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Monday, 24 February 2025

Ascension means working on Earth, not escaping her!

Dear readers, 💓

just to clearify what I mean, what I feel in my heart is that ascension is something you do, but then you come back down to work on Earth.

Ascension is a loop. A circle. And what you feel while on Earth working, living, breathing are different symptoms that varies over the time.

Nothing is more important than doing your unique work on this planet!

Some people may think ascension is the same as escaping from Earth? Like leaving "the hell" behind?

I have written several letters here in my blog where I have made this clear!

Mother Earth is everything!

The feminine energy is so important and needs uplifting after many thousands of years of abuse! 

There needs to be a good balance between feminine and masculine energy.

You start where you feet is!

So love your feet and every step that you take!

Almost 20 years ago God reached out to me and gave me a mission to write for God and I did!

It became a book. A green book! A book where God celebrates Mother Earth and the feminine energy! And where God says: I love every woman!

And God says; Women where first on Earth!

(And no: Women did not come from a rib from a man)!!!!!!

So I say doing an ascension means that you are connected with the fifth dimension, and you get a lot of insights that you actually already have with you in your heart, in your sacred heart.

But using this knowledge - what you actually do with it has to do with your love contra your ego.

(Love contra ego has to do with how much you have worked with yourself).

Your love shows you the way to do good on the planet while you are here in a human body.

On the other side the ego will show you the path to escape? To let everybody else do the work? To think that there is no idea in helping Mother Earth, for she will make it anyway eventually? She will be fine without you?  

Some say "she will mend herself" without mine or others help?

Well this for me, and I can only speak for me, ascension comes first and then you come back down on earth and then the real job starts!

For now you understand how big it is! 

I got a comment from an anonymus person and I just wanted to write a little bit more about this!

My blog is under a lot of strain right now and I can´t even answer the comments from you who have commented my texts.

I know about Michael Kvist R.i.P and I have not read his books.

It is sad that he is in heaven now and not on Earth with us!💓

We have the same book editing company though! (Link)!

Gudinnornas Visdomsord |

And yes I have started a page on Patreon! For those that are extra interested in the work I have done for more that 10 years. 

Healing Hands! | Patreon

For those that have followed my blog the ascension is about work on Earth, and loving and understanding her, our dear Mother.

First we have to learn to be silent, we need to be able to hear her, and feel her heartbeat, it is lovely I promise you, for she loves you!

I love you,


(borrowed picture from Google thank you)!

Saturday, 22 February 2025

Mother Mary Healing hands!

I love you my dear child, I am an old mother of earth!

You are a healer, but you do not know it!

Place your hands on your own body, and say:

Please Mother Mary give me healing!

And I will give you healing!

My healing is called "healing hands" and while you receive my healing you feel my hands on you, very gently, always!

To be able to receive my healing you call me from your heart´s love and within the realm of love and gratitude the healing can be given!

The author of this message is my mentor on earth, for this kind of healing! Just ask her if you need to know more!

Healing is meant to be for all of you!

But you need to believe in it first!

And number one is always that you believe in yourself!

It is actually a type of rhythm, a vibration! 

My mentor on earth can also send this healing on distance too!

And she, the author of this message have given healing for over two decades via Faith the archangel to many people, animals and land around earth.

So start with yourself! Ask for my healing hands and I will aid you when you feel you need me!

I love you,

Mother Mary

Interested in reading more about Mother Mary? Welcome to Patreon!

Healing Hands! | Patreon

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Archangel Michael Healing times!

 I am Michael and I love you.

In times of distress, turmoil on the political arena around the world, there are healing times, if you are willing to embrace yourself completely.

The healing time comes from you! The healing time comes from your heart that is so beloved!

Within you everything is possible! Peace! Love! Patience! Faith! Hope! Compassion! Gratitude! Creativity! Beautiful and loving manifestation!

If you have a war inside of you, how will the outside be? Can there be peace on the outside then?

Now it is high time to work on your inner healing! And this will give you sublime peace on your inside!

Peace starts within you, within your heart!

You have to make up your own mind! No one else can deside for you!

Do you choose peace or war?

Ask yourself how you treat yourself! Do you speak kind words about yourself? Do you think kind and loving thoughts about yourself?

Do you feel love when you think about yourself?

Do you love yourself?

If you don´t love yourself, now it is high time to start!

