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Wednesday 20 July 2022

Archangel Michael Trust me!

My dear friend I am Michael and I love you.

I need to talk about something important today!

It has to do with trust.

And what about trust you might think?

Well, down into the most important core of love and of what truly matters, I need to say:

Please listen to me! Your boat has been rocked very much the latest time and you have almost gotten used to the rocking. You have actually almost forgotten about me!

You have been used to caos. And not love. 

Love is what matters, always. But the caos and turbulence have created a crack between us.

And, you can only grow stronger in this situation.

Yes I mean it! You will grow stronger roots and your stem will grow higer up into the air, and your branches and leaves will flourishe.

Just you wait and see!

You have been thourogly shaken as a means for you to let go of your faith in love.

It is the strategy of the bad guys.

They need you to forget who you are.

They need you to forget about love and compassion.

They need you to be lost, and seeking again.

But we are already anchored together I promise you!

I love you very much and I know that sooner than you ever can believe you will be right on track again, where you truly belong.

You belong to love always, and the energy of love awaits you.

Actually you are made of love. But your memory have a temporary glitch, becaus of all the rocking...! 

You see, love is forever, and the fear that the bad guys are spreading constantly, it is only temporary.

Just please dear friend have faith in love!

I love you


Saturday 16 July 2022

Archangel Uriel Circle of trust!

Archangel Uriel

Togetherness comes from allowing yourself to be who you are.

If you pretend when you are amongst other people, they will not get to know you, for who you are.

And. You will not be able to get the feedback that you so badly desire.

So – what I am really talking about?

You absolutely do not pretend – when you meet someone, you are yourself – but – what?

You are a galactic lovewarrior. You are a peaceholder. You do not judge easily, you are diplomatic and this is YOU.

You offer a sanctuary to other people without knowing it.

So – what am I really after?

When you talk to people, you stand behind – do you understand?

You stand behind – but you actually stand in the circle of trust – you hold hands with your galactic friends.

You all together form a circle of love, of hope and of faith, joy, freedom, peace, gratitude and more good energies.

You DO NOT have to worry! BE totally SAFE. You ARE safe.

You have such wonderful co-operators, in your team of trust, and your bond is unbreakable.

And yet, you give the feeling – to me – that you stand behind the circle, you do not realize what a grand team you actually hold hands with.

When you work with a person on Earth, or an animal, or a place, you always have your entire team at hand.

I love you so very much, but feel the love dear, feel that you ARE safe.

When someone consults you, you ARE your TEAM, you are never alone.

You are an archangel on Earth. You are a mentor. You are a great messenger. You are a master.

And you ARE this because of your team – it is a perfect collaboration.

I love you


Friday 15 July 2022

Archangel Michael Climbing up that tree!

I am Michael and I love you very much.

If you climb up a tree what will you find?

You will find a wiev!

And what do you do with the wiev?

This is where I would like to say something!

When you are on the ground you see things from a ground perspective.

When you are sitting high up in the tree you see other things.

High up in the tree you get a wider perspective over your life, but - not as detailed.

And of course this is basic knowledge to you, but there is something more in this, that I now will talk about.

A higher perspective, from far away, makes it easier to be cool.

When you see something from a distance you have to make a lot more effort to feel every feeling, to understand the underlying language.

As you are on the ground and are in the midst of your life, it is more likely for you to be very emotional, because you are right in it.

You are actually exactly where you are supposed to be, with your heart body and soul you live your life on the ground, and I can provide you with a higher perspective.

So you can see it in terms of: cooling off, or getting warmer.

What do you need?

I offer you a different point of wiev on your life! I provide you with another angle, if you like!

It has do to with balance! Your life´s balance. 

If you need balancing, I can help you!

How do you know if you need cooling or heating?

You aim for this: Being here and now! In a neutral good balance.

If you are to emotional, and usually stuck in emotions, as in never seing your full true potential, then you need a little bit of cooling down, and getting a higher perspective. In other words you need space.

The sitting in the treetop means that you give yourself emotional space, as well as physical space.

Giving yourself space makes you chill down from emotions of your life as well as groundwork, that have heatened you up and you get stuck in a emotional turmoil.

The most important thing is for you to be balanced.

You need both! 

You need your emotions of cource! Because you need to understand yourself, and your environement and more. 

And you also need free space to breathe in a peaceful way.

I will help you find this balance!

