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Monday, 10 January 2022

Archangel Michael A new ERA in your heart!

 I am archangel Michael and I have to say the obvious, you are loved,

but do you know that you are made of love?

Once before the big bang a group of rays gathered, they where creators.

Love is a ray, faith is a ray, hope is a ray, as well as goodness, gratefulness, harmony, rythm, music and of course love. And there are even more rays that participated as a group of creators befor the greatest creation was born, earth.

So. You are made of these energies! There is no denial! But!

You live in denial! Of yourself! You do not think you are made of love, hope, faith, goodness, grace, music, harmony...!

So what has happened to you? You live on a planet that live in denial of the true energies.

If you live without these energies you will feel out of order, sick, ill, depressed.

I love you and I will tell you right now that at new era starts at this very moment,

where you realize who you are and foremost what you are made of 

and what you need 24 hours a day, 365 days a year,

so dear beloved earthling

begin with yourself, and love yourself, starting within you and your preacious heart,

I love you Michael

Saturday, 18 December 2021

Evita P I love you! 18 Dec 2021

I am Evita, even though, I was.

I was living a life on earth many years ago and it was a struggle.

Life on earth is not easy, many times.

We have to go through hard moments that we sometimes don´t think we will come through alive.

And what makes it worth it? All the sweat, all the tears, all the blood?

What makes it worth while despite all the times you fell and hurt your knees? 

Well I must say the thing that makes everything you go through worth anything is love.

Love can be a friend, a sister, a brother, a mother, a father or a lover.

You can find love when you pet your cat or dog. You can find love when you look at a sunset or the stars at night.

You can find love anywhere. 

You can find love in giving. Sharing. Reaching out your hand to someone, by helping someone.

You find love by being grateful. Gratitude is a major part of Love and also of Faith and Hope.

You can turn your life around, no matter how dark it may seem, look within in your heart where your sacred love resides.

The more you share of your hope the more comes back to yourself.

I love you,

Evita P

Thursday, 16 December 2021

Zeus Talks about the truth!

The truth, what is that?

Whenever someone talks about the truth, they are not afraid of competition.

They will not deny you your right to have an opinion.

They will not erase your comments from any paper etc.

The truth stands always on its own!

It can take anything!

When however the comments are taken away or you notice that there is silence or there are lies to hinder your opinion...then there is something terribly wrong.

The truth welcomes a debate always!

The truth can listen and not judge.

The truth is simply the truth and needs not to silence anyone else to win.

The truth always comes out sooner or later and is unstoppable.

I love you


Monday, 13 December 2021




Kärlekstrådarna är osynliga.

Kärlekstrådarna går mellan jorden och hjärtan. De glöder, de glittrar av den eviga kärlekens energi.

Träden är kanalerna för kärlekstrådarna. De lyfter upp dessa trådar så de kan nå dig.

Därför är det en mycket bra idé att låta träden stå kvar.

Allt hänger ihop.

Kärleken förenar och omfamnar.

Kärleksenergin väver ihop och väver en makalöst vacker väv.

Träden vet. De är kloka. De vet att de har en mycket viktig uppgift att låta kärlekstrådarna leva vidare för allas bästa.

Träden innehåller även det magiska vattnet.

Vattnet in i minsta droppe har ett gemensamt medvetande.

Vattnet är detsamma som det som dinosaurierna drack.

Träden besitter urgammal kunskap, evig kunskap.

Träden är ett levande bibliotek! Därför är det ännu viktigare att träden bevaras. Om du ser inåt i ditt gyllene hjärta så kan du känna in trädens visdom.

Du kommer att bli guidad av ett speciellt träd som väntar på dig och som alltid har varit med dig, i hela ditt liv.

Du är älskad, och du är väntad!



Thursday, 9 December 2021

Goddess Lakshmi 9 Dec 2021

You live right now, in a world that is pending between two different realities.

It is not always easy to find joy in those moments.

But I will give you an advice:

Go with you own heart! Your heart leads the way!

You need only hear your heart, and what does it say!

Be calm, that is the key! So that you really can listen carefully to what your heart says.

It is not a mystery! It is the only path!

Love is the only energy that lasts forever! So trust your beloved heart!

I love you


Pictures borrowed from wikipedia! 
Thank you!

Thursday, 4 November 2021

Mary Magdalene I know you! 4 Nov 2021

Mary Magdalene I know you! 4 November 2021

💜 I am Mary Magdalene! I am not the youngest and not the oldest soul but I am I!

And that goes for you too!

No one else can replace YOU!

For you are unique!

We are all unique and I am waiting for you to be proud of yoursef!

No one else can do your thing! No one!

Did you think that it did not matter?

And whoever gave you that idea is very very wrong.

You represent something! You stand for a color that no one has ever seen before!

A new color!

And if you hide your true colors, the true you, others will miss out on a very rare occation.

So start by being you, and foremost BELIEVE in yourself, because your faith is your key.

And you need the key to open the lid to your box of colors that only you have..!

I love you

Mary Magdalene

(Channeled through Kerstin Eriksson).

Mother Mary Seeing is believing?? 4 Nov 2021

Mother Mary: Seeing is believing?? 4 Nov -21

💓My dear friend, I love you endlessly and it is of vital importance that you know this.

When you walk in the street you see a lot of people, all around you, but you can not see me,

but I am there next to you anyway.

I do not make any noice, and you do not hear my voice, and yet you can feel me.

There are really no trace of me...and yet I AM here, next to you ALWAYS.

So, the expression, "seeing is believing" is exactly what I am talking about! 

Do you understand me now? I have a central of communication though, it is my heart to your heart always.

Together we can pray for whatever your heart needs that is good for you and for others. 

The channel I work through is love and compassion.

And if you have a stressful day and you do not have time to gather yourself to say a prayer, 

I am still there next to you, for I understand your life, I really do!

And I still love you,

Mother Mary

(A channeling through Kerstin Eriksson)