You are welcome to my archangel FAITH blogg

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Love is law!

Yes my dear friend! Love is law! How do I mean?!
Of all laws that do exist, the law of love is the most important!
The heart is your guideline!
Your body is your temple!
And how do you go about it!?!
Just trust your heart... is the direct channel to heaven and God and 
the eternal wisdom - and to LOVE!
Have faith in yourself,
love yourself,
follow your heart
and beleive in your dreams.....!

Everything is...?!

                          Everything is...?!

What do you think?

How about a journey to learn to reveal love?!
And so you walk about, in your life
looking to the left, looking to the right
and you look up and you look down
and your feet move, step by step
through endless landscape 
and after a while you begin to wonder
what is the meaning of it all...just keep on walking?

Then and there, in that moment there is something I
would like to say to you, dear sweet child!

Now your heart want to be nurished! It is time for LOVE!

You have seen the road.
 Now it is time to see what is beside your road...!
Maybe you should take of your shoes for a while, sit down in the green
grass that grows on both sides of your road...! 

There grows flowers in different colors...they have grown there 
all the time. But you haven´t noticed them...have you?!

God is waiting for you already sitting and waiting for you to join in
the green grass! 

God want to listen to you, hear you!

God wants to hold your hand!

You are so loved, says God! 
And you have always been...!
Welcome to God, 
God is always in you heart
waiting for you in the green grass...!

By apologizing you create a bridge of grace!

A bridge of grace and love,

By apologizing you create a bridge of grace and love!
To say the words "I am sorry and asking for forgiveness is a lesson in love...
...and it makes you grow. 
It makes your soul grow and mature.
And what happens if your apology is not accepted?
Did you apologize for nothing?
What do you think?
Think about it for a while!
The answer my friend is that, you are blessed!
You are blessed with a seed of grace!
And this seed turns into a bridge.
A bridge of love and grace.
And, your bridge is an invite!
The bridge is there. Waiting.
Because it is a bridge of grace and love!
God bless you!

Altitude and latitude!

We are beyond, and yet reaching out for you, allt that matters is you!
It all comes down to love, hope and faith, within you!
It doesn´t matter who you are, round our square...!
No matter what roads you have walked, no matter how narrow
or steap, it is YOU, that matters!

You are so important! You are a loveseed, waiting for watering and also the sun, to be able to grow! That is when you really grow - from within! The meaning of life, is not about money! It is about growing within, a special kind of growth, that is endless, that is why God and the other creators, made this lovely planet - a place where we can learn to grow within.
And why? Is it easy? No! Can you order it, on tvshop? No! You cant buy this! It is free!
Is it painful? Yes sometimes it is! Is this somekind of game - a sick game? You might wonder? The answer is = No.

You come here to learn your soul, teach your soul, by doing! Learing by doing! You have to do it yourself! For YOU! It may seem like a hell? Well it can surely be the opposite of Gods heaven, your eternal home, where LOVE IS! And why is it even necessary to go to Earth to be hurt?! 
Let´s just stay in heaven for good! That is just the thing! You wanted to come here, and learn! To make you soul grow! You made this choice - before- while you where in heaven! And you can not remember it! No one does!

In heaven you have FAITH, that what ever happens on Earth, you will always come back to heaven and God and all of you loved ones! As a lovebeing, living in heaven, there are no problems! You have faith in God and love!  Something made you think, well I would really like to learn more about, for exampel, courage and hope! So you made a decision! 
So you took the leap, to go, to school, on Mother Earth! The desire within to learn your soul, is always expanding! Like the universe is constantly expanding! It is energy! There is always something new to learn! And so we go to the perfect school - Mother Earth!

Some say, that when you leave your body to go back home to heaven - you can not bring anything with you. No clothes, no furniture, no money, no items at all! But you bring one thing - your soul and what it has learned during your visit! 

Love matters, Love is, Love is the strongest energy in universe, Love is eternal! Please have faith in that!

And you are so loved not matter...what happens! God does not judge you! YOU are your own biggest judger! This universe is a free will universe! It is up to YOU! It is YOUR choise! God has no right to judge you! You might think, but I dont have any choise...and sometimes in our life, the choises might seem very small, but still, it is YOUR choose!

God says prayers for you each day! God lights the light for you every day! God loves you totally! God pray for that you will follow your heart, beleive in you dreams! That you will have faith and hope in LOVE! And no matter, they are always embedded in your heart as seeds waiting...!

Your always in my heart
Archangel Faith

Love is in the air!

                                                                                   (Borrowed from Google!)

