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Wednesday, 26 March 2025

Archangel Uriel Head, heart, feet and the important navel!

My dear friend I am Uriel and I will tell you something today, that you might not have thought about before?

Your body is the abode of your soul, and all of your body is so very important from head to toe!

Your body is a micro cosmos! Every part however how small it may seem is a part of this cosmos!

Your micro cosmos know very much and tells you about all different things as how you feel, and how different parts of your micro cosmos are adjusting to the major cosmos that Earth is a part of.

Firstly the gut feeling is Alpha and Omega!

Many of you have problems with this, your gut feeling and so I will speak about your navel, wich is your center!

Your navel is the hub in your micro cosmos!

And this is what you can do:

Use ecological oil, as coconut or oliveoil, something you can eat!

Warm up a tablespoon to body temperature and massage your tummy slowly with very light hands, clockwise. Even let some drops of oil into your navel and gently massage there too.

Observe what you feel! Do the massage clockwise and slowly with gentle hands. This is YOU and YOU are so important! And your navel and tummy are vital to you and your micro cosmos as you are!

Use a clean older towel and cover your tummy after the massage and rest and take a moment to meditate and feel the new messages you are given from your navel and its area.

It is important to not be disturbed by mobilephones ringing or sending you messages, or any other disturbances at this is vital moment for you. Turn off all devices. You need to make room for you! Give yourself healing space! 

I will return and speak about head, heart and feet as well, but I needed to addess the importance of your dear navel!

Made with love and wool!

These are my handmade woolen gloves! 😉

They are for sale! 20 euros per pair. Postal cost will be added!

The sizes are from small, to medium! 

For my illness the past 8 weeks God reached out to me, giving me 21 days of healing remedy and now I feel better and much more connected with God!! And I am so grateful!

If you are interested in knowing more you find this on my Patreon account.

God gave me a remedy: 21 days of healing! | Patreon

Archangel Michael and Faith Soulwork | Universal Healing and Guidance | Patreon

I raised three children on my own, and they are grown up now, and I have three grandkids! I am soo grateful!!

Have a beautiful day!

Love//Kerstin E 

It is an old technique!

Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Archangel Uriel New inner vision!

 My dear friend, I am Uriel.

Today I will address something called mirroring.

What you see on the outside of yourself, when you observe with your fysical eyes, is not usually a mirror of what you are on the inside.

The inside of you, there you find your heart, your higher etherical heart and your soul. 

Inside of you, you can find that you have a beautiful garden, with flowers, trees, waterfalls and green meadows in a rolling landscape.

If you can´t find this, then you have to work on it my dear friend!

For all your hard work, and all your lessons in life make you feel sometimes that you do not wish to see anymore, youfeel that you  could just as well have your eyes closed for a little while.

There is always a garden awaiting you in your higher etherical heart! Even if you can not find it at first!

For every lesson you have ever learned in your life time, there is a flower planted. 

Everytime you have cried and shed tears, every little tear have made its entrance in your sacred soulgarden, and each tear is now a little leaf with a glittering dewdrop in it.

For every footprint you have made on the ground in your life here on Earth, there is something developed in your sacred garden of your soul. Can you guess what?

Seeds! New seeds! For every lesson you have mastered, and for every thread you have pulled through the eye of the needle and out on the other side, you create something marvellous in your magical garden of soul!

The seeds are new plants! No one has ever seen them before! They are new creations! And it is a marvel to walk around in your garden and to look at them! 

So please get aquainted with your inner life, your garden and learn about it, explor it, for it is a wonder to behold!

Your inner place, is a place where you find tranquility, harmony, and love, faith, and hope! In your inner garden you always find goodness and gratitude and you heal when you are in your inner garden.

So please work on this! And I will meet you there!

The mirroring is working not as you might have thougth?

When you look on the outside of you, and you find troubles, and disturbing events? So remember your sacred garden within!

Do not grab what is outside and think that you have the same on your inside! Refuse!

Wish for the opposite! If you could create this lovely garden on your outside instead!

