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Saturday 27 January 2024

Mother Mary The Love Vision!

 I am Mother Mary and I guarantee I love you!

To have a clear vision of love, is essential!

To feel love within your sacred heart is the very foundation to your life on Earth today.

This is not always an easy thing to do.

Because it has to do with all of you!

It is not something you can do once a week while you visit a church, or a monastery or something similar.

It has to do with every breath you take!

Love lives within you!

You are the very vessel of love!

You contain love, but you have to do the connection on your own.

The connection is to the etherical realm and you turn on the switch yourself.

So you just have to love every breath you take!

It is as simple as that!

When you love every breath, something happens!

You bring forth life, from Gods perspective! God works in all of the elements but you notice it most when you pay attention, to the air.

Air fills your lungs. Air and the etheric realm are very close. 

Some say the fish in the ocean do not know about what water is? And why? Is it too close?

It is the same with human beings. Negligence it is!  Don’t you think?

To avoid what is closest? The air, the breathing that keeps you alive?

Well do not worry! 

I love you even more now! 

For once I was there myself! I am no better than you! Everything is a learning process and every step matters don’t you think?

But please! Love your breaths! It is highly important! 

For your sacred heart comes alive when you do so!

Life on Earth is many times a struggle and there are hardships you have to go through so why not take the hand from God, that is reached out to you?

You sense God easier when you talk through your golden heart, your sacred heart.

The connection with God appears when you love and cherish good intentions like loving the air, your breathing.

This is an activation of holy light!

Spirit, is the breathing! The holy spirit is the holy breathing!

And it is free, it does not cost a penny! In fact is is your right, your birthright. Breathing the holy breaths is also actually your obligation towards yourself, and your true faith in the pure highest love.

This is not about big business. This is free information and how you can access the higher realms. True love is free and needs no other guru than yourself.

I love you,

Mother Mary

Ps. Do not forget about this channel I use. She works for free since more than 20 years, and since 10 years on this blog. Please treat her with alimony! If you read this blog and like the messages from the etherical realms please pass it on and fund my channeler with for example ”buy me a coffee”.๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’— Soon my new book will come out on my channels account on Patreon. A new chapter each week. Just so you know! You are blessed! I love you/Mary.

Wednesday 17 January 2024

Archangel Michael All the colors of life!

I am Michael and I serve God.

I protect. I hold. I shield.

And I believe in you!

No matter what you go through in your life, I am closer to you than you can imagine.

You have a soul, and so you also have a soul purpose on Earth. 

One purpose that all souls have in common is to awaken to the realm of Mother Earth.

Even though there are different kinds of souls, that comes from 333 soul-trees, with a multitude of different purposes, no one can escape the fact that Mother Earth is a living being with a soul of her own.

Begin with your grounding! And in this way you will get a better contact!

Walking in nature. Walking barefoot in the summer. Breathing fresh air. Loving each breath that you take.

Because loving each breath means that you love yourself, and it means that you love the element of air, and also ether.

Doing this, makes you understand Earth more. 

There are many ways to earth yourself, find the way that you love.

Mother Earth has waited for eons of time to re-connect with you. 

Having no contact with Mother Earth is like living in a life without all the colors. You only have some, not all colors of life. The connection with her is vital!

Reach out to my channel and you can get more advice and I of course work through her.

I love you,


Mother Mary Flowers of peace!

Dear child of Earth I love you!

I am Mother Mary, but I am not only a mother, I am a sister too and most of all I am someone that knows you well.

There are labyrinths, and there are quizzes and there are a lot of unanswered questions.

There are myths that many search for the answers too. And many find themselves being a researcher.

But no matter of how many unanswered questions you might have, one thing is sure!

Love is sure! Love IS!

Do you rely on love? Do you believe in the power of love?

You have heard the expression - love conquers all?

And this is true, because love will conquer all!

Love will bring peace! Love will dispel all clouds and answer all questions for you!

But! Right now there is something you can do! You can have faith in love!

At this very moment you can have faith in that love will overcome all obstacles.

On a cloudy day all you see is a grey sky, but above the clouds there is always a shining sun and a blue sky!

What you see is not always what is going on, or I can say; you can not see all that is going on, you only see a little part of it all.

Attempts are being made to keep you seeing nothing but grey, dark skies. And make you forget about what is over the clouds.

Those that thrive on negative energies want to keep you in the dark, with feelings of distrust.

It is a battle! Between the good and the bad. 