And yes there is always something to work with, that needs help, that needs guidance within you, no one is perfect, but it does not give you an excuse not to love yourself.

Love all of yourself, with all of your scars of life. Love all of you, even though you feel you are broken. Embrace all of you, the complete package, and do you know why?

Because I love you exactly as you are! You are safe with me!

I have walked beside you every day, I have felt your tears.

I carried you when you where to tired to walk.

I felt your loneliness at night and I watched over you! I even put my wings around you!

And I would do it all over again and again.

You are never alone! Just, please, love yourself!

Peace starts within! And then peace grows outwards!

If everybody did this on this planet, what would you think would happen?

Peace starts within in the sanctuary of your heart, and in your home wherever you live. 

There is always a choice, between what is right to do and what is easy to do, do you agree with me?

The right thing to do is to choose love! The right thing to do is to choose peace!

And the right thing to do for you is to love yourself and treat yourself with love, ALL THE WAY, and this means healing times are here!

I love you,


(Hallo dear 💓 reader, you are welcome to my blog, I am Kerstin and I am the channeler of this message. 

If you are interested in reading more you are welcome to my page on Patreon!

Funding my creativity with 5 dollars/month, I would be so happy! Supporting me would mean a lot to me for I need asthma medicin that is very expensive. 

You💓would also support further channelings, and getting a deeper knowledge into spirituality, I just wrote a message on Patreon, where Michael and Faith give eight good advice on how to treat your body in order to create an inner peace in your dear heart. 

I met archangel Michael 2005 and I will write about the day I met him for the first time. By the way it was not daytime, it was night time, and I was being raped by an invisible being, and I cried out for help and I suddenly got help that stopped the assault, and it was Michael himself. This I will write about and a lot more! And you are so welcome to join!

Here is a link! Have a beautiful day!/Love Kerstin)

Archangel Michael and Faith: There is a choice between what is right and what is easy! | Patreon

Archangel Michael and Faith: Your greatest weapon against evil, do you know what that is? | Patreon

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Archangel Michael: Symptoms of ascension!

 Yes today I have written about symptoms of ascension and archangel Michael gives all good advice.

Also how to raise the energy level on your food and drink!

I am so grateful that I can give you this advice. 

You are welcome to visit 💓

Archangel Michael: Symptoms of ascension, and how to raise the energy of your food. | Patreon

Archangel Michael: What type of food affects your ascension? | Patreon

And this message if for all members:

Archangel Michael and Faith: How to reprogram a negative thought pattern into a positive and loving mindset! | Patreon

It is not always so easy to be a light and loveworker? So much affects us! In everyday life!

But archangel Michael makes me feel a lot safer, thank you Michael!

Have a beautiful day,


Kerstin Eriksson.

Friday, 7 February 2025

Goddess Lorelei; Reconnect with love!

 I just felt I should share this today, and I don´t know why...but Lorelei in Germany is important! From my book:

49       Lorelei



Reconnect with love!


We are one in the energy of love, and in this energy,

we work as one!

If you feel alone, you have to reconnect, that is how easy it is!

And even if you go through times in your life when you don’t recognize what is really you and your true hearts

ambition, it is all there!

Your hearts true ambitions are always there,

it can actually never be lost!

Because you are you and that is your true you!

Your soul´s purpose is all about love!

So please just come back!

You are always welcome, and awaited!

I am also closer to you than you ever can think!

I love you,


My comment: I am so grateful that I got to meet Lorelei and write down her words! I got the feeling that she is quite misunderstood? Do many people see her as something evil? But I get the feeling that she is a goddess and deva of the place and that she has many times been tormented by not being able to prevent accidents on the Rhine. She has tried to warn but has not been listened to. The place she watches over is a very old accident site and she tries everything she can to warn those who pass by there. The Rhine is also a goddess and it is important to listen to the water, the river, and feel whether you should go out in a boat or not? Some days are worse than others. For me personally everything has a soul! So the water have a soul, the wind, the rocks, the mountains, every little raindrop...dewdrop....every tree, flower and more!

This is from my recent book! With texts given to me from 58 different goddesses! And I was given 84 messages! And I am so grateful!

I am Kerstin Eriksson and I am a clairvoyant medium and channeler of angel messages. I paint with intuitive origins and I call my paintings for wild and free! Have a beautiful day! Love/Kerstin!

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Goddess Samara says God is my light!

