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Monday 4 September 2023

Prayer Oración Priére

I once told you about the lesson in prayer I got from God and

a prayer has a freshness date, it lasts for 24 hours, til the next days sunrise.

So it is best to say a prayer in the early morning, just as Jesus always did.

Jesus always got up early - even before sunrise - and began to prepare for his prayer for the coming day.

The new day, is a new born day! It has never existed before!

So when you say your prayer, this is very important to know!

And what about intercession?

Well, this is also what Jesus did!

To say a prayer directly to someone, is more of a gamble!

Jesus had full faith in the good, in the love energy, and in GOD of course.

So he lay all the prayers in Gods hands to distribute in whatever way God thought is for the very best.

God and the angels know what is the best for a person or who you pray for! They can decide exactly when your energy will arrive to them.

When you say a prayer of love, peace, harmony, wellbeing, hope, faith for someone, you create an energy! 

And your prayer is like if you are writing a letter with love letters.

And you make God and the angels the letter-carriers.

You have your faith, and you totally trust God to deliver your letter of love, but you actually never exactly know when it will be delivered.

You actually have to let that go!

Because you know that God moves in mysterious ways, God is an enigma, but, anyway, he knows best! Always!

So if you say a prayer for someone each day for a year, God can use all this energy in one single time!

To save this person, with a miracle!

Or he can distribute the energy a little bit each day! It is up to God for he understands of course exactly what the person in question needs, you do not have to worry one bit about it!

Let your worries go, and have fullhearted faith in God and his distribution of your prayer!

I always say "Dear God, I say a prayer for xxxxx and I wish from the fullness of my heart that this person xxxxx gets full healing and recovery. 

So say your prayer from your heart and adress the love-letter to God  the love-letter-carrier!

It is also safer! You also give a natural protection to the person to allow God to handle the energy delivery!

I think it is natural to say at least two prayers a day!

But you do whatever you prefer!

So come on now dear beautiful friend!

Let´s say a prayer!

I say a prayer for Mother Earth, world peace, protection for all children, for love to prevail. And for all the dear family and friends I know!

And I light candles too! I always light eleven candles at the minimum.

And this has to do with protection and I will explain this another time!

So come on dear friend and let us say a prayer!

Wednesday 23 August 2023

Mother Mary I love you!

I am a mother and my name is Mary.

It does not take me long time to feel that you are miserable and I will say, I am with you always and please let me assure you that you are on the right track.

The more you follow the path of love and the more you truly want peace and harmony and justice the more obstacles you will meet.

Those that rule the world at this point and has for the past thousands of years, want to continue to do so.

They don´t want anyone that proclaim peace from the heart.

Their power is still very big and they feed on negativity.

They can not understand love, or a truehearted joy.

They understand only negativites of different kinds.

They feed on fear. 

They would like you to be unbalanced and disharmonic,

so you do not reach your own full potential of the worthy lightbeing that you are.

And how do you detect a false lightworker?

If someone for example mistreats their animals, and then saying they are animal communicators, they are using the lightworker consept as an excuse to be bad.

A true lightworker does not spread fear, but say exactly what is necessary so that the truth comes forth.

Someone that really cares about Mother Earth and the living souls that she carries says to you to take the best care of yourself. 

How can you do a good job if you hardly can stand up yourself?

You have to start with yourself, then when you are strong you can help others.

I am a mother and I am here to aid you when you need it. You can never ask for me to much, I never get tired I promise you.

Be proud of yourself instead of thinking you lack different qualities. 

You have reached your goals as a soul on earth and there are yet much to do, if you prefer it. 

You know you have your entire team at hand and you are a true universal peacemaker, pleace reconnect with them on a daily basis or you risk forgetting about what strengths you have.

Ground yourself thorrowly each day as well, as all the new wireless techiques used for communication, monitoring every word you write and say, makes you less earthed, makes you dis-connected to the natural way of living.

Use all these kind of techniques as little as you possibly can. Turn it of, un-plug it whenever you can. 

I give you need to know information, not anything that makes you scared for you already know about these things, but it is good for you to work more on what is helping you, and healing you.

