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Monday 16 October 2023

Archangel Michael Love every step!

I am Michael and I must say; I want you to love every step!

Nothing is more important!

If you find yourself somewhere and not really feeling if you love your steps, take a little break, give yourself some space to be!

There is never any rush with the choice of your heart!

You have to be patient with your heart, you must be willing to listen to the whispers your heart makes.

Just take that preacious litte paus and await what your heart is saying to you!

Then, you can proceed with your steps and walk your lovewalk!

If you are in a hurry. If you are stressed. If you are not patient, you can miss out on, your true path in life.

Your true path in this lifetime is all about love! Yes! There is no doubt about it!

So if you see someone taking a little rest, who is awaiting their 

heart´s answer...don´t think they are lazy.

Taking the very important time to just be, is a great responsability! To yourself and your soul!

Your soul is crying out to you! Be in silence! Take your time! Don´t rush! And then you will feel your true heart´s intent!

It is easy to be in a hurry! Most people hurry! Things have to happen fast! A chase for each minute is common! 

Less time to breathe! Less time to exist! Less time to find your true hearts path!

You think it is all about your shoes? What kind of shoes you have? No!

You are born with bare feet! Your soles of your feet knows!

Usually you push your feet into a pair of shoes? But your feet already know, and feel you. Sometimes you are in a hurry and you feel no connection to the soles of your feet. 

Walking barefoot is so important! Try it! Be free from the concept of boxing in. Let yourself be free at heart and feet!

There are more than a thousands of billions of ways to express love!

You have your own unique way! Do it your way!

Just give yourself the magical time to listen to your heart, when you are busy doing nothing, you actually develop the most, finding your true path of your heart!

If you could see your footsteps of love, it is truly wonderful to behold, for they are very beautiful!

And of course we walk together! Hand in hand! Side by side! 

I love you,


Friday 13 October 2023

The eleventh faith picture!


The holy tree of Mother Earth, Yggdrasil. 

When love expands, faith expands and more branches grow out!

Make love not war!!

Wednesday 11 October 2023

Archangel Faith The Eleventh Faith

 I will tell you about the world tree! Yggdrasil!

This magical tree exists! In a dimension of its own!

This tree represents faith and each branch has its own faith.

This tree has eleven branches! And eleven faiths!

But you are also a creation of Earth, you have your own faith!

Each and everyone of you have your own faith and you can look upon it as a magical lush tree.

How is your faith doing? Look into yourself and your heart and see your tree! How does it grow? Is it green? Does if have any flowers?

Sometimes your tree can grow so much that the branches grow and hinders each other to thrive in a good way.

A little help is sometimes necessary, to take away the dry leafes and twiggs and help it to grow.

Maybe you need to water your tree? Maybe it is that easy? You might have forgotten to give your tree water and also maybe nourischement?

How do you water your faith?

How do you give nourischement to your own faith?

Well I will teach you!

Ask yourself: what do you believe in?

Ask your heart; what is important to you?

Make a list with at least ten things you dream about and want to do in your life!

And make also a list with at least ten things that you are grateful about!

Start with these simple things, it is a really good start!

Faith is not about something you find in a church, or a chapell or a temple. Faith is not distributed by a priest or a religious person.

In fact faith has been kidnapped for eons of time.

In your mind you think that faith has to do with something else, or someone else, but faith is actually within you, in your heart to discover. Maybe re-discover?

You have your own Faith always and she is waiting for you, to embrace yourself and to love yourself, and together with her, hand in hand you can water your beloved green tree and you find that love is the only true nourischement that you need.

I love you,


Please 💓if you like my messages here on my blog please feel free to give me a donation through BUY ME A COFFEE on the yellow button up on the right side of the page! Love Kerstin E.

Tuesday 10 October 2023

Mother Mary I hold you!

I hold you and I love you, I am Mary.

My arms never get tired and I give you love from the bottom of my heart.

Sometimes life isn´t easy. Sometimes life takes a detour that you had not anticipated.

Sometimes the steps of life gets to heavy and you trip and fall.

In the bleekest of hours and when you feel utter desperation, I carry you!

You do not know that I carry you! But I am here, I promize you!

Please have faith in me!

I can only ask of you to have faith in me, but mostly I have to show you, to make you believe in me!

Just give me time and you will be totally sure!

Let´s walk in life together! 

I am not only carrying you, you also hold hands with me and you can feel me in the palms of your hands.

Please give me the benefit of your doubt, and give me time and I will make you notice me. 

I walk wherever you walk. And I know all about what is going on. 

You can cry on my shoulder, I am here for you! 

Today all is about gratitude! Saying grace for all your water you drink and use, and for all the food you eat. 

Directing your heart towards gratitude is always the right thing to do. It is the good way of living at all times!

Gratitude will guide you, it is a realm of its own and I can say it is my left arm that I carry you with!

And from my left arm goes the path to my heart where love resides and I am also a guardian of love.

So give me time, and please give yourself room for inner peace and gratitude always!


Mother Mary

Monday 25 September 2023

Mother Mary Come into my arms!

I love you, I am Mary, and I am a very old mother.

Come into my arms and I will hold you as long as you wish!

I need to keep you close to my heart so you can feel the rythm of the universe and all those that love you fullheartedly.

I carry you like a baby as long as you need it and you can cry out all your tears.

I see your tears and all the colors in them, all the feelings you have gone through and I will keep you even closer to my heart when you are sad.

No wonder you are sad if the life you live is so far away from love and peace.