So mirroring, could actually work both ways - but now - with the knowledge, refuse to take in negative agendas, because it is there to scare you, and separate you, from the truth, the inner truth that your soul provides for you with heartfelt joy and compassion and love.

So I can only give the advice for you to meditate each day and go inside and relax and rejuvenate in the true way, that your soul provides for you!

Inside your beloved garden you find your new inner vision, of peace and love for the beautiful future, but more important for here and now!

I love you,


Monday, 24 March 2025

Archangel Uriel New time!

I am Uriel and I serve God and I work much on Earth.

I know what you have to deal with on a daily basis.

There are energy shifts and you might feel tired, dizziness, and a feeling that your inner compass does not show you the right way anymore?

Well this is the beginning of the new time!

You might feel and think "what is up and what is down?"

And foremost you might feel in your heart "where are my beloved angelguides?"

Well we are here, I am here!

You just need to get your bearings right first!

The thing is you might have gotten it all wrong from the start?

Spiritual path, and spiritual awakening has been something you have thought of as walking up a flight of stairs?

Nothing could be more wrong, I am sorry to say to you dear beautiful friend.

The very thought of that you must walk up, climb, manage every step upwards, and even eventually get up higher than anyone else, and you will look down on other people? For you sit up on a hill or a high mountain? Think about it for a while! What does this belief lead you to?

Maybe this comes from an old way of belief, of climbing a ladder up to heaven?

Well it is ok! Many of you think in this way. Many of you still do this! And I don´t blame you! It is about hierarchy! It is almost about competition? Maybe even the growth of ego? For when you reach the top, what happens then?

Well you might feel very lonely? Who other is there with you? Yes of course, God is there, Jesus is there and other loving souls!

But they are with you for they have compassion and fullhearted love for you! They follow you wherever you are! And it still means that you - yourself - have to ask yourself - is this the right way for you to perceive your spiritual growth?

Well now I will begin to explain how the real spiritual growth really works!

The picture you have in your mind of you climbing up a flight of stairs, you can put aside from now on.

Now please picture this instead:

You float! You fly! You hover! In an orb! Yes you live inside a big orb, the actual circle or orb of life!

And right now you float around in this grand orb, or bubble or what you might want to call it! And the thing is, you might feel the need to feel the edge or wall of the orb, but you are free floating and can not reach the wall of it.

You feel the angels do not hold your hands anymore? You feel like you are tumbeling around, alone?

Well this comes from your orb-ride! All in life is CIRCULAR! 

Remember the flower of life, the circles interwoven!

We, all of us, have one circle, and we connect with other circles! And we create beautiful flowers of LIFE!

But it is not only circles, it is orbs, balls, just so you understand the circles are filled and not flat. Or like an orange! 

You must know how beautiful your orb is! It is so unique for you! With your colors, your patterns and your light! 

And right now you are free floating inside your orb, and you tumble around in there, but you will learn, and you will find ways of flying and being able to find the wall inside your orb so you feel more orientated. 

And we wait for you to embrace this new, this new time!

This is the time to understand the circle fully! The circle is complete when you have understood this lesson, in your growth as a soul!

See your orb as a pod to grow in! Love your orb! And most of all do not be afraid for there is nothing to be afraid of.

But I do not deny that it is a new way of living and how you perceive yourself, now in the very midst of life, your inside your circle of life.

You see, the loneliness, as I mentioned, is the thing you find on the top of the mountain, after a long time of struggle, and different hardships, and I must say; no more!

No more! Now, from now on there is togetherness! We all connect and create the circles of life, creating the most beautiful flowers! 

You just have to rearrange your very belief, your vision, on what your spiritual path, and spiritual growth is all about! 

And I say you are welcome, into the heart of life! 

I love you very much,


(I am Kerstin Eriksson and I am a clairvoyant medium and I have written on my blog for more than 10 years! If you appreciate my etherical letters from angels and other loving old souls,, and want to support my creative work, you are very welcome to please support me on buy me a coffee! You can follow and read even more on Patreon:

Archangel Michael and Faith Soulwork | Universal Healing and Guidance | Patreon


Kerstin Eriksson

Sunday, 23 March 2025

Archangel Uriel Your Faith

I am Uriel and today I need to address something important!

