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Sunday 18 September 2022

Mother Mary I put my ear to the ground and listen!

I am Mother Mary and I love you very much.

Sometimes when the wind blows more than you like and when it rains for days and when the winter cold is coming to where you live and when you look around you and you see your friends suffer and feel bad because there are no calm and time for retrospective.

And when you find that there are more and more narrow space for a goodhearted gesture and something does make you feel un-easy.

Then it is time to remember the origin, the basic living, that is totally true at all times.

Listen to her. She is your Mother! She even loves you, more than you know!

But to be able to listen, what do you have to do?

Yes, you have to be totally quiet! 

You really need to be in total silence! And then you can put your own ear to the holy ground that you live on and walk on every day.

Yes your Mother Earth is holy! We see her, we know that she is the holy grail of the Universe.

She will provide all the answers for you, if you let her!

When you feel in your gut, when you feel in your heart that you need something important, that can help yourself and your family and friends, please know Mother Earth wants to help you! Because she feels your feelings too! She knows you! She knows about all your troubles and also about what makes you happy!

Remember your roots! Remember that you are surely not alone! She your Mother loves you more than you will ever know!

There is a very important connection back to your roots, and it goes from your heart, down your spine, through your rootchakra and further down to your feet and into the ground. Yes you are like a tree in many ways.

Mother Earth walks beside God. You have God on one side, and you have Mother Earth on your other side. You actually walk in between them. But many of you have forgotten that she walks there beside you, just as God does. You only remember about God.

There has to be balance. There can not only be a masculin part beside you, there must be an acknowledgement to the feminine aspect of Gaia, and there she is, next to you as an embodied woman.

A long time ago you hade a very good connection to her. But you had a cold and your DNA fell a sleep. And the years went by and more and more you forgot that she was someone you could communicate with and feel the love from. A mother she is and the bond is now being awakened as I speak.

So. Please. It is time to be silent and listen to and let your Mother love and guide you as she has waited for many thousands of years to do. 

When you find the balance between female and male energies you will feel very good, you will feel balanced and whole, complete, just as you where meant to feel and did feel many millenias ago.

And the choise is yours. No one orders you to be in silence for a while. It is your conscious choice. So please you can try?

Mother Earth only communicates through a mothers caring and nurturing love, with great empathy.

I love you so very much,

Mother Mary

Archangel Uriel We are together!

I am archangel Uriel, and I love you my dear friend.

I am not only the breeze in your hair, I am so much more.

The angels are not only a sign from heaven, or a butterfly flying in front of you in the summers day.

See us like this:

Jesus is your healing compassionate heart.

I am your breath of love.

Michael is your holy strength.

Gabriel is your good light, that makes you see in the dark.

Mother Earth is your beloved feet, and every step you take in this world that you live in.

Mother Mary is your compassion.

Mary Magdalene is your gratefullness.

Buddha is your sanctuary of love.

Quan Yin is your loving caring nurturing Mother as embodied Earth.

And there are so many more loving souls, that all provide different energies of love and humility to you if you welcome them.

The signs of a loving soul is: Always good manners. Always positive attitude. And you also always feel the love in your heart when they are near you.

The communication is only through the true love in your heart. 

It is like a walkie-talkie, you have to tap into the love-channel. 

There is only one love-channel and the other channels are no good.

You use the love in your heart and your faith in hope and love, to make the right connection.

Never fear.

Fear can never be a channel.

If you feel fear or doubt, just do not worry. Just relax and quieten your mind, maybe you have a busy mind sometimes? And you think "this or that" or you think a lot about things?

It is okay but your mind-capacity have nothing to do with your heart.

Be aware of the "walkie-talkie" where you communicate with the spirit world, other beings might be interested in you and what you do. They see your light and are attracted to it.

But you know what to do?

Just communicate on only ONE channel. The love channel. Where all souls are total love. They do not demand anything of you. They do not boost your ego either. 

Some of these beings like to take you for a "ride" and they might talk you into that you are a giant king or queen, and that you are the best of all. 

This attracts your ego. This kind of talk is an ego-trap!

No one is more than anyone else! Jesus is not more than you. And you are not more than Jesus!

There are no hierarchy, only where ego lives.

So - be careful - so you do not waste your time. But it is okey, but it is a detour and the way back is - back to love always.

In another way you can see it as a lesson in love.

Love has no steps. Love has no ladder and no advancement. Love has no higher spot for the "chosen peoples". No that is so crazy.

Love IS. And you are!

You ARE and in fact we ARE together, as all in one!

And I love you,


Thursday 15 September 2022

Archangel Uriel From loss to gain.

I am archangel Uriel and I will talk about something that might be painful to read.

I will talk about loss. Chaos. Pain. Fear. And other negative aspects that you probably have encountered.

These energies, and following feelings are a challenge to live with and going through.

But see it like this for a second:

If your life where only a walk in a parc - and nothing more?

What if your life where a party where everything is being served to you - at all times - whatever you prefered.

What if you just could order anything, and also receive it when you liked it to.

Or what if you just simply could do exactly what you desire to do, and have what you want?

What would your life be? What would you learn? What would your soul learn from a life like that?

It is the same with your bodies: if you are healthy all your life, and I mean a long life, what would you think of that body in the end?

That your body just provided for you all along, and then there would be nothing more to say?

