I am Uriel and I serve God and I work much on Earth.
I know what you have to deal with on a daily basis.
There are energy shifts and you might feel tired, dizziness, and a feeling that your inner compass does not show you the right way anymore?
Well this is the beginning of the new time!
You might feel and think "what is up and what is down?"
And foremost you might feel in your heart "where are my beloved angelguides?"
Well we are here, I am here!
You just need to get your bearings right first!
The thing is you might have gotten it all wrong from the start?
Spiritual path, and spiritual awakening has been something you have thought of as walking up a flight of stairs?
Nothing could be more wrong, I am sorry to say to you dear beautiful friend.
The very thought of that you must walk up, climb, manage every step upwards, and even eventually get up higher than anyone else, and you will look down on other people? For you sit up on a hill or a high mountain? Think about it for a while! What does this belief lead you to?
Maybe this comes from an old way of belief, of climbing a ladder up to heaven?
Well it is ok! Many of you think in this way. Many of you still do this! And I don´t blame you! It is about hierarchy! It is almost about competition? Maybe even the growth of ego? For when you reach the top, what happens then?
Well you might feel very lonely? Who other is there with you? Yes of course, God is there, Jesus is there and other loving souls!
But they are with you for they have compassion and fullhearted love for you! They follow you wherever you are! And it still means that you - yourself - have to ask yourself - is this the right way for you to perceive your spiritual growth?
Well now I will begin to explain how the real spiritual growth really works!
The picture you have in your mind of you climbing up a flight of stairs, you can put aside from now on.
Now please picture this instead:
You float! You fly! You hover! In an orb! Yes you live inside a big orb, the actual circle or orb of life!
And right now you float around in this grand orb, or bubble or what you might want to call it! And the thing is, you might feel the need to feel the edge or wall of the orb, but you are free floating and can not reach the wall of it.
You feel the angels do not hold your hands anymore? You feel like you are tumbeling around, alone?
Well this comes from your orb-ride! All in life is CIRCULAR!
Remember the flower of life, the circles interwoven!
We, all of us, have one circle, and we connect with other circles! And we create beautiful flowers of LIFE!
But it is not only circles, it is orbs, balls, just so you understand the circles are filled and not flat. Or like an orange!
You must know how beautiful your orb is! It is so unique for you! With your colors, your patterns and your light!
And right now you are free floating inside your orb, and you tumble around in there, but you will learn, and you will find ways of flying and being able to find the wall inside your orb so you feel more orientated.
And we wait for you to embrace this new, this new time!
This is the time to understand the circle fully! The circle is complete when you have understood this lesson, in your growth as a soul!
See your orb as a pod to grow in! Love your orb! And most of all do not be afraid for there is nothing to be afraid of.
But I do not deny that it is a new way of living and how you perceive yourself, now in the very midst of life, your inside your circle of life.
You see, the loneliness, as I mentioned, is the thing you find on the top of the mountain, after a long time of struggle, and different hardships, and I must say; no more!
No more! Now, from now on there is togetherness! We all connect and create the circles of life, creating the most beautiful flowers!
You just have to rearrange your very belief, your vision, on what your spiritual path, and spiritual growth is all about!
And I say you are welcome, into the heart of life!
I love you very much,
(I am Kerstin Eriksson and I am a clairvoyant medium and I have written on my blog for more than 10 years! If you appreciate my etherical letters from angels and other loving old souls,, and want to support my creative work, you are very welcome to please support me on buy me a coffee! You can follow and read even more on Patreon:
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Kerstin Eriksson