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Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Tarot! Life Coach! Distance healing with archangel Metatron.

Hallo dear reader! 💓💙💛💜💚

I am Kerstin Eriksson and I have to say that ever since I met Archangel Michael directly in 2005 I have learned many things.

It has been a colorful journey, diving into many different things, concerning life itself. 

No red carpet was ever laid out for me to walk on. 

I was a single mother of three children. And I was ill with asthma and fibromyalgia and certain days I could hardly walk.

😘Today I live with my two cats đŸ˜șand my children have "flown out of the nest" and I write letters from different souls here on my blog. And I feel better now. 💕

In the beginning I called my blog "Garden of Light" but I changed the name to Archangel Faith blog, because I met her and her energy is wonderful, loving and caring, nurtuing as the Greatest Mother can have.

💟If you like my blog, you are welcome to follow my blog by clicking the "FÖLJ" button to the left/down below, under the painting.

And today; I see myself as an universal guide, and I myself have many universal guides, as the Animal Kingdom, Plant Kingdom and Mineral Kingdom.

I work directly with archangel Metatron and together we give distance healing around the world.

I also as a psychic clairvoyant medium I read tarot cards to look ahead into the future...!

So I offer:

💙    Tarot readings. 

💚    Distance Healing with Archangel Metatron around World.

💛    Life Coaching.

💓  Goddess guidance. 

đŸ’„  Teachings of Asaguden THOR.

💖  Teachings of Mary Magdalene.

💕   Teachings of Goding (God, Odin)

I have channeled words and written books with Thor, Mary Magdalene and God.

Getting in touch!💓If you are interested to know more please feel free to use the contact form at the bottom of this page!

Have a beautiful day!



Sunday, 10 April 2022

Mother Earth: The secrets of menopause.

I am a woman and an encompassing feminine energy.

I constantly move through the wonders of life and all the seasons of aging.

And the old age is something many women today fear.

But there is something you do not really understand.

When a woman reaches higher age and move into menopause, she becomes complete!

A menopause woman is now an universal being in full.

The heartbreaking labour of blood, sweat and tears is now laying behind her and now she can begin to enjoy, to the full, what she truly have inherited, the true right to be a wanderer of the Universe. 

As an older woman you become lighter, and you no longer give the moonblood to Gaia. You keep it in your body. And as a giver of nuridgement to Gaia for decades, she greats you as she says:

I am Gaia and I thank you for your hard work! You have given life to our world through hard work. You have created new bloodlines that now will sprout into the future.

Now it is YOUR time to choose whatever you love to do. What inspires you? What have you dreamed about, what are your desires?

Motherhood is often not seen upon as it should. It just is?

Motherhood is the most important job anyone can ever have.

I will still nurture you just as much as before, now that you have entered the menopause realm.

But now we can really begin to enjoy all the seeds that you have sown over the past decades.

What seeds you might wonder?

Now the doors are open! And there are nothing keeping you exactly where you are used to imagine yourself, you are truly free now.

The seeds I am talking about is that from now on you are an universal creator and you participate in weaving the magnificent feminine fabric of love, now in fulltime.

As being older and entering the into the secrets of menopause you bring all of your knowledge that you have gathered throughout your enire life. Now you begin to transform this information into a higher etherical level and it becomes aligned with the akasha library. 

All of your knowledge are always collected to the akasha box that you all have individually - no matter your age. But when a woman reaches the older ages and becomes a higher etherical being - as in menopause - she now can gather her collected knowledge and it comes naturally into the public department of Akasha Library, where souls seek answers for example during nighttime while asleep.

Those that are older, they provide the younger with knowledge no only in the awakened state but unconsiously too.

All ages are important! But there are little to almost none information about old age and how important old women are, see them as a very rare exclusive loving library that can reach to the stars if they like.

I love you


This is my private picture.

Thursday, 7 April 2022

Moder Jord Problemet löst! 7 April 2022

Mina Àlskade barn, jag Àlskar Er!

Jag kÀnner in alla Era olika synvinklar och livsflöden och jag kÀnner Er alla vÀl!

Vad som Àn sker i Era liv, sÄ Àr problemet löst!


Lita pÄ kÀrleken!

Lita pÄ Din egna Goda Vilja! Lita pÄ Dig SjÀlv! Du KAN!

KÀrlekens energi Àr den enda eviga kraften!

Allt annat försvinner allt efter som tiden gÄr!

I det som inte Àr kÀrlek sÄ finns: LÀrdomar om livet!

SÄ det handlar om ditt egna val! Vad vÀljer du? Vilket eller vilka redskap vill du jobba med?