Earth is a complex system of different variables as metals, gases, minerals and more are constantly moving and expanding the energy around Earth, so there is a natural kind of radiation, but the radiation that comes from your mobiles, routers, and mobile towers and all that has to do with these techniques are not natural. 

Microwaves can heat your food in a minute, but can also heat up your blood and the water in your body. And all this to chase the time? A minute instead of 8 minutes on the stove?

Ask yourself why the chase for time is so important.

If you are in the firebrigades it is understandble that you are in a hurry if there is a fire!

But when you live a "normal" life, why the hurry? 

Life as you feel it and understand it is being rationalized into a tiny part, almost like the very life is being cornered, is it not important anymore?

Love time instead! Take your time to love instead! Love yourself! It takes the natural time to smell the roses, it takes the natural amount of time to give someone a friendly embrace and a reconnection to life itself without any hurry or stress. 

Let life and love take it´s natural time!

Love has its own pace, you can not rush it!

I am always with you no matter what, and the more connected you are, the more you can feel me, and all I can say now is,

I love you and you are perfectly safe with me always,

Mother Mary

Monday 21 August 2023

Archangel Michael Making sense of love!

I am Michael and I love you! Today I will explain what love is from my point of view!

I know that more and more horrific news reach you, about things that has been going on for years, but it was hidden from you, like under the surface.

Now when this hits you in a negative way, it is just the way of love.

Love will not hide bad things and making it go on and on.

Love will push things up to the surface for all to see, and up in the light of the day!

Love never hides anything!

Secrets are not the way of love!

Hidden agendas of different sorts have been the way of many centuries and many people have not been aware for the same reason.

My view on love is: always be sure that love will expose any wrong doings, sooner or later! 

Rest assured! 

Have strong faith in loves capacity to unveil all that is bad and make it go away.

Time is your best friend! Time will tell! 

In time, sooner or later faith and hope and love always make it through whatever negative secrets there are.

Just have faith in love!

Love is simple! Love is not complicated! 

Those that have these negative agendas do anything to hide their true purposes, but it is in vaine. They just don´t realize how strong love is! 

So my dear friends, 

I say,

I love you,



Sunday 20 August 2023

Vittra berättar om kärlekstråden!

Vi är Vittra!

Vi är urgamla, vi har alltid varit med planeten Jorden, till och med som medskapare före hon blev till.

Men vi har också fått lära oss. Att som medskapare ta klivet in i allt som hon är, in i hennes egen dimension där livet sprudlar, kräver mod i hjärtat.

Livet på jorden är inte alltid lätt. Det har vi lärt oss, sakta men säkert. 

Åskan går och det blixtrar och det mullrar! Stenar kan rulla och marken kan röra på sig. Oron blir stor. Rädslorna växer. Och vad kan då vara lugnande? Vad kan återge tryggheten?

Kontakten så klart! Kontakten med Modern! Hon ger all trygghet till oss, alltid!

Modern förklarar allt och tar hand om oss på ett moderligt och kärleksfullt vis.

Varför har vi kontakten med Moder Jord så tydlig för oss?

Vi fick från första början en tydlig och klar kommunikation!

Sedan behöll vi den. Vi kämpade för att behålla den! Vi tillät inget att komma emellan oss.

Utan kontakten så blir rädslorna större och oron gröper ur tryggheten.

Alla, inte bara vi, har gått denna väg. Trollen, älvorna, tomtarna, småfolken, och fler har gått samma väg.

Men vad hände med er? Människorna?

Varför tappade ni kontakten med Moder Jord?

Och hur mår ni nu?

Egentligen så är det omöjligt för er att må bra som ni lever nu.

För att ni inte har kontakten med henne, den stora Modern.

Ni vet inte ens om att ni borde ha en kontakt med henne. Så långt har det gått.

Ni har gått långt in i en återvändsgränd.

Men alla vägar leder hem igen, om du väljer det.

Er väg in i den djupaste återvändsgränden leder rakt in i hennes trygga famn, om ni väljer det.

Hon väntar på er och hon älskar er.

Hon vet vad ni kämpar med och så måste det vara.

