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Saturday 7 May 2016

Healing water!

Healing water!
It is not unfamiliar to you!
But maybe you think it is out of your reach?
Maybe you think it is something odd and mysterious?
So what is healing water or sacred water?
It is your own LOVE WATER!
Take the water into your hands and love it!
Put it in a clean bottle and say a prayer for it!
Hold your hands around it!
Love the water
care for the water
and bless the water from your heart
and simsalabim you have your
own healing water!
There are no secrets
or macigal spells
just pure LOVE
from your heart!

Saturday 23 April 2016

Knowing liberation, a heartful jail brake?!

Knowing liberation...!?
A view on imprisonment...!
What do I mean? What am I talking about? I am talking 
about limitation. Limits. Borders. Handcuffs...Chains. 
Blood. Sweat and tears. Life passes, another life comes. 
Never ending story. It seems. At first. Then what?! 
feeling of surroundment is always there.
But yet one day - a very ordinary day turns out to be very special - like an ametist glowing and glittering in sunlight just after the rain.
A sparkle of faith. A twinkle of freedom right in the heart and an outburst of belife - that freedom comes from within - straight from the heart. And from that moment on, that sacred event, turned it all around.
I was free. A free man at heart forever. From that day on a smile always was reciding secretly on my lips. As doors kept on being locked...! It didn´t matter so much. It was still blood, sweat and tears - but on the inside I was free as a bird.
Then thinking about imprisonment - maybe that is a way of really - knowing - loving- to be FREE? Knowing liberation? If you have not been without it? How can you really know and understand the meaning of peace and being free - if you have not been without it?!

Wednesday 20 April 2016

HOLY SPIRIT and love your breathing!

Inspiration time!

Well what do I have in mind?

Just breathe...
take your time
your guardian angel is always with you...
breath in love
breath out worries
breath in love
breath out ache
breath in love
breath out pain
breath in salvation
and remember
you have just forgot about it...
that is why
it is good to
...and so on!
God bless
and have
a good night!

In love
and devotion to you!

//AA Michael

Archangel Faith; Without each other we would be no one!

"You know me. I know you. Why do I say so?!
Without each other we would be no one.
And how do I mean?!
I will start by saying this;
I LOVE YOU, every minute, every breath you take...
I am always there with you, wanting to hold your hand.
And without you knowing it, you always carry a seed in your heart.
A seed of Faith, of me!
Through endless time, it still comes down to
And through every breath, every sunrise I beleive in you, 
love you
wanting and praying for you
to reach out, for my hand is waiting to hold yours!
And if your life is a struggle, with no beautiful sunrises...
You can be sure of that 
I see you. I feel you in every heartbeat.
Trust me. I know you.
The further apart you think we are...
...the closer I am to you.
I know every time you blink with your eyelids...!
No matter how dark it is, where you are
you still sparkle with light
you are a treasure of life
Beleive in yourself, have faith.
I am always there with you
willing to hold your hand!"


We are beyond, and yet reaching out for you, allt that matters is you!
It all comes down to love, hope and faith, within you!
It doesn´t matter who you are, round our square...!
No matter what roads you have walked, no matter how narrow
or steap, it is YOU, that matters!

You are so important! You are a loveseed, waiting for watering and also the sun, to be able to grow! That is when you really grow - from within! The meaning of life, is not about money! It is about growing within, a special kind of growth, that is endless, that is why God and the other creators, made this lovely planet - a place where we can learn to grow within.
And why? Is it easy? No! Can you order it, on tvshop? No! You cant buy this! It is free!
Is it painful? Yes sometimes it is! Is this somekind of game - a sick game? You might wonder? The answer is = No.

You come here to learn your soul, teach your soul, by doing! Learing by doing! You have to do it yourself! For YOU! It may seem like a hell? Well it can surely be the opposite of Gods heaven, your eternal home, where LOVE IS! And why is it even necessary to go to Earth to be hurt?! 
Let´s just stay in heaven for good! That is just the thing! You wanted to come here, and learn! To make you soul grow! You made this choice - before- while you where in heaven! And you can not remember it! No one does!

In heaven you have FAITH, that what ever happens on Earth, you will always come back to heaven and God and all of you loved ones! As a lovebeing, living in heaven, there are no problems! You have faith in God and love!  Something made you think, well I would really like to learn more about, for exampel, courage and hope! So you made a decision! 
So you took the leap, to go, to school, on Mother Earth! The desire within to learn your soul, is always expanding! Like the universe is constantly expanding! It is energy! There is always something new to learn! And so we go to the perfect school - Mother Earth!

Some say, that when you leave your body to go back home to heaven - you can not bring anything with you. No clothes, no furniture, no money, no items at all! But you bring one thing - your soul and what it has learned during your visit! 

Love matters, Love is, Love is the strongest energy in universe, Love is eternal! Please have faith in that!

And you are so loved not matter...what happens! God does not judge you! YOU are your own biggest judger! This universe is a free will universe! It is up to YOU! It is YOUR choise! God has no right to judge you! You might think, but I dont have any choise...and sometimes in our life, the choises might seem very small, but still, it is YOUR choose!

God says prayers for you each day! God lights the light for you every day! God loves you totally! God pray for that you will follow your heart, beleive in you dreams! That you will have faith and hope in LOVE! And no matter, they are always embedded in your heart as seeds waiting...!

Your always in my heart
Archangel Faith

You are so important!

Love is all around you! 
It is about the "know how” ! 
There is abysses and heights and plain ground! 
It is all within - of you!
And that is how it is! 
You are multitude! 
You are a juvel of a crown. 
And the crown is your mother, Mother Earth! 
She has everything! 
And you are a beloved part of that! 
You are so important! 
You are loved! 
There is a task for everyone of you! 
A love task! 
A mission of beyond and yet here and now! 
You are the torch carrier. 
What do I mean? 
You have a peace mission! 
A love mission! 
When you hold the torch others can see the road that is available - where to go! 
Are you willing to hold the torch?! 
Good question! Think about it! 
And if you answer is YES, then God will show you the way! 
Never doubt that! 
God loves you all!

To say the words; ”I AM SORRY”!

A bridge of grace and love,

To say the words ”I AM SORRY” and asking for forgiveness is a lesson in love...!

..and it makes you grow. 

It makes your soul grow and mature. 
And what happens if your apology is not accepted?! 
Did you apologize for nothing? What do you think? 
Think about it for a while! 
The answer my dear belowed friend is that, you are blessed! 
You are blessed with a seed of grace. 
And this seed turns into a bridge. 
A bridge of love and grace. 
And, your bridge, is an invite. 
You are welcome! 
The bridge is there. 
Because it is a bridge of grace and love!
God bless you!