I am Samara, and I am very old, I have lived many lifes on Earth and I have heard many things, I have seen many things and foremost I have felt many feelings! 

I am an apprentice of God, and so are you if you open your heart!

It is a choice, to be an apprentice of God! You have to really want to follow the good in your life no matter what!

There are so many curves in a lifetime, where you turn to one side and then later to the other side. It is normal!

Life is not easy, most of the times. Doing what is good is something you find within your heart!

No one can say to you, exactly what is the good thing to follow or do, for God gives you the answer in your heart.

Your heart is a telefone to God!

The number to dial, to reach God is your faith!

So your faith is of the most importance, more than you can ever know!

You all have a heart! But it is up to you, it is your choice if you use your heart to dial God! It depends on what kind of faith you carry with you! 

The true faith is always connected with hope and love! Those three are so mixed with each other that you can not tell the difference between them. 

The less good faith, is used, is taken avantage of. When you use faith, and do not include a good hope nor a good love, then you use faith. This is bad.

If you pluck faith out of the equation, the good trinity, and separate her, for your own purposes, it is really bad. Then you abuse the true faith. 

A diktator do this! Oh yes! An evil person that need strong faith kidnapps her for personal reasons. And does not include hope and love. This is the very kidnapping!

So when you sometimes wonder what you have faith in, the natural faith is happy and have patience combined with a brilliant good hope and she loves you always.

Faith, Hope and Love are archangels, and they give you a sanctuary to rest in. Those three archangels will always include you, and are always grateful that you love them.

The three archangels Faith, Hope and Love are always peaceful, and they give good vibrations to you, to heal you at all times!

Faith Hope and Love never compete, nor exclude anyone, The three angels are true healers! And they know you more than you know!

They know about your struggle in your life, and about the hard walk in life, that is going on, and they want to give you a message:

We love you. But sometimes you don´t notice us. For you are so deeply intangled in negative vibrations in your life.

So what can you do? Life can be really hard and it is hard to find any light that is good from time to time.

But you can take your hands and put them on the rudder and stear your boat in the direction of a good faith, hope and love, and become the master of your life.

You can take a moment each day and light a candle, for your heart, and the faith, hope and love, and just meditate for a little while.

You can welcome faith, hope and love each day, into your heart, and this is how you find that the sanctuary exists within you.

It is not about having a big room with items, or a special clothing, no. It is all about you!

You taking the decision to just make a room in space, in your breathing, and welcoming into your heart.

So you don´t need a big church, or a fancy sofa, carpet, candles or crystals or any "new age" things, to make contact!

For it is all about you, to make this decision to welcome these most important energies, faith hope and love.

Faith Hope and Love are the basic pilars, the foundation to life!

If you live without these energies you will not feel okay!

Without these most important energies you will limp, you will jump on one leg, in your life.

You will row you boat with only one oar.

Many of you think; is faith hope and love for me too?

Really? Can it be possible that I am included as well?

You are awaited! You have been so intangled in dark, negative life experiences that you thought God forgot about you?

But God awaits you the most! Because of your life experiences!

It is hard to feel included when you have been excluded in your life, encountering this with people you have met, and all you could see was a closed door.

You have seen people laugh, having a good time, feeling love, because they did not go your hard road. They have chosen another path, with less bumps in the road. So you thought that you could not be loved?

Well God knows all about you! And God knows about each and every step you have ever taken in your life! And God have felt your feelings each and every one! 

The darker and harder road you have walked in life the more you appreciate the love of God.

It is easy to get lost, when it is really dark for you find no light?

But really you are a very old soul. And you are both an investigator and an adventurer of life. 

But sometimes you forget who you are, and where you come from, and why you are here!

You are here to do a hard work, you are here to transform dark and negative experiences into love, into hope and into an even stronger faith.

If you work where it is really dark, you are one of the few that can really see the true light! And you can also realize that there are many shades of light.

Well this is you, and you are a pretty adamant and persistent person, 

you are the true adventurer of love, and God reaches out to you to find your rightful place by his side, for you too are Gods apprentice.

And you don´t even have to light a candle, for you glow in your own beautiful unique light, you just have to remember who you are!

I love you,


Monday, 27 January 2025

I am Faith, I give you a medal of honor!

 I am Faith and I will speak freely about what is going on.

But first I must say, until about two years I was kidnapped and could not reach out to you exactly as I wanted and needed to.

So. There are two types of lightworkers.