Det går inte att läsa i en manual och plötsligt trycka på en knapp så är allt bra. Allt måste läras genom görandet!

Vågor av kunskap som går rakt in i ert DNA, eller snarare kopplas upp med er redan befintliga kunskapsbank och väcker allt till liv igen.

Kunskapen om livet på Jorden, hos Modern, den hade ni en gång i tiden.

Sedan fick jorden besök. Och besökarna lämnade efter ett tag och lämnade efter sig en sorts sjukdom. Sjukdomen fick ert DNA att somna eller snarare lägga sig i dvala, en mycket djup sömn.

På det viset fick ni leva på jorden utan kontakt med henne er kära Moder, och utan att ni visste det så saknade ni henne något otroligt mycket.

Ni kände en stor tomhet, en stor saknad som ni inte kunde sätta fingret på. Ni fyllde tomheten med andra saker. Fler och fler alternativ gavs till er, som substitut för Er saknad efter Modern.

Det fanns några som kunde tjäna stora pengar på er saknad och på er minnesförlust.

De som gjorde detta blev experter på att erbjuda er i princip bufféer av möjligheter, alternativ till erat sug efter kärleken till Modern.

Ni kunde bli köp-galna, sex-galna, drog-galna, endorfin-galna.

Ni kunde bli få olika manier, då ett sug uppstod då ert sökande inte gav er det ni sökte nämligen kärleken från Modern.

Ni är jägare och samlare i grunden.

Inom djurriket så är ni rovdjur eller gräsätare.

Några av er är hantverkare och ännu färre är helare och eldbärare.

Ni har er exakta roll! Ni är som själ exakt den ni är ämnade att vara det är bara det att ni har glömt vem ni är i ert liv på jorden.

Det finns så många distraktioner och möjligheter, men du som själ är densamme ändå!

Du som själ har valt ett liv på jorden för att lära din själ den djupaste kunskapen. 

Själar står på kö för att få leva ett liv på jorden.

Livet på jorden är att gå i en skola!

Men livet på jorden är inte vilken skola som helst, det är den mest avancerade skolan du kan finna, så när du är i himlen och ber om att få komma till jorden och fördjupa dig och lära dig mer avancerad kunskap så är det den svåraste utbildningen som ett universitet kan erbjuda. 

Att leva på jorden är att gå i universums svåraste skola! 

Snälla glöm inte det! Du är så duktig och du har kommit mycket långt! Snälla tro på kärleken den du har inom dig!

Det är mycket svårt att leva på jorden för det erbjuds så många olika saker. Du ser många erbjudanden nästan likt ögongodis.

Men du skall välja med ditt hjärta! Blunda! Ja när du blundar så känner hjärtat ännu bättre! Valet blir renare, när du inte betraktar med dina fysiska ögon.

Det enda som är evigt är kärlekens energi!

Har du hört uttrycket "du tar inget med dig när du lämnar jordelivet"?

Men det gör ni!

Ni tar med er kärleken! Allt som ni har lärt er om kärlek tar ni med er, tillbaka till himlen!

Ni tar med er en osynlig korg där ni har lagt alla era kärleksägg.

Kärleken innebär så mycket mer än en romans mellan två personer.

Moderskärleken, faderskärleken, syskonkärleken, vänskapskärleken, kärleken till din nästa, kärleken till djuren, kärleken till naturen, tacksamheten och kärleken till dig själv, är några av de delar som finns inom kärlekens energi.

Kärleken är en livsenergi som flödar genom universum och rakt igenom jorden och allt liv, ständigt och utan början och utan slut. 

Somliga kallar den för qi. Jag kallar den för kärlekspartiklarna från kärlekens eviga källa. Och ytterliga andra kallar dessa partiklar för fotoner.

Ni är skapade av skapare som en gång möttes och tillsammans skapade jorden. Det var flera skapare som skapade jorden och de hade olika egenskaper och skickligheter såsom:

Kärlek, hopp, tro, glädje, harmoni, rytm, musik, tacksamhet, tid, gravitation, flora, fauna, luft, eld, vatten, jord, tålamod, godhet, nyfikenhet, mod, helig geometri och mer.