Du har en verktygsvÀska: och i den sÄ har du det som Àr dina alldeles egna personliga hjÀlpmedel.

Det tar tid att lÀra kÀnna sitt verktyg, hur det fungerar. Först fÄr du ta reda pÄ vilket Àmne det Àr gjort av. Sedan fÄr du kÀnna in Àmnet, vad berÀttar det för dig? Du mÄste bli vÀn, allra bÀsta vÀn med Àmnet, innan du kan forma ditt redskap och för att sedan kunna jobba med det.

Men först sÄ mÄste du veta att Du sjÀlv Àr skapad av tro, hopp och kÀrlek och flera goda energier. Och det startade lÄngt före "the Big Bang"!

Och nu kanske du undrar: Men varför Àr det sÄ mycket mörker och svÄra saker pÄ vÄr jord om mÀnniskan Àr skapad av kÀrlek?

Det Ă€r dĂ€rför att Ni glömmer nĂ€r ni föds in pĂ„ jorden! Och det Ă€r faktiskt meningen! Det Ă€r ocksĂ„ mening att ni skall vakna upp till vem NI ÄR!

Ni ska leva i ett motstÄnd, dÄ lyser ni desto mer! Men motstÄndet kan bli vÀldigt jobbigt nÀr ni inte kÀnner in ert redskap som Àr Er förlÀngning av Er SjÀl!

Redskapet Àr pÄ ett vis, din egna eteriska motor, din sjÀls förlÀngning och mentor.

NÀr du har glömt att du Àr en mÀstare, och att du Àven Àr en galaktisk frihetskÀmpe av stora mÄtt - sÄ har du har gÄtt in i glömskan alldeles för lÄngt och dÄ fÄr du jobba desto hÄrdare med att vakna upp.

Men - ditt jobb - att ta dig tillbaka till minnet och Ă€ven insikten om Vem Du Är - skapar det mest spektakulĂ€ra ljuset och hoppingivande energi som sprudlar av de vackraste fĂ€rgerna som ingen tidigare har sett. 

NĂ€r det kĂ€nns motigt - dĂ„ Ă€r jag med Dig desto mer - tillsammans med Jesus, Sananda, Buddha, Maria Magdalena, flera gudinnor och djurriket, vĂ€xtriket, mineralriket, och till och med flera goda kĂ€rleksfulla guider - och vi gĂ„r MED DIG hela tiden! För VI har inte glömt vem du ÄR! 

Vi gÄr bredvid dig hela tiden och vi vÀntar pÄ Dig!

GÄ i din egna takt, och var inte orolig för problemet Àr löst nÀr du litar pÄ kÀrleken!

Och igenom allt sĂ„ minns kĂ€ra Ă€lskade barn, 

att jag Àlskar Er

/Moder Jord

Thursday, 31 March 2022

Sananda You are the heirs.

You are the heirs! And I am your guardian!

She is your Mother! Earth is your dear Mama and you are the heirs of the life on her.

Whatever you choose today leaves traces into the future, and I ask of you to envision your most wonderful future.

What do you dream about? What do you love? What does a happy day look like for you?

And even more important is this question:

What are you grateful for?

I am Sananda and I am a very old soul, I love you very much and I must say; with this life on earth comes responsability, 

You are the heirs of Earth, but you have to know what every step takes you, what direction do you take when you do something?

Is every action something that the future generations benefit from, in a positive and good way?

And when you have left Earth, the young and unborn children are the ones that will take over.

They will walk in the same footsteps that you have walked is of the greatest importance that you walk with gratefulness and responsability wherever you go.

As you leave footprints wherever you go, you leave as a lightworker a trace of light and this invisible light is there for a long time. 

You have all come a very long way to do a hard task on Earth. And the most important task is to hold on to your own energyfield.

Inside your energyfield lies, your specific dna, your fingerprints that is connected to your universal family. So in other words: you represent a big group of members. 

You are the ambassador of your specific galactic tribe and as you walk about on Earth, on your beloved Mother, you are the forefront of you tribe - and so - this is why it is of the gratest importance that you choose your steps carefully.

The lightworkers of this beautiful planet you are making me so proud, just let me know if you have any questions, 

I love you


(Channeled through Kerstin Eriksson 31 March 2022)

Love conquers all! 💓
Painting by Kerstin Eriksson

Moder Jord talar i dag! 31Mars 2022


Modern talar i dag 31 mars 2022

Hej min fina Àlskade vÀn, du vet vÀl att jag Àlskar Dig?

MĂ„nga gĂ„nger sĂ„ undrar du, ”var Ă€r Modern?” ”Jag mĂ€rker inte av dig fast jag försöker ofta att nĂ„ fram till dig”!

