Grateful I am! My name is Kerstin and one day God asked me if I could help God to write a book! So I did and the book is a celeberation to the feminine energy and all women and Mother Earth. Archangels Faith and Michael are my mentors. Share my texts if you name me as source plus with a working link back. God gave me a joyous mission. I have a calling from heaven and I work for free when I feel well enough as I have medical conditions. God bless you! Ps Copyright ©Kerstin Eriksson
You are welcome to my archangel FAITH blogg
Tuesday, 22 March 2022
Mother Mary Beloved Footprints
Archangel Michael Loyalty to love!
I am archangel Michael and nothing is more important than faith, hope and love.
Faith, hope and love are a unity that is essential to life itself.
Everyone of you are opening up to a greater reality, because Mother Earth is now fully working from the fifth dimension.
At first you might feel that you do not recognize yourself as you are used to. This is because you are used to hold on to the old, you have become customed to having a routine, with your guide and so on. You still have your guide, but you are not holding on to anything anymore.
You are now free floating instead and you can not hold on to the edges anymore.
Many years ago you thought of your own path as a spiritual being you where taking steps up a staircase, and learning and expanding your light knowledge.
But the reality is, there where no staircase, there was a circle. All the time you have been floating in this big circle of trust of love, of faith and hope and joy.
And now you are floating around completely free inside your own beautiful orb, like a globe of love. And you are no longer clinging on to its side anymore and you might feel there is nothing there anymore?
But it is just because you are floating freely now!
All of your guides are still there watching you. Whenever you need them they will reach out to you, aiding you if you need and will.
But now you have matured into an adult lightworker and you do not need to hold hands anymore.
But you have to get accustomed to this new sort of reality.
You are now your own creator.
Ask yourself these questions:
What do you want to create?
What are your thoughts? Be loving to yourself as thoughts are energy.
Do not be afraid. Be love. Be loyal to love, to faith, to hope and joy at all times.
And most important: You always have to love yourself no matter what challenges you are going through, make sure to have a daily loving prayer moment and routine. And you already know about this of course.
But now the reality outside has become harsher and it is of outmost importance that you are seeing through the war of fear that many souls are going through right now.
If you always are loyal to love, hope and faith you will automatically keep up with your highest purpose on earth as a love ambassador from the higher realms.
I love you,
Wednesday, 16 March 2022
EagleTribe of Sananda
We welcome you to hear our words, we are the Eagles from the Pleiades.
We are a community of ancient Eagle-people and we plead to you to hear us out.
A rideau of false information about us is aspread. Evil people on your planet use the Eagle symbol for their own purposes.
Just as they used other symbols, as the sun-symbol, that is more than several thousands of years old.
We fly. We hover over all sorts of landscape. Actually we hover over all of Earth.
We see what is going on and we have a tribe of humans as our ground crew.
And believe it or not, but we are all vegetarians today. We have evolved so much that we no longer eat meat. We see a much bigger freedom in peace and harmony with all living beings, and we always have to start with ourselves, and we did.
Instead of pointing fingers at others, seeing other peoples faults, we got our act together, and turned ourselves into a state of peace and harmony, coming from our insides. And then we started to work in this direction from all angels outside ourselves.
Halv of us are vegans. And the other half is going in the vegan direction.
Why do I even speak about this? What we eat? What do you think?
Well let me say: It is of most importance! If you do not know what your "guru" is eating, then you do not know anything about this person.
If you let somebody lead you, guide you, please check out what they eat first, and second ask them who is their guide.
How clean answer do you want? How pure from the source of love do you want your guidance to be?
Every fiber in your body becomes aligned with what you eat.
If you eat meat, from industy, their energy is not in harmony, they live many times in fear, and then when you eat this meat, your body accumulates this fear, their stress hormones as they are killed.
Everything is energy.
Every feeling. Every thought.
Please if you eat meat, say thank you to the animal, to your friend that sacrificed itself for you.
Animals sacrifice themselves for us. They are souls with tremendous capasity of love. Their souls are based on the energy of love.
It goes for the fish in the oceans too. They have eyes to see with, the feel, they care.
So please if you eat meat, be grateful and say thank you from your heart to the animal, your friend, because they love you.
We the Eagles from the Pleiades say,
We love you very much,
(This is a channeling through Kerstin Eriksson 16 March 2022)
Welcome to Archangel Faith, angel letters for you!
Thursday, 10 March 2022
God says: Grateful 10.
