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Monday, 2 January 2023

Archangel Gabriel No time to loose!

I am Gabriel and all is in your favour. I love you, because you are the ones that hold the torches of liberty.

What I mean with the expression "no time to loose" is not that you are in a hurry, but rather that you can not do anything wrong because you are on the right track, and always have been.

Time is on your side, so you can not loose any time, that is impossible.

So what is it all about?

The only road that is forever is the road of Love!

This is the only thing that you always need to remember!

And now you might have some questions?

So you think I am saying (?):

That you should say or do nice things to those that are evil?

That you should turn your other cheek to bad things and just ignore what is going on?

No, going the love-road does not mean this at all.

Going or rather chosing to walk the lovepath, means: planning.

You have to plan every step that you take! Because you do not want to be surprised by those that do bad things or try and plan evil plots.

You have to know, that the way of the world is foremost an egocentric world - still - and you have to be prepared for it.

Even if you want the world to be a loving, caring place to live in, you and humanity is not there yet...

... you will all get there eventually 💓.

But it intails that you know that you have to be well prepared to be able to handle all the evil that is going on all around you.

You create a new positive time-line when you live with your eyes open and at the same time setting up a beautiful and good goal.

By being prepared is the same as understanding that some might try and use you in different ways for their own personal satisfaction.

So set up a wonderful goal, your personal Road of Love and Miracle Plan, and then aim for it, no matter who you meet.

All that you want is peace, and all you need is for the wonderful planet Earth to be a good place to live in, where humility reigns, and where no one even thinks of picking up a weapon, because you talk to each other.

You as the humanity you are, there are greater threats you need to deal with together, than starting wars on each other, you need each other so much, that you should consider yourself to be brothers and sisters all around the world.

You should take care of your planet instead. 

Care for her. 

You should care for her, your beloved Mother Earth. 

She that gives you everything, everyday. 

You couldn´t even start a war if you did not live here, on Earth. 

Why do you not even see her, why don´t you even listen to her? Why do you not want to get to know her? 

When you use her, your Mother in a way that is not good, you will never get right on track with love. Never.

So. It ALL starts with your Mother Earth. 

Ask yourself where do you want to go? 

What do you want to do? 

What is important to you?

Ask youself: 

What do you love? 

What do you hope for? 

What kind of future do you dream about in your most hopeful dreams?

Start with her, your Mother, for she knows you!

Yes she knows all about you. She knows about every step you have -ever- taken. She feels your heart. And she awaits you to make a loving contact with her. 

She, your Mother Earth, is as much a soul as God is. And she walks beside you, just as much as God does. She actually walks on the other side of you. And on the other side God walks. 

You are never alone. You walk on Earth doing your things and God and Mother Earth awaits you to start using your love in your heart, and chosing your steps accordingly.

No, all your steps is not for nothing. Of course not. But when you walk around your steps does not glow, in they way they where meant to glow.

Your steps want to glow in the love-glow, so you can fulfill your Purpose of the Soul, on Earth.

That is why you came here. And you can start now!

We believe in you. We always know that you can do it. We await you! And take your time! There is no hurry. Do it so you really feel that you love what you do! 

You came from love, and you will go back with the steps of love, because that is who you truly are.

Know that we love you very much,

Gaia and God, Gabriel.

(Hallo dear friend! 💓I am Kerstin Eriksson and I am the channeler of this message with Archangel Gabriel. Feel free to share my message if you also state: No 1: that I am the source! No 2: plus with a working link back in to my blog. 💚Thank you dear friend! Welcome to Archangel Faith, angel letters for you!  If you like my writing and want to support me, feel free to buy me a coffee, it would make me very glad to get some help!😀💓 I started this blog over 10 years ago and I work for free. I have been a single mother of three children and also disabled for many years. Have a beautiful day! 

Thursday, 29 December 2022

Mary Magdalene You are a miracle!

My beloved you are a miracle!

No matter who you meet, don´t you ever look down on yourself!

And why do I speak about this tonight?

Some of you feel that you are falling "off the radar" and that you are invisible, and that no one seem to take notice of you, no matter what you do?

