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Monday, 26 December 2016

A lantern in 2017?!

So what is up for 2017?
If I give you an astrological
enlightenment for the coming year
this is what I say;

2017 is a very special year!
No matter when you are born in the cycle of the year
you will encounter certain notions.

Depending on how you look upon life, and depending on how you cherish life
it will give you the difference in this coming year!

I will be more specific! Of course!

This year has waited, a long time! This year has planted seeds, a long time ago! Now this coming year, 2017, are ready and waiting for the seeds to awaken and begin to grow and seeing themselves for the first time! Through many years, loving and devoted hands have watered the seeds, caring about them, giving them the proper nutrition every day, and every night! And many births are about to take place! So, this coming beautiful year, of 2017, is a year where magic happens! If you believe!

New energy, new life, new options...if you believe!

Inside of you, inside your core, you are a beautiful blossom, with the most magical colors that no one has ever seen before! You are this seed! This seed is an universal seed, that was consieved many years ago...even eons of times ago! This seed has waited for 2017 to come! So many will find this beautiful seed within and you will wonder, is this magic! And for the first time you can actually see
yourself with new eyes! You will find your purpose, easier, for the path is now enlightened! I can say it is new times, new magical times, if you believe .....!

Have faith dear
remember you are
always loved!

Saturday, 17 December 2016

The legend; To all the brave hearts in this cycle of life!

This cycle of life is very special!
Why is it so very special?
This particular time is a legend!
The legend talks for itself!
The legend says that
what is down will come up,
and what is up will come down...!
This time is a complete turnover!
Some would say it is the end of things...
as they have become very used to certain things.
What has to tumble down, what is that really?
Well, whatever that is not made of LOVE!
Everything that is not built with love
will fall!
And on the opposite
all that is love
will grow and rise and be very tall and beautiful!
So every little seed of grass,
and every straw of grass
will grow and get stronger
for every day!
This is a new era, well spoken about
for eons of times, just as I said, this time is a legend!
And I will also say that
hearts are mending everything,
your love heals everything
just have faith
in yourself
and in your heart
and in your love
and know dear beloved
that you are deeply loved always!

Friday, 9 December 2016


Dear beloveds,

My road, has not always been a walk on roses.
I have walked in many labyrinths.
I have walked in mist and fogg.
I have walked where there are no light.
But, it was a long time ago.
What is it that I try to say?
It all takes TIME...
no one escapes, it is all about
learning, so I say
don´t rush,
that you take
and have FAITH!

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Love and say a prayer for WATER, LOVE LANA!

Yes, LOVE LANA or Lanë, in Albania.

Lana or Lanë, is the main stream that crosses through Tirana, the capital of Albania.
Its source is in the mountains east of Tirana.

Once clean water, it now carries sewage.




Sunday, 9 October 2016

Mary Magdelene

I walk here with you,
you are not alone.
Together we walk the path
of your life, and if you like
I will hold your hand.
Sometimes you worry,
over material things or you
worry over illness or
you have problems with
your loved ones.
I say; no matter
what problems you have;
I am there for you!
Life is a road, that we walk
to learn!
The joyful thing is
when you discover that you never
walk alone!
I am a feminine energy
that is very old,
I am a very old soul.
Just have faith in me
I love you
/ Mary Magdalene

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

White Eagle

Who am I?
I am very old,
I am a very old soul.
I can feel you,
I hover over you!
I am a part of the air, land, water and fire.
I once lived on Earth.
To learn about life.
I have lived many lives on earth,
so I have learned a lot.
I plant seeds, of knowledge, to
all those that want to learn.
If you want to learn,
just let me know!
And I will teach you!
Always in
peace and love!

/White Eagle

White Eagle!

The tribe of all colors are here!
It is within your heart!
There are no separation.
We all have to, eat, drink, sleep.
We all need the
That is what is of importance now.
Not how we look.
Not how we walk.
Not how we live.
We are ONE family
that want peace and love
to unite and embrace
our new path
the path that will
make Earth,
our Mother,
a beautiful place to live!

A channeling with White Eagle.