Det tog lång tid att skapa, att förbereda allt och sedan kom the Big Bang och så sattes allt igång. Och tiden spelade en stor roll!

Vi vet att ni kommer in i Moderns stora trygga famn!

Vi kan se detta! Vi såg detta från första början till och med!

För att allt är ett!

Och vi vet! Vi vet att ni är här för att lära! Ni är här för att lära er om vilka ni är! Ni är här för att lära er om vem ni är!

Du är här för att lära dig om vem Du i sanning är!

Att du är skapad av kärlek är inget du kan förstå förrän du älskar Dig själv! Det är först då du kopplar ihop ändarna och cirkeln blir sluten!

Ni är omringade av kärleksenergin, ni blir bestrålade av kärlek och alla de andra energierna, och ni förstår det först när ni levt tillräckligt länge utan att koppla ihop ändarna.

När saknaden blir för stor. När ni har sökt tillräckligt och när ni inte  orkar söka längre vad händer då?

När ni inte längre orkar söka efter kärleken, då måste ni börja finna den inom er.

För det är där den i sanning finns!

När ljuset går upp! När insikten landar inom er, i ert hjärta, i hela er kropp, i er ande, så lyses ni upp rent bokstavligen! För nu inser ni plötsligt att ni är kärlek.

Och ni har endast gått en omväg. Ni ä r kärlek och ni har gått en omväg i glömskans värld, där allt är allt annat än kärlek.

Att leva utan kärlek är enda sättet att förstå och uppskatta kärlek och att verkligen längta efter den. 

Ni längtar efter er själva! Du längtar efter att förena dig med dig själv i din egna inre kärlek.

Då när ni kommer till denna springande punkten, då går ljuset upp!

Du tänder ditt egna ljus när du älskar Dig själv!

Så snälla älska dig själv! Koppla ihop ändarna på livets vackra tråd! Kärlekstråden väntar på att bli hel igen! 

Du är vävaren av din egna kärlekstråd och när du kopplar ihop ändarna så får du äntligen kontakt med änglarna, med Gud, med Jesus, Buddha och fler samt med allt i den världen som är evig, kärlekens värld!

Du är älskad, Du är väntad och Du är så otroligt välkommen!

Vi älskar dig, 


Sunday 13 August 2023

Archangel Uriel The story of life!

Hallo dear beloved friend I am Uriel the archangel.

I am very old and I have experienced so many things that I could tell a trillions stories, but only one of them is the most important and that is the story of life!

And isn´t everything a part of life and also a story of life?

No just one it the story of life! And how do I mean?

You are the heirs of life! Pinch yourself in the arm and feel the joy and realization that you are indeed alive!

Being given life is a treat! A gift! Because someone went through labour to give you life!

And this someone is your mother!

You can see and feel this through gratitude towards your mothers pain as she went through your birth.

Life IS a GIFT!

Even if you think life has treated you poorly.

Even if you have dealt with hardships of different kinds.

Still someone gave you life through her body, your mother´s.

Thank your mother! Be grateful to your mothers work to make you come into the world.

Some search for all the answers, going back in time, even going back into previous lives, but forgetting about birth and the bond to the mother.

Motherhood should be celebrated!

Mothers should be acknowledged as someone very important and treated ackordingly.

Even if your bond to your mother is not very good, still she gave birth to you, so love her for giving you the gift of life.

For thousands of years the Motherhood has been diminshed into a little piece of Mothering as the woman played a tiny part in the eyes of patriarchy.

It is all about power. It is all about balance between male and feminine energies.

God pray for balance! God knows how good that would be! And you are not there yet!

The story of life is very interesting and makes a curious person to wonder.

Love the mother, love the motherhood, give the mother space to thrive! Don´t stress the mother with the newborn baby. 

The mother will reconnect to the natural ways of motherhood if she is given the opportunity. She knows the answers for her own child.

Earth is the planet of the MOTHERS! The mothers gives birth!


And also to listen with your ears. EARth.

Who would be on earth without the mothers?

Put your ear to the ground and listen to our great Mother Earth and hear her heartbeats. If you practice you will be able to hear them!

To listen, to hear, speach is silver but silence is golden!