Saken Àr den Àlskade fina Du: Jag Àr redan pÄ plats, till och med för lÀnge sedan! För en lÄng tid sedan sÄ var jag pÄ plats -DIN- plats, faktiskt exakt dÀr Du Àr!

Och varför har du inte mÀrkt av mig? Det Àr ju det som Àr den stora frÄgan!

Det Ă€r inte bara en sak som det beror pĂ„. Det handlar inte om att det Ă€r nĂ„got ”fel” pĂ„ dig.

Det kan ha med prioriteringar att göra. BÄde dina egna och Àven andras.

Dina egna prioriteringar kan se ut sĂ„ hĂ€r: Du vĂ€ljer att göra vissa saker – framför- andra.

Det kan ha med tidsbrist att göra, att du helt enkelt inte har eller tar dig tid, för DIG SJÄLV.

NĂ€r du har tid för dig sjĂ€lv – dĂ„ har du tid för mig och dĂ„ finner du vĂ„r kontakt mycket lĂ€ttare!

Sedan har samhÀllet andra prioriteringar ocksÄ.

SamhĂ€llet prioriterar tyvĂ€rr oftast inte vĂ„r kontakt, snarare sĂ„ blir den undergrĂ€vd – Ă€nnu mer.

Men i myllret av allt, sÄ har du ett eget val. Och vad gÀller dÄ rent praktiskt, hÀr och nu?

Finn din inre harmoni – det Ă€r nummer ett.

Skapa ditt inre rum genom bön, meditation, avslappning, kontemplation, gÀrna varje dag.

Flytta ditt inre rum ut i det yttre rummet utanför dig, och skapa harmoni Àven dÀr, genom att rensa och stÀda, ta bort det som du inte lÀngre Àlskar, och ha kvar det som ger dig bra vibrationer.

NÀr du har skapat din inre oas och Àven den yttre oasen, dÄ har jag lÀttare att nÄ dig, Àven om jag redan Àr pÄ plats och vÀntar pÄ Dig.

Din inre oas Àr helig och Àr oÀndligt stor precis som kÀrlekens energi Àr evig.

Den yttre oasen Àr ditt egna heliga rum och den krÀver bara ett litet utrymme.

DÀr du Àr, dÀr Àr ditt hjÀrta, och det Àr dÀr vi fÄr kontakt.

Jag vÀntar pÄ Dig och jag Àlskar Dig,

Moder Jord

PÄ bilden Àr min senaste bok Gudinnornas Visdomsord, med budskap frÄn 58 olika Gudinnor.

De gĂ„r att köpa pĂ„ 

Gudinnornas Visdomsord – 58 gudinnors ord till dig, Eriksson - Spektra-Art Förlag

Tuesday, 29 March 2022

Sananda From heart to hands!

Hallo dear beautiful friend. I am Sananda, I am a soul and I am actually very old. I have lived on Earth just as you do right now.

The paths that I have walked when I lived on earth has not always been easy, no not at all.

They where many times meandering here and there, it was steep uphill and also very stony on the ground, it was not easy to walk at all.

My feet bled. they really did hurt. Many times I had to sit still and let my feet heal first. So many wounds, so much pain in every step of the way of my life.

Sometimes it is just for the best to sit still and not interact with everything around you. 

Take some time out, for your self to heal and also for your own protection.

You also get another way of seeing things, another angle.

Maybe the place you where thinking of going to, does not seem as attractive after you have pondered over it for a while?

When you walk about in your life on all the different paths, sometimes you need to sit on the side of the road for a little moment.

Look closely, what do you see there? Are there flowers growing there? Is there litter lying around? Maybe you come to the insight that you have to clean your "side of your road"?

Some would say that beside the road there are ditches. Sometimes we have to stop for a moment and sit down in our ditch. While you are there you can look around, and maybe you find something that you have forgotten about?

Something that you promised yourself a long time ago?

The spiritual meaning of "the ditch" is that you embrace the epiphany of "just being" and not expecting anything, just loving "the now" and also loving yourself, as in "I AM!!"

And if you find your "ditch" filled with litter, then you have a splendid opportunity to clean it!

And if you find flowers there, maybe they need some watering? Nurturing? Then you give it to them. 

Whether you clean or water or nurture whatever you find on the side of your walk in life, you can always choose to love whatever you find. Because it is a big part of you!

You can always love yourself!

Love your breaths, heal your wounds, and love yourself always, and by taking the time to really just being is Alfa and Omega in restoring yourself to a complete being of love.

I love you,