I am God. I am very old. I am a creator. I love you very much.
You are also a creator. Everything starts with a thought.
Everything starts with an intention.
An intention, gives you a feeling and a thought.
Please start with the most important feeling and insight:
Gratefullness, thankfullness.
Please start with being grateful!
What can be more important?
What would you think would happen if everybody did just this? If everyone where grateful - what do you think would happen?
Not being grateful - is a starting point - sadly - of wars.
When your mind is being filled with not grateful thoughts, as later becomes can easily lead to devastation.
PLEASE I beg of you to start your day, all of your day´s with gratefulness.
Each day make a list. Of at least 10 things you are most thankful about, in your life.
And you might wonder, what is the meaning of this? Of being grateful? Is it not enough to say thank you for the cup of coffee you got from a friend?
No. Feeling grateful is of absolute importance. And why?
Being grateful makes you switch to another kind of reality, the good one.
Being grateful makes you change your reality into the pure pace of Mother Earth.
Being thankful each day makes you live in a higher more loving dimension.
And what is stopping you from living with thankfullness each day?
Fear is stopping you, and a selection of other negative feelings. Everyday you have to be careful about what your intentions for the day are. What are your input today?
Everyday is a war between good and bad. The bad side want you to forget about the importence of being grateful and the lifechanging experience this gives.
The bad side acutally blasts you all day long with messages of fear, or guilt or bad examples to make you feel low. To make you feel inadequate at all times. To make you feel the oposite of gratefulness.
Fight for your right to feel grateful over your life and never let go of this feeling.
Say your prayer each day, make the list and know that I always love you,
Tuesday, 8 March 2022
Älvan Rowena: Älvornas Kall Älska Moder Jord.
Saturday, 5 March 2022
Archangel Faith Embracing Love!
I am archangel Faith. I love you very much.
I once told you about the waves that would sweap over the world, and also that the stone that was thrown into the water was the last one.
The only straight way to go through everything is by choosing and embracing love.
How can you make peace by picking up and using a weapon?
What kind of peace do you want to have?
There are different kinds of peace!
One kind of peace is created with talks, sitting down in a circle and letting the fire of peace burn. And no one will leave the circle until everything is settled in a good way.
Another kind of peace is when you use guns. Then you will have another kind of peace. The one with the biggest gun usually win.
You all have a mouth and a tounge to talk with. Use this instead.
You all should have a "speakers corner" in all town´s so everyone can express their opinion.
And even so defense, is another story.
A mother always have the right to protect her children. Always.
I am talking about the agressor, the one that starts. If everyone that are agressors, starters of violence, could sit down instead and talk then you would have a peaceful world, and it will be so, eventually.
And why not start in school, by letting all children sit in a peaceful circle and saying what is on their heart´s, the future will be more caring and loving so.
If you listen to the children from the beginning, no one will be the agressor in the future because everyone will be listened to and letting everything out in the free air is therapeutic and will not accumulate and grow. Sorting things out in an early stage is vital.
I love you
Archangel Faith
Sunday, 13 February 2022
Pegasus I love you!
I love you, I am Pegasus.
I am very old, I am a sort of a horse, with high clairvoyant abilities.
I see directly through everything, it means I understand very well what is going on.
And I also understand you!
I know what you are going through.
I understand exactly why you do this or do that.
I know of every step you have taken on this planet. I understand every dilemma you have met.
I am there by your side.
To evolve into a higher state of being, everything have to be dealt with. You have to go through different obstacles. Your soul is old and needs this, to evolve even more.
You are here on earth to gather information that your soul will use for ever.
Souls stand in queue to come to live on earth. They all want to expand their soul knowledge.
It is not easy to live on earth. It is a hard school. Eventually you learn what is really important.
All that really matters is: Love!
All that matters is how you love yourself. How you love Mother Earth, and how you love other humans, animals, plants.
But it all starts with you, how you treat yourself, if you are willing to work with yourself and your obstacles, your wounds, and whatever you carry with you.
Start with loving yourself, always, and ask yourself why you have not been able to love yourself properly. That is where you can start working with yourself.
Do not be afraid to lift the lid off, let it out in the open into the free air, and I will assist you. You will not work alone with yourself if you do not want to.
The key to yourself is to dare to look beyond your fears, and understanding that the fear itself is the big blockage and not what actually have happened earlier to you.
Everything can be healed! You can become complete once again, and with this comes full love for yourself.
I am here by your side always and
I love you
I love you
/Picture borrowed from Google.