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Monday 2 April 2018

Pegasus; I love you!

I am Pegasus
I live in the etheric realm.
I also live in your dimension!
There are really no barriers
only those than you think, are there.
Yes, the sky is the limit!
Hold your horses you might think now,
am I not exaggerating a little bit?
No, not really!
You have been taught that there are limits, everywhere.
You have even been shown the limits and fences.
So you have fallen for it, and you have fallen pretty hard,
down, into amnesia.
Each and every human is a great masterpiece of creation.
You are unique and have also individual mastery
that goes beyond all imagination!
But almost all of you have forgotten this in your fall into
the haze of the illusion, that is obligatory on your planet.
I could talk for eons of hours about the haze, that your planet holds.
It is not your Mother Earths of course, it belongs to those people that hold the control stick,
they who think they are in charge of you all.
They are in fact in charge of the illusion, the manmade haze, that you hold. And nothing else.
The sooner you let go, of the illusion that you can do no change no matter your effort,
the sooner the control stick ceases to exist.
It is time you hold your own now!
I mean being in charge of your actions, and believing in them!
Every step that you take counts, every step that you take is precious.
Please let it be in the direction of faith, hope and love, that all light workers, should go, bringing their great knowledge and spreading it all around!
I know you can do it because I know all of you!
I know everyone of you, and I know of your individual skills as lightworkers!
When you have reached a certain level of knowledge you are not meant to be quiet any more!
Your guides, always let you know when it is time to move forward and upwards!
And the sky really is the limit!
I love you

Thursday 22 March 2018

Pegasus! How about Love!

Love is the most natural thing, a glorious force!
Incarnation after Incarnation you live and learn, to master your level of LOVE!
It is a job that takes you to many different levels, settings and possibilities.

When you count with love and the numerous possibilities that love provides, you climb up on the love scale! Love opens doors always,  no matter where you are, more doors will open than you ever could believe!

Roads that you have never seen before, the very existence of these roads will be new for you!

I work together with many archangels and I am devoted to earth and I am always prepared to guide you whenever you like!

I will guide you closer to your love paths so that you can see them clearly within your heart!

In essence all you need to do is just say my name in Your heart,  and I will guide you!

I am Pegasus,
and I love you always!

Mother Mary; I love you dearly!

I love you dearly!
I know of every mile you have walked.
I know of every stone you have bumped into, and I can tell you about every turn your path has taken you.

NOTHING is a coinsident. And how can that be!? You are here to learn about love and nothing else matters. .. !

In the essence of Love there is JOY!
Joy is a living being!
Joy is incoded with your DNA, the joy that you created!

Joy is a free energy that always needs to fly free. Joy is a dimension of its own!

Negative forces steel joy. And make you sad.
Now the time has come!
A new era is finally here!
The realm of joy will be free now.
Joy can no longer be inprisoned!
Many Lightworkers and many humans have suffered for a long time, as their joy have been kidnapped!

Please start your day with your prayer as usual, now add your hearts wish to recall your joy! Your joy will HEAR your request, as this is your free will! 💚 Your joy loves you and await to hear from you. Your request, your call to your joy, will set it FREE from the kidnappers.

Then you might ask yourself: did you ever allow your joy to leave you?
The answer is NO!

But there is a force on the opposite
side to Goodness and Love and Joy, that have been too strong for over thousands of years and they have feed on fear, sorrow and guilt and more.
This have been their food! A whole buffé of sad feelings.

And now finally the joy and love force are about to weigh heavier on the scale and more balance will appear in Your life!

Now it is time to reclame your joy of your heart!

Heaven is closer than ever to being a natural part of Earth, where love joy faith and hope are the powers in charge!

Through all your lifes you will now be able to heal the etheric orbs with the Miracle of Joy!

Each life you lived on earth has its own etheric wheel. Every time you are born into earth these circles find you and complete you!

And Joy will now be healed in all your etheric orbs!

Now you are being granted with the abilitiy to heal what needs to be healed!

Just remember it is no quick-fix!
You have to really work on it!

You are a miracle of life
and you are deeply loved!

I am Mother Mary and I am
also an Archangel,
I am devoted to guide you
and I await your call for Joy!
I love you!

Sunday 4 March 2018

Sananda; Let me guide you!