One half of you are on the father side, and this means that you are strong, and moving forward with your enterprises of different kind.

The other half of you are on the mother side, the feminine nurturing side of the lightworkers.

And you have many times wondered why does different people continuously seem to be so successful in doing things?

And you have no strength, you can hardly leave your home without feeling sick?

Well this is where it gets harder to understand? You who are on the mothers side by me, Faith, you take on other peoples energies!

There are several collective energies that move around over the globe and you are very receptive to those, for you actually work with them.

I am by your side, and you are by my side! You are Faith too!

We share the same heart! And you have payed with your own life energy to do this.

You are a true server of humanity of love and peace and foremost a giver of good faith to all that needs it.

Many of you feel the crying souls of for example dying soldiers that have death anxiety, and yes, you can feel them. And what do you do?

First you wonder why you can hear forreign languages that you can not even speak yourself, and you know that no matter of that languange, this is a soul that cries out for his or hers Mother, for there is so much pain and fear.

So what do we do? We help! We mend! We make these souls come to heaven.

We work along side many archangels that work with bringing souls home to heaven!

Many times you wondered: Why am I not the one that gets to be popular doing the tarot, or having seanses for big crowds, or can turn my knowledge into something that can help many other people?

Well you are not meant to do this. For you are not on the Father side, those that are have the strength, no illnesses, they have what it takes to serve on "the outside" to the public. 

Many times you have thought that something was wrong with you, that you where not approved as a medium or psychic? But in fact you are better than most! You are the one who should be a celebrety medium or selling your fantastic loving books or whatever you have produced over decenniums, but you are still Faith and working on the motherside and doing what your heart feels is the most important thing in the whole universe.

And what is that?

As a link between heaven and earth, as a medium, on the mothers side, the Faith side, you are totally devoted as a soul to help other souls come back to heaven when the life on Earth is over.

You are a soulsaver! And no tarot or seanses or selling books or being a celebrity medium is more important than this!

And deep down you know it!

You are the most important kind of Lightworker! Because you do it when you feel weak, when you feel sick, when you can hardly walk yourself, you still help others to walk. You still help others to feel better because you are a true love worker, that spreads the true kind of Faith.

But now when you know, you must cherish yourself much higher!

PLEASE! You are the most valuable of all! For you give when you have nothing left yourself. You give a penny when it is the last penny that you own. You share a peace of bread when it is the last bread that you have. For you truly believe in sharing. You believe in passing on and not holding on to any material possessions.

Many of you that walk by my side have illnesses. You are low in your energy, and still you give healing to lost souls, both day and night. And no one saluts you. No one say thanks, except God and all the angels in heaven! And many times you feel their gratitude for what you do! But no person on Earth ever say thank you for what you do, your truehearted commitment that surely deserves a medal of honor.

So now many times you have felt like being "a black sheep"? In your family or friends or society? And still you are my devotee, and you do your job and I am so grateful forever, and we are friends in a big community where you are always welcome and where your seat has your name written on it.

So I need you to receive my medal of honor for now I give it to you!

You will feel it! It is gold of course and it vibrates in the energy of faith hope and love, joy and gratitude and it heales you! If fact it is your own energy, but I have made it stronger for you to thrive with as a token of my appreciation.

So I need you to appreciate yourself much more! And never look down on your most important job that you do! I know who you are and how important you are! And you do not only have a seat with your name on it, you have an entire staff around you, with an office and you are the staffmanager as well. You are a teacher in heaven and you have been for millenias.

So stop being sad over the lightworkers that are on the fathers side, those that are being popular, or can work as mediums or draw a lot of attention from the public, for they have a totally different task to do. 

Your work is much harder! You do it against all odds! You do your work with a handicap, and still you do it. THAT is true lightworking!

I am not saying that the father side tasks are easier, but they are totally different and can not be compared to yours.

It is much harder to be on the mother side, as this world you live in is 90 procent driven by patriarchic energy.

There is still a long way for it to be a balance between the feminine and masculine energy. And in some places the importance of motherhood is being forgotten and therefore the more difficult your work is.

So I say, love yourself, and understand how important you are, and realize that you are loved.

You are all loved, no matter if you are on the motherside or fatherside!

But you, on the motherside, have always done your job no matter what, when no one cheered you on, in the complete darkness.

So I have the biggest faith in you, and I love you very much!

Archangel Faith