I love you


Tuesday 12 July 2022

Vittra berättar om Livet! 12 juli 2022


Vittra berättar 12-07-2022


Jag k a n Dig, jag VET dig, låter det konstigt?

Det finns verkligen ingen separation. Vi är EN.

Om du tänker dig ett träd, då är ni människor löven, och vi vittror är grenarna men vi är också någonting mer..! Och vilka tror du då är stammen?

Älvorna är stammen. Tomtarna är kottarna (och mer). Och rötterna är trollen.

Förstår du hur jag menar? Vi hänger ihop allihop. Vi hör till samma träd, Moder Jord Trädet.

Men det är lite mer detaljerat än så, och lite mer invecklat, men enkelt sagt så är det så.

Moder Jord Trädet känner oss alla och hon lever för att rötterna hämtar upp vatten, som ger hela trädet liv.

Rötterna är mycket viktiga och trollen känner jorden, och allt som växer i jorden – utan och innan.

Trollen kan allt om varenda växt, träd, allt det som växer ur jorden, och vad växten är bra för och kan användas till.

Tomtarna är bland annat -kottarna – och vad innebär det? Tomtarna ser till att fröna hamnar där de skall. Ganska många växter frö sår sig. Tomtarna tar hand om alla växterna, även de som har andra växtsätt.

Men var mer i trädet finns då vi - vittrorna?

Hihi ja nu får du fundera ett tag!

Vi vittror är även…saven!

Saven i trädet är vi, eller mer noggrant vi är nektaren i blommorna.

Och namnet vi har? Vittror!? Kommer faktiskt från ordet vitae, som betyder livet.

Så vad innebär det, för oss? Vi förstår livet, flödena som rör sig genom trädet/grenarna/kroppen.

Och ändå så är vi alla en del av ModersTrädet, vi har olika uppgifter, allihopa, men alla uppgifterna är för att hjälpa vårt älskade gemensamma hem, trädet.

Och ni människor ni är löven, vad innebär det?

Ni är cykliska, ni kommer och ni går, men ändå så är ni med hela tiden ändå. Och hur menar jag?

Under vintertid så finns det inga löv. De föll av när det var höst. Och när vårens värmande solstrålar väcker marken återigen så börjar strax löven att spricka ut och trädet står i sin skira vackra gröna fägring.

Och ni vajar i vinden, hit och dit, och ni ser solen gå upp på morgonen och ni ser solen gå ned på kvällen. Men det ni inte vet är att varje löv är unikt. Löven är som trädets fingertoppar - helt unika.

Lövens uppgift är att bland annat bilda syre. Och syre är som bekant mycket viktigt för allt liv, som människor och djur.

Bladen gör sitt jobb och faller av på höstkanten. Men det är inte slut där.

Löven förmultnar och ger jorden näring. Och så kommer vintern och allt går i vila.

När våren kommer åter så börjar allt spira igen, och nya frön börjar växa ur jorden.

Och ett nytt träd skjuter fart, och allt går runt och runt i livets eviga cirkel.

Jaha…tänker du, det är för att vi människor lever ganska korta liv?

Ja det gör ni, vi andra lever minst 4-5 gånger längre liv, många gånger ännu längre.

Men ni är eviga!

Vi också! Våra själar är eviga! Vi byter bara klädedräkt då och då. Ni människor byter snabbast av oss. Men vi andra byter också fast det är längre mellan våra byten.

Och vi gläder oss till att Ni vaknar upp mer och mer och förstår att vi lever i symbios med varandra.

Och att ni kan känna oss i era hjärtan. Vi finns i högre dimensioner än er, än så länge, men vi väntar på er och vi vet vad ni går igenom. Ni måste gå igenom exakt det som ni lever i, det kan inte hoppas över, för då skulle ni missa den viktiga lärdomen om livet.

Kärlekens kraft ÄR.

När ni lär er lita på den, då kommer vi att mötas äntligen och så som vi längtar och ser fram emot det!

Lev väl, blomstra i kärlekens trygga famn!



Monday 11 July 2022

Sananda Here I am.

Sananda Here I am.

I am Sananda and I love you more than you can ever believe.

I believe IN YOU.

I am just waiting for you to understand.

You already know how important you are, of course.

You already know that you must connect with your beloved sisters and brothers of Light.

To interact is the key. And it is not only a key,


You all have different knowledge, all unique, and it is like a massive wonderful bank of higher wisdom.

Your knowledge is more worth than all the money, and all the gold and diamonds of Earth.