You carry the cup of Faith!

You have it, you hold Faith!

Symbolically is when you hold your hands together forming a little pot and you can hold water for a while. Then eventually it will flow out and drip down.

So in order to be able to hold Faith you have to continously pour new water into your hands, it is an ongoing process!

This is only a symbolic picture of how you have to work with your own Faith!

When you have Faith you are moist, and when you have less or totally lost Faith you are dry. This is a pendulum movement throughout life, because it is impossible to hold Faith as in a constant!

And why is this impossible? Well, in order to get an even stronger Faith, you have to loose Faith. Then you rebuild Faith! And Faith then becomes something even greater!

What you don´t really know and understand is that Faith never leaves you! Anyway! Well it might seem so, but in fact she is always very near you!

You can feel at certain moments in life that you have lost your Faith and you actually feel very lost. And yet she is there, right by your side, she is waiting for you to open your heart, to let go of your fears, to let go of your worries and understand that love is forever.

Faith works with Love. And Faith works with Hope! Those three energies always works together. They are ONE. But. Yet they are a little different. 

Faith has patience! Faith awaits you! And if you need it, she will help you! She helps you, if you can´t help yourself! 

Faith is there always, being ready to aid you, to inform you of the holy trinity between Faith, Hope and Love. 

Faith makes you feel there is something more, that there is a beautiful horizon waiting for you, she is like a healing balm on your wounds. She helps you breathe love! She is a lifegiver!

Faith is the ignition to your lifespark! Faith is the birthplace of your beautiful dreams and imagination to create a wonderful life here and now and into the future! With Faith you find a mild caressing wind that gently and kindly guides you in your life.

But you have to make up your mind to work a little bit more on your Faith, for you hold her in your hands and in your heart!

And anyway, no matter where you are in your life right now, she is there right by your side, loving you, and caring for you.

Welcome Faith by cherishing every little drop of water in your hands, for in every little drop there is Faith.

Show her that you love her dearly! Then you will notice her much more in your life, as well as Hope and Love too of course!

I love you, 


Saturday, 22 March 2025

Archangel Uriel Meaningful love!

My dear beloved friend how are you?

I love you dearly and I know what you go through in your life.

I can see you walk in different landscapes, as they are the scenarios that you live in.

As you live your life, and you meet different feelings, you see all kinds of colors, patterns and rythms, what does it all come down to?

What do I mean? 

Through it all, through your life, you pull your beautiful thread of life!

Right now you have woven many quilts and they are all so beautiful, but you don´t even know about them?

I can see them! And they amaze me! Every little stitch is important, just as every step that you take is crusial!

Right now in this moment you hold this sacred thread of life in your hands and in your heart and you can make it glow, even more, in the most beautiful colors!

And what am I talking about?

Right here, and right now? Yes!

Right now and where you are, LOVE YOURSELF!

This, loving yourself, makes all the difference!

Love every step that you have taken in your life. Love every step: and not only the happy ones, or the successful ones, but all of them.

When you are miserable or afraid or worried, God carries you, Jesus carries you as well. 

Well, all those that work for the good and love energies, they carry you!

No matter if you are sad or happy, you make beautiful footprints in the landscape of life. Because it is you! You are unique!

Inhale love and breath out love, it is you! Love is you!

Sometimes you just forget about it! 

I have carried you in your troubled times, but you did not know it. 

As a human being on Earth you tend to forget about love, and that you are love.

So take this precious moment in time to sweap away the grey clouds that hinder your senses, and let the sunshine into your life, and so that you can recapture the most profound insight that you are made of love and this is how you liberate yourself and your sacred heart.

I love you,


Monday, 3 March 2025

Vittra Lär dig andas kärlekens andetag!

Vi är ett folk som bor på jorden, bredvid er, men vi har tillgång till högre energier då vi har lärt oss att lyssna på Moder Jord.

