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Saturday 11 April 2015

Archipelago of LOVE

(Borrowed picture from google 
Archipelago of Fernando de Noronha in Brazil)

Choose a place
where you love to be
and then you close your eyes
and breathe
and there you have it,
your archipelago of love
it is there
in your
it is your secret garden
and you are always welcome !

                                                                (Google picture borrowed)

Thursday 9 April 2015

Hoping it is just a bad dream about a Tsunami...!

I had a bad dream, early this morning.
Very big waves. Water. Tsunami. Palmtrees.
Sand, a boat, and
a note that has the written word
the Philippines...!
I hope with all of my heart that this was just a bad dream!

God bless you!!!

ps what did you dream about last night?! ds

Saturday 4 April 2015

Sanat Kumara; Hello Easter!

What about easter?
Many like to eat eggs,
so why not thank the hen?
And what does the egg represent?
Food yes of course,
but also
a miracle
Like a seed
that becomes a rose in the spring?!
And springtime is
actually transformation time...
many seeds awaken
and move into another kind of life...!
A hopeful moment
that has the possibility to multiply
As if you let the egg become a hen
she will give you many eggs...!

                                                     (picture borrowed from Google)

Wednesday 1 April 2015

"You know me. I know you. Why do I say so?!
Without each other we would be no one.
And how do I mean?!
I will start by saying this;
I LOVE YOU, every minute, every breath you take...
I am always there with you, wanting to hold your hand.
And without you knowing it, you always carry a seed in your heart.
A seed of Faith, of me!
Through endless time, it still comes down to
And through every breath, every sunrise I beleive in you, love you
wanting and praying for you
to reach out, for my hand is waiting to hold yours!
And if your life is a struggle, with no beautiful sunrises...
You can be sure of that
I see you. I feel you in every heartbeat.
Trust me. I know you.
The further apart you think we are...
...the closer I am to you.
I know every time you blink with your eyelids...!
No matter how dark it is, where you are
you still sparkle with light
you are a treasure of life
Beleive in yourself, have faith.
I am always there with you
willing to hold your hand!"

Tuesday 31 March 2015

Norma Jeane sings..!?!

And as I sat in the kitchen filting wool, making wool hearts...!

”Happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday mr president...”!

We are all ONE...
and we have a voice... always!

"All that glitters is not gold...!
And yet, some that glitters are really gold!
And how can you know?
True friendship; THAT is GOLD that glitters!
To have a faithful friend, matters most in the world!
Someone who cares about your heart
no matter if you are happy or sad.
Like the waves loves the beach
or like a butterfly loves the flower..!"

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Healing beacon!

There is a healing beacon...
a lantern just for you!
It is hidden in a secret place
amongst magical stars
with beauty and serenity
and peaceful healing.
For you just
don’t know it
do you?
You are the one!
Just as beautiful
as the stars
in the night sky!
So the healing beacon
is really you
giving yourself healing
whilst you are walking
here on earth...
...have faith!