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Friday 20 September 2024

Archangel Azrael Cherish each step!

I am Azrael. I am an old angel that works with exits from one existance and into another.

Some say I am an angel of death.

And this is correct.


I don´t see death as you do.

For me it is a transition.

There are entrys and exits!

Life is forever, just in different shapes and in different dimensions.

Your forever home is heaven, and everyone comes there eventually.

Some refuse to go to heaven, out of fear, or are hesitant for other reasons, it is okay, as a spirit you are taken care of anyway.

Angels - we always work in teams - we do different parts and we serve God.

When you have done a transition an angel awaits you, to take you to heaven emmediately.

Hades is the chief of the Middle World, where those come to, that do not believe in heaven or do not accept it, so angels wait instead.

Everything has to do with having FAITH in love, and in God in heaven, the eternal home.

It is ok to live as a spirit in the Middle World, God in heaven awaits each and every one, and know that eventually everyone comes home.

Do you know what I think is the most important thing in life?

For me Azrael most important is to cherish each moment and each step.

I love you,


Monday 2 September 2024

Gudinnan Svea talar ut!

Svea heter jag och jag är lika gammal som er jord.

Jag är en feminin kraft, ni skulle kunna säga gudinna.

Jag är själva jorden, och varje bäck, och även varje kotte, varje löv, varje grässtrå.

Jag är väktaren, den som håller reda på varje droppe vatten, var varje kotte ligger, vart varje löv faller och var varje grässtrå växer.

Inget är en slump för mig, men kanske för dig?

För dig kan det verka vara ett virrvarr av olika växtligheter och vissa delar av det kanske inte är så vidare intressant för dig?

Jag arbetar via alla elementen och det finns flera än du vet.

Fast jorden är där du har dina fötter och det är där dina drömmar tar fart.

För mig finns inga gränser, ni som är på väg att växa upp, ni delar in i olika fack, det hör ungdomen till.

Jag är mycket gammal och jag har för länge sedan släppt på gränserna för jag vet att kärlekens energi håller samman det som är evigt, det gäller bara att ha tålamod.

Tiden är ett viktigt element. Tiden är invävt i varje levande cell och alla har sin egen tid.

Din tid är nu! Älska den! Se tiden som din bästa vän!

Allt är cykler, cirklar, ringar och du är evig. Din själ är evig och du tar aldrig slut, för du har ingen början.

Fast här och nu, med dina kära fötter i myllan på jorden, så kan du välja att skapa med din kärlek och ditt underbara ljus som är unikt för dig.

Du har gått genom eld och vatten, och du har gått genom ogenomträngligt mörker och känt oändligt motstånd och smärta, du är ett väldigt stort mirakel och jag tror på dig.

Vad brinner du för? Vad är viktigt för dig? 

Jag behöver all hjälp och stöd jag kan få, för jorden lider, jorden blir trött. Likaså blir ni människor blir trötta och ni lider, för att Ni inte förstår Modern.

Vad sker med Er mamma! Ni söndrar henne, och samtidigt söndrar ni er själva.

Om ni kastar skräp på marken, så kastar ni det på er själva.

Precis allt är en spegling. Det ni gör mot jorden, det gör ni mot er själva.

Vi behöver varandra, och jag älskar Er, jag vet hur ni lider, jag väntar på att Ni skall älska varje fotsteg ni tar och att ni känner er Moders kärlek. 

Er Moder älskar sannerligen Er alla och önskar ge er all den lindring ni behöver och när ni känner den kärleken så kommer ni förundras över hur ni blir upplyfta av den mest godhjärtade kärleken ni någonsin har känt.

Så, om du ser ett löv, ett grässtrå, eller en kotte, vet att jag är där med dig och jag älskar dig!


Wednesday 28 August 2024

Archangel Michael Faith is the key!

I am Michael and I say, nothing is more important than your faith.

What do you dream about?

What do you have faith in?

An ocean of opportunities awaits you, as you get a grip of your key, your most important key: FAITH.

Dream! Fantasize! Let your hope reach out really far, and imagine all of your best dreams.

Use your heart, and your etherical heart, as it is your angels heart, and your angel will help you build a wonderful world within you, together with you, it is a holy cooperation!

Having faith means that you do use your imagination, to dream of a better more loving and caring world. 

Having Faith is the key, to this enormous ocean of more than possibilities, I say it is a way to your miracles!

If you have Faith, you are "plugged-in". If your coffee machine is not plugged in, it wont work.

If your are not plugged into your Faith, your dreams, and visions for a wonderful and loving future, is limping.

But, I Michael use my Faith to even greater miracles for I help those that have lost their faith, and I sometimes give them a miracle, as their own connection is broken.

Miracles can happen without Faith...but if you take good care of your own Faith, let all of your hearts joy come out, and use your creative side of your hearts, and do good by sowing invisible seeds of miraculous creativity.

Your imagination is free. Use it! The good will in your etherical heart awaits you to begin this important part of your souls journey on Earth, being the creator that you are.

Everything is energy. A chair is energy. Air is energy. Feelings are energy. Thoughts are energy.

You are what you create! You are your thoughts!

Creating good vibrations, starts with a good thought and feeling from both of your hearts. 

Make this a regular moment of joy, every day if it was up to God. 

This brings forth your heartfelt joy, for you will notice this is making your heart warm with love, and you will feel the elevation into higher dimension, as it is fueled, by faith, hope and love, as well as gratitude.

I love you,


Thursday 8 August 2024

Archangel Michael Great progress!

My dear friends of Earth, you are lightworkers and part of my team and as I speak things are moving forward in the right direction. And what is the right direction?

From my point of view it is towards a peaceful and caring world for you to live in.

Faith hope and love are major ingredients in the world we want to help you build!