De högre energierna gör att vi lever i ett utvidgat jordeplan, och vi kan man säga, lever några våningar upp från där ni bor, om jag skall förklara det som om vi lever tillsammans i ett höghus.

Kärlek öppnar upp! Rädslor stänger ned!

Vi slutade vara rädda för länge sedan! Men vi var rädda länge, innan dess.

Att vara rädd är vanligt när man inte förstår! Att förstå vadå? Vad är då viktigt att förstå?

Nummer ett som ni människor är rädda för är döden.

Ni har i modernare tider börjat tro att döden är slutet.

I mycket gamla tider, mycket långt tillbaka, då visste ni att döden inte var slutet. Då visste ni att de som dött levde bakom en tunn slöja och ni kunde kommunicera med dem när ni önskade. 

Men sedan hände något. En stor katastrof skedde och ni blev rädda. Sedan släppte inte rädslan taget om er.

Kärlekens energi kommer igenom rädslorna till slut, men rädslorna bjuder stort motstånd mot tryggheten i kärlekens energi.

Sedan är ni rädda för andra saker också! Men nummer ett är döden.

Och det handlar till största delen om att ni har glömt vilka ni är!

När ni minns vilka ni är så faller rädslan direkt och ni öppnar er återigen för glädjens energi, kärlekens kraft.

Låt varje andetag bli fyllt av kärlek och glädje, samt tacksamhet!

Andas in det eteriska elementet, luften, in i era lungor och känn doften av din älskade blomma, minns doften av din mormors förkläde som doftade av nybakat bröd och varm choklad.

Minns! Minns allt det underbara, goda, du har doftat på i ditt liv!

Andas in och minns när du höll i hundvalpen eller kattungen! Eller när du gick över en blommande äng för länge sedan. Minns dina finaste minnen, gå fram och lukta på jasminen som blommade en sommar för länge sedan. Älska doften och minnet.

Genom dessa övningar så älskar du luften och du kallar på den heliga anden.

Den heliga anden gör dig hel! Den heliga andningen, de helande andetagen läker dig, och ger dig en helhet, kärleken är det enda som ger en helhet!

Gör denna övning varje dag! Och rädslorna skingras, när du bjuder in kärleken i ditt hjärta! 

När du välkomnar kärlekens energi in via din andning, så lyfter du upp dig själv, till där vi är! Vi lever i kärlekens fria rymd, och den är oändlig!

Du kan när som helst andas kärlekens andetag och vi ses snart och vi ser framemot att du lär dig att behärska detta verktyg som du har i din verktygslåda. Du har flera verktyg, så klart! Men detta är det viktigaste verktyget som är absolut A och O för att kunna leva på jorden, och må bra i dagens läge.

Ledarskapen i dag som härskar på jorden gör det genom att sprida rädslor vilket är ett mäktigt redskap att skapa söndring med.

Ledarna i dag skapar än så länge inte en kärleksfull gemenskap och det har du också märkt! Men du ligger långt före dem, de lever i en gammal tid som håller på att falla samman, sakta men säkert.

Men du håller i framtiden i ljusets fackla och du skall själv lära dig att kunna andas kärlekens andetag flera gånger varje dag för att hålla ljuset brinnandes, för din egen skull, men också för andras skull.

Ni som inser värdet av det här, Ni är de nya ledarna på vår jord.

De nya ledarna, sitter inte på pelare, eller piedistaler, högre upp än någon annan, nej alla nya ledare på jorden sitter i en ring, tillsammans! De nya ledarna av vår jord, sitter aldrig över någon annan, ej heller lägre än någon annan!

Ego finns ej bland de nya ledarna! Men ni måste börja med att kunna hålla kärleksenergin i er andning, för den är helig!

Låt kärleken fylla er, lyfta er, hela er och tillsammans så kan jorden blomstra med hjälp av det naturliga sättet att leva på jorden i fred och frihet tillsammans!

Vi känner er, och vi vet hur ni kämpar och vi är så stolta över er! 

Vi älskar er och hoppas och väntar på er att vi skall ses mycket oftare!