But, you see, the good has already won!

What you see now is the last part, the tail, of the dark reign. And their last attempt to keep the power is, to show you only dark events, to make you loose your faith in the good, and in the healing power of love.

So your mission my beloved friend is to hold on to your faith in love, and to realize that your deepest core of beautiful hope is something you must defend. 

You have to be your own guardian of your heart!

I and God, and all the archangels defend you already, of course, and this you know! 

Trust your gut feeling, your heart feeling and the signs your body gives you, your body is the temple of your soul and it is highly intelligent.

Attempts are being made to make you feel small or insignificant, the goal is for you to let go of your faith in the good and in love.

Jesus lives within your sacred heart! 

Jesus second coming is already here, right now, within you and your heart! Within your sacred heart you have a blossoming beautiful garden where you can walk and talk with Jesus whenever you want and need to.

What flowers do you love and what colors do they have? 

You can envision them if you like when you meditate or say your prayer! Anyway they live in your sacred heart and you can embrace them as your flowers of peace!

I love you,

Mother Mary

Welcome to my blog! I am Kerstin Eriksson and I am the channel of this message from Mother Mary. Please follow my blog on the button ”Fรถlj” which means Follow. Feel free to Buy me a coffee if you like my blog, all contributions are very welcome, as I work for free. Have a wonderful day/Kerstin

Tuesday 16 January 2024

The Cetaceans One goal!

We are the Cetaceans! We live in the oceans. 

We know you! We can feel you!

Even though you live on the land, you still need to drink water.

Water connects us! The water you drink is the same water as we swim in, live in.

Water moves. Water rises as clouds, mist and moves away to the high mountains and falls down as rain, and turn into a river that moves towards the sea, over and over again.

I am Kaskelot and I leave footprints!

Yes I really do!

My movements in water makes the water thrive! The water comes to life!

Water needs movement or it will die. But it needs the natural movements, not from oil-drilling, or other engines of other kinds.

One of the smaller beings in the ocean, like the Krill, makes another kind of movement, but is just as important.

Every being makes their own movements and leaves their particular unique footprints, and the water is being massaged into health and joy.

You too, leave your own unique footprints! And yes you actually have feet, so, then you must know how important you are?

But the saddest thing about human beings is that you actually don’t know how important you are!

You have no clue!

Mother Earth knows you, loves you, and feels your emotions. She knows about every step you take.

But most important she feels your footprints as totally unique for you.

Mother Earth is a great soul, and the greatest of creators. And she connects with your soul and your soul have an aura-image, that is reflected in the soles of your feet. 

No one can replace you! You are your own!

Water needs us, we move in water, we make water stay alive with our movements.

The land needs you, the land needs your feet and you walk upon it. 

Every animal on the land, has different kinds of feet, small, big, few feet, many feet...and they all are so important. They give the ground the exact kind of massage or acupressure that the ground needs to feel good, to live.

Mother Earth has pressure points! Just like you have! 

There are no coincidence! All our movements are important and we are where we are to make Earth thrive.

Have faith in yourself always,

we love you


Wednesday 3 January 2024

Noah; My ark.

I love you, I am Noah, and I am very old.

Things need to be told!

You might have heard many stories about me?

About the boat, the animals and so on?

Some of it is actually true!

But it had to do with something specific, about what becomes the very bottom line, when you really have to make an important choise in your life.

Lets say; When you only have 10 minutes to pack your bag, what will you bring with you?

And you start thinking of items, clothes, money? 

But I think the most important thing is; who do you bring with you?

To reach higher grounds when the rain falls for weeks is of great importance!

The ice melted! That made the water rise, taking away the ground. And then the rain. Making it hard to plant seeds, to harvest later on.

So nothing or close to nothing to eat, you have to make an important decision, to find new safe ground to live on. A new habitat for your beloved family and friends.

The wind helped us. We got wind in our sailes. But it was not an easy journey.

Some did not make it, but most did. And we had more than 10 minutes to make the decisions.

We had meetings about the journey. We planned. We built the boat. And the closer to the day of departure, we stood united. 

Bringing only the important items, and food, water to drink, and of course our dear families. And our animals too.

We knew the boat couldn´t take to much weight.

We had to go ashore with many things and leave them to make the boat lighter.

The whole adventure was leaving the known to set sails for the unknown?

Well it actually was what I and my wife did and all the other families too.

And the most important thing that we actually packed with us was?