And you feel un-invited, and on the outside of where " the real thing" is going on?

Well let me tell you: It is you who are the real deal! You don´t profit on anyone. You aid who ever needs it without questions or making a buck out of it.

You use your empatic heart always, and you want everyone to feel good about themselves at all times. But this does not make you popular! And why?

The show must go on, til it is over, for The Play of the Egoes.

It is you who must understand that you are truly a miracle in an egocentric world.

You don´t need a diploma or a grade, or a glittering tiara and a fancy dress to really know yourself and what you are all about, oh no. 

You understand your value because you see the love, and foremost you feel the love that flows to you, from your acts of unselfishness.

The beauty within you glows even in the darkness and so I say please know that you are a miracle in the world that you live in.

In the world that you live in, still big egos thrive in different ways. 

Sometime you wonder what love really is?

Love is always unselfish and if someone deserves a wonderful treat it is you!

So I say have faith in yourself, know that you are a true miracle and know that everything will be just need to be patient.

I see you, I feel you in my heart always and we stand very close to each other always.

I love you

Mary Magdalene

Tuesday, 27 December 2022

Archangel Michael I love you.

I am Michael and do you know what I do?

I follow you! I am near you always.

Some of you say that archangels are never really close to souls on Earth but that is really wrong, because we are.

We represent a piece of a cake to say it in a simple way. And there are other pieces too, that other presences fills up.

Your spiritual connections can be described as a cake, with many pieces.

The etherical presense for a human soul is complex. Yes it is. There are also layers in the cake. Not only pieces.

What matters is what I do, don´t you think?

What I choose to do with my piece of your cake, that is a little part of you, is higly essential.

My piece has everything to do with love and protection to do. It has to do with gratitude. It has to do with peace from the heart.

The piece that I represent, does not compete, or fight. My piece of your spiritual connections is always friendly and warmhearted.

Sometimes you are confused about "what are my connections with the ehterical realms really"?

It is easy to be confused! And sometimes even feel disoriented?

Maybe you should hear me out!?

Your heart is the transmitter and receiver to the messages and feelings from me, always. So when you have an etherical connection ask your heart:

Is this a friendly connection? Does if feel loving and caring? 

A good friend would never do anything bad to you. Or say anything negative to you.

I am a good friend to you if you like. And it is like a walkie-talkie!

Do you know how a walkie-talkie works?

It is a little communication machine and everything on it is based on different channels.

I always use the love channel. And on your communication device, there is only one love channel. And there are many other channels too.

If you are in contact with entities that call themselves your guide: 

Make sure they are nice to you. Make sure they treat you like a good friend, always. And if you have any question here, please ask me whenever you like. You can always reach me on the love channel, I am here waiting for you.

Some of you struggle with "guides" that are not nice to you?

Is is all about respect. 

Would you welcome a bully into your own home? Then do not accept a "guide" that is not nice to you. 

This is a learning process. And you do not meet anything that you can not handle.

Everyone goes through this process. 

Because you need to learn to put down your feet, and say no, when there is something you do not feel comes from the source of love and truehearted friendship.

I am actually next to you, when you handle these entities that treat you bad. I am waiting for you to say: NEVER MORE. STOP. GO AWAY.

If you yourself treat anyone that you meet with respect and care, then you should want to be treated in the same way yourself? 

No matter if it is etherical beings or human beings. 

Just remember that you ARE protected all the time. 

Even if you wonder where I am at times. I am steering you into the realm of self-guidance and self-respect. It is of highest necessity that you only answer to yourself, conveying yourself to be your own boss at all times. 

I am not your boss. God is not your boss. 

You are a part of God, you are a part of me. And we want you to be strong, and independent.

If you so desire that the world will be a better place to live in, it always starts with yourself. 

You believe in love and you meet and embrace people in this energy. But you need to learn to say no in a gentle way to not nice beings as for instance "guides", please do not accept anything else than tender love and care, because that is what life is all about? And it all starts with you, it all starts within you.

You learn everyday, and I am always a piece of your life, and God and I need you to be strong and knowing that you worked yourself through whatever you encountered in your life. 