So the story of life is there in your own hands, in your own heart, and if you choose to fill your heart with gratitude towards your mother and all the motherhoods, you are on the true track on this beloved planet EARth.

I love you,


Wednesday 2 August 2023

God Light the candle!

I am God! But my name was a very long time ago Goding. And then a while later you called me Odin.

And I am grateful! For my name does not matter so much to me. It is more important what I stand for.

In my name war has been started! And I screamed and shouted NO!

NO don´t start a war I said! But no one heard me!

But my love for you that lives on Earth is the same!

I love you will all of my heart and I always light the light for you for each day. 

I say thousands of prayers for you each day! 

But my heart is torn out each day too. For I also work as an angel that takes the souls up to heaven after a life on Earth.

Many die with no faith in their hearts!

Faith is not there, anywhere, when I see into their hearts. And this makes me cry.

Many live in fears on Earth and in time of passing they don´t think there is anything afterwards. They think it is a dark empty room.

Nothing could be more wrong.

And what happens in the afterlife if you do not have faith in love?

You usually follow the angels that come to pick you up! Yes! And this is great joy for us all here in heaven! 

But some of you, that really are afraid of me and of going to heaven you refuse to follow us up to the forever home.

And then, what can the angels do?

We try and try again to make you follow us up to heaven, with your own free will! And we never give up! Sooner or later you always come up with us to heaven!

But some of those that leave their bodies, will live in the middle world instead.

In this middle world - Hades is the boss - and he actually work day and night with spirits that refuse to follow the angels up to heaven.

Actually this middle world is over crowded! It is very sad!

And all - most - of this has to do with living on Earth with no faith.

You must know that now more and more hidden secrets are being revealed and you think how much more terrible truths will be exposed?

But see it like this: It has to come up into the light! You have waited for this time, to be here when all bad, and negatives are peeled off.

For you know that this planet is in great need of love! 

And you know that this magnificent planet is in great need of a goodhearted faith and in need of hope in abundance and in a joyfull flow of life.

I am God, but my name does not matter? Well a little bit of course!

But what I do is more important! I do not own anything! I share!

I heal! I care! I love you and I know you!

And I see beyond your name too! I see who you are, and not your clothing.

I see the rays from your heart and how you are connected!

Many people around you are not awakened yet. They are asleep.

They do not even have a faith in their hearts. 

You are pillar of light in your own community!

You don´t need to preach! You just need to be!

What do you say to a neighbour that does not have faith?

Ask them; What do you believe in? And let them talk! Don´t interrupt them! Let them have their say! Just be silent and listen to them, use your ears and if they actually have faith, that is very good indeed!

Having faith, is like having a candle that you have lit up!

Having no faith is like having no candle at all!

Having an unlit candle means that there is hope! You just need to light the candle.

You have a lot of knowledge, but you don´t have to say it in words.

Just be in your loving patience and listen to your neighbour, ask gentle questions and let them find their own answers, this can be a way to light a candle!

Being a lightworker means that you have this knowledge! The forever knowledge about love, the wisdom of akasha!

Knowing light means that you know the dark. 

You know because you have been there yourself, otherwise you would not be a lightworker!

It is in the dark you really need the light and both have many layers.

There is always a quest about all you learn in life!

If you want to learn all about strength, you have to learn all about weakness.

If you want to learn all about love, you have to go through all that is not love.

If you are interested in learning about gratitude, you have to go through all that is not gratitude.

If you want to learn about light, you have to learn all about darkness.

How can you value light, if you don´t have any experience of darkness?

This is your soul that says; 

don´t be afraid of your knowledge and your aspiration to learn in your life on Earth. But it is not easy!

You have to live to get the experience. You can not learn from a book alone.

A book can give you a hint! A glimt! But the work is yours!

Yes it is really blood sweat and tears, but my dear, I am always by your side! You can always call on me. 

Many times you do not think I am present, but I am more present than you can ever know.

The Akasic Library is being awakened within your heart and your DNA strings and you can access all the knowledge you need.

As more things are brought up into the light many feel more fear.

And this can cloud your aura! So please connect to your inner akasha library on a daily basis and feel what is right for you. 