Our faith!

We had so much faith, that it created a miracle!

We did find new ground to live on! Where it did not rain and rain.

I am not saying it was all just easy, oh no.

But God guided us, always!

So why, how come faith is so very important?

What do you think?

In your modern language you would say; "-you are plugged in"?

Even though faith is wireless, you still understand me?

Having faith and hope too, means that you have left the door open to God and all good opportunities there are and even more!

So the most important thing to pack or to bring with you apart from your family, is your faith you carry in your heart. 

Your faith is so strong for your heart need not see to believe. 

Your heart is blindfolded and have full faith in mercy and that good things happen to those that set out into the unknown and still mean well.

To trust the guidance of God makes all the difference.

We created a new life, we created a new world and new generations saw the rising sun in the horizon.

We have deep faith in humanity, that is our descendants, just never forget your own faith because it will lift you up like invisible wings when you least expect it. 

Ask me anytime if you have any trouble in finding your own faith, I will guide you together with Faith and God, because they are my best friends!

I love you,


Sunday 24 December 2023

Soul of Olympos; You carry an invisible torch of hope!

I am very old. I am a part of Earth, and I call her Mother.

Fire gives warmth to a cold room. The hearth is so important!

The sun in winter gives little warmth so keeping the fire burning is vital! 

It is all about survival! 

To carry the torch is an important job!

You actually carry this torch of life and peace, in your hand, but you might not know anything about it?

To never let the fire die, is so very vital, to all life, all living beings!

To never let the fire die, has all to do with hope!

So in your hands you carry hope! And how does it work?

Even if you don´t hold an actual torch, or a candle that is lit, you hold hope in an invisible torch.

And you look at your hands and you can not see anything?

But you can feel it! Your higher self will activate your hope and healing ability in your hands and fingertips!

Then you can say a prayer by putting your palms as well as your fingers and fingertips together. This is how you actually make your prayer so much more focused and stronger.

Your prayer goes from your heart, to your hands as they now build a full circle with your arms. You can have your sules of your feet on the ground or floor. This connects you even more.

Send your prayer from your heart to God and the Angels and they will distribute the power of your prayer to whoever you addressed the prayer to.

With Faith, Hope and Love you will feel total trust in God and his ways to distribute energy of your prayer in exactly the right time!

I am a soul that lives on a big mountain and I a m the spirit of the mountain! You can not see me, but you can feel me!

If you walk on my mountain you can communicate with me. And if you walk with respect I will gladly guide you where you can walk more easily. It is a matter of respect and a heartfelt will to communicate with Mother. 

You should know and be aware of that all that you consider as "the nature" is spirited and has a soul! 

Every little footstep counts! The spirited ground, stones, soil, sand, mud, mountains...feel you! 

When you walk your steps with your activated hope, we know you even more and we understand you, we feel you and your entire walk in your life.

We love Earth for she is our Mother, she provides for us and we also love the sun as it is our torch! 

You will feel connected to your true soul essence when you let your heart guide you and as you become one with us, the nature, the natural way of living on Earth.

When you share your hope, like you share the fire with the help of a torch, it is a sacred gesture to aid those that have no hope and have no warmth, by giving, you will receive!

We follow your footsteps, we feel them and we look forward to meeting you!


Mother Mary I love you!

I am Mother Mary and I love you very much!

I am where you are! I am exactly where you are!

And how is this even possible?

You find me within your heart, your precious heart!

Our hearts are joined!

So you find me when you shop for milk in the grocery store,

or when you walk in the forrest or if you are fighting for your life!

I will never leave you! I promise you!

You don´t have to roll out a red carpet for me, or feel that you have to be a saint to feel our connection, no, I am not judging you in any way.

And there is a way to more easily feel our connection and that is through gratitude!

And even if you for the moment have other feelings I am still with you!

Gratitude is a power of its own! Gratitude is a sanctuary of its own!

Gratitude is a an essential ingredient in the fifth dimension!

If you want to really feel and connect with the fifth dimension, gratitude is of highest importance!

Gratitude lack ego. Gratitude lack greed.

Gratitude is a way of actually living for ever, as there really are no death.

No matter what you feel, I am with you, and I hold you in my arms, I carry you when you are really sad and afraid.

I am waiting for you! And I can wait forever. I am in no rush!

Take your time! When you find gratitude, you will notice me and this moment will be a holy moment that will be grately celebrated!

Always loving you,

Mother Mary