Do not be afraid to say no, if you meet anyone, or anything that does not operate with the sense of good friendship, gratefulness, loving care, just say no, and ignore thereafter.

I will pick these entities up as soon as you say: never more, stop, go away. And then I take them to heaven. To a healing facilitiy that will change these beings into a good and positive mindset.

Yes all comes to heaven eventually. When you say no, go away, you do not kill, nor do you maime the entity. You use your right to say no to negative behaviors. This is your birthright as a Lightworker. 

A Lightworker brings love and empathy into this world. And sends away sad and negative beings with me, Michael, so they can be healed.

You are okay, you are actually made of love. So do not accept anything else but love.

I love you,

Archangel Michael

(Hallo dear friend! 💓I am Kerstin Eriksson and I am the channeler of this message with Archangel Michael. Feel free to share my message if you also state: No 1: that I am the source! No 2: plus with a working link back in to my blog. 💚Thank you dear friend!💜 Welcome to Archangel Faith, angel letters for you!  If you like my writing and want to support me, feel free to buy me a coffee, it would make me very glad to get some help!😀💓 I started this blog over 10 years ago and I work for free. I have been a single mother of three children and also disabled for many years. Have a beautiful day! 

Sunday, 18 December 2022

Ur min bok: Gudinnan Sofia Jag känner alla kvinnor!

Ur min bok Gudinnornas Visdomsord, kort nummer 12,

Gudinnan Sofia:

"Jag känner alla kvinnor!

Vet du vem jag är?

Kanske inte? Det är okay ändå. Jag är gammal och jag känner Dig.

Jag är en del av jorden, din Moder Jord och jag känner alla kvinnor, flickor och även den feminina energin.

Och så känner jag även männen och pojkarna också.

Och hur kommer det sig tror du?

Den feminina energin finns även inom män och pojkar också. 

Den feminina energin är en rund, kärleksfull och omhändertagande energi, det är en rörelse.

Den feminina energin inkluderar alltid och omfamnar och dess essens är enhet.

Kan du känna det? 

Och i vilket fall, så känner jag Dig och jag älskar Dig, och Du är inkluderad alltid, kära vän, vet det!

Jag älskar dig,


Ur min bok Gudinnornas Visdomsord från Specta-Art Förlag

länk till förlaget:

Gudinnornas Visdomsord – 58 gudinnors ord till dig, Eriksson - Spektra-Art Förlag

Friday, 16 December 2022

Archangel Uriel School of Life.

I am Uriel and I am very old, and I am an archangel.

The more you give, the more you will receive!

The more you use your love, the more love you will receive.

This is just a little part of the School of Life and what is it all about?

You are here on Earth, reading this message just now and this is also a part of the school of life because everything in your life is.

But you have a choice! You can make a decision to use your holy tools that you have carried with you always. 

And what are these tools?

Your tools are extensions of you, that also tells everyone, including yourself  firstly, who you truly are.

Like for instance: If you are a fan of love and peace, then you alos have tools with these energies, that you can use - but only if you know about them of course, and when you know about them, it is your free will to do so!

So the tools lifts forth your own true personality, and your honest ambitions.

So that means that when you choose to acknowledge your highest purpose of your soul, and using your tools you actually do not have to seek anymore. 

Some of you are searchers. You seek for yourselves and still all the answers you need is within your own heart. The answers is within your awakening DNA.

You are like a flower about to bloom. And I see many flowers all around me on Earth and you are so beautiful, even though you have not bloomed yet.

I always see your colors that is highly unique for you, as you are an ambassador from "space". I mean that you have an ancestral inheritage that you bring with you, from where you are born as a soul. 

There are som many places and inheritances that all work for love and peace, and for faith, hope, harmony, healing, mercy, balance, goodness, gratefullness, and more positive good energies. 

And you have an unique combination of course! You have a mix of these energies, that ARE your tools! 

So ask your heart, ask yourself and your soul will show you the way!