You are old souls in a transforming world, that moves from a very negative state of being into a life with more faith, hope and love.

Living without faith, hope and love is a part of your learning process.

Understanding what is means to live without the most vital and necessary pillars to life iself is the hardest thing to do.

But as you actually are MADE of faith hope and can never really lose them...but living apart from them makes you re-value them, and understanding them once again.

When I and the other creators decided that we would make a new world, just before the Big Bang, we embodied all the rays that you are made of!

So the rays are; Faith, Hope, Love, Gratitude, Harmony, Respect, Patience, and there are more too.

These energies are pillars of life! These energies are the pillars of your own life! Without these energies you feel lost. Drained. Poor. 

And everyone of you, have chosen different paths to learn even more about them, and this means, loosing them for a while. 

You can feel hopeless, and alone in your quest to learn about love.

But love is around the corner waiting for you to come back to love!

For love is what you are made of! Please always remember this!

I see the love in your heart, don´t forget to love yourself!

I will hold your hand if you like, anytime you choose, but it is your free will at all times!

I am here! Always! Just let me know and I will gladly take your hand in mine!

We will walk together if you like and nothing can make my heart more filled with love and joy!

I love you,

God, (Goding and Odin).

Thursday 27 July 2023

Mother Mary Positive mantras!

I love you, for things, you don´t even know.

You sometimes think, you need to do something extra to be loved and accepted.

But no.

Real love, that loves you, does not judge or choose, nor pick out the cherries.

Real love, loves all, all the time!

You are safe in love always!

Love is blind in a way.

Love senses you, love feels your feelings.

Love understands you.

Comparing you to a cake, you are indeed the entire cake, with all the layers, the cream, the frosting and the cherries on top.

Real love knows this!

You sometimes think, you have flaws, issues, problems and that this is hinders for being loved?

You are you! You are complex and you should be just that!

Otherwise you wouldn´t have learned as much.

Deeper knowing also means more to process in the 3-D life.

But in the 5-D life, love is the answer! 

Love is the healingbalm!

Love is the sweet honey that heals your wounds.

Faith and hope are always connected to the real love!

Sometimes you think you are a villain that does not deserve love.

And in those times you exclude yourself from love as your personal punishement.

Let me say: You always deserve love!

Let me say: You a r e always loved!

You are not more of a villain than anyone else.

In fact you are blessed!

You are blessed with self-awareness, and a consciousness!

And so, you are in fact, less egocentric than you think!

You have for many years tried to understand your own ego.

And at last you felt that you should never sweap away your ego, think it is not there.

Now you have matured and you accept your ego, and you are keeping an eye on it instead.

So you have come a long way.

So I say don´t be so hard on yourself. 

You have said so many prayers, for world peace and good loving safety for all the children.

You have worked yourself through the eye of the needle, and transformed many difficult feelings.

In fact, you are a weaver. The needle is your own tool.

The thread is your soulwork as a Lightworker on Mother Earth.

In fact you have woven the most beautiful magical piece of fabric in the most vibrant colors of gratitude, faith, hope, love, compassion, harmony, peace and freedom. But you don´t even know about it!

For you are so busy punishing yourself, for not being, better, stronger, taller, thinner, smarter and much more.


Stop this negative thinking now and go into your loving heart and feel who you truly are!

You have already done it!

You should celebrate instead!

You should admit yourself instead and be all positive about yourself.

The negative thoughts are like an old inprint that keeps on repeating itself.

Negative thoughts are like a broken record player, stuck in the same place in a melody.

Negative thoughts are a negative mantra. 

You absolutely need to replace them for positive mantras now in this moment.


I am love. 

I am faith.

I am hope.

I am gratitude.

I am harmony.

I am patient.

Make your own positive mantras and do not waste a minute more on the negativ ones.

Repeat the positive mantras every day, at least three times a day.

Load yourself with positiveness!

Charge your soul-battery with only love and heartfelt intentions.

You know you are love, so be love! Feel it! You are it!

Sing our lovesong! 

Sing the song of love every day!

And know that I always sing together with you!

I love you,

Mother Mary