I love you! 
Do you know that!?! I always have and I always will! As you turn the pages in your life I walk beside you! And I really want you to feel that I am holding your hand! You are never alone! Can you feel the warmth of my hand?! I know what you are going through - always! For better for worse...! And I love you, just the way you are! Sometimes when your life is stormy or cold or you feel alone - you might think I am not there...but I am - waiting for you! I love you, I walk beside you - I am always there! Wanting you to believe in love, having faith in yourself, knowing in your heart that you are in fact a beautiful and wonderful being - a creation of God, a creation of love and light!

I am Archangel Faith and I serve you! I am forever imbedded in your heart as a seed, waiting for you to take a leap - in trusting and believing in the grateness of love and life...!

I am an Archangel, do you know what that means?! I am an angel that is simply older...and I have therefore more knowledge! There are a lot of different kinds of angels! We all have different tasks! We are all creations of love and light! Love is our lantern! We serve directly as Gods helpers! God is a creator. Amongst other creators! Love is the strongest energy in the universe, and soon also here on beautiful Mother Earth! The universe is a Free Will universe! As Mother Earth also is part of! God always love you as you are! God doesn´t say "no-no don´t do this or that..."! Not even God has the right to break the free will law of the universe!
I am the mother of your planet Earth! And now I can´t hold back my tears anymore! Many of you tremble with fear as you live your life in a nonloving society. Fear is - in the plan - to make you numb! Fear is sometimes actually good to have...if you are walking in unknown terrain it is really good to suddenly feel - no I should not continue on this particular path, I take another direction now, and by changing course - you did not have to fall down a high cliff! That is when fear is good!

Love goes through everything...except one thing! FEAR! And why? Fear makes your heart collapse...but, not entirely, the seeds are still there  -  always there waiting for you...!! The seeds of Faith, Hope and Love and many more!!! Waiting for you to awaken! We love you, we have faith in you, hoping and praying for you, we are always there beside you, you are never alone! We always know what you are going through, and we miss you! If you wonder why the seeds always awaits in your heart - that is because when God and the other Creators, created you - they did it together with Faith, Hope and Love, as they are very strong energy channels- very important foundation stones of life - and therefore necessary ingredients to be able to create life...!

They are a natural part of you! You are - faith, hope, love, light, joy and more...IT IS YOU!
Love unites, fear separates...

You are all equally loved! In your own uniqueness! Know that you are NEEDED, LOVED!

Yours forever!

You know me - I know you

13/3 2014, Lady Faith - Archangel,

"You know me. I know you. Why do I say so?!
Without each other we would be no one.
And how do I mean?!
I will start by saying this;
I LOVE YOU, every minute, every breath you take...
I am always there with you, wanting to hold your hand.
And without you knowing it, you always carry a seed in your heart.
A seed of Faith, of me!
Through endless time, it still comes down to
And through every breath, every sunrise I beleive in you, love you
wanting and praying for you
to reach out, for my hand is waiting to hold yours!
And if your life is a struggle, with no beautiful sunrises...
You can be sure of that 
I see you. I feel you in every heartbeat.
Trust me. I know you.
The further apart you think we are...
...the closer I am to you.
I know every time you blink with your eyelids...!
No matter how dark it is, where you are
you still sparkle with light
you are a treasure of life
Beleive in yourself, have faith.
I am always there with you
willing to hold your hand!"

A lesson in love


Minus 25 degrees in Sweden today in Järpen where I live!
I share a lovely angel letter that
really warms my heart!
From Archangel FAITH

Archangel Faith; A lesson in love!

"Hello there...

I am glad you hear me. I am not so far away. How far away do you think I am? I guess you think I am in heaven looking down at you, through some clouds.

It gives me great joy to tell you, I am where you are! And I have always been. I am an archangel. My mission is Faith. I am Faith.

There have never been any separation. Some say angels are only in heaven. And what does that idea result in? It captivates you. Makes you think there is a long distance. Makes you feel alone and afraid ?! And when someone make you afraid and alone, they are in POWER of you! Have you ever thought of that?

You are in fact free! Invisible chains, power over you, makes you walk in a certain direction. You become obedient, maybe even a slave? And everything, is a lesson! A lesson in love!

What do you want!?! And no matter what road you walk on. Even if you are a slave. Or free. I am there with you. And I have always been. We angels serve souls. We are where souls are, and many are on Earth. That is why we are on Earth. All angels are Gods helpers! God is all about love! Love is our lantern!

I hold you to my heart always. I love you!
// AA Faith