The truth is that when you are born into this world as a human being you also inherit physical advantages or dis-advantages. 

Your soul have choosen where to live, in what body it will live. You as a soul have decided where to be born, what mother that will give birth to you.

You already know that you will have some special difficulties as a child. Because of the inheritance of birth.

And this makes you - GROW - as a soul! Because you just can´t begin to run around just exactly as everyone else does. You have to learn how to adapt. Adjust. Find a higher meaning!

For everyone else they just have it! They found no hinder, they just have it! And nothing stopped them. But they did not find a higher meaning just as easily as you did.

Sometimes in your life you just feel sad that you have had this or that to stop you, at many points in your life. Where you know other people just function or just can proceed with their life.

Sometimes you feel that all your hinders are making you so tired and depressed, almost like left behind?

But I see it in an other angle! And you know it too if you really think of it!

Your loss will be your gain! If you have lost a lot, sooner or later you will gain a lot. And how can this be?

It has to do with balance! Balance in life! All energies, all that lives, has to have a balance!

It is just a matter of  - WHEN - it will come to you, your gain!

It is never a question of IF - do you understand me!?

I want you to repeat this: All energies in all that lives there will always be balance, sooner or later! 

So you WILL find gain, you will find that gain for all of your hard struggle, God will see to that and he always do.

Your hard work, your care, your love, your ambition to help other souls is being noted - always - and you WILL be rewarded for it, it is just as I said, a matter of time, as in WHEN it will happen!

Please have faith in yourself and in all your good deeds for humanity, and know that God watches over you and gives you protection.

God says prayers for you, and lights candles for you, and really lights the light for you, every day, as the force and love of God make the entire Gaya spin.

So cheer up dear beloved friends and just ask for my guidance whenever you so desire.

I love you


Tuesday 13 September 2022

Anne Heche R.I.P

Dear Anne Heche visited me and told me things about that there was something done to her to make her leave this world (was she murdered?) mostly so that she would not write another book about her truth and her life. 

Dear Anne Heche rest in peace ❤️🙏


Just so
my name is Hadriel
and I am also Ganesha
We work from different planes
LOVE is the most important thing of all
and we need to meet souls wherever they are -
in different planes
so we change into whatever they can relate to!
It is as simple as that!
That is being CREATIVE, is it not?!!

Archangel Uriel There is something more..!

I am archangel Uriel and I am very old, and I have therefore also learned many things.

On every step in my learning journey it has been both very hard but also excitement over that I can get a deeper understanding and a wiser knowledge.

I have never been able to read in a book everything that I need to know. A book has given me good advice and things to ponder over. 

My life have been my true school.

It has to do with learning by doing and

feeling it with my own hands, my fingertips and my heart and the senses throughout my entire body, and soul.

No book can ever prepare you for everything that your life teaches you. 

But a book can be a good start. Or a healing companion.

Our souls are forever, and there is no goal, the journey is everything. 

So I say to you please love every step you take! 

Love every breath you make. 

Love every moment as you wash your dishes, as you do the laundry, as you bake your bread, as you comb your hair, as you make a fire to keep warm. Or you name it, what do you do? 

Do you love every moment in your life?

Please be aware of your emotions, and how you treat yourself!

Love yourself, embrace yourself and love what you do. 

If you don´t love what you do, don´t do it.

Follow the love in your heart. Let the love in your heart be your guideline.

I will help you find this, please just ask for me in your prayer. 

I know that life can be very hard sometimes and I love you very much.


Monday 12 September 2022

Archangel Michael Love is bestowed upon you!

My dear beloved friend, I am Michael, and I love you dearly.

I have a wish to say something, and I think, even know, that this is the right time for you, to realize this.

No matter where you are right now, everything will be fine, more than fine.

There is something that is very strong, and that is love.

Love is like a stadium filled with lovebeings, that look at the stage, and they see you and your life.

But when you are on this stage, you only see your life, your little space where you do your things.

You are not aware of all the love that surrounds you.

It is a powerful energy. But you do not feel it.

You would not believe how many souls that know of every little step you take.

The Universe is filled with these loving souls and theý all cheer you on, and there is even more souls than that.

There is not only a big arena, there are millions of arenas filled with loving souls watching and following you in your life. 

Yes you have followers from space!

And they all cheer you on, they want only the very best and loving for you in your life.

So you are certainly not alone, but you might feel that you are. And the thing I want to say is that this wonderful energy is bestowed upon you, at all times.

Sometimes you watch a movie or a consert and you see the star on the stage. But this is when you must realize that this is a show, to make money and sell things.

But the real love, the real stars are you all, you who don´t think anyone see you.

You are the real heroes, the real stars of Earth because you do it because you listen to your hearts, and it is not for fame or money.

And how does this work? Can you really have fans throughout the Universe? How is it possible?

For all the lives you have ever lived on Earth, you have met people, as in families, relatives, and friends. But you also have families and relatives and friends on other planets too. And furthermore you also have pets that you have loved througout all your lives...! And you also have all your spirit animals, guides and much more. 

You have a very big network I can ensure you. 

On Earth a tremendously big job is being done as I speak and this is like the most intriguing captivating love-show to watch for all of your friends all over.

And they all say prayers for you too! Oh yes! Of course! The watch you with their hearts and nothing else, they love you very much!

And so do I, and I just want you to know that this is a gift to you, so be ready to receive love right now!