So, why do you not take action? Why don´t you think your own knowledge could make any difference?

What is holding you back? Please dear friend, ask yourself why!

You are one in my great tribe of Earth, we are all one. And everyone´s valuable knowing must join now. It all comes together, everyone is needed.

You hold your light, that is unique for you, and together with the light from your brothers and sisters it is truly magnificent, to complete a whole, everyone must join.

Believe in yourself please, I love you very much, and remember that you are awaited.


Friday 8 July 2022

Archangel Uriel Blessed be the dewdrop!

I am archangel Uriel and I really have something important to say.

I love you very much and sometimes you are entangled in your life, like you feel stuck in it.

This is normal and happens to everybody that lives on Earth.

The question is: how do you do deal with it?

Do you panic? Are you afraid? Have you "frozen"? Have you become depressed? And there are several more alternatives.

And it is okay. To feel feelings. To live life. Life happens?

From my point of view I would hope from the bottom of my heart that you feel me, us, the angels and archangels, we are much closer than you can ever believe.

I want you to feel that you are never alone!

I want you to understand that you are loved!

It is my mission and all the other angels, archangels mission to be of service to aid, and lead the way to love.

We all work in different ways, that is true, but we all work for exactly the same result: 

For you to feel embraced by love, having stronger faith and believing in yourself, and having hope for the future.

This is our prime vow!

But we work in different ways - to aid you, to reach the same goals.

Because you are different, each and every one of you are unique.

Imagine that the sky really is blue, the day it is raining and the clouds are grey.

And believe it or nor: above the clouds the sky actually is blue, and the sun is shining. 

Somewhere where the rain meets the sunlight there is a rainbow. This is a sacred meeting!

Lovely and sacred things happen all the time. But you do not see it.

Have you seen a little dewdrop in a green leaf in the morning?

Think of the most beautiful sunrise and a tranquil morning of peace.

Imagine a tree, maybe a tree that you like, or even love. Think of the tree that gives you fresh air to breath and who also need your breath to live, a perfect way of living, loving and helping each other.

You are a part of something very beautiful on this planet, Earth.

Mother Earth loves you very much and wishes that you re-connect with her. Just as in the old days, when people had an open contact with her your Mother.

Love your feet, love your footsteps, because your Mother Earth feels you and your feet on her. She knows you and loves you very much.

And I say, I am here if you wish to have a shoulder to cry on, or hold my hand, just let me know. 

I always walk beside you, I am your guide.

I love you

Archangel Uriel

Thursday 7 July 2022

Archangel Michael: Wake up! You are being called!

I am Michael and I love you very much.

Things are a bit complicated right now.

But in a good way!

How do I mean?

No other than you, can realize how important just you are!

No other than you can uphold your unique light!

You carry a lightpillar that goes wide around, and also high up into the ether.

Your light is filled with everything you need it is a natural part of you.

You have worked in this lifetime, and also in other lifetimes to be here right now, carrying your pillar of light, and why?

You are awaited. Each and everyone of you carry your unique pillar of love, peace and healing.

You all together create a network of the most wonderful healing energies, you actually create a heaven on Earth.

And you need each other. It is a collaboration of love.

Fear, worries, troubles create a distraction from your important job!

You are called by heaven and all the higher dimensions to wake up totally and being refreshed, as you embrace what you asigned to do here.

I love you and I know what difficulties you go through.

But I also know that you have a very high calling and task here on Earth, that you as a soul are asigned to accomplish.

You, in your higher self want me to shake you up! Oh yes!

You do not want to be entagled in things anymore that hinders you.

I will help you focus on what is important to you, because you are so loved and so very much needed in your position.

As for now your position stands empty because you have failed to understand how important you indeed are.

Rise up! Stand up! Wake up! You are called! Your soul is calling you! To be love, and work through the radiance of love and peace, wich is our natural energies.

Negative forces have made you low. Negative beings makes you unfocused of your prime lovework here on earth. 

They - these negative beings are - dilligent in their nasty work. They try to stop you.

Yes it is a war, between the good and the bad. They make you doubt yourself. They make you doubt love. They make you doubt me.

They - these negative energies - make you forget who you truly are.

They need you to slumber, so you do not remember.

Love is the strongest energy. Love is eternal. 

Love will conquer all! Please have faith in love!

So now wake up to your highest potential, because your seat is empty and you are very much needed. You are awaited!

I love you 

Archangel Michael