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Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Archangel Michael; The new ascension codes!

I am Archangel Michael
and I will speak about the new codes that now is
coming in on Earth!
The new codes comes in,  to every living being on your planet.
Even every seed will get it!
It will be incorporated with your DNA, as soon as your DNA is ready to receive.
So, you already have it!
It is about being ready, to be able to hold it!
It is a process that is taking one step at the time.
It is a loving process.
It is waiting for your own readiness.
You might be accustomed to quick fixes,
and this is the opposite!
I say this because it is a process
that no guru, healer, or shaman
can make go faster on anyone.
It is not about money.
Those that can spend money don’t have
the advantage over anyone.
You have to have faith in yourself now.
Don´t rush away to go on a healing session
that cost a lot of money, if you don’t necessary
want to do it of course!
Please do whatever you like, it is your own choice.
I am just saying
you don’t have to run
to get it.
And you should treat yourself
with great care and give yourself love.
As you stand totally still,
you have it!
It is your own inner process
and you need to have FAITH
in your own being,
in your two feet and
in your heart!
And if you look upon time as your best friend,
allowing yourself to be here and now,
giving yourself respect and awareness in each breath,
you are on the right track!
I love you,
Archangel Michael.

Archangel Michael I belong to you and you belong to me!

I am Archangel Michael
and I love you!
I am devoted to serve and protect you!
Yes I have wings, and I can fly!
And it also means metaphorically than I
can move between worlds and universes.
So you might find yourself living in an other world
separate from my world.
The thing is,
I am always where you are
in your world!
You might find yourself totally isolated at times,
from love and caring friends.
You might find that your progress would be further on the way, you feel it is delayed.
You might have found that your personal ascension into the 5 dimension,
has not been as smooth as you have expected it to be.
Please don’t worry, dear beloved friend!
You are moving in the right direction!
You just can’t see it, and feel it at certain times.
I am where you are, and I want to reassure you
that you are on the right track, always!
You are a dear beloved child of God
and I am at your service at all times.
You are blessed
and loved!
Please have faith in love!
Archangel Michael

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Archangel Faith Angel therapy!

I am Archangel Faith
and I love you dearly,
I am devoted to aid you
at all times.
I call upon you to start giving yourself
your rightful healing.
In your heart and mind you imagine
a sphere around you.
This bubble is your sacred healing dome.
Your sphere is your private garden
filled with everything you need to heal
and becoming whole.
You are always safe in your secret garden
of healing, only you can access the area.
You have all the necessary tools and
equipement. It is already there.
You have everything
you need to feel good.
And you feel the heartfelt joy
that this is a natural state for you,
to feel good. And now you are
allowing yourself this,
just imagine,
that is all you have to do.
Take a breath within your healing dome,
and feel it, it loves you, and it will make you well
in every way. You can do it wherever you are.
It is your private space, and it is all about love, as you and your sphere
are one and the same,
and now it is time for you
to see the full circle. It has been there, all the time, waiting for you
and your acknowledgment.
By finding it and embracing this
ultimate healing space, you will find, that it is your best friend
and all you have to do is to have faith in love!

Monday, 6 March 2017

Archangel Faith Garden within!

If you can envision a paradise here on earth
you are on the right track.
She breathes with you
and you breathe with her.
You two are one and the same.
Hand in hand you walk together
as she is your mother.
Fields reach out in the distance
and the horizon meets your eyes.
And so for your inner garden!
It is not only your eyes that see the beautiful
sunrises, and the beauty of your mother.
Your inner garden, your inner beauty is reaching out
to touch her for you need her to be the same as you
in your heart. You walk on earth, constantly, and under your feet
she is. And she is everything that you are.
Your inner garden, is a place to love and care about,
as it is here, from here, that you feel the connection
to her. So together you two, look at the sunrise through
your heart, and you also share the same heartbeat
and your mother is very proud of you,
she loves you!

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Archangel Michael; Dear beloveds, there is no time!