I love you,


(Hallo dear friend! 💓I am Kerstin Eriksson and I am the channeler of this message with Archangel Uriel. Feel free to share my message if you also state: No 1: that I am the source! No 2: plus with a working link back in to my blog.  Welcome to Archangel Faith, angel letters for you!  If you like my writing and want to support me, feel free to buy me a coffee, it would make me very glad to get some help!😀💓 I started this blog over 10 years ago and I work for free. I have been a single mother of three children and also disabled for many years. Have a beautiful day! 

Sunday, 11 December 2022

Jesus: Defining yourself!

Some say who is he, really? What did he really do? 

Did he really do what is written in an old book? 

The book is important, I do not say anything else, but...!

There are things left out.

Important matters.

I wept, when a friend died.

I lost my heart to a girl and I married her.

She was my wife.

And we had our ups and downs as everyone have.

I walked on Earth just as you do now.

I listened to Mother Earth and learned about the secrets of the trees.

I watched the moon and how it walked across the sky at night and it fascinated me. 

I loved to watch the sunrise each morning, a time for me to say my first prayer for the day.

I could understand that everything in nature is connected and that I as a human being was just a little part of it.

I loved to work with wood and the material spoke to me, and it let me pick just the right piece to work with.

I was angry over injustices against those without a voice of their own.

Kindness, mercy, faith and peace are important to me, it is real energies that lives, that breathes, and they are actually real realms! 

I realized that I could choose them, to be guided by them and let them be my best friends. And to have them as my friends, my very best friends, was so important to me. They meant everything to me!

So I did this a long time ago, and I still do! More energies are now today my best friends, and it is my choice, my hearts choice.

We actually have a free will! 

You have a free will! 

What is important to you?

Ask yourself what energies are important to you!

And why should you do that?

Because your soul needs you to make a choice!

And why?

By choosing what energies are important to you, 

you define yourself!

You become clearer! And you can more easily find what you are meant to do with your life here on Earth.

Faith always works together with hope, and with love, it is a holy trinity and also a living being, a realm too!

By following my heart, I found a deep heartwarming joy that showed me that I was on the right track in my life. 

And the people I met felt my commitment. And when they asked me questions, I always listened to them and then I said: 

You can find your own joy in your heart! Ask yourself: 

What is important to you? What do you love? 

I said to the people I met: I am no master, I have simply found what I love and I let that be my altar in my life, and I believe that so can you do too!

I always want everyone to find themselves, what each and everyone loves. 

I do not have a magic tool, or magic hands, not more than you do. 

I just believe. Yes I believe always. And that may be the difference?

I always believe in the healing properties of faith, hope and love.

And I am so grateful for all the wonders that is given to me as I see and feel the healing actually work time after time, just because I believe. 

I say prayers many times a day. 

So I trust in you to love yourself. 

And I trust in you to understand that your own faith in what is most important to you, that is how you create your own path of love here on this planet Earth. 

On my altar I always have candles lit for you all day and all night.

You already walk with me and we are good friends, but your soul needs you to awaken to one more step, the defining one, so you become who you truly are!

I love you,


(I am Kerstin Eriksson and I am the channel of this message from Jesus. I started writing letters from old souls 2012 and If you like you can please follow my blog Welcome to Archangel Faith, angel letters for you! or if you like to support my writing you can buy me a coffee and I would be so grateful! 


Saturday, 10 December 2022


 I am Amidah and I am a spirit, I am a soul.

You embody me by saying the prayer, the holy words of grace.

And there is more, not only a body, as your pilar of truth is your spine as you stand up and say your prayer, it becomes more heartfelt, as you have your feet in the ground.

When you stand up, you have your feet on the ground, that means that you are more easily connected, grounded, and therefore you get more contact up or more accurately more contact with the etherical realms as heaven where God lives.

When you stand up your spine is erect and therefore you also breath better and when you fill your lungs with air it connects to your erect spine.

Your spine is your pillar of truth, your spine is like your own personal obelisk of love and truth.

Do not forget to also love your precious feet as they carry the very weight of you, and they move you around.

If I could I would help you with your feet, give them a gentle bath with rose petals and give them what they deserves. They are your contact with earth, your soles in the ground so love them and thank them!

I love you


Borrowed picture from friend.