji               Punjabi
Ahm                         Arabic
Mama                       Ryska
Ewe, Haakui              Maori
Tina                         Samoan
Mama, Mzazi            Swahili
Anne, Ana, Valide      Turkish
Me                            Vietnamese
Ama                         Aborigin

Sunday 24 June 2018

Oglala whispering in the air..!

Many days and many nights have gone by
and the land have called out for an answer.
The Creator have spoken and wings have spread out
for protection for every drop of water, in every little stream
to the greatest rivers and lakes.
Every seed are important, not one single is overlooked.
The earth is trembling in expectation of something that belongs to the new dawn,
with the rising sun.
All tribes come together now, there are really just one.
A what tribe is that?
The Mother Earth Tribe!
We have one planet, one Earth!
The free waters feel no boundaries as well as the free air.
The Tribe of the Great Mother will feel that the mutual heartbeat
beats as ONE FREE heart.
The land is awakening and the answer is YES
she needs you and she loves you forever
and she wants you to be free in your heart and mind
and join the Mother Tribe and be one with your sisters and brothers
as you are all equally loved!
There is no time to loose, she is weakening and slowly dying while her children fight and think some others are more important than the rest.
To be well again she need all of her children to work together as one!
Only those that care about Mother can truly live on Earth and understand her.
The only language needed is the language of the heart, there is no more time for separation.
Mother needs all of her children, lost children that was stolen away from her.
The love is still there, the joy is still there, the joy was stolen but it is still there.
You will find it, when you ask for it!
Need to be balance now, through rain and sunshine and the new dawn is really here now, very soon.
The wind is now a wind that holds caring protecting wings for all that loves Mother and for you who hold out your hand for your sister and brother of the Tribe of Mother Earth.