And two other very crusial and extremely important ingredients are thankfullness and compassion, holy rays from the etherical heart.

So you are on the way, into the right direction, and in your heart you know it and feel it too.

It is a bumpy ride! Yes it is! It does not come easy! But you need to keep your faith in your inner room in your heart.

You must stand guard and fight to keep your faith in a good world to live in, it is a war between the good and the bad.

You can now see the result of the bad divisions, they can no longer hide their agendas, it is out in the open for you to see and foremost feel, that this is not the way of the good league.

It is a choice! It is all about your free will! 

A good place to live in, a loving, caring world to live in comes from not participating in a bad one. Say no! Walk away! Walk in your own loving direction!

And if you can not walk away, say prayers for I hear you always, and I will be at your assistance.

Inside of you, you have a wonderful blossoming garden with the most increadible flowers of love, of hope and of faith, never forget about this sacred place, for I can meet you there!

Please tune into this sacred garden whenever you need positive energy and a lift in your daily life. It can actually make you invisible to others that are in lower dimensions.

Some say mind set, I say heart set, this too is a free choice, to wander in your own sacred garden each day and create an expanding place of love, of hope and of faith!

You are making great progress as the hard working light and love worker you are!

Just don´t forget to take a breake, every now and then visiting your inner beautiful sanctuary within your holy heart, I need to remind you that you need this nurturing from within where we the angels reach you and meet you to give you all the healing you need.

Love each breath, think and feel the ten things (at least) in your life that you are greatful about, this is how you access me, and this is how you expand your inner sanctuary.

I love you


Friday 26 July 2024

Mother Mary The Language of Light.

When you know the holy teachings, the knowledge about love, then you find your own light.

The holy teachings is about eternal wisdom!

It is about the knowing.

It is about the true knowing, of life, and about love.

When you understand it, you actually glow, in a beautiful light.

The knowledge itself is love.

That is how you connect with love, finding it, inside of you, having faith in love.

This is how you turn on you own light. And others might be able to see it, for it is actually visible to the human eyes.

Light is knowledge, the information that is good to have when you live on Earth.

And you already glow in your own unique light, yes of cource, you are well on your way!

A handbook is being written right now in this subject, soon ready!

I love you

Mother Mary

Monday 15 July 2024

Mother Mary Classes begins soon!

I am glad to announce that my teachings, classes, will soon begin for who ever is interested!

I will work through this medium!
And what are the teachings about?

Well let me say dear beloved, the Path to Love, how does that sound to you?

This medium have already started writing for me, a book, in fact, and it is the start of it all!

There are keys! Important keys to your path to love, and I will guide you, to find yours!

And even though you are love, and you breath love, you might need some help anyway and I am here to always guide you!

The teachings will be mostly free, and you will be able to buy a pdf, if you will, directly from this medium. You can choose language! Swedish, English, German, Spanish, French!

Please let this medium know if you are interested! 

I love you,
Mother Mary

Wednesday 10 July 2024

Archangel Michael Keeping Faith safe in your heart!

I am Michael and I love you!

You live on Earth a place where it is not easy to live most of the time.

I am with you anyway, no matter what you do, or how you life looks like.

Sometimes you think I am only with those that are happy?

It is an illusion that some people would be happy all the time!

True happiness comes from gratitude! Not money or items, materia!

A good friend is worth more than all the gold in the world!

What do you prefer in your life? A friend or gold?

This is a very important question for most people to ask themselves!

What can you really own? When you leave this bring nothing with you, exept for one thing...yes the answer is LOVE!

So. Rising up, first ascending and then? Coming back down to live on Earth with the insight of mercy and gratitude!

Some of you think, eventhough you are old souls, that ascension would be about getting out of here? Climbing up some stairs? Reaching nirvana and don´t look back over you shoulder, to escape all the trouble on Earth? Leaving others, that did not wake up?

I must say, it is just an illusion of ego!

And as ego tend to do, it works like an echo! It comes back to you, over and over again!

By now, you, my dear friend, you are capable, very well instructed after eons of time of preparation for this work on Earth, you know items and gold, money, does not make you happy.

It is just an old safety! But you also sit in its grip! I say it will losen up its grip, slowly and you will be more free!

It is actually a battle of the souls! You can still live in this society, where the money rules, but you have your inner knowing, that no one owns you, for you are perfectly free.

In this state of mind, body and soul, you seem to attract those that are stuck in items, owning things, as they are still stuck in their egos, but they are attracted to you, for their souls know that it is the end of a chapter.

The new true chapter of Earth is living with gratitude! Meaning having exactly what you need, and then sharing when you have to much.

No one can own Mother Earth! She is her own!

Still old habits, ego, to own, grows on Earth, and wars are started on many places on Earth. 

The very knowing you have, is being shared all around, you need not even open your mouth and speak up about it! For it is within you, and your aura.

Mother Earth is about motherhood and keeping a homestead, and women are the carriers, little grails of her, Earth.

The female and male energies are still imbalanced and there too is an old war still going on. 

The female energy is still too low. 

Bevare of the evil crusaide against women, motherhood and the feminine energy!

Turn away from whoever makes a profit on or enjoys hurting women or children in anyway. Always report to police if you notice or suspect anything bad going on.

Start where you live, where your feet are, where you walk! Look around you! 

And most of all never forget why you came here, to this planet!

You are a lightworker, a beacon, a channel of the new beautiful peaceful era and you are slowly walking and spreading a wondrous light all around you.

Your collaboration with the angelic sphere and your soul is the light itself, it is there all the time when you walk in the dark of Earth. 

Your job is to be anchored, grounded, keeping your beloved Faith safe and closest to your heart. And I Michael will always help you keep your Faith!

I love you,