I am archangel Michael, and I serve and protect you,
and today I will talk about a subject I know some of you, dear light workers, are conscious about, and you sometimes dwell over what it means. There is no time! What ever your clock shows, you are already in the eternity! Yes of course, you have appointments that you have to go to, and want to go to, and you therefore observe the time, you watch your schedule, and you follow it of course, that is just natural, because, that is the way you do it on most places on your planet. The thing is that you might have sensed the feelings concerning time, and the feeling that there is no time. Well you are right dear beloved.  As there actually is no time, as you are used to look upon time, and that you also have been used to for your entire lives, this is something that I will teach you about. When you feel these feelings, like a sort of void, or maybe like endlessness, and maybe a kind of sense of a stillness, that is the first feelings that come to you! Then you will find out, that there are no stillness, there are much movement, and a very joyful life, in this new concept of no time. This is a reality for you who are plunging into the fifth dimension and the vibrations that it has. Just relax, you will get used to it. It is actually all about switching over to another reality, another dimension, and another way to live consciously. This new sense of timelessness, and feeling the new dimension, the new life, is a process every living being is going through. But not all know about it or should I say feel it. Some will know about it in their next life here on this planet. They are not ready yet. The past years, has been about letting go of the old. It has also been about making a path into the new dimension. It has been much like tidying a room. It is nicer to bring a guest into a clean room, and yet this guest is here to stay. This is your new life, and the more you live in the precent, the more you will find, that the way to walk, and the direction that you choose in your heart, will be enlightened, more and more, and you will fill your life with a loving heartfelt devoted tranquility, and you will feel that you are a loved for who you are, and that you are welcome to the fifth dimension!

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

White Eagle The Magical gathering will lift you up on your feet!

Early in the morning
the mist is dancing over the fields, 
and the sun is rising slowly, 
and yet the secrets of the night
still is breathing over the landscape.
Eyes are being opened, more and more
as the sun is shining with warmth, 
and the light is making everything that you see becoming more clear.
Soon, the shadows, are just a memory, that belonged to the
heartbeats in the dark, 
something necessary and much of a puzzle.
It is easier to see when the light has come in, as it is meant to do.
No one can stop the light from coming in. 
All the shadows must choose now, for the wind has changed. 
The seeds have been waiting for a long time, a very long time.
And you can be sure that they have been waiting for a good reason. 
All this time in the dark, have made them so strong, 
they have learned everything there is to learn.
And they are not afraid of anything. 
They know, that this time was coming, 
when the light was to return, 
after eons of times in the dark. 
They just didn´t know exactly when, but they have sensed it, for a long time. 
The seeds are extremely competent, in their own unique fields of expertise.
So the mist that dances, is a sight you have been waiting for, 
as it is the wake up call, that the time has finally come. 
All that need settling will be settled. 
It is time for the true voices to be heard. 
The bow has finally found the right arrow. 
This arrow does not kill, 
this arrow brings truth and the end to ignorance. 
This arrow brings joy and will mark out for you that your family loves you and needs you! 
You have this voice, 
and you await the voices of your ancestors that is also here, 
waiting proud, 
with eyes open, 
waiting for you, 
and your seed, 
as every breath makes you grow.
So be proud, of you, and your voice, and your seed is much awaited and loved,
and the magical gathering, will lift you up on your feet, 
as you have not yet walked before
only crawled.

Monday, 20 February 2017

Aikido, the way to walk...?!!

I will talk about, AIKIDO, as it is a way of life!
I guess you know a lot of KI already!
Yes ki, is the energy, that flows through you and everything
and is surrounding you at all times.
Then there is, AI, unifying, first yourself, with care
and love, and then you can work together easily with others.
And then there is DO, that is the path that you, then, choose, to
walk, when you have gathered, unified, yourself, and your energy!
It is a process, to work with your inner life, garden, in the first stages,
in finding out, all there is to know about yourself, so you are perfectly
in coherence, with yourself. And it starts with you closing your eyes!
The first steps, to living the Aikido way, is with closed eyes.
You need not see, for now, you will feel, and use other senses.
Your eyes does not always do you so much good. They tell you long stories.
And you are busy doing other things! The path to Aikido, is actually a very interesting
path, because, you will love, each step on the way. You do not only wish to be complete and ready,
fully trained, you need to actually love every step that you take. Every step, is valuable, without the steps, you will not get there...! You will know the AIKIDO way of living, when you also LOVE each step of your life, and you cherish all that is you, then you can start training yourself, without seeing...! The key to your inner garden goes through your heart, and with it you can begin to really open up, and unfold yourself as the beautiful flower you are! So I say Aikido, is a way to walk in life, as there are many ways to walk, many choices, that lies before you. The Aikido way is the true way to walk as you must work with your heart, always!