I will keep you in my arms until you love yourself completely and you will find the peace that you have carried for eons of time into this world. 

You have worked so hard that you have forgotten about who you truly are. 

You have forgotten about that you carry a very special kind of peace with you in your heart.

This peace is a neccesity to this world. But this world that you live in is still a hard place to live in.

Love moves slowly, pace by pace, heartbeat by heartbeat and step by step and takes no shortcuts.

I will hold you to my heart as long as it takes for you to recognize your own unique rays of peace and love. 

You have worked so hard, that you have forgotten about yourself and the true you.

But I never give up! I hold you close until you remember who you are and why you came here! 

It is easy to forget. Because it is so dark! You are used to the light of love! But.

But you are also a fighter! You are a true fighter! You fight for love and peace! Always!

But the path on earth is a very hard road for those that really carry the love and peace torch.

So don´t worry, I will never let you go until you remember who you are! Be sure of that my dear child!

I love you,

Mother Mary

Thursday 21 September 2023

Archangel Gabriel What about peace?

There is a decision to be made, and I am Gabriel.

I love you very much and please don´t be afraid!

The decision is very important!

It is so important that you must know it is the road and the very will of your soul!

How important is peace to you?

Peace is not something anyone else chooses for you, it is your own personal choice, in fact it is a daily choice!

The will and the passion to walk the road of peace is not easy for many want to do the opposite. And they will try to persuade you to abandon your soulpurpose.

Maybe you think I am crazy now? Meaning that you should turn the other cheek to your opposition?

Maybe you think I mean that you should give up, your desire to speak up and give aid to the innocent, the animals, the children, Mother Earth and more?

No I do not mean this at all!

I mean that you can do your love-work, you can make the choice to do it with compassion for the true you, and find the gentle way.

Yes it means that in fact you would sit in the middle of the street as the tankers come rolling in nearer and nearer to you. 

It is a fullhearted decision for you as a soul!

To do this is much harder, it is easier to pick up a weapon!

If peace is important, don´t pick up a weapon, sing instead!

Make your voice heard instead! Talk! Don´t be quiet! You own your own voice, don´t let anyone make you think your voice is not important. 

Communicate what is important to your heart. 

Dance the peacedance with your heavenly joy! This is the time to stand up, talking it out, singing it out, expressing your heart what is important to you.

Write about peace, everywhere, sprinkle your words of peace all around, wherever you can! 

You can never write one word to much about world peace.

The road to world peace is the finding the inner peace first, so everyone must learn this! Be the teacher!

Of cource you are angry of all the wrongdoings against those that can not protect themselves!

If you are angry for the very reason that innocent souls are being treated badly, it is a holy anger! 

Use this anger, this specific energy, to do good, make a positive change, together with your best friends! Give it a go! 

And of course, you would give your own life to save an innocent soul without blinking, you would never run away, you would not turn your other cheek to what is really important.

But the choise to choose peace is the way. The way you are inspired to walk. This particular choise will lead you to the right moments. 

This choice means that you are open to the peace manifest of the Universe. So you are never alone when you make this choice, to walk the path of peace! Many walk beside you! Your ancestors of your Universal lineage is always with you!

And I am also with you, and I know how brave you are! 

There is no courage without fear! You will meet recistance from those that you meet on your journey. And you will meet the best most wonderful friends too, for they will see you in your true colors!

I love you, 



Sunday 17 September 2023

Archangel Michael The light of love!

I am Michael and I must say, what is really important?

It is easy to say: "-I only want peace and love", isn´t it?

But if someone innocent soul needs help right away,

it may not be so easy, to just walk away, and look to the other side?

Jesus did take part for the innocent and those that could not speak up for themselves and he got in trouble!

Many looked upon him and thought why does he care so much about "unimportant" things?

It is easy to just follow the main flow of a community, and it is a lot harder to stand out, to dare to stand out and say: 

"I think this could be done in a better way" but then you will surely get some dis-likers. Some will agree with you, but you are now putting your head on the line for something you really care about, a heart-matter!

If it really resonates deeply within your heart and then you also act upon it doing whatever necessary to open up for a peaceful dialog, it is really great!

This is what Jesus did. Jesus is passionate! Jesus sees not with his eyes, he values everything within his heart. 

The heart has an invisible scale with which you can weigh and feel what is right in the name of the good and mercyful.

You have this scale within your beloved heart! Use it, please! Ask your heart: To solve this matter in a good way; what is the right way to go?

And wait for the reply!

Jesus will guide you!

You then light up a very important light!

When you ask for heavenly direction in an important matter, a matter that you can feel really deep in your heart, this is when you - absolutely must ask for guidance!

And you are awaited, to ask for guidance of course! 

In a non-loving and square society many things seems to be cast in a rigid mold but when you dare to take a step in the direction of the heart, you create a crack in the mold where the light can enter, the light of love.

You are lightworkers, and you insert your own light combined with all the gathered light of love and etherical wisdom.

I am not saying you have to become a rebel exactly like Jesus, oh no, but I am merely pointing out that it is in your blood too.

It is in your blood, to not be quiet when something is really wrong. All of you, all you beloved lightworkers you are old galactic warriors of peace and love and you have done this many times before. It is about your heritages of the universe, you are old souls.

Just follow your heart! And believe in your dreams!

You are individual creators of love and you use your light to enlighten the dark, the square and the non-loving parts of your own community, and yes you might be seen as a "trouble-maker" but mostly you are a love-maker, never forget that dear ones.

I love you,