I am Sananda and I love you!
The sun rises every day and you go about
in your life doing what you are doing!
This is what you are used to and how you look upon your life.
That is okey!
Of course!
Yet there are something I would like to say. ..!
Have you forgotten that I love you!?
Do you think I am so great and large that I could not know you?
Do you think I am so busy with more important things that you and your life would be unimportant to me?!
We are a collective!
Every part, all of us is equally important!
You are equally important to any of us!
Please dont listen to Those that say anything different!
We are one, and all parts of our oness is like a ribbon that never ends,  it is a full circle. And If you look closely on the ribbon there is Pearls and beautiful beads actually creating this ribbon. Each Pearl is equally important and has its own color and qualities. All are necessary for the whole band to work good!
So you are one of those gems, a long with us all. We need you to step up FOR YOUR SELF...and for the collective of Light!
I know every one of you!
I know all about you!
You are very important to me and
to us all!
Lay all your worries on me and I will help you!
You are never alone!
I just think you have forgotten about your birthright...and about who you are!
You have many brothers and sisters that love you and they are awaiting your awakening to your own acknowledgement of yourself!!
So I say
I love you
and I would like to walk hand in hand with you as you are so important to me and our collective.
It is a matter of YOU and your faith in Yourself and I walk beside you and I am waiting for you always!
The collective of Light loves you
and says "when you realize how important you are and how you spread the light, the more your pearl,  gem, will interact with the ribbon and you will be in Your true essence.
We are a collective and we work as one!"

Tuesday 27 February 2018

Goddess Ganga; Your navel chakra is adamant!

I am Ganga,
I flow
I move
and I also fly!
I am in you
and I am outside you!
Connectedness means
eternal love and
in your navel chakra
there is valuable materia
not for your eyes but for mine.
My heart and eyes are the same,
you don’t have to seek me, I am YOU.
The navel chakra is now being
upgraded in your bodies and
so is Gaias.
The earth has its poles
and your navel chakra is your own pole.
They interact together with the moon and the sun!
This upgrade will make you feel more complete, and filled with harmony!
Will you feel any symptoms?
No! It is a slow and positive change!
Together we will create
a very beautiful rainbow and
you are a dear child of Gaia
and I love you very much!

Sananda with guest; Haile Selassie.

Channeling with Sananda with special guest Haile Selassie,
through channeler Kerstin Eriksson 27 February 2018,

I am Sananda, and I am forever
bestowed to guide you.
I love you and please put your worries in my hands
and I will help you carry them.
Tonight I have a special guest
coming through;
He is a dear old friend, a brother to me
and to you!
His name is Haile Selassie.
He will now say a few words!

"I am and you are!
Yes you have heard it before!
The truth is we are very close!
In fact we share the same heartbeat.
What could I have done differently?
I could have loved more, much more!
Maybe I played an easy part in life, maybe
things where handed to me...?! 

And yes I could go with the flow and now I can see from here, it is of course easy to see from heaven
what was once. 

And I say I could have loved much more,
every day, every night, I could have looked closely and loved more
and I could have looked far away and loved much more.
And from where I am now I say, take very good care of yourself, 
and your friends, and love them more because you will never 
regret it! And never forget to love yourself! 
The more you give love, the more love you will have!
And so I say,
I love you!”

Monday 19 February 2018

Venus; I am Amira and I say You are blessed!

Channeling with Amira from Venus through Kerstin Eriksson blog  a Free teachings blog! 19 February 2018

Hallo dear earthlings, I am Amira
and I am calling you from Venus.
We are in constant contact with you
as always. We are there, more than you ever know.
Venus is the Mother of Earth, and so you are our children!
Everything that you go through we have also experienced.
Though we did it a very long time ago.
As Gaia your Mother, is evolving into more light
you do just the same. The more you evolve the more contact we will have!
We will grow deeper and more loving bonds with many of you.
Many of you are actually already waiting for us!
Some of you will be the new teachers, of the new era.
Our collaboration will be most important and bear many fruits that earth has been waiting for.
These fruits, have the seeds that later will grow, and spread out so all will have access to the new teachings.

The DNA that is now constantly repairing itself and letting the light in, make you feel that this might be interesting. The DNA itself has your own library. You already have the knowledge, that you as a soul was born with. Now it is the time for the knowledge to slowly awaken. So many things will feel familiar to you, and you would like to know more about them. The DNA strand within you is also connected with the DNA strand in your light body. Your light body is your higher self. Your higher self has the ability to go into your dimension and go back to higher dimensions and are constantly flexing in between. So you two are one and the same and yet not entirely.
You make your own decisions always.

This is how it is; to awaken is a job. A constant job, where you seek to develop into higher knowledge, to access your own library. To be able to do this, you need to work with yourself. Yes it is actually a job. A soul job. It is a path of the heart. Why we use this channeler is why she is in constant contact with Faith and her teachings. We choose this channel on Gaia, because her teachings are the ones that we think can aid you. (Wow Amira thank you!)

Everyone and everything will evolve anyway, of course even without the job, and yet it is like being given a rough diamond, and this diamond looks like an ordinary rock, and it has no shimmer in different colors. You are given the diamond, you all are given a diamond,  but it is up to you how much you want it to shimmer. You have to do the job yourself. It is a diamond regardless! The knowledge, the library within you, is a gift to yourself, that you can choose to work with or not.
All knowledge that your soul has is something that you have learned by doing.
You always come to Earth for soul teachings
and your souls source is love.
We will keep in touch with you,
and we love you very much!
