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Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Archangel Michael Healing times!

 I am Michael and I love you.

In times of distress, turmoil on the political arena around the world, there are healing times, if you are willing to embrace yourself completely.

The healing time comes from you! The healing time comes from your heart that is so beloved!

Within you everything is possible! Peace! Love! Patience! Faith! Hope! Compassion! Gratitude! Creativity! Beautiful and loving manifestation!

If you have a war inside of you, how will the outside be? Can there be peace on the outside then?

Now it is high time to work on your inner healing! And this will give you sublime peace on your inside!

Peace starts within you, within your heart!

You have to make up your own mind! No one else can deside for you!

Do you choose peace or war?

Ask yourself how you treat yourself! Do you speak kind words about yourself? Do you think kind and loving thoughts about yourself?

Do you feel love when you think about yourself?

Do you love yourself?

If you don´t love yourself, now it is high time to start!

And yes there is always something to work with, that needs help, that needs guidance within you, no one is perfect, but it does not give you an excuse not to love yourself.

Love all of yourself, with all of your scars of life. Love all of you, even though you feel you are broken. Embrace all of you, the complete package, and do you know why?

Because I love you exactly as you are! You are safe with me!

I have walked beside you every day, I have felt your tears.

I carried you when you where to tired to walk.

I felt your loneliness at night and I watched over you! I even put my wings around you!

And I would do it all over again and again.

You are never alone! Just, please, love yourself!

Peace starts within! And then peace grows outwards!

If everybody did this on this planet, what would you think would happen?

Peace starts within in the sanctuary of your heart, and in your home wherever you live. 

There is always a choice, between what is right to do and what is easy to do, do you agree with me?

The right thing to do is to choose love! The right thing to do is to choose peace!

And the right thing to do for you is to love yourself and treat yourself with love, ALL THE WAY, and this means healing times are here!

I love you,


(Hallo dear 💓 reader, you are welcome to my blog, I am Kerstin and I am the channeler of this message. 

If you are interested in reading more you are welcome to my page on Patreon!

Funding my creativity with 5 dollars/month, I would be so happy! Supporting me would mean a lot to me for I need asthma medicin that is very expensive. 

You💓would also support further channelings, and getting a deeper knowledge into spirituality, I just wrote a message on Patreon, where Michael and Faith give eight good advice on how to treat your body in order to create an inner peace in your dear heart. 

I met archangel Michael 2005 and I will write about the day I met him for the first time. By the way it was not daytime, it was night time, and I was being raped by an invisible being, and I cried out for help and I suddenly got help that stopped the assault, and it was Michael himself. This I will write about and a lot more! And you are so welcome to join!

Here is a link! Have a beautiful day!/Love Kerstin)

Archangel Michael and Faith: There is a choice between what is right and what is easy! | Patreon

Archangel Michael and Faith: Your greatest weapon against evil, do you know what that